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truebearing • 8 years ago

Excellent polemic.

"Nobody, they conclude, becomes an Islamic terrorist because of Islam. Instead there are a thousand unrelated issues, having nothing to do with Islam, which creates the Muslim terrorist."

If all of these unrelated issues are what drive Muslims to terrorism, then why don't people from other religions do the same thing, and with equal frequency? This is the heart of their dishonest, failed explanations.

Unless Muslim apologists possess some hidden knowledge that Muslims are genetically more unstable and violent than all other people, then what explains the disparity in their behavior if it isn't the only constant: their religion? If a Buddhist can't afford a Cadillac, why doesn't he blow himself up? If a Christian can't find a job, why doesn't he gun down people at a Mosque? If a Jew hears ridicule of his religion, why isn't he beheading non-believers? The thousand unrelated issues are not only unrelated, they aren't the issues.

Would any of our leaders argue that in WWII, the only bad Nazis were the ones in the front lines shooting at us? Were the bad Nazis shooting at us simply because they wanted jobs or better beer? No, they wouldn't say that because they couldn't pull it off. Everyone knows why they were shooting at us and everyone knows that the men in the front lines need a lot of support from a lot of people who aren't in the front lines.

Most of our leaders won't acknowledge evil, either because they are also evil, or because of the cowardice inherent in moral relativism. Regardless, a leader who shields evil is serving that evil, whether they'll admit it or not. Our leaders serve Islam.

Daniel_Greenfield • 8 years ago

"If all of these unrelated issues are what drive Muslims to terrorism, then why don't people from other religions do the same thing, and with equal frequency?"

The left's answer is that it's because Muslims are more persecuted than anyone else.

It's untrue, but it fits the logic of the left's entire framework.

SCREW SOCIALISM • 8 years ago

Muslims are "persecuted" by any group that is more successful than they are. The Koran says Muslims/Islam is supreme, yet anyone looking around sees otherwise.

Daniel_Greenfield • 8 years ago

Muslims are involved in conflicts with every religious group they are in proximity too. So they're always the victims, even when they're the majority persecuting a minority.

SCREW SOCIALISM • 8 years ago

Muslims are at War with Bahais, Buddhists, Christians, Hindus, Jews, animists, atheists AND the wrong kind of Muslim (sunni/shiite/salifi/wahabbi/Betamax/VHS)

IzlamIsTyranny • 8 years ago

Zoroastrians -- who are being ethnically cleansed from the birthplace of their faith, Iran, in the same way the much, more recent Baha'i faith is. It was the peaceful Zoroastrians that ran civilised Persia, not the slaves of allah.

truebearing • 8 years ago

The left's protean definition of "victim" needs to be ridiculed to death.

SCREW SOCIALISM • 8 years ago

Same with the definition of "innocent".

JacksonPearson • 8 years ago

Just about every conflict in the world today are involving Muhammadans killing so-called non believers. In a nutshell, besides outright murder, they're committing a crime against humanity, all in the name of their faux Allah.

Daniel_Greenfield • 8 years ago

All such conflicts are effectively genocide.

nagra bagra • 8 years ago

Would it be safe to presume that the only 'good' muslim is an EX muslim?

Arne Jansen • 8 years ago

Generations of inbreed has a consequence in genetic pool and intelligence

truebearing • 8 years ago

The left's binary framework seems to be straining under the weight of enabling their latest pseudo-victim. By so readily allying themselves with Islam, they have unwittingly taken on culpability for the openly ugly, evil behavior of these so-called victims. The left doesn't do so well when things are out in the open. This alliance with Islam provides us with the means to expose the left's depraved indifference to our lives. Making the connection between every Muslim atrocity and the left that enabled it -- at every opportunity -- should wake people up. If that won't do it, what will?

Daniel_Greenfield • 8 years ago

indeed, the alliance will break the west or the left

JacksonPearson • 8 years ago

They'll wake up when their head is waiting for a sword to come down on them.

Hesperado • 8 years ago

If it weren't for a diverse critical mass of non-Leftists throughout the West enabling basically the same result (perhaps sometimes under different assumptions, but all leading to the same exoneration/justification/"explanation" that assumes innumerable multitdes of Muslims are somehow not promoting "extremist" Islam -- *cough cough* Daniel Pipes), the Left would lose traction.

