API Documentation


Returns a list of posts ordered by the date created.




public key, secret key

Supported request methods


Supported formats

json, jsonp, rss

Requires authentication


Rate limited

inherits global rate limit



  • category allows multiple

    Defaults to null

    Looks up a category by ID

  • end

    Defaults to null

    Unix timestamp (or ISO datetime standard)

  • sortType

    Defaults to "date"

    Choices: date, priority

  • thread allows multiple

    Defaults to null

    Looks up a thread by ID

  • forum allows multiple

    Defaults to null

    Defaults to all forums you moderate. Use :all to retrieve all forums.

  • start

    Defaults to null

    Unix timestamp (or ISO datetime standard)

  • since

    Defaults to null

    Unix timestamp (or ISO datetime standard)

  • related allows multiple

    Defaults to []

    You may specify relations to include with your response.
    Choices: forum, thread

  • cursor

    Defaults to null

  • limit

    Defaults to 25

    Maximum value of 100

  • filters allows multiple

    Defaults to []

    Valid values are:
    1: Is_Anonymous
    2: Has_Link
    3: Has_Low_Rep_Author
    4: Has_Bad_Word
    5: Is_Flagged
    6: No_Issue
    7: Is_Toxic
    8: Modified_By_Rule
    9: Shadow_Banned
    10: Has_Media
    11: Is_At_Flag_Limit
    12: Shadow_Banned_Global
    13: Is_New_User_Needs_Approval
    14: Is_Sexual
    15: Is_Hate
    16: Is_Bullying
    17: Is_Violence
    18: Is_Promotion

  • offset

    Defaults to 0

    Deprecated: Please see documentation on cursors

  • query

    Defaults to null

  • include allows multiple

    Defaults to [ "approved" ]

    Choices: unapproved, approved, spam, deleted, flagged, highlighted

  • order

    Defaults to "desc"

    Choices: asc, desc

Example Responses

Expand json

GET forum=bobross

      "raw_message":"\"Happy little bush.\"",
      "message":"\"Happy little bush.\"",
      "raw_message":"\"Happy little tree limb.\"",
      "message":"\"Happy little tree limb.\"",
      "raw_message":"\"We want happy paintings. Happy paintings. If you want sad things, watch the news.\"",
      "message":"\"We want happy paintings. Happy paintings. If you want sad things, watch the news.\"",
Expand json

GET related=thread&forum=bobross

      "raw_message":"\"Happy little bush.\"",
        "title":"Happy Accidents",
        "message":"\"If you've painted before you know that we don't make mistakes -- we have happy accidents.\"",
      "message":"\"Happy little bush.\"",
      "raw_message":"\"Happy little tree limb.\"",
        "title":"Happy Accidents",
        "message":"\"If you've painted before you know that we don't make mistakes -- we have happy accidents.\"",
      "message":"\"Happy little tree limb.\"",
      "raw_message":"\"We want happy paintings. Happy paintings. If you want sad things, watch the news.\"",
        "title":"Happy Accidents",
        "message":"\"If you've painted before you know that we don't make mistakes -- we have happy accidents.\"",
      "message":"\"We want happy paintings. Happy paintings. If you want sad things, watch the news.\"",
Expand rss

GET forum=bobross

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<rss version="2.0" xmlns:content="http://purl.org/rss/1.0/modules/content/" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:slash="http://purl.org/rss/1.0/modules/slash/">
      Generated RSS feed from DISQUS API
        Re: Happy Accidents
      <link />
        "Happy little bush."
        <![CDATA["Happy little bush."]]>
        Re: Happy Accidents
      <link />
        "Happy little tree limb."
        <![CDATA["Happy little tree limb."]]>
      <dc:creator />
        Re: Happy Accidents
      <link />
        "We want happy paintings. Happy paintings. If you want sad things, watch the news."
        <![CDATA["We want happy paintings. Happy paintings. If you want sad things, watch the news."]]>