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Because it ended satisfactorily... Had it not, opppps James Comey wouldn't be an issue...
The FBI clearly knew an attack was coming. Why else would they have an undercover agent take a picture of the exact target right before the attack? Did the undercover agent send the picture to the terrorists before the attack to show them how the security was set up at the entrance? There needs to be a congressional investigation into this.
I wish I were surprised. But under the last admin, it was all about protecting the Islam is peace narrative.
And good old Bush,handed them the label, "Religion of Peace" to wrap around our necks everyday since then.
Point made below.
How else was the Obama administration going to keep getting leftist and Muslim nutballs with firearms in the news so they could push to disarm law abiding Americans. Did Simpson or Soofi get their guns with cash from some FBI program? Did the Obama BATFE let their purchases slide in hopes of another mass shooting? There's something really fishy about this.
Um this was during Obama administration ?So I thought that any of the mass shootings were the result of lone wolf attacks however maybe we need to look at all of them ! At Least during 2008 to 2016!!!
Federal judges rules that muslims have the right to murder Americans and Trump is banned from stopping them.
So an FBI agent who was in communication with guys plotting a terrorist attack, and may have actually encouraged them to commit the act, was present when they did...and left the area rather than stop them? See, this is why I hesitate to call every first responder a hero just because they're doing a job most could never do...this undercover FBI agent is no hero, he's a coward, a co-conspirator in a domestic terror attack, possibly a traitor, and should be treated as such. And his bosses too.
Seems like a good thing for Sessions to investigate, as soon as he finds WEINER'S computer (Loretta Lynch "seized" it) and the "insurance" file on that computer of Democrap pedophiles...
The police have it too
This is just one of the many reasons our government classifies information as secret, top secret, etc. It's because it's probably criminal and this is how they avoid prosecution for their many crimes against our country.
The next question should be how many of our own "Intelligence" plans actually lead to terrorist acts by willing useful idiots? And how many of these plots get out of control? I have bad ideas about several horrific attacks that America has suffered. Reminds me of Holder's Fast & Furious scam of the American citizens. Do they really think we're that dumb? Do they even care as they are way beyond the law?
How is it that Cooper doesn't think it is a scandal now? It's only a scandal if people get killed while the FBI watches?
False flag...fake news, is anything real?
The Oblowme years will be the gift that keeps on giving.
This is the same FBI that along with the BATF murdered 83 innocent men, women and children at the Branch Davidian home in Waco Texas back in 1993.
FALSE FLAG! FALSE FLAG! STATE SPONSERED TERRORISM! An awful lot of people have an awful lot to explain.
You 12 or what, toolboi. FBI Agents working undercover will do everything to remain undercover if there is still an active investigation and these Muslim scum are as numerous as roaches and just as nasty.
Oh really is that what they were doing during the first WTC bombing? ... or OKC? What article did you read? Yeah deep cover..right. Sounds more like a handler to me....fleeing the scene...stopped at gunpoint and handcuffed.
Double agent? FBI-check your vetting.... And Crooked Hillary wanted to increase ME migrants by...550%?
Joiner and the Garland PD need to sue Barry Sorry Soterro and the FBI for treason and willful endangerment. Obama supported terrorist and used inside terrorist operatives he planted inside the FBI. Obama tried to open the door to Muslim terrorist in so many ways it's incredible Republicans and the CIA allowed him to do it. Scarry nobody tried to stop him. Look how this government is trying to stop Trump in securing our borders and stop illegal entry into US soil. Democrats are neo Communist bent on destroying America. Wake up patriot warriors!
Fed's Killing Cops or Just Collateral Damage? -Again
Bundy Ranch, FBI informants, 2 Vegas cops killed
I wonder if the loud radical instigating FBI informants, "Agent Provocateurs", Greg Burleson aka Wagon Burner, FBI’s fake Longbow Productions, etc... may have radicalized the young couple, Jerad and Amanda Miller, who went on to murder the 2 Vegas police while eating pizza shortly after attending the Bundy standoff for a week, are there video/pics of the 3 of them together at Bundy's ranch. Where were the Provocateurs on the day of the cops murder? Why did Millers go across town to kill away from their apt.in the tourist that was full of cops? Where was the Millers vehicle? (wiki: On June 8, 2014, the Millers first went to a CiCi’s Pizza restaurant on foot…). Miller's then ran to Walmart and died, the premeditated plan? ...where/who was their get-to and getaway vehicle? They owned a car. They had 3 ‘unregistered’ guns. GunWalking?
"Accessory Before The Fact" definition: A person who aids, abets, or encourages another to commit a crime but who is not present at the scene. An accessory before the fact, like an accomplice, may be held criminally liable to the same extent as the principal. Many jurisdictions refer to an accessory before the fact as an accomplice.
BTW: ( Wiki: 'Fast-n-Furious' and "Gunwalking", was a tactic of the Arizona Field Office ATF, which ran a series of sting operations in the Tucson and Phoenix area where the ATF purposely allowed licensed firearms dealers to sell weapons to illegal straw buyers… There have been allegations of "gunwalking" in at least 10 cities in five states. U.S. Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry was killed at the border and the rifles used to kill him were from a Phoenix store. The ATF began targeting whistleblowers.
Bundy: Anarchist/instigator says he wanted to kill federal agents in FBI documentary
Much more: https://sites.google.com/si...
Golly-gee, what a coincidence. Hard to figure out since we "know" the agent is on the side AGAINST terrorists, right? Cooper usually covers up False Flag ops. Is this a sign of conflict between CIA (Cooper) and FBI?
Rotten to the core, clean that swamp.
The FBI also knew about the 9-11 attackers training in Florida.
The question of why the under cover FBI agent drove away seems simple to me. If he would have stopped and drawn a gun, he would have been killed along with the terrorist. He was in plain clothes and during the heat of the moment they would have killed him not knowing if he was another ISIS operative.
I dunno, maybe I'm just a lot smarter than Cooper.
They would have been right to shoot him as he was a co-conspiriter directing their actions.
The attack was not an attack on the Draw Muhammad Contest, but rather was to be an attack on Robert Spencer and Pamela Gheller and the FBI did not do anything to stop it.
Nice diversion. It gets your attention off of Obama surveillance of Trump and transition team and focused on this.
No reason not to focus on both. This is compelling evidence of "deep state" collusion with terrorists...
sounds like a false flag to me.
They could have warned the group to have extra plain clothes security maybe with bullet proof vests.
and yet idiot liberals like cooper will CONTINUE to defend the alphabet agencies until their dying day....
a more likely story is that the federal bureau of islam aided and abetted this muslim terrorist attack on US citizens on US soil, at the direction of the muslim president. only the democrat-muslim media would refuse to investigate this completely reasonable angle
Of course if the Agent is deep undercover he will remain incognito, especially if there are other suspects involved in the investigation.
Simpson said he wanted to "wage jihad with ISIS" then got found out, got mad that he got found out so he got "FEELS" #abandonment and decided to commit terrorism? Should have stuck to college basket ball.
Do your 'Home-work' and you will find a *BLACK CIA Agent was the first person to hold MLK'S Head after he was shot on the balcony of the Lorraine Motel. Do some more home-work and you will find *someone from the Lorraine Motel called and told *Somebody that the MLK Party was leaving for dinner in 15 mins. Hmmmm 'The Judas' I wonder who that was? or By the by, Jesse Jackson was also at the Lorraine Motel that evening with MLK, Hmmmm.
So Mr. Maynard and Mr. Cooper, where do we go from here? This was 2015, prior to Trump. Whatever shall we do? Why did it take 2 years for this to come out?