The reason why there apparently is no such critical mass of non-Leftists throughout the West then points to a subtler more complex sociocultural phenomenon than one that locates all significant blame for the Problem of the Problem (the primary Problem being Islam, the secondary Problem being the West's persistent myopia with regard to the primary Problem) on Leftists is a flawed hypothesis.

Daniel_Greenfield • 8 years ago

You're assuming the existence of non-leftists.

Hesperado • 8 years ago

Indeed, we see a mirror image here: the mainstream Counter-Jihad thesis that locates all significant blame for the primary Problem (see my comment above) on artificially constructed "extremists" ("Wahhabists", "Salafists", "jihadists", etc.) also tends to do the same when analyzing the secondary Problem -- locating all significant blame on "Leftists" and stubbornly occluding from view the millions of non-Leftists who persist in whitewashing and distorting the primary Problem.

This leads us then to a tertiary Problem. See: http://hesperado.blogspot.c...

IzlamIsTyranny • 8 years ago

The TMOE theory is nothing more than parroting the islamic propaganda spewed by the enemedia, any school of "higher"education or any politician, but this article by Mr. Greenfield is going against that grain.

Everyone Else • 8 years ago

Unlike most other problems in the world, the Islam issue gets simpler the more you learn about it.

dave oliver • 8 years ago

Your comment should remain at the top wherever you post it. Excellent comment.

MattBracken • 8 years ago

Islam is a war plan and a conquest and subjugation strategy. The "religious" aspects of Islam are pure hokum, designed to gull the rubes in their target regions.

This is my explanation for Islam's incessant spread across fourteen centuries. Islam is similar to a self-replicating supercomputer virus. It is a hydra-headed monster, designed by its creators to be an unstoppable formula for global conquest. It’s almost impossible to eradicate, because it has no central brain or control center. Islam is like a starfish: when you cut off a limb, another grows to replace it. The names of the Muslim leaders, and the names of their Islamic groups, are transitory and ultimately unimportant. Osama Bin Laden and Al Qaeda are succeeded by Al-Baghdadi and the Islamic State, but they will all pass from the scene and be replaced by others. While Muslim leaders and regimes have come and gone, Islam itself has remained steadfastly at war with the non-Muslim world for 1,400 years.

The persistent virulence of Mohammed’s 7th Century plan for global domination means that it is always ready to erupt in a fresh outbreak. Islam is like a brushfire or ringworm infection: it is dead and barren within the ring, but flares up where it parasitically feeds off the healthy non-Islamic societies around it. What produces this uniquely fanatical motivation, from within nations and peoples that otherwise seem devoid of energy and new ideas?This pattern of secular strongmen being followed by fanatical Islamist leaders has recurred many times over the past millennium and longer.

Do not be fooled by modernists like King Abdullah of Jordan. To the true believer of Islam, any king or strongman is never more than a rifle shot or grenade toss away from being kinetically deposed, and replaced by another Islamist fanatic.Secular “Muslim in name only” strongmen from Saddam Hussein to Muamar Qadafi can hold Islamism in check for a period with brutal methods, but strongmen are often assassinated or otherwise removed from power, and in any event, they cannot live forever. Once the secular strongmen are gone, fanatical mullahs are able to stir their zealous Muslim followers into sufficient ardor to reinstall a radical Islamist regime under Sharia Law, according to the Koran.

The Muslim world produces almost no books or new inventions. Short of finding oil under their feet, most Islamic nations are backward and impoverished. So wherein lies the power source for Islam’s nearly constant expansion over the past fourteen centuries? The motor and the battery of Islam are the Koran and the Hadith, or sayings of Mohammed. A messianic Mahdi, Caliph or Ayatollah with sufficient charisma can accelerate Islam’s pace of conquest, but individual men are not the driving force.Islam does not recognize secular national boundaries.

To devout Muslims, there are only two significant realms of the world. First is the Dar al-Islam — the House of Islam, which is the land of the believers. The other is the Dar al-Harb — the House of War, which must be made Islamic by any means, including violent jihad. The expansion of Islam is sometimes held in check for long periods, but more often Islam is on the march, acquiring new territory. Once conquered by Islam, territory is rarely taken back, Spain being a notable exception.

