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J.E.Walker • 7 years ago

When any 2-bit liberal judge can give the middle finger to the President and endanger national security, something is very, very wrong.

Botvinnik • 7 years ago

VERY wrong.

The judge should go!

R V • 7 years ago

9th circuit court of Liberal appeals = Banana Republic Kangaroo Court, apologies for insulting marsupials everywhere, Bananas, Dole & Del Monte & the produce manager, but I did not coin these terms, just the equation.

Russel • 7 years ago

What we all say. He's middle fingering the Constitution, which give the CIC powers of war. It's past time congress stands up and doeos it's job - declare war on terrorism, which would / can include any muzzlim who crosses our borders. Bush should stand up and exclaim so , he's the one who put this pr!ck in there to begin with.

Eileen Ross • 7 years ago

I agree. It is disgraceful. This judge betrayed our President, as Trump actually did appoint him. You know the old saying "everyone has a price". I believe that George Soros found the right price and the judge accepted it. What a traitor! The firing squad is becoming more and more necessary.

podunk1 • 7 years ago

Progressive RINOs, who have called in Judge James Robart’s allegiance to them, are obviously deeply engaged in hiring aliens who will work for less pay and the opportunity to pillage the US benefits created, paid for, and owned by citizens,! In fact, RINOs claim a constitutional global right to throw citizens out of jobs, into an endless abyss of WELFARE at citizen taxpayer expense.

December, 2016, using consistent same measures as historical 12 year 1997/2008 pre-Obama averaging 66.50066% workforces to eligible workers, verifies the US didn’t have 38,970,000 enough full-time jobs to fully employ historically comparable workforces! The averaged $70,304 annualized BLS 40/hr.-wage with rounded 30% employer paid tax/fringes reveals theft of Citizens’ rights to engage in employment within sovereign USA borders… puts that pillage of citizen wealth at $2.74 trillion annually! We must stop it with whatever it takes! Compromise is fatal!

Amendment 4 “The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated…” is obviously violated by any individual or government act against sovereignty of ALL various Rights. The issue is using global labor supply to drive down wages, destroy competition, impoverish the people, collapse government into a monopolist tyranny, be it communism or dictatorship. Proving treble damage anti-trust violations would be simple, and perhaps the only solution left; but the complications of international sovereignty, war, and enemies within are horrific!

Auroras • 7 years ago

National Security should come before anything and everything.

Sharp Shtik • 7 years ago

The issue is simple - does Immigration and Nationality Act (INA), 8 USC § 1182(f) say "Whenever the PRESIDENT" or "whenever the UNELECTED LEFTIST JUDGE" "finds that the entry of any aliens or of any class of aliens [is] detrimental . . ., he may by proclamation . . . suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or nonimmigrants . . ."

Boxlock • 7 years ago

There has to be a way this incompetent judge can be removed from the bench!

podunk1 • 7 years ago


This is about the Constitution NOT TRUMP!!! Where is the anger in the tweets! Are we too damnably charmed by an enemy that we can’t differentiate between MORTAL URGENCY and anger?

It’s about a federal judge J. Robart (Seattle), with zero legislative powers, issuing orders of law and enforcement IN VIOLATION OF DUTY and ,against Article 6 “SUPREME LAW” AS WRITTEN… “Anything to the contrary notwithstanding”, by “all executive and judicial Officers, both of the United States and of the several States, shall be bound by…” “this Constitution”; COMPOUNDED BY BETRAYAL of 2nd oath to “…defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic… bear true faith and allegiance… without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion… will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office...”! Additionally, this judge defies Article 1 “All legislative Powers… shall be vested in a Congress…” and Amendment 14 Section 1 “... No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens...” and Section 3 “No (oath bound) person shall … hold any office… (who has) engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the (Constitution), or given aid or comfort to (its) enemies…”! That applies to every DOJ, AG, DA, judge, and law enforcement officer! NONE ARE IMMUNE! This IS AN ALLEGIANCE BOUND JUDGE THAT HAS AUTOMATICALLY BANNED HIMSELF FROM ANY US OFFICE, per Amendment 14-3&4! 14-3 text clearly establishes “having previously taken oath” and “shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof” as the sole requirement to be banned from holding ANY US a office! “Thereof” is clearly allegiance to the CONSTITUTION!

