API Documentation


  • approve
  • close

    Closes a thread.

  • create

    Creates a new thread.

  • details

    Returns thread details.

  • list

    Returns a list of threads sorted by the date created.

  • listHot

    Returns a list of threads sorted by hotness (date and likes).

  • listPopular

    Returns a list of threads sorted by number of posts made since ``interval``.

    If you are using both ``category`` and ``forum`` parameters, the forum of the category
    must match that as the parameter value for ``forum``.

  • listPosts

    Returns a list of posts within a thread.

  • listUsersVotedThread

    Returns a list of users that voted on this thread. If
    prioritize_followed is True and the user is authenticated, attempts
    to return users that the authenticated user follows. If there aren't
    enough followed users to reach the limit, pads the rest of the list
    with not followed users.

  • open

    Opens a thread.

  • ratingsSummary

    Returns average and total ratings for a thread.

  • remove

    Removes a thread.

  • restore

    Opens a thread.

  • set

    Returns an unsorted set of threads given a list of ids.

  • spam
  • subscribe
  • unsubscribe
  • update

    Updates information on a thread.

  • vote

    Register a vote on a thread.