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sovereigntyofone • 8 years ago

First off Hillary has never met a " real man ", so she doesn't have the first clue as how to handle one. That pervert she married is far from being a man. Next, Hillary hates the military, why? Because it is full of, or use to be full of " real men ", that defend our Constitution and Republic. I'm not going to go down the list of the things that makes a " real man " but some of them are Honor, Love of country and Constitution, Love of wife and family, and last but not least love of God.
So as I said, Hillary hasn't got a clue as how to handle a " real man ".
Just my 2 cents worth.

MIKE • 8 years ago

Dead nuts on.

Last of the patriots • 8 years ago

excellent comment I was going to make one too butt enough said you hit the nail on the head so I guess I'm not going to make a comment

Guest • 8 years ago
Crystal Stingray • 8 years ago

Hillary as President is simply not an option.

Watching & Waiting • 8 years ago

The Jezebel demon is satan's most powerful master spirit in his demonic military, which is today's Feminist Movement. Hillary Clinton is possessed by the spirit of Jezebel, just like Jezebel in the bible was possessed. Though Ahab (Bill) was King, (President) she (Jezebel) controlled both of them. The modern day Feminism (Jezebel) movement with women, who rebel against God's commanding role for women by usurping authority over weak nature men (Ahabs), who refuse to accept their God given roll to lead, will be the demise of of our nation and world. Bill Clinton was controlled by a Hillary's man hating spirit causing him to seek illicit affections from other feminine women to usurp his control over them which he had none over Hillary. Look around how the Jezebel spirited women are seeking power positions in all walks of life. Beating up "men" on television , Getting away with murder, (abortion) of innocent children, receive half sentence of what men get or non at all for being sexual predators of unsuspecting young males and females as exposed on this site. The primary reason for the dysfunction in our society, is the Majority of America has departed from the Word of God, with broken families and the high divorce rate, caused by wives not staying at home to raise future God fearing children and men not accepting their God given leadership role in the family and society. God said (2 Tim: 3:16) ". . . he (husband) shall rule over thee (wife). (Gen. 3:16" " . . . ." But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence. . . " 1Tim. 2:12. . . young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children,To be discreet, chaste, KEEPERS (Greek , guardian) AT HOME, , good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed. Titus 2:4,5 . . . . Need anymore be said???

72 Dolphins • 8 years ago

I've researched the Jezebel spirit a bit, this is truly one of if not the best posts I've ever read on WND.

Watching & Waiting • 8 years ago

The Jezebel demon is satan's most powerful master spirit in his demonic military, which is today's Feminist Movement. Hillary Clinton is possessed by the spirit of Jezebel, just like Jezebel in the bible was possessed. Though Ahab (Bill) was King, (President) she (Jezebel) controlled both of them. The modern day Feminism (Jezebel) movement with women, who rebel against God's commanding role for women by usurping authority over weak nature men (Ahabs), who refuse to accept their God given roll to lead, will be the demise of of our nation and world. Bill Clinton was controlled by a Hillary's man hating spirit causing him to seek illicit affections from other feminine women to usurp his control over them which he had none over Hillary. Look around how the Jezebel spirited women are seeking power positions in all walks of life. Beating up "men" on television , Getting away with murder, (abortion) of innocent children,receive half sentence of what men get or non at all for being sexual predators of unsuspecting young males and females as exposed on this site. The primary reason for the dysfunction in our society, is the Majority of America has departed from the Word of God, with broken families and the high divorce rate, caused by wives not staying at home to raise future God fearing children and men not accepting their God given leadership role in the family and society. God said (2 Tim: 3:16) ". . . he (husband) shall rule over thee (wife). (Gen. 3:16" " . . . ." But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence. . . " 1Tim. 2:12. . . young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children,To be discreet, chaste, KEEPERS (Greek , guardian) AT HOME, , good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed. Titus 2:4,5 . . . . Need anymore be said???

Mountain_Dew_518 • 8 years ago

Instead of white house again it will become Free for all wh**e house for Hildabeast and Billy Boy to have his toys again. There won't be no pros allowed as it will free for them to play with.

popeye2010 • 8 years ago

Hillary can't help being an abomination, but these people helping and supporting her are the worst kind of cretins.

missivist • 8 years ago

Excuse me. I have to correct your spelling. The proper spelling is obamination.

RoadRules • 8 years ago


Tumbleweed7 • 8 years ago

That woman should be in prison, not running around loose campaigning for president. The DNC has become the party of criminials.

Phil Esposito • 8 years ago

The party of communists.

Mark Sauck • 8 years ago

Let's see, Hollywood might consider making a movie making fun of a Past Republican president, and a good man with health issues that led to dementia,
but will they ever consider a movie about a president and his wife the likes of Bill And Hillary and the depths of moral corruption that ( should ) boggle the mind. Nah

Guest • 8 years ago

Anyone think that Monica would not like to speak out at a Trump rally about how Hillary ruined her life and the other women's lives that came forward during Billie's WH scandal?.

