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Peter • 5 years ago

Where are all the properties specified? I'm trying to figure out if I can use colSpan in JavaScript but only place I find it is w3schools so I'm not sure whether it's standard or not. I mean, how do I know it should be colSpan and not colspan?

Tristan Forward • 6 years ago

"Non-custom attributes have 1:1 mapping onto properties, like: id, class, title, etc." Do you mean "Custom Attributes"?

joji • 6 years ago

No, "non-custom attributes" refers to built-in attributes, which are known as global attributes at https://developer.mozilla.o...

Jack Clark • 6 years ago

Really clear explanation, helped me get my head around Angular 2 bindings! Thanks

Oscar Valcarcel • 6 years ago

Good article for newbies like me.
Many Thanks!