Only a saboteur would claim no risk exists or no knowledge of the lethal open proclamations by ISIS, Iran, and the countries affected! Congress has an immediate duty to remove him immediately (14-3) and impeach and try him for high treason! We can’t board an airplane or attend a public event without bomb squads and everyone being frisked for terrorist weapons! This traitor wants to opens all doors. Robart isn’t stupid. He’s an enemy “engaged in aiding” real maniacal stealth enemies!

Jesusprotectus • 7 years ago

Federal Judges can only be removed if Congress impeaches them. I am calling my Congressmen tomorrow.

podunk1 • 7 years ago


Make their ears ring and eyes water until allegiance is instinctive!

podunk1 • 7 years ago


Jesusprotectus • 7 years ago

We all need to keep calling them.

Rowdy • 7 years ago

As well

nicholsda • 7 years ago

He also has been handling immigration cases Pro bono so he has unclean hands.

Carolbrivera • 7 years ago

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Eileen Ross • 7 years ago

You are not wanted here bubble brain. Try finding a real job, if you are qualified.

OneVetsOpinion • 7 years ago

Keep the BS OUT of this discussion!😣

Eileen Ross • 7 years ago

Again they litter the area!

R V • 7 years ago

Go to the arrow at the right of the trash spamola and label it as inappropriate, the more of us that label these, the faster these criminals go away.

Don Reed • 7 years ago

How long is this thing going to take, anyway?

DallasOrf54 • 7 years ago

It was denied this morning.

nicholsda • 7 years ago

Next step, SCOTUS.

Attila_the_hun • 7 years ago

Not to anti American lefty judge or any damnRAT

jp • 7 years ago

faith in God should come first

Guest • 7 years ago
jp • 7 years ago

that is not what I mean

KlugerRD • 7 years ago

This judge was an illegal immigrant activist who did pro bono work for illegals.

That is why his decision was excessive and over reach.

R V • 7 years ago

Oops call the Liberal #ConflictOfInterest screaming throngs, bet they ignore that one. But actually, since courts fall under Maritime Law, this is barratry by a master(of the court). It's worth reading through this, especially the punishment!
Legal Def of C.of Int.: 2. “CONFLICT OF INTEREST - Refers to a situation when someone, such as a lawyer or public official, has competing professional or personal obligations or personal or financial interests that would make it difficult to fulfill his duties fairly.” OOPS!

"Further it is the sworn duty of the Honorable XXXXXX to uphold the laws of the United States of America, The States of XXXXXXXX and the County of XXXX and to issue all rulings and judgments within the laws and constitution of the same entities. In direct opposition to the inferior court's chartered mission and duty, the Honorable XXXX, an elected and/or appointed official has failed to disclose factual and true evidence known to the Honorable XXXXXX prior to the proceedings that constitute a conflict of interest, despite having knowledge of the laws of the United States of America, The States of Michigan and the County of XXXX. Therefore, the Honorable XXXX must set aside the baseless and unconstitutional ruling of XXXX in the case XXXXX and recuse him/herself from the rule of officiant in the case and matters thereof. Failure to due so is defined further as BARRATRY - The practice of instituting groundless judicial proceedings - a crime in a number of jurisdictions. Additionally, BARRATRY is defined as follows in Maritime Law, Crimes: “A fraudulent act of the master or mariners, committed contrary to their duty as such, to the prejudice of the owners of the ship.

The act of Congress of April 30, 1790, s.8, punishes with DEATH as piracy, 'any captain or mariner of any ship or other vessel who shall piratically and feloniously run away with such ship or vessel, or any goods or merchandize to the value of fifty dollars; or yield up such ship or vessel to any pirate or if any such seamen shall lay violent hands upon his commander, thereby to binder or prevent his fighting in defence of his ship or goods committed to his trust, or shall make a revolt in the said ship.” Herein lies the second part of the complaint by defendant, John Boy, to wit:

That said judgment is as noted, in violation of due process, as guaranteed by the Constitution and Bill of Rights and that the Constitution and the Bill of Rights are the law of the land,

Then further, the Honorable XXXXXX is in violation his duties as a master of the court and an official sworn to uphold the laws and Constitution and such behavior would then appear as barratry and an illegal proceeding under the charter of the inferior court and the recognized laws.

