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Baysidian • 7 years ago

If she was released from the jail, who's really 'at-risk', her or the rest of us?

Chelsea Burns • 7 years ago

come on really? i know lots of good people that have been to jail and she has something mentality wrong she needs help, but so do you. fucking heartless.

Brock Lee • 7 years ago

What no heart at the end?

Chelsea Burns • 7 years ago

i am a big believer that if everyone had a little more love in their life this world would be a better place. im sorry that my hearts bother you to the point that you feel the need to call me out on them, you must need extra♡♡♡

Don T Matta • 7 years ago

No, actually what he needs is something between his ears, besides the usual smoldering sawdust!!!

Roy Bean • 7 years ago

you know 'lots of good people' who have been in the clink?

Dearie, you're running with the low-life crew if you think that all yur pals gotta wear blues!

Mental health? YES! Choosing to hang with the ethically twisted thieves that are frequent flyers at HCCF, not so much!

Chelsea Burns • 7 years ago

yes as do you you ignorant fool. having been in jail speaks nothing of your character especially these days and please do not put words in my mouth i said nothing of the sorts first of all i don't "run" with anyone and second one the best men i know my step father got a dui in his early twenties as have hundreds of good people i know up here. if you are from the area and check the booked section you recognize names and that does not make them bad people. but im sure all your friends and family are perfect. love and light♡

Guest • 7 years ago
Jailhouse Eagle • 7 years ago

MLK was jailed. So was Eugene Debs. And Bartolomeo Vanzetti. And Nicolo Sacco. And Joe Hill. Nelson Mandela spent 26 years in prison.

I would argue that you're right: going to jail says something about ones' character as much as not going to jail. Too bad more Germans didn't have a jail bird mentality, they might have been able to clog up Hitler's system before it was able to do real damage.

yikes • 7 years ago

You are plain ignorant.

Connie Dobbs • 7 years ago

Thank you for your input, Chelsea Clinton.

Chelsea Burns • 7 years ago

the nineties called connie they want their joke back♡

Connie Dobbs • 7 years ago

So go back.

guest • 7 years ago

Sort of a Bullock-esque question. He was at risk, too. And then all of us were.

guest • 7 years ago

She was out of jail for 9 hours and they took a Missing Person report? Check all the usual bars. That's where I'd go.

Mrs. guest • 7 years ago

No one is looking for you. Trust me.

My charge went where? • 7 years ago

ain't that the problem with this person originally , eh?

Poppins • 7 years ago

Hope her family is able to find her safe and sound. Far too many predators who take advantage of messed up folks.

Fortunato Arriza • 7 years ago

Eureka is a bad place to get lost.good luck Marilyn.

Guest • 7 years ago
a nono • 7 years ago

She was boked for drunk in public. The jail gave her a safe place to dry out and let her go when she was sobered up.
They can't keep holding her at that point, so what is it you think they need to take responsibility for?

Guest • 7 years ago
Pull head out of crack • 7 years ago

I hope she is ok but she is an adult and a frequent flyer at the Jail. It's not the jails responsibility to babysit her or anyone else. When it's time to leave it's time to leave. It's damned if you do and damned if you don't with some of you people. Always someone else's responsibility. It's against the law by the way upvoteass.

Cam • 7 years ago

Unless she is a threat to the safety of the public and to herself. If she suffers from mental health problems, then she should be transported to a facility that can observe and evaluate her condition.

c u 2morrow • 7 years ago

if they will accept. All to often there is no room for new clients. This county (as well as some others) could use larger mental health care facilities for long term care and studies.

Pull head out of crack • 7 years ago

Sounds wonderful but in reality Semper Virens won't do jack shit. Hence why so many people with mental health issues are roaming the streets. And regarding Mitch's buying a bus ticket? Come on Mitch. People would be bitching about the jail using county money to pay for something like this. Does this woman live in a home or is she homeless?

Festus Stubknot • 7 years ago

you just have to punch the turnkey who's releasing you in the beak, and tell them to wake you when you cab arrives!

Hugh Manatee • 7 years ago

Buses start running at 6:30am, so that doesn't seem so problematic.

Sanity is Overrated • 7 years ago

I suppose it would be too much welfare if the people released were provided with bus fare so they could actually, you know, take the bus home.

Hugh Manatee • 7 years ago

I wouldn't have a problem with that, as long as it was only given to people that did not have enough money for bus fare on them at the time of arrrest, and that it was not issued in cash, but rather a time and date stamped voucher that the bus driver would collect and the county would reimburse later.

a nono • 7 years ago

And I suppose it would be too much to ask for people to be more responsible in the first place. If they have money for alcohol and plan to go out drinking in public then they should be prepared with cab fare, bus ticket, etc.

guest • 7 years ago

Jesus said to look after other people.

a nono • 7 years ago

There is no Jesus. Today, at least.

c u 2morrow • 7 years ago

if they wanted to, many don't.

c u 2morrow • 7 years ago

After 6 theres buses,cabs,friends,family. . .

Guest • 7 years ago
c u 2morrow • 7 years ago

if she or any detainee for that matter lives in outlying areas bus pass are provided. Other wise call family, friends, girlfriends/boyfriends,neighbor.....

Guest • 7 years ago
a nono • 7 years ago

Clearly she wasn't worried about transportation or she wouldn't have been wandering around drunk in the first place.
She made the decision to be drunk in public. The jail releasing her after she was sober was still putting her in a better situation than she put herself in.
Personal responsibility, people. Try it.

Pepe's cousin • 7 years ago

God damned civil rights!! If people's time is served and they want to leave you can't give em a wag of the finger and illegally detain them. Seems like you'd know that based on your posts.

Guest • 7 years ago
Pepe's cousin • 7 years ago

Well if was just a sobering hold per 849(b)2 then it is a 4 hour hold or until sober. Please don't act like you know what you're talking about.

lauracooskey • 7 years ago

I wonder if some
of you even know that there's a big difference between "developmentally disabled" and "emotionally unstable," "crazy," "unhinged," "psychopathic," etc. Developmentally disabled basically means we should be as concerned as to her whereabouts and safety as we might be for a child's. The other terms are the ones where you'd worry first about others' safety (as well as the unbalanced person's).

Correct me if i'm wrong... i'm no expert.

guest • 7 years ago

They don't know...or care. That's our society today.
I hope she is ok.

smh • 7 years ago

Again with these strange hours releases:
there was the guy murdered
there was the Priest murderer
there is this woman missing, and a mentally challenged person at that, released at 6am.

This is calculated punishment to jailed people and their families and support persons.
How is this policy and practice in ANY way good for public safety?

c u 2morrow • 7 years ago

your suggestion?

Guest • 7 years ago
c u 2morrow • 7 years ago

being mentally ill or having mental issues is not a crime and how do we know she wasn't released to somebody?

Guest • 7 years ago
c u 2morrow • 7 years ago

Now available at the jail, for the convenience of the community at large as well as family and friends that don't want to get involved.