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it's for gun registration - how can we get everyone to register their guns since they don't want to and rightfully so as that is an infringement on people's inalienable second amendment rights - oh well let's go ahead and say everyone should get insurance for their guns and then guess what? gun registration and people are happy. idiots think they're so slick in congress, but it's up to the people to resist idiots trying to infringe on our liberties. and indeed we will have to resist because they're gonna keep pushing and pushing and pushing until we rise up and then they can expect to never hold office again and to be tried for their crimes against the country and taken out and hung as well they should be for their idiocy.

Guest • 8 years ago
John Crawford • 8 years ago

No, here grasp and sense are fine. Her intent is to make ownership so onerous that no one will do it. This is merely a step along that path. She knows full well that she has to do this step-by-step, or never get it past the low-information voters.
Semper fi

Dennis Chase • 8 years ago

The answer is, [Do not comply]. Tell congress to stick their ins. where the sun do`nt shine.

FutureUser@mindspring.com • 8 years ago

The Left's new oppression tactic is to use 3rd-party "insurance companies" (health now, then guns, then autos, etc.) to penalize citizens for activities the Left does not approve of. "Requiring Insurance" is just a fancy way to pass a new tax -- even Justice John Roberts agrees.

Guest • 8 years ago
JRJ21 • 8 years ago

No everywhere the general public is armed,the crime rate falls..Your mentality only arms the criminals WHO NEVER OBEY LAWS OR BUY INSURANCE.

Guest • 8 years ago
Nick Danger • 8 years ago

Another lib-retard false equivalency: In 2010, there were 600 accidental deaths from guns and an estimated 6.4M car crashes with 31K fatalities.

Another idiot Dem creating a problem for the purpose of gun control. The biggest causes of accidental deaths, besides cars, are from poising and falling. Maybe we should get insurance to cover gravity and eating.

FutureUser@mindspring.com • 8 years ago

Be careful!! Don't give them any more ideas!! They are already planning "insurance fees" (taxes via 3rd-party insurance companies) for the following activities:
* Sex insurance -- heterosexuals will have to pay sex insurance, in case they have a pregnancy that needs to be aborted.
* Meat insurance -- carnivores will have to pay for meat insurance, to cover the imaginary "global warming" costs.
* Tobacco insurance -- smokers will have to pay for tobacco insurance --- OOPS already covered by the ACA/Obamacare.
* Obesity insurance -- overweight people will have to pay for obesity insurance -- based on their assumed "carbon footprint" and heart attack risk.
* Auto insurance -- drivers will have to pay a separate *federal* auto insurance -- based on their assumed "carbon footprint" and accident risk.
But you will *never* see the following insurance requirements --
* AIDS insurance -- based on sexual morality.
* Dope insurance -- based on use of illicit drugs.
* Prostitution insurance -- based on health damage caused by selling one's body nightly.

Jordan Vogel • 8 years ago

You always have to exaggerate everything. Remember back in the day when Social Security was proposed. The conservatives proclaimed the end of the world and everything negatives they could think of would happen if social security was passed. If slaves were freed what was next? Stock animals? If former slaves got the right to vote what next? Women? If gays got to marry what next 3 women? 5 people? People and animals? Dogs and cats.

Focus on the subject at hand. Everything you wrote is a complete waste of text because hypotheses are not relevant to the conversation.

joeyman9 • 8 years ago

Women, in general, vote from the heart. Without women there would be no welfare state. They care about other people and, those that vote, believe that govt is the proper delivery system to render that care.

MorrisLess1 • 8 years ago

You mean sort of like Jesus....

joeyman9 • 8 years ago

Jesus didn't use the state to help others, matter of fact the state killed him.

MorrisLess1 • 8 years ago

But he always helped others

Jordan Vogel • 8 years ago

What you talking about? Jesus never said anything about voting and democracy. He kept talking about some Emperor called Caesar though.