The motivation lies within the words of the Koran and Hadith. Most simply distilled, in the earthly realm, these Islamic texts offer immoral men sanction for thrill-killing, looting, raping, and capturing infidel slaves, and when these jihadists are killed, they are promised a perpetual orgy with seventy-two nubile virgin slave girls in Mohammed’s sick, evil and perverted Muslim paradise. Unlike the Jewish and Christian Bibles, the Koran and Hadith appeal not to man’s better angels, but to the darkest aspects of human nature. (Tellingly, Moses and Jesus are said to have climbed to mountaintops to communicate with their God, while Mohammed received his messages from Allah deep inside a bat cave.)

A meaningful or permanent reformation of Islam is impossible, because a new generation of fanatics, wielding the unexpurgated Koran and Hadith as their weapons, will always declare the reformists to be apostates and murder them. In Islam, the fanatics who are holding the unalterable Koran in one hand and a sword in the other always stand ready to seize complete power and exterminate their enemies.

This latent danger breeds fear and causes nearly all non-Muslims to be carefully circumspect in their dealings with Muslims, lest they lose their heads at a later date. This intentionally fostered fear of Islam is used as a cudgel against those who would otherwise resist its domination. The immutable Koran is the constant fountainhead of bloody Islamic conquest. Radical Islam is the pure Islam, the Koranic Islam, the real Islam.

Anyone who does not understand this bitter reality is dangerously ignorant of the past 1,400 years of human history.

From "Tet, Take Two: Islam’s 2016 European Offensive"

L’offensive islamique en Europe: un Têt numéro 2?

(A German translation is in the works.)

dfw63 • 8 years ago

Thanks, that was a good read.

IzlamIsTyranny • 8 years ago

Jordan, moderate? Jordan's constitution specifically forbids Jews from being citizens.

MattBracken • 8 years ago

Moderate in terms of beheading filthy kuffar and takfiri in public squares. Sort of between the Saudis and ISIS.

IzlamIsTyranny • 8 years ago

Yeah, just like the SA were the "moderate" nazis. Honor killlings are still commonplace in Jordan. Jordan enforces islamic blasphemy and heresy laws and Jordan at one point provided safe haven to the PLO to help facilitate their islamic jihad against Ysrael (i.e. islamic terrorism). Oh, and Jordan joined their fellow islamic-nazi allies in invading Ysrael in '48', '67' and '73'.

MattBracken • 8 years ago

Then Jordan was repaid in the terror coin by the Palis that they gave refuge to, leading to Black September, and Munich, and much more until this very day.

You know, it never seems to pay, bringing in Moslem "refugees."
Have you read these?

Maoris, Moors and Migrants: A history lesson for civilized humans facing an Ork invasion

The Alienork Way: A cautionary tale for civilized humans facing an Ork invasion

bgprosecutorwtn • 8 years ago

Fascinating. So, Islam serves no purpose/rational benefit to man/mankind? It was and is, simply a philosophy created by Mohammed to serve his purpose to "inspire" / "instill" a "purpose for/in life" of his followers to engage in most basic unnecessary behaviors of survival....eliminate anything not part of/consistent with "Islam" or actually, Mohammed?
So, after Mohammed's death, the program/the "virus" that is "Islam" has no real humanity as its master, it is simply a philosophy capable of survival so long as awareness and belief in the "tenants" can be maintained/sustained?

Kinda like an errant "program" or mis-programing fed into an "ant colony's" communication system?

MattBracken • 8 years ago

Yes. A hive survival and dominance strategy like Army ants. It always suits the most avaricious men, it's a formula for a type of perpetual mafia. Men get to keep women as slaves, that guarantees a certain % of men will always support it just for that and so on. Here is an allegory I wrote with no mention of Muslims, Islam or Mohammed that explains its spread.

The Alienork Way: a cautionary tale for civilized humans facing an Ork invasion

Hesperado • 8 years ago

All Muslims enable Islam. There are no "moderate" or "modernist" or "secular" or "nationalist" or "Westernized" Muslims; but there are many who pretend to be these things, in order to fool the Kuffar. And, seeing how many not only throughout the Mainstream, but also even in the Counter-Jihad -- including such tough, no-nonsense analysts as Matt Bracken here -- believe them, we can see just how effective such taqiyya/kitman/tawriya/taysir/darura/muruna is.

SkydiveFive • 8 years ago

Could not find the word "Kuffar" on line.

Hesperado • 8 years ago

Google search result for "kuffar" --

About 475,000 results (0.28 seconds)

The Counter-Jihad could use SkydiveFive in the back room by the copy machine, for data entry on a clunky 1980s desktop computer, when he's not getting coffee for the team...

