API Documentation


Returns a list of threads sorted by the date created.




public key, secret key

Supported request methods


Supported formats

json, jsonp, rss

Requires authentication


Rate limited

inherits global rate limit



  • category allows multiple

    Defaults to null

    Looks up a category by ID

  • forum allows multiple

    Defaults to null

    Looks up a forum by ID (aka short name)

  • thread allows multiple

    Defaults to null

    Looks up a thread by ID
    You may pass us the 'ident' query type instead of an ID by including 'forum'.
    You may pass us the 'link' query type to filter by URL. You must pass the 'forum' if you do not have the Pro API Access addon.

  • author allows multiple

    Defaults to null

    Looks up a user by ID
    You may look up a user by username using the 'username' query type.

  • since

    Defaults to null

    Unix timestamp (or ISO datetime standard)

  • related allows multiple

    Defaults to []

    You may specify relations to include with your response.
    Choices: forum, author, category

  • cursor

    Defaults to null

  • attach allows multiple

    Defaults to []

    Choices: topics

  • limit

    Defaults to 25

    Maximum value of 100

  • include allows multiple

    Defaults to [ "open", "closed" ]

    Choices: open, closed, killed

  • order

    Defaults to "desc"

    Choices: asc, desc

Example Responses

Expand json

GET forum=bobross

      "title":"Donkeys live a long time",
      "message":"\"Donkeys live a long time. None of you have ever seen a dead donkey.\"",
      "title":"Happy Accidents",
      "message":"\"If you've painted before you know that we don't make mistakes -- we have happy accidents.\"",
Expand json

GET related=author&forum=bobross

      "title":"Donkeys live a long time",
      "message":"\"Donkeys live a long time. None of you have ever seen a dead donkey.\"",
      "title":"Happy Accidents",
      "message":"\"If you've painted before you know that we don't make mistakes -- we have happy accidents.\"",