FutureUser@mindspring.com • 8 years ago

Social Security? What do you think the effect of removing 12.4% of every income under $100,000 is? How much wealthier would the lower and middle classes be, if that money was invested instead of doled out? There's a few tens of trillions of dollars of unfunded liabilities under the SS program.... The piper has yet to be paid for this.
If you watch the trends and the people pushing them, insurance moguls like Soros are building in "risk taxes" into car insurance (Progressive Insurance company -- it's in their advertising). Tobacco is already taxed as part of the PPACA (Obamacare). Rumblings about a "fat tax" are already going on.
It's not hyperbole if it's really happening.

Jordan Vogel • 8 years ago

Paying taxes to support a public social wellfare system that benefits all is a necessary "evil" for lack of a better word. What is the effect of a no state retirement savings insurance program like SS? Do you honestly think people making min wage can afford to save 12 percent of their own money in a savings account? And even if they did save that money in a savings account - that account with prob have a low interest rate and they would never generate the returns that people on SS receive.

I understand the box is running short. But is the fault of the system or the government for not backing the system up?

How would you enforce a fat tax? Honestly how would that be enforced?

Insurance is a great way to reduce the risk to people when they need help. You have car insurance to reduce the amount you have to dole out in case of an accident. You have health insurance to reduce those health related costs. Other western, more progressive nations have health systems that collect taxes and contribute into a national healthcare system like socialized medicine but all it is a national insurance system that reduces the costs and risks to people.

How much wealthier would the upper classes be if you got rid of SS? A lot wealthier since they pay a lot more in taxes. How wealthy would the lower classes be? Honestly, how wealthy do you really think they would be if they could save 40-50 dollars a month they dont pay in taxes? The lower classes dont save their tax refunds. They spend them.

Sixgun • 8 years ago

.... everything related to SS is coming to an end... the "lockbox" is empty, the democrats have stolen every last cent of SS revenue to buy votes from lazy, low-information voters and in a few years the annual revenue will be insufficient to cover the amount of payouts. The crash, as predicted, is imminent.

Jordan Vogel • 8 years ago

Social security is not going insolvent. It is a myth perpetrated by the right. Believe me or not... I certainly wouldnt believe someone on a forum without proof so I recommend you google about the ss system.

As it stands now, the OASDI will deplete its cash reserves by 2033. If Congress does nothing, benefits will simply drop by 23% to 77% of the projected full retirement benefit. At this level the Social Security Administration predicts that a 23% reduction in benefit payments will sustain the program for another 54 years. In 2088, the SSA suggests that another drop to 72% of full retirement benefits would be required to keep the program solvent and ensure that eligible retirees and the disabled are getting their benefits.

Key is if congress does nothing. If congress does nothing about the budget every year there will be problems too.

MorrisLess1 • 8 years ago

did you make those numbers up? Try this from the CDC
One person is killed by a firearm every 17 minutes, 87 people are killed during an average day, and 609 are killed every week. (source: CDC)

Nick Danger • 8 years ago

Did the word "accidental" throw you? My stat's are from the CDC as well. What gun owner would buy "gun insurance" for the purpose of committing a homicide or suicide? The context was equivalency to auto insurance...

Try thinking it through before you make rash accusations like "did you make that up?". Ask yourself, would you do that face-to-face? My guess is that you would be infinitely more polite.

"In the U.S. for 2010, there were 31,513 deaths from firearms, distributed as follows by mode of death: Suicide 19,308; Homicide 11,015; Accident 600. This makes firearms injuries one of the top ten causes of death in the U.S. The number of firearms-related injuries in the U.S., both fatal and non-fatal, increased through 1993, declined to 1999, and has remained relatively constant since. However, firearms injuries remain a leading cause of death in the U.S., particularly among youth (CDC, 2001) (Sherry et al, 2012)."

Jordan Vogel • 8 years ago

Plenty of people are killed accidentally too. Children taking their parents guns or old people with shoguns shooting strangers at their doors.

JRJ21 • 8 years ago

My rights do not rise and fall with the misuse of them by others.Americans use guns over two million times a year to stop major felonies.The good use far out out weights any bad use and this still would never erase my gun rights no matter if it did not outweigh it.

Duane Owen • 8 years ago

well said

DigitalDust • 8 years ago

Great reply JRJ21.