MattBracken • 8 years ago

Islam is similar to a self-replicating supercomputer virus. It is a hydra-headed monster, designed by its creators to be an unstoppable formula for global conquest. It’s almost impossible to eradicate, because it has no central brain or control center. Islam is like a starfish: when you cut off a limb, another grows to replace it. The names of the Muslim leaders, and the names of their Islamic groups, are transitory and ultimately unimportant. Osama Bin Laden and Al Qaeda are succeeded by Al-Baghdadi and the Islamic State, but they will all pass from the scene and be replaced by others. While Muslim leaders and regimes have come and gone, Islam itself has remained steadfastly at war with the non-Muslim world for 1,400 years.

Islam does not recognize secular national boundaries. To devout Muslims, there are only two significant realms of the world. First is the Dar al-Islam — the House of Islam, which is the land of the believers. The other is the Dar al-Harb — the House of War, which must be made Islamic by any means, including violent jihad. The expansion of Islam is sometimes held in check for long periods, but more often Islam is on the march, acquiring new territory. Once conquered by Islam, territory is rarely taken back, Spain being a notable exception.

The Muslim world produces almost no books or new inventions. Short of finding oil under their feet, most Islamic nations are backward and impoverished. So wherein lies the power source for Islam’s nearly constant expansion over the past fourteen centuries? The motor and the battery of Islam are the Koran and the Hadith, or sayings of Mohammed. A messianic Mahdi, Caliph or Ayatollah with sufficient charisma can accelerate Islam’s pace of conquest, but individual men are not the driving force.

Secular “Muslim in name only” strongmen from Saddam Hussein to Muamar Qadafi can hold Islamism in check for a period with brutal methods, but strongmen are often assassinated or otherwise removed from power, and in any event, they cannot live forever. Once the secular strongmen are gone, fanatical mullahs are able to stir their zealous Muslim followers into sufficient ardor to reinstall a radical Islamist regime under Sharia Law, according to the Koran.

This pattern of secular strongmen being followed by fanatical Islamist leaders has recurred many times over the past millennium and longer. Do not be fooled by modernists like King Abdullah of Jordan. To the true believer of Islam, any king or strongman is never more than a rifle shot or grenade toss away from being kinetically deposed, and replaced by another Islamist fanatic.

The persistent virulence of Mohammed’s 7th Century plan for global domination means that it is always ready to erupt in a fresh outbreak. Islam is like a brushfire or ringworm infection: it is dead and barren within the ring, but flares up where it parasitically feeds off the healthy non-Islamic societies around it. What produces this uniquely fanatical motivation, from within nations and peoples that otherwise seem devoid of energy and new ideas?

The motivation lies within the words of the Koran and Hadith. Most simply distilled, in the earthly realm, these Islamic texts offer immoral men sanction for thrill-killing, looting, raping, and capturing infidel slaves, and when these jihadists are killed, they are promised a perpetual orgy with seventy-two nubile virgin slave girls in Mohammed’s sick, evil and perverted Muslim paradise. Unlike the Jewish and Christian Bibles, the Koran and Hadith appeal not to man’s better angels, but to the darkest aspects of human nature. (Tellingly, Moses and Jesus are said to have climbed to mountaintops to communicate with their God, while Mohammed received his messages from Allah deep inside a bat cave.)

A meaningful or permanent reformation of Islam is impossible, because a new generation of fanatics, wielding the unexpurgated Koran and Hadith as their weapons, will always declare the reformists to be apostates and murder them. In Islam, the fanatics who are holding the unalterable Koran in one hand and a sword in the other always stand ready to seize complete power and exterminate their enemies.

This latent danger breeds fear and causes nearly all non-Muslims to be carefully circumspect in their dealings with Muslims, lest they lose their heads at a later date. This intentionally fostered fear of Islam is used as a cudgel against those who would otherwise resist its domination. The immutable Koran is the constant fountainhead of bloody Islamic conquest. Radical Islam is the pure Islam, the Koranic Islam, the real Islam.

Anyone who does not understand this bitter reality is dangerously ignorant of the past 1,400 years of human history.

