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Ron Ruggieri • 8 years ago

I am presently listening to a very " successful "-by normal philistine standards-radio talk show " celebrity " here in Rhode Island. He entertains us daily with what passes for local news, is always boosting local business interests, entertains the listeners with his own inflated ego and PERSONALITY.
If you are not successful in your career, that must be the difference: he has PERSONALITY and you don't. Even if you did get all As in nerd subjects-like math, physics, and ancient history.
But Karl Marx can help us here too. Marx said the ruling ideas are the ideas of the ruling class. So if you want to be a SUCCESSFUL news media personality in America-like Brian Williams or Matt Lauer- just have the perfect mental antennae that tune you in to the ideas and values of your boss-the ruling class.
Idealistic high school kids might think that the compassionate social philosophy of Pope Francis is cool. But Ayn Rand Thought is more likely to get you NOTICED. Nothing succeeds in America like " The Virtue of Selfishness ". In general GREED IS GOOD. Teach this to all ambitious kids.
Even NPR " personalities " can advance themselves by TUNING IN to the ideas of the ruling class. Above all forget any SOCIALIST crap . THAT won't pay the bills.And you do need those brighter, whiter teeth- for that seductive shark smile." Smiling Faces " begins the old tune.You do have to LIE- and often. But preferably lie with a big bright smile that advertises your SUCCESS.
As Arthur Miller's Willie Loman learned you will be not just liked but WELL LIKED.

RINPR • 8 years ago

Maybe you should listen to the radio celebrity less and listen to Rhode Island Public Radio more. Also, keep you comments on the topic at hand, please.

Ron Ruggieri • 8 years ago

The topic is the non-academic skills that are the key to success. And I offer the thought that being in tune with ruling class thought is one of them. Are there any socialists on your staff ?

Ron Ruggieri • 8 years ago

Is defining your terms a non-cognitive skill ? What do these scholars mean by " success " ? " Let us know what you think " ? I did. There was ONE comment here and that gets a reprimand from the monitor. But I will say that abc.com would probably have deleted it. " Je suis Charlie Hebdo " indeed !
I would expect NPR " intellectuals " to know that socialists ( ever hear of Bernie Sanders ? ) have a different slant on " success " in America.
Thank you. I do pay attention to NPR. I MUST follow the more brazen class enemy on Talk Radio.