Jordan Vogel • 8 years ago

Your right to own a dangerous firearm capable of murdering people is not being restricted through liability insurance. Owning liability insurance protects people accidentally killed or injured by your careless behavior or storage of said firearm.

joeyman9 • 8 years ago

You are assuming that gun owners, as a group, engage in careless behavior and careless storage of firearms. Don't you recognize that as an individual's attributes not limited to owning any particular items? Your thought process leads us down the path of requiring all people to carry liability insurance that would insure them just in case they do something stupid in any and all aspects of their life. A NEW INSURANCE PRODUCT!!!!!!

Annika Smyslov • 8 years ago

That would have to be Japan, as we have no Shoguns here in the states.

Bulldog6 • 8 years ago

Gee, Morris - you are a genius. As usual. "Gun Insurance" is sure to make "gun ownership" difficult for all the inner city thugs who spray bullets back and forth in places like DC, Detroit, LA, Cleveland, etc. These thugs will likely give up their firearms because of the difficulty in obtaining said insurance, right? Brilliant!

suz • 8 years ago

Don't forget Baltimore. We catching up on Chicago

Jimmie Cooper Boswell • 8 years ago

when you are the enemy of G-D, the judgements of pestilence, plague and famine are not issued by race, creed, or color. but is solely based on, how much of an enemy of G-D you are. there are just more blacks, in a black community, whites in a white community, more hispaics in a hispanic community, more christians in a christian community, more russians in a russian community, more muslims in a muslim community, etc. the more you become the enemy of G-D, the more pestilence, plague, and famine shall you suffer.

Guest • 8 years ago
Jimmie Cooper Boswell • 8 years ago

and G-D has never been a socialist or a liberal, so do not give me with your subtle talking beast of the fields liberal deception crap. you, have allowed the situation to deteriorate too far against G-D and HaMosheeach. so you, are no friend of The Love of G-D. for you have given your support to the subtle talking beasts of the fields, to the genocide of all on earth again.

you are not in HEAVEN of Heavens, you are not in Heaven on earth because you all did not want it. you are not in the grave, you all want. and you are not in oblivion, where you are all headed. and still you do not know, where in the hell is there left to be.

this world of today, is what you all gave up immortality for. so do not tell me, about whose fault this is when it is all of yours. you and about seven billion others, wanted the world this way today without G-D. or we, would all be in GanEden(Heaven on Earth) now. currently stoning each other to death, with high speed rocks as enemies of G-D and other pestilence, plague, and famine as promised to THEIR enemies also.

so if you cannot promise, a drug, riot, murder, cancer and alzheimers free zones as enemies of G-D. then in reality there is, no promise of a gun free zone either.

Jimmie Cooper Boswell • 8 years ago

then why did G-D, also give us with guns to defend ourselves against the evil empires? why did G-D, give us with the right to bear arms included in the constitution of the united states under G-D? do you not believe, there are subtle talking beasts of the fields in this world? the liberal devils, who have already suckered you further and further away from G-D.

even though guns, are not the first line of defense. but are the last line of defense, as indicated by american history. in any nation, that has lost their first line of defense with G-D. it is no different of an instrument, than any medicine to heal a disease of iniquity. do you really wish, to give up your right to bear arms. and only allow the evil and wicked, in this nation have them?

just like prior to the revolutionary war, the biggest threat was their current government against G-D.

now you have a government, that is teaching your children how to be occult terrorist as enemies of G-D religiously. and you are taking, their G-Dless bait as an enemy of G-D. just like the evil and wicked san hedreen, two thousand years ago that cost them their nations final blow.

guns are neither good or evil, but is dependent on the good or evil using them. the G-Dless intellectual imbeciles, have brought you down to their level. and are defeating you with, their experience in G-Dlessness.

and for now, you are neither in HEAVEN of Heavens, nor Heaven on earth. for you have all allowed, the antiG-D demons to take control of you.

DEng • 8 years ago

Eternal Kingdom is not life. On Terra firma G D gave us intelligence and knew all before we started.