Tet, Take Two: Islam’s 2016 European Offensive

ConcernedCitizen999 • 8 years ago

There’s an even more fundamental force at work than international socialism (leftism, statism, cultural Marxism, communism… whatever). It’s called Globalism. And by Globalism I mean the globalization of communications, education, finance, commerce, transportation, industry, agriculture, travel, information, culture, language (English), military force projection, etc. All of these aspects of globalization are made possible by the Renaissance, Enlightenment, scientific revolution, modern technology, etc. It was all of these things, generally called ‘progress’, that made possible the very existence of the population of the world of today, for without the wonders of modern technology, the population of the seven billion of today’s world would collapse back to the few tens or maybe hundreds of millions that could be supported by the pre-industrial hunter-gatherer world of yesterday. That means that the population of today is totally dependent on the hierarchical technological world of today.

Most of these aspects of unrestricted technological globalization are a great benefit to the people of the world. But along with all the benefits of modern technology comes another possible globalization, the globalization of political power and control. Globalization made it possible for members of the globalist elite to dream of their totalitarian One World Government or New World Order and that is who your “international socialists” are.

The people of the world enjoy the benefits of technological globalization but they naturally resist the political globalization, as they should, but they find it difficult to resist because of their dependence on the technological globalization, which is in the hands of those who also want a “political globalization”.

The mistake of the globalists is to think that political globalization can be unrestricted, just like all the other aspects of technological globalization. But in order to accomplish an unrestricted political globalization, the NWO, the globalists must first destroy any opposition to globalization, namely nationalism, and since nationalism is founded upon race or ethnicity, the globalists must first destroy the race and ethnicities of, for example Europe, as they are by deliberately flooding Europe with Muslims, or by genocide, as the Soviet Communists did in the de-kulakization of Ukraine in the Holodomor, where six to seventeen million Ukrainians were deliberately starved to death by the Soviet Communists.

I say the “mistake of the globalists” because, although there is a trend toward a unified global political power of some kind, it doesn’t have to be unrestricted, it can be limited. Unrestricted technological globalization can go along with “restricted political globalization”. It is possible to maintain distinct nation-states, or national ethno-states, or racial-states. But this would mean that the leaders of today’s nation-states must band together against the globalists of the “One World Government”. In fact they must, and the globalists must fail, because if they continue on their path of destroying nationalism and the integrity and sanctity of today’s various races and toward a totalitarian one world government then the outcome will not be a stable one world government, but chaos and anarchy and the collapse of the world as we know it, and a return of the human race to the pre-industrial state in which it existed before globalization itself, a return to barbarism, perhaps to the end of the human race itself.

That is the solution to the globalist catastrophe toward which we are headed today. Not the unrestricted political globalism of today’s NWO globalist elite, but a limited globalism of the leaders of today’s national leaders who agree to stand together against the totalitarian NWO, and who agree to create a world founded upon the sanctity of today’s nation-states, and a respect for the continued existence and advancement of today’s various races and ethnicities.

MattBracken • 8 years ago

I consider international socialism and globalism to be interchangeable in the real world in the 21st century. This is how I put it in my essay. First I described Islam, then international socialism, then nationalism. I suppose you read the section on Islam that I posted. Now, onto to international socialism. Today's international mega-corporations are fully on board with international socialism, or globalism if you prefer.

From my essay:

2. International Socialism

The second great actor or social force is international socialism. It can also be aptly described under the rubrics of leftism, statism, cultural Marxism and communism. These all inhabit the international socialist spectrum. I trace these cultural Marxists at least back to the Jacobins of the 18th Century, a clique of secular humanists who were early globalists aligned with Freemasonry.

The nucleus of the group that would later become the Jacobins moved from Germany to France with a coherent and fully developed plan to engineer a social explosion as a means to take power. The Jacobin destabilization plan became the template for many more bloody “people’s revolutions” to come. Following the French Revolution, we are familiar with Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin and Mao. We are less familiar with the early 20th Century British Fabian socialists, or the Italian Marxist theoretician Antonio Gramsci, or the German “Frankfurt School” of international socialists, who transplanted their vision to the United States via Columbia University.

Unlike Vladimir Lenin and the Communists, they understood that international socialism’s goals could not be fully accomplished until the strong edifice of Western Civilization was hollowed out and sabotaged from within. In the end, the clandestine international socialist forces which burrowed deep within the Western womb achieved results which were far more permanent than the militarily-imposed revolutionary “war Communism” of Lenin and Mao.

