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Johann Schue • 7 years ago

I must say this, there truly are a lot of "weasels" in the garden. Maybe what should be done with the lot of them is take away their computers, their electricity, their flowing tap water, their flushing toilets and all the commodities they enjoy, take them to the rain forest and let them live there for a year. Then let's see how much they appreciate filling up their cars to go to these rally's and protests and act like idiots that don't know a thing except for what someone else tells them what is and what is not. Or maybe these clowns causing all this disruption would like to carry the oil to the refineries in buckets so they can refine it for them to put in their vehicle so they can go cause more mayhem elsewhere.
I am empathetic with the Sioux and I am sure there is a viable alternative to the situation, however protesting and rally's are not the answer. What they don't mention or ask is has the Sioux sat down with these company's and discussed this? I can understand them wanting to protect their land. But is it possible that reimbursement for it or a fair sale of it is a reasonable alternative? Or maybe a rental fee to be paid to the tribe. After all, money seems to be the driving force in almost all situations these days. Or maybe, just maybe, a fair and just conclusion to this is being blocked by the rhetoric being thrown out by these rally's. The left will twist anything and everything to their own ends. This is a prime example of poisoning the well if you ask me.

Andrew Bensen • 7 years ago

Cry me a river. US citizens have a constitutional right to a peaceful protest, which this was.
DAPL posed a serious threat to those living in that region. They have a right to clean water. Let's not forget that the construction of the pipeline also went through burial sites. How would you like it if we dug up the Arlington cemetery for our own greed?

The US has done unspeakable horrors to native people. The fact that there is anyone against this protest shows how ignorant and/or callous you are to their history and current living conditions.

Guest • 7 years ago

Build a work camp for those who keep violating the law protesting the pipeline, and have them do helpful stuff, 30 days at a time. No work, no eat.

treecie • 7 years ago

Respecting tribal lands, private property, and the environment is important; so is energy independence. They need to figure out a win-win. Just imposing one side's will against the other is bad business and bad politics.

Carlos Santiago • 7 years ago

Respectfully I must push back on Woodward's perspective. The Constition guarantees a right to assemble . Why are taxpayers being asked to pay for monitoring a civil right?

James_in_texas • 7 years ago

The word "honest" and Liberal can't be found together, Period!

BibleConscious • 7 years ago

I wonder how much was spent at the Bundy Ranch or at the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge? The MRC and Newsbusters didn't report on the policing costs. Oddly, neither did any major news organization except maybe in passing (i.e. no focus on the costs).

EndTimesComing • 7 years ago

Networks and the MSM are nothing more than lap dogs for the Liberal agenda. They never met a Liberal lunacy they didn't like, not met a common sense program they DID like. They are Pravda on the Hudson.

Wayne_B • 7 years ago

Almost every left-wing protest is a mish-mash of various radical groups "in solidarity." They are most often organized and led by Communists or Communist front groups, however.

Even some of the protesters don't know this. I once showed a printout of the contact email for a certain protest to one of the protesters along with a printout of the state Communist party contact email (the same.) The protester still could not believe it. "Why don't you just ask the Organizational Secretary of the Communist Party state chapter, then?" I asked. "He's standing right behind you and is also the leader of this protest."

The Communist and protest leader standing behind him listening got a startled look on his face, then decided that it was time for the march to begin (a few minutes early) and became "too busy" to talk to. The protester managed to look both befuddled and determined as he joined the march (which was quite a feat!)

Liberal news media are so frightened of being called a "McCarthy" they run and hide quivering under their desks in order to avoid pointing out Communists organizing and leading protests. They should read "Blacklisted by History: The Untold Story of Senator Joe McCarthy and His Fight Against America's Enemies, by M. Stanton Evans to find out the real deal about "McCarthyism."

consrbums • 7 years ago

Communists aren't a problem any longer, but fascists are --- and always have been. The "real deal" about McCarthy was that he was a drunken loudmouth who was censured by the United States Senate. The "real deal" about McCarthyism is that it spurred mass hysteria, ruined careers through "guilt by association" and probably helped the Soviets by undermining Americans' confidence in their government.

Wayne_B • 7 years ago

Communists are still very much a problem as we can see from DiscoverTheNetworks and Keywiki on the internet. Those are searchable databases detailing communist groups and political figures. I understand you don't want to read that book and find out that McCarthy was right, but everybody else can sure read it. One thing McCarthy didn't know was just how many killings and concentration camps the Communists had - over 20 times what the Nazis had.

After McCarthy was demonized out of the way Hollywood became more Communist than ever and remains that way. Practically every movie has an evil imperialist capitalist corporation to the point of ridiculousness. For instance, the movie Twister was about brave proletariat government weather workers vs an evil capitalist weather corporation. We can all see that, you know.

You can pretend President Obama's openly Communist colleagues Van Jones and Bill Ayers aren't communists all you want. You can also pretend Obama's mentor Frank Davis wasn't a communist even though he proudly said he was.

Karl Marx’s The Communist Manifesto is ranked among the top three most frequently assigned texts at universities and colleges. Marx is the most assigned economist in college courses. That's according to the Open Syllabus Project.

These are all things everyone can see.

Yuccaman • 7 years ago

Communists have as much right as you to protest. I doubt your story is true

Wayne_B • 7 years ago

Oh, it's true all right and it's easy for people to find out who's really organizing and leading protests. You often see pre-printed signs at left wing protests with revcom dot us website. That's the Revolutionary Communist Party. One of their front groups is "World Can't Wait." It's also easy to go to protests and talk to protesters and watch to see who the leader is, then google him or her. In my town it's either Revolutionary Communist Party or Communist Party USA; they switch off. Yes, and the CPUSA Organizational Secretary used the same email as protest leader and state chapter Communist contact for many years.

Also, internet searching communists at protests just now I found a great article "The Communists Behind the Anti-Trump Protests." You can also refine your search to images and see many photos of Communists. If you can't find this stuff, everyone else can.

Sure, Communists have a right to protest in America but just be aware of their history of killing, enslaving and imprisoning 100s of millions of people. Liberals and Democrats who follow their lead at protests and help spread their ideals are dipping their hands in that blood.

Yuccaman • 7 years ago

I hope the tribe wins. The company could have stopped until something was worked out. This is on them

sagebrush • 7 years ago

Another lefty with a left opinion!

Joe Freedom • 7 years ago

You did not read the article. They had opportunities to meet with those in charge of pipeline and didn't show up. Your moniker is correct and descriptive

Brett Davis • 7 years ago

Exactly how is it on the company if the tribal members refused to show up to any meetings or negotiations until digging started?

Seems to me that it was planned that way.

Yuccaman • 7 years ago

The decisions at those meeting were made before the meetings were set