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Emma Delores • 7 years ago

The double talk of Xi Jinping: For the Davos meeting he has said the greatest threat to globalism is populist nationalism, at the same time he promotes Chinese nationalism in China in the form of ugly maoism. I guess it is ok for the Chinese commies to be nationalistic but not for the USA and Japan. Hypocrites I say.

Aussie Andrew • 7 years ago

Calm down lass; the Dragon had to wake up sometime.
Now he is just spreading his wings; he will only spit fire if Uncle Sam kicks him.

GBR48 • 7 years ago

'Populism and the manipulation of working class anger, combined with nationalism and xenophobia are the classic signs of Chinese totalitarianism.'

Populism and the manipulation of working class anger, combined with nationalism and xenophobia got Donald Trump into the White House.

Aussie Andrew • 7 years ago

And Brexit and also rise of Marine in France and AFD in Germany and Abe in Japan and Erdogan in Turkey.
It's a changing world and about time too; it's time each country looked after itself first; instead of messing about in the Middle East; South America etc..
Russian and Chinese combination peace and stability accord will sort out the Banksters of the West by the middle of the century.