Over the course of the past century, while Communism collapsed in the Soviet Union, the Fabian socialists have been increasingly successful at poisoning the roots of national, cultural and ethnic identity, leaving the inheritors of Western Civilization disorganized and demoralized, with no central belief system to rally behind. Why has this deliberate demoralization and dumbing-down process occurred? The international socialists have believed at least since the French Revolution that it was their duty to impose a top-down feudal order upon the ordinary “dumb masses,” a new world order managed by self-proclaimed experts chosen from among the correctly-educated elites, both for the benefit of the ignoramuses, and as a way to line their own pockets and continue to live an elite lifestyle of wealth and power.

It may seem paradoxical that major corporate and banking interests are deeply invested in the international socialist new world order, but when you untangle the threads it actually makes perfect sense. Today’s international banks and mega-corporations are powerful global actors in their own right, and they are now written into each new international trade agreement. In fact, corporate lawyers author most of the pages of the multi-thousand-page trade pacts, which are now coming down like rain. Trade pacts which were never voted on by American or European citizens, pacts which are taking on the force of international treaty law, superseding even the United States Constitution.

From the Rothschilds of Europe to the Warburgs of both continents, to the Morgans and Rockefellers of America and back to the Hungarian immigrant George Soros, for several centuries, millionaire (and more lately billionaire) bankers have written their own laws and cut their own political deals. Today, they literally create billions of new dollars and Euros per day out of thin air, and pass it over to their cronies. In the United States, the creation a century ago of the Federal Reserve — a privately run central bank of, by and for the interests of a cabal of private banking interests — is a glaring case in point.

In the USA, the heads of global mega-corporations and investment firms donate massively to both the Democrats and the Republicans alike, ensuring favorable treatment in an era of corporately directed crony capitalism. The picture is much the same in other countries. These post-nationalist crony-capitalists recognize no sovereign borders and believe that patriotism is a laughable anachronism.

For example, in America, open-border traitors bribe politicians to pass laws to allow them to import unlimited numbers of H-1 visa foreign workers to directly replace Americans at their very desks and work places, and these traitors do not lose one wink of sleep over it. The traitor class of the international business set calls this “agility,” moving fungible proles, peasants and paupers worldwide to where they can be set to work most cheaply and profitably. Ordinary American middle-class workers and their families are just collateral damage in this process. The reality is not much different in Europe.

These super wealthy open-border corporate and banking elites, who paradoxically steer the forces driving international socialism, are able to bribe their way to success after success in myriad ways. Their wealth and political connections ensure that cooperative young players with future star quality are steered to the right universities, foundations, councils, government agencies and media positions. For example, when you see a talking head on television, and his listed expert credential is that he is a member of the entirely private Council on Foreign Relations who has written articles for their house publication Foreign Affairs, you will know that he is destined for high positions, and doors will magically open in front of him.

Over on the Fourth Estate, the global mass media have been almost entirely subverted, scripted and stage-managed for decades by these über-wealthy elites through a thousand channels greased with kickbacks, no-show jobs, and secret payoffs that are disguised as special stock offerings and private land deals. Media figures morph seamlessly into senior political advisors and corporate board members, adding millions to their portfolios with each well-timed transition. Even many retired generals and admirals eagerly wallow in this swamp of sell-out and sleaze. It should not be a surprise to anyone that so many politicians leave Washington or Brussels as millionaires. Just as it should not be a surprise that long-time CBS News anchor Walter Cronkite, “the most trusted man in America,” was for his entire adult life secretly a leading member of the World Federalist Association, a fact he proudly revealed only after his retirement from in front of the camera.

SkydiveFive • 8 years ago

Once again, thanks for an excellent and most interesting post. Most of the posts above, I have a hard time following.

A point I would like to make to you and everyone else who might see merit in it: Avoid the term "radical." It is an escape hatch for the defenders of "Moderate" Islam. "Orthodox," I think is a far better word. To the Orthodox Muslim, the Moderate Muslim is a Hypocrite who is even considered worse than the unbeliever and should be killed.

The Qur'an, by itself, makes little sense, the Hadith certainly helps, but so does the Sira, which gives a timeline, being the biography of Muhammad.

And thanks, Islam is well defined as a virus, or form of imperialism whose emperor can never die because he and his ideas are imitated (duplicated) through each generation.

It, also, serves no purpose to bad-mouth the liberals (lefties). Islamic apologists are more often narcissists who seek self-worth in defending those stronger than he (or her).

Do you, Mack, have a blog? or a Website of sorts.

MattBracken • 8 years ago

No, but most of my shorter works are on my links page.


SkydiveFive • 8 years ago

Ah! laid out as the Surahs of the Qua'ran. Longest first, shortest (title last). Thanks I'll take advantage.