Jimmie Cooper Boswell • 8 years ago

what do you mean, The Eternal Kingdom is not life. are you trying to say that G-D and all the Angels and angels, are all dead? when you do not even have any idea, what GanEden is physically like.

and yes it is true, G-D gave to you TheTorah Intelligence. but it is also true, that the subtle talking beasts of the fields. have given to you, their fantacies of being in some other stories. and to disreguard, your all being here in This Story of The Physical Creation again.

Guest • 8 years ago
JRJ21 • 8 years ago

God gave us rights,say our founders.Among these rights are life and liberty,from God not man. The right to a gun comes from this right,the second amendment does not establish this right it recognizes it.It stands even in Cuba or China.The people in these places have the right from God to life and guns to defend it just as we do,they have tyrants who have stolen it.Just as we have who try to.They also have people like you who ready to help them.

Mel Daly • 8 years ago

What preposterous nonsense you really are deluded. Your gun "rights" are a driving force behind the police state and the diminishment of citizen rights in particular the 4th amendment. You want to wrap yourself in the flag fine but nobody is buying your faketriot nonsense any more except other bigots who know for sure that gun rights are A fascist B a tool of the police and lawyers and C one of the mechanisms of institutional racism. Get a job clown

JRJ21 • 8 years ago

The NRA was formed to help American ex slaves to arm themselves against democrat kkk terrorism.The second amendment protects all the other rights.Gun rights are a tool of the Citizens Einstein,as the citizen has MORE right to own and carry a gun than any cop soldier or politician,WE HAVE OUR OWN AMENDMENT AND IT IS INALIENABLE. YOU LIBERALS ARE THE INSTITUTIONAL RACIST. GUN OWNERS WANT TO ARM THE CITIZENS OF THE BLACK GHETTO WITH CARRY LAWS SO THEY CAN FIGHT THE THUGS WHO TERRORIZE THEM. YOU WANT TO KEEP THEM HELPLESS.

Jimmie Cooper Boswell • 8 years ago

sorry but you are a false prophet, false witness, and worshiper of a false new testament g-ds. since every physical thing you see, has been commanded by G-D to be here again. have you already forgotten about THE ONE HE/SHE G-D, WHO sent THEIR Only begotten virgin born He/She Son Adam, Who was crucified by THEIR enemies? and always returns as adam and his mate, near this end of the sixth day.

what are your going to call, HaMosheeach returned. mr and mrs jesus christ, rather than grandpa and grandma adam in your delusions of not being here in TheTorah today? you do understand that The Comforter, is adam's feminine mate don't you? do you even know this is the cool of the evening of the sixth day, here in TheStory of The Physical Creation again?

what are your going to call, HaMosheeach returned. mr and mrs jesus christ, rather than grandpa and grandma adam in your delusions of not being here in TheTorah today? you do understand that The Comforter, is adam's feminine mate don't you? do you even know this is the cool of the evening of the sixth day, here in TheStory of The Physical Creation again?

JRJ21 • 8 years ago

ha ha h ha ha,you have no idea what is in heaven..Watch the movie Brave heart if you think a gun less society is safe.The brutal and strong rule the weak.My wife has no chance against an ex con without her Glock.My concern is the thug on the earth not what heaven is like .

Dianewe • 8 years ago

He gives breath and takes it Away.

CWS_FAN • 8 years ago

Save the thumping for church.

Jordan Vogel • 8 years ago

Better in the bedroom, imho.

JRJ21 • 8 years ago

Save the help me stay a slave mentality for your daily indoctrination.Boswell can teach you something,but you enjoy being a modern slave.

Jimmie Cooper Boswell • 8 years ago

and just which particular church are you recommending, yours or their occult churches? and i would not even know how to dress or act, in their churches that G-D has never been in.

and there is probably a really good, reason why G-D never gave to me instructions how to act like a jew or muslim in a sinagogue either. G-D must of forgot, how to instruct THEIR HisSon Returned how to pray toward mecca also.

or to face toward washington dc like the many of you do, when i pray to G-D.

you can't honestly believe, that my preaching and teaching the message not found in any church and synagogue today is a G-Dless accident?

CWS_FAN • 8 years ago

Go play with the snakes at the revival tent.

JRJ21 • 8 years ago

The children of Israel had to look at their snake,you refuse to.