API Documentation


  • checkUsername

    Updates username for the user, fails if username does not meet requirements, or is taken by another user.

  • details

    Returns details of a user.

  • follow

    Follow a user.

  • interestingUsers

    Returns a list of interesting users. This is not personalized to the
    user making the request.
    The selection of users is pulled randomly from a list of ~100
    interesting users

  • listActiveForums

    Returns a list of forums a user has been active on.

  • listActivity

    Returns a list of various activity types made by the user.

  • listFollowers

    Returns a list of users a user is being followed by.

  • listFollowing

    Returns a list of users a user is following.

  • listFollowingChannels

    Returns a list of channels a user is following.

  • listFollowingForums

    Returns a list of forums a user is following.

  • listForums

    Returns a list of forums a user owns.

  • listModeratedChannels

    Returns a list of Channels that the user moderates.

  • listMostActiveForums

    Returns a list of forums a user has been active on recenty, sorted by the user's activity.

  • listOwnedChannels

    Returns a list of Channels that the user owns

  • listPosts

    Returns a list of posts made by the user.

  • removeFollower

    Remove a user from set of followers.

  • report
  • unfollow

    Unfollow a user.

  • updateProfile

    Updates user profile.

    All fields are optional, but any field not present will be updated as blank.

  • updateSSOProfile

    Updates SSO user profile attributes.

    url: The URL that will be displayed on the user profile
    profile_url: The URL that will be used to link to the user profile