MattBracken • 8 years ago

I don't know why I did that. Sort of to randomize them by subject and date. Silly, really. Maybe I'll flip it over and put the short titles at the top for a while.

Scaramouche • 8 years ago

Turkey's Erdogan got it right when he said, "There is no moderate or immoderate Islam. Islam is Islam and that's it."

ConcernedCitizen999 • 8 years ago

If the question is "Islam", then the answer is simple, read the Koran, from cover to cover, at one sitting preferably… (it's not a big book). Read the Koran and you'll have the answer to your question, to wit, Islam is evil, and it must be eradicated from the face of the Earth.

But if the question is not Islam, if the question is why do our leaders make such absurd pronouncements about Islam, then the answer is "Power". Our leaders are using their policy toward Islam to gain power for themselves. Our leaders are busy building an empire in oil rich Islamic lands, and getting rich in the process. They don’t care about how many Syrians end up as refugees, or how many Christians get beheaded, or even if Israel gets nuked, as long as they get their petro-dollar kickbacks from the Saudi Sheiks. Our leaders don’t even care what happens in twenty or thirty years, after all they’ll be dead by then, and then to hell with the world, as long as they get theirs now. That’s why president Clinton armed Islamic terrorists in the Balkans and bombed Serbian Christians, to make sure he could run oil pipelines through the Balkans and make himself rich in the process.

So when our leaders talk about “good Islam” and “bad Islam” they’re just blowing smoke, they’re just deflecting and deceiving and diverting the pesky voters so that they, our leaders, can continue acquiring more money and more power for themselves, without being bothered by an outraged American public that has finally caught on to their kleptocratic civilization destroying corruption.

Daniel_Greenfield • 8 years ago

Our "leaders" have always viewed Islam as a counter in a larger game, e.g. the Cold War. But now the larger game is being reduced to a conflict between the West and Islam, that the last counter, the Good muslims, are supposed to save us from.

IzlamIsTyranny • 8 years ago

Of course our politicians are used to receiving bribes from the urbane muslim who disavows/repudiates all the problematic ugliness and assures our corrupted politicos that all the fascist, totalitarian, antisemitism and violence has nothing to do w/islam. When a congressperson or senator or NGO (ACLU, SPLC) is having islamic petrodollars stuffed into their back pockets who are they to disagree w/that narrative?

jfmoris110 • 8 years ago

And after accepting the bribes, they are susceptible to blackmail, and must do as they are told - no matter how ridiculous(merkel).

Michael Copeland • 8 years ago

If pressed for time for reading the whole Koran, start with chapter 9, the “Sura At-Tawba”. This is the chapter cited by the Woolwich killer,
“The Koran forces us, in Sura At-Tawba….”.
It is the latest full chapter in chronological order, and as such “abrogates” or overrules ALL the peaceful verses elsewhere. It is violent stuff.

“a foul and shameful book" - Martin Luther
An “incoherent jumble” – Edward Gibbon
“It's a depressing book. It really is.” - Sebastian Faulks
It “teaches fear, hatred, contempt for others. Murder….” – Voltaire

See “Book Reviews: the Koran” at Liberty GB

FK • 8 years ago

Frankly, 99 % of Muslims don't bother too much about Koran or Islamic precepts. Nobody have the time of inclination . I myself feel bored too. On the contrary we are taught that Prophet Muhammad and Islam and Koran promote compassion and tolerance. The latest phenomenon has its political roots too. See my comment above. I am not saying that Muslims and Islam are infallible. But there are more causes too.

SCREW SOCIALISM • 8 years ago

Actions speak louder than words.

9/11, Boston Marathon, Pam Am 103, Metrojet, San Bernardino, Charlie Hebdo, Bataclan, 7/7 2005 London, Lee Rigby, Daniel Pearl, James Foley, Malala, fatwa on Salman Rushdie...

IzlamIsTyranny • 8 years ago

LOL, yeah right, that's why all muslim states (spit) and some non-muslim states enforce islamic blasphemy and heresy laws and persecute the unbeliever in islam.

Guest • 8 years ago
ConcernedCitizen999 • 8 years ago

"literary quality"... of the Koran.... HAaaaa......
Best laugh I've had all day.

The Koran - “this unintelligible book”
-- Voltaire

Yes, the Koran not only preaches torture...
it inflicts torture in the reading of it.