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'Sophia • 7 years ago

Two questions: Why do reporters assume that everyone at that meeting was against Todd? Because I was there supporting free speech and the right to be treated respectfully so my guess is about 25% were in support of Todd.

Second question: Why are the offended ones willing to be offended but not willing to hear that Todd admitted he made a mistake. Put as much weight into his apology than his mistake

Don Quiote • 7 years ago

250 people showed up holy cow,,,,to bad it wasn't tweeted the night before the Town Financial Meeting the crowd could have done some real damage.

Glenn Valentine • 7 years ago

Ron Ruggieri you are spot-on. Hilary Levey Friendman made a fool of herself on WPRO and Gene Valicenti's analysis was excellent as well. Her entire motivation is political and the men women and children she rallied last night were pawn in her astroturfing effort. Shameless.

Ron Ruggieri • 7 years ago

I recommend Rhode Island newsman Gene Valicenti's comments on radio this morning ( WPRO ) on Hilary Levey Friedman. I do think that " identity politics " is sicker and more vicious than ever. Not for nothing it was a factor in the election of the right wing demagogue Donald Trump as president of the United States.
Just what was so outrageous about this joke ? Do we want a politically correct - but humorless - community ?
May I suggest - as a democratic socialist - that the real joke here is bourgeois marriage ?

Townie Todd • 7 years ago

Of course he mean't it as a joke,,,,,he is a joke. Just another do nothing elected official spouting off on social media. Ch-12 just reported they tried to contact the town mis-manager but he never returned the call. The rest of the town council bobble heads will just sit and nod, business as usual they don't like controversy. Maybe they will call in Isaccs he was never around for controversy just ribbon cuttings........maybe Momma Sue will put him over her lap and give him a spanking.

Ron Ruggieri • 7 years ago

Hilary Levy Friedman just a made a complete fool of herself on WPRO morning Talk Radio. What a phony point of view !