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Lundat • 7 years ago

Endlak, as an Ethiopian reader, I am disappointed by your completely biased report. Clearly, you don't like the current Ethiopian government, which in and of itself is not a problem. But, you do not need to go on bashing the single most accomplished and well-qualified Health Minister Ethiopia has ever had. Did you hear from his presentation (or from the research you hopefully conducted prior to writing this op-ed) that Ethiopia's child mortality rate was reduced by 2/3rds during his time as the health minister? Majority of Ethiopia's child mortality cases were preventable diseases that the north is not even concerned about. This, along with other major health care improvements in our developing country in areas like malaria and so forth (which by the way were so successful that Ethiopia's neighboring countries also started implementing them), more than qualifies him for WHO's Director General position and affirms his assertion that he is the candidate of the developing world. I read that you are pursuing your PHD in Journalism and Communications. Are you truly being an ethical journalist by omitting all of this man's accomplishments, which he outlined in his presentation? Is a person not allowed to ask for the clarification of a question? Him asking a clarification of the question he was asked was essentially your only critique!! There was nothing at all wrong with his English.

I really do not understand opposition groups among Ethiopia's diaspora. I understand you were one of the founder's of Zone 9 and have your own grievances against the government. But must you disagree with every single thing the Ethiopian government or any member of the government does, even the positive things? Is that Twitter picture necessary? Is what you are writing helpful to Ethiopia or Ethiopians in any way? The people whose interests you are supposedly trying to represent? Please, I beg you, leb enegza.

Million Hailu • 7 years ago

LEB ENEGZA! I like that!

Lundat • 7 years ago

Thank you! God bless.

GMG • 7 years ago

Tedros fumbled. No body did this to him. He is not competent. The WHO job is not for him. Period. He does measure up to the other candidates. He is part of TPLF. He is a criminal. "child mortality rate was reduced by 2/3rds " that is just like the make belief TPLF 11 % econ growth. He should not cause him self further embarrassment. Better for him to withdraw.

Lundat • 7 years ago

He fumbled because he asked for a clarification? I disagree. Just because you declare that he is incompetent does not make him so. Maybe if you back your statements with facts, there could be a positive discussion.

GMG • 7 years ago

What was not clear in the Brazilian gentleman's question ? Go back and watch the video. He is a Phd. Come on!

Lundat • 7 years ago

I did watch the video actually, the entire 1:30 hours (and some of the other countries' candidates presentations). I went back and watched this particular clip like you suggested. The Brazilian gentleman premised his question by stating his understanding of the various stances of Dr. Tedros. The Dr. is allowed to ask for a clarification! There are no rules against it. More importantly, his answer after the clarification is what matters. He mentioned how he talked to 182 countries (that's essentially almost all countries in the world - seems like an indicator of competency to me) and their health care needs. He talked about the different health care needs of the developing and the developed world and how he would be a leader for both. He also talked about how he believes universal health care is a right for all, and does not need to be a divided issue between the north and south. He emphasized that he will be the candidate for ALL, but that he hails from the developing world.

devi • 7 years ago

The Brazilian was clearly trying to stump Dr. Tedros and he did not succeed in doing so.

Getahun • 7 years ago

Hey the commenter above I find it a bit desterbing that you're just short by "l" to be know as "devil"

devi • 7 years ago

And with a statement like that, it's clear that you are short of several hundred million brain cells to be considered intelligent. By the way, disturbing is spelled: D-I-S-T-U-R-B-I-N-G.

Daniboy • 7 years ago

Lundat, in Ethiopia there is no government! Ask yourself when you use the word.

devi • 7 years ago

News flash to Daniboy: THERE IS A GOVERNMENT IN ETHIOPIA. Just because you do not like it, does not mean it doesn't exist.

devi • 7 years ago

You are an absolute ignoramous. The Hungarian also asked for clarification. You people (jealous diaspora Ethiopians) are an absolute global embarrassment. Perhaps it's a case of bad genes in the diaspora that make you so stupid. The people who live in Ethiopia are not complaining about the government the way you idiots are.

What does a political party in an impoverished nation have to do with being considered for WHO's director general? No one in the larger world knows what the TPLF is or CARES!

Dr. Tedros gave a thorough and intriguing presentation. He is the first black candidate ever to get so far and you idiots are going over board with baseless, mindless, unintelligent THIRD WORLD arguments in an effort to derail his candidacy. Only politically motivated ignoramuses would do what you are doing and you have definitely shown how extraordinarily stupid you are.