CommonSense • 7 years ago

Well done!! The idea that a judge would attempt to stop the EO is disgusting!! MAGA

LibraryTchr • 7 years ago

The Seattle based judge is a Liberal Activist who should have recused himself from hearing this in the first place. He ruled against the Seattle Police Department in August of 2016 in a Black Lives Matter case and he does Pro Bono Legal Work for Refugees! Enough said!

oldtexgal • 7 years ago

Trump's order will be upheld. There is zero reason for the uproar and protests. He is doing exactly what he promised to do. Tighten up immigration and vetting of those coming into our country. There would have been a few people inconvenienced by this order, no matter when it was issued. Amazing how fast the protesters and attorneys organized and turned out. There were a handful of people temporarily detained at DFW, but there were banquet tables full of lawyers waiting to represent the inconvenienced immigrants. In the news cast, there didn't seem to be one traveler at the tables, only attorneys. Obviously I support Trump's stopping immigration from countries known as hotbeds of terrorism. Had the previous administration taken a more active role, there would have been no Boston Marathon or San Bernadino slayings. Kathryn Steinle would be alive, today. Borders need securing, and immigration policy needs to be reformed. Trump's order is a good start.

Dan Abbett • 7 years ago

The left and the Democrats have one objective, obstruct and deny Donald Trump's policy and his agenda, period. Consequences of that strategy are irrelevant, their only focus is to block Trump by whatever means necessary. This is no time for the Republicans to fight back against the Dems using the Marquis of Queensbury rules. It's time to go all Gladiator because those are the rules the Dems are playing by.

Mark Lang • 7 years ago

On what grounds was it stayed? Are we establishing new laws from the bench? How does Trump's ban differ from every other President's?

Larry Larkin • 7 years ago

On the grounds that the Judge didn't like it.

That's about par for a decision from a leftard, the operate on feelings, not facts.

In fact, it's such an egregiously bad decision that it might will give grounds for removal as mentally incompetent.

Mike • 7 years ago

It's like you didn't look up the decision and learn the answers to these questions for yourself.

Mark Lang • 7 years ago

sounds like you didn't read my third

DarbyScratch • 7 years ago

Within hours Judge Dumfart Robart's bogus order will be gone. A judge can neither make immigration law nor dictate immigration policy, and the national security provision trumps everything else. Sorry, Judge Dumfart, but you're a dumb fart and the appellate courts will shortly tell you so.

conservative_302 • 7 years ago

Witty and funny. Thanks for the laugh.

t.tox ✓NATIONALIST • 7 years ago

Trump is working to restore Law and Order in a country that has turned to anarchy.
We don't need judges or lawyers doing more damage than they've already done

Kenneth Birgholtz • 7 years ago

These Lefties have spent Too Much Time in Obamaland, and Soros is Paying these Snow-Flakes to Keep Up the Demonstrations...Obama had those FEMA Camps designed for cases Just Like These.!!! Pack the Demonstrators And the Democrats, that Like So Much to Obstruct the President, Into Those Camps, until they Cool their Heels, and let President Complete his Task to Keep the Country Free from Terrorists.!!! Lock Them Up, NOW.!!!

Olga Olinka • 7 years ago

massive tweet support for trump...11 hours after a tweet..199,000 likes

TimothyLane • 7 years ago

According to Jesse Watters, the judge (though a Bush appointee) is a racial liberal who works pro bono for immigration groups, which isn't surprising but does explain his decision. Unfortunately, the appeal goes to the 9th Circus, the most idiotic liberal court of appeals in the nation.

Wise gal • 7 years ago

The 9th Circus is the most often overturned, too, I believe. Fingers crossed!

Churyl Minne • 7 years ago

Unfortunately, not with a tied Supreme Court.... 4-4 tie goes back down to 9th Circuit Court.
I serious doubt that liberals break ranks over this case. They rarely if ever do having to do with their sheep mentality.

Richard_Reed • 7 years ago

It is clear that this overreaching, activist Washington State District Judge not only wildly exceeded his authority and was 100% wrong on the Immigration and Nationality Act; but when coupled with all the violent protests and many frivolous lawsuits, the entire manufactured tempest begins to have the smell of a slow-motion attempted coup against the legitimate results of our recent national election.

The American left has always been obnoxious beyond words. Now they are beginning to take on many of the attributes of old style, democracy-hating fascists.

Don't Tase Me Bro! • 7 years ago

The Republicans need to stand behind Trump 100% or risk losing RNC funding.

Attila_the_hun • 7 years ago

They better be. Or they will be finished