API Documentation

threads/listHot Beta

This method is currently under development and subject to change.

Returns a list of threads sorted by hotness (date and likes).




public key, secret key

Supported request methods


Supported formats

json, jsonp, rss

Requires authentication


Rate limited

inherits global rate limit



  • category allows multiple

    Defaults to null

    Looks up a category by ID

  • forum allows multiple

    Defaults to null

    Looks up a forum by ID (aka short name)

  • author allows multiple

    Defaults to null

    Looks up a user by ID
    You may look up a user by username using the 'username' query type.

  • related allows multiple

    Defaults to []

    You may specify relations to include with your response.
    Choices: forum, author, category

  • limit

    Defaults to 25

    Maximum value of 100

  • include allows multiple

    Defaults to [ "open", "closed" ]

    Choices: open, closed, killed

Example Responses

Expand json

GET forum=bobross
