Disqus is supported by a simple pricing model with plans serving the needs of many different types of publishers. From personal blog to media-giant, we've got you covered!
Single Sign-On
Branding and Styling Options
Priority Support
Unlimited API Access
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The trial period lasts for the first 30 days after you sign up for Disqus. You can see how much time you have left in your trial from the Subscription and Billing tab on your Admin Settings page.
If you are a larger, commercial site and you have not entered your billing information and confirmed a subscription by the end of your trial, you will be automatically put on the Basic version of Disqus, which is supported by advertising. You have until the end of the trial to enter your billing information for your subscription.
For personal blogs, .edu sites, nonprofits, and small sites that do not run other advertising, Disqus advertising will be optional. If you are a small, non-commercial site, you can self identify for a free subscription to our Plus package.
Assuming you enter your billing information before the end of your trial, your subscription will start at the end of your trial period. If you do not enter your billing information before the end of your trial, your subscription will start as soon as you enter your information and choose a plan.
Disqus measures traffic by the number of times the Disqus comment embed loads on your site, which happens on every page load where Disqus is enabled. Views of pages that do not have the Disqus embed, such as homepages, do not count towards the traffic measured by Disqus.