Guest • 8 years ago
Guest • 8 years ago

LOL Oh, what a great idea. She would pop more than her girdle......Still laughing.

trustinthelord • 8 years ago

LOL! Hopefully...she already suffers from these nightmares! God has ways to bring these half-wits to their knees...

FreetheBirds • 8 years ago

The first thing I thought of when I saw this headline was "does that include Vince Foster?"

Crystal Stingray • 8 years ago

You're good.

missivist • 8 years ago

She would need to clean her pantsuit.

red,white,blue • 8 years ago

Hillary is a trashy old lesbian who is a psychopathic lair and corrupt to the bone !!!

Chancisify • 8 years ago


Kinch • 8 years ago

PLEASE do not elect this lying trash President. NO qualifications. Many scandals.
Pinocchiobama has done much damage- many lies. USA has become a joke. Killary would make it worse.

zrevtom • 8 years ago

Hey she only has 27 scandals, dozens of people interviewed by FBI and numerous IRS audits, couple of missing persons, couple of fatal accidents, even a couple of unsolved murders who were going to testify against her, hey that is the Clinton way, people charged with same crimes went to jail but not Bill or her, she should be in jail over the security leaks but is protected by Obama another corrupt

Guest • 8 years ago
Randy A. • 8 years ago

It's not just racist, it's absolutely sexist too! Can you imagine if one of the men candidates said something like that about women?

worldemoc • 8 years ago

That's Been the Womens Liberation Position Isn't It . That and Exterminating Babies !

CDD • 8 years ago

Hillary for PRISON not PRESIDENT!!!!!

Guest • 8 years ago
Gerry Costa • 8 years ago

Just what I was thinking.

BornAMileHigh • 8 years ago

hillary, you disgust me! there is nothing warm, loving or gracious about you! You're nothing but a power-hungry, ball-busting, money-lusting, wretched woman!!!!

koropokkur • 8 years ago

Vince Foster knows all about that, right, Hillbags!?

Robert Green • 8 years ago

A comment I've heard more than once was that she tried them out before Bill did. I don't see her being the poor wife whose President husband cheating on her without her knowledge. If she lies about e-mails, why wouldn't she lie about that. Poor Hillary.....LIKE HELL!

Rattler27 • 8 years ago

She's about on the same level as the Kardashian ***when it comes to her inability to handle wayward men. Why ANY self-respecting woman would vote for her is beyond my comprehension. She is a horrible example of a strong, independent woman.

Any woman worth her salt would have kicked Bill to the curb the first time he committed any dalliance. Because she did not, she only proved she is more interested in how the man can further her career than anything else.

marijooneill • 8 years ago

She didn't because power is what she wanted,to be rich any way she can. Her career is based on scandals, lies and cover ups. If women vote for her and think she would be on her side,think again.

Olvar • 8 years ago

If Sarah Palin had used the colloquialism "off the reservation," this article would have been about how racist, demeaning, and hateful it is

rjoguillory • 8 years ago

...that was the very first thing I thought of....I'm sure our Native American friends appreciate that phraseology...NOT!
RJ O'Guillory

marijooneill • 8 years ago

It only works for the left wing loons,because of their idiotic base that they pander to. The uninformed and the sheeple vote for them no matter what.

MIKE • 8 years ago

Great comment; I never hear anything anymore about libs firebombing the Palin family church, either.

Bob Trower • 8 years ago

Democrats vote for Democrats. And they don't care what she has done.

Salty 1 • 8 years ago

“Remember, I have a lot of experience dealing with men who sometimes get off the reservation..."
That means she attacks the women her man has his dalliances with vile hatred and every weapon in her arsenal...

John • 8 years ago

If there is a real election and there is a legit count, she would not even get 30% of the democrats.

actor44 • 8 years ago

..and that is incomprehensible !

Too big and heavy • 8 years ago

Hilary needs to be in Prison...enough said.

treefaller • 8 years ago

Hillary for Prison - 2016

Blah Blah • 8 years ago

Here is a small list of some of the people around the Clintons that died under strange circumstances:

( some of them are cops, bodyguards, military and secret service agents )

James McDougal, Ron Miller, Mary Mahoney, Vincent Foster, William Colby, Maj. Gen. William Robertson, Ron Brown, Col William Densberger, Col. Robert Kelly, Spec. Gary Rhodes, Steve Willis, Robert Williams, Conway LeBleu, Todd McKeehan, Alan G. Whicher, Staff Sgt. Brian Haney, Marine Sgt. Tim Sabel, Maj. William Barkley, Capt. Scott Reynolds, C. Victor Raiser II, Montgomery Raiser, Paul Tully, Ed Willey, Hershell Friday, Larry Lawrence, Luther Parks, Bill Shelton, Kathy Ferguson, Gandy Baugh, Dr. Ronald Rogers, Stanley Huggins, Calvin Walraven, Neil Moody, Suzanne Coleman, Paula Grober, Judy Gibbs, Paul Wilcher, Jon Parnell Walker, Gareth Williams....


ZsaZsa • 8 years ago

Wait for it.....
Bill Clinton, as first lady, now identifies as such and will be using the ladies restroom at a Target near you.

Mountain_Dew_518 • 8 years ago

Hildabeast will be using the mens room at Target.