GMG • 7 years ago

Devi, My Ethiopian pride prevents not to go low to where you are. The world knows what type of a criminal organization TPLF is and Tedros is a key member. You are a hired gun and. go ahead work for your living. You can cry , whine and curse. Tedros blundered and has no chance.

devi • 7 years ago

Stuff it, GMG. You are a political hack.

Right Wing • 7 years ago

yeah Thanks BMG

Beki • 7 years ago

Devi Dr. Tedros campaign is based on performance and knowledge of the subject not on ethnic background & political views so, concerned staffs will probably decide from a professional point of view. No worries! But, did you say the people of Ethiopia are not complaining? Ohh trust me more than 85%of the people are complaining including those who are supporting the leading regime. If you think that the Diaspora community are the only one that's because they know the truth and the right to protest is respected where they are living and giving you the wider image more than 6 million people took the street by risking their life to ask the same questions as the Diaspora community but more than 3000 people were killed also hundreds of thousands got detained still the damage on the Diaspora community is zero that's called democracy. Let me widen it more another hundreds of thousands of people left their country and took the most dangerous roads because the problem in Ethiopia is more than you can imagine. As a brother I advise you to be rational and analyze informations based on fact.

Embibel • 7 years ago

Thank you brother Also don't forget as soon as these people including him came to power they closed the only malaria protection institute in northern part of Ethiopia ( Gondar ) in order to eradicate the Amara ethnic group. A few years later they told the world in their theater parliament that two million Amara people aren't accounted for!! Him and his group should stand in front ICC not WHO!!!! We will never forget!!!

Lundat • 7 years ago

Embibel, do you really believe what you just wrote? Where is your evidence? 2M people disappear and this is the first time we are hearing about it? Ere behig yene wondim/ehit, yemininagerewin ewneta eyemeremerin.

Embibel • 7 years ago

You can hear it from the horse mouth himself,go back and search the archives he (the dead pm of yours) made speech to the stooges at the parliament!!!

devi • 7 years ago

Please knock it off. The genuine change in malaria incidence came after Dr. Tedros implemented world class, innovative, evidence-based, scientifically controlled, results-producing strategies. Search the medical literature. For that feat alone, you should be proud that your countryman did that.

devi • 7 years ago

Embibel, your comment is a pants-on-fire-lie. When the political party that you hate so much came to power, malaria was spreading like crazy and children under 5 were dying of malaria at an alarming rate. The programs that Dr. Tedros devised (massive bed net implementation and mosquito abatement) dramatically lowered the rate of malaria by 90 percent. Nowhere on the African continent had any other country experienced such a stunning plunge in malaria incidence. Please learn the science before you make baseless politically motivated statements that reveal your lack of knowledge. The article by Endalk, which has drawn this discussion, stinks like a pile of monkey doo 10 miles high.

devi • 7 years ago

Please stop with the exaggerated numbers. The numbers are not credible.

Gru • 7 years ago

Apparently everyone who doesn't agree with you is an 'embarrassment' 'ignoramous' has 'bad genes' 'stupid' 'idiot'. And you say stuff like "The people who live in Ethiopia are not complaining about the government " Dude (or dudette), you ARE the Ethiopian government.

devi • 7 years ago

Dude, I live nowhere near Ethiopia. You have to stop being so small-minded and drenched in local politics. The Ethiopian government does not have global reach, or influence.

Tesfay • 7 years ago

<<.... the single most accomplished and well-qualified Health Minister Ethiopia has ever had.>>

What a lier?

This guy lived there under a heavy propaganda on under a totalitarian regime.
the WHO will be a laughing stock if they ever elect this guy.

Lundat • 7 years ago

That is obviously my opinion and I say that because of the great progress in health care that Ethiopia has achieved (indeed even surpassed the MDGs). The health care progress is documented not just by the Ethiopian government but also WHO. No need to call me names, I don't see how that helps your argument, or the democratic ways you claim to seek if you believe in undermining others' opinions by name calling.

devi • 7 years ago

Tesfay, you should stick to Amharic because you never learned to spell in English. And yes, Lundat is correct: THE SINGLE MOST ACCOMPLISHED AND WELL-QUALIFIED HEALTH MINISTER ETHIOPIA HAS EVER HAD !!!!!!

Fegegta • 7 years ago

Man, Teddy is not qualified to run a kindergarten let alone WHO. He is a complete disaster. Besides, he is member of the gang that is responsible for human rights abuse in Ethiopia. Its funny, uproariously funny that he even tried to get a position in the highest office in the world as if the mess he created in the land of his birth is not enough. What a power addict!

devi • 7 years ago

Fegegta is another blithering idiot with no idea what he/she is talking about and dripping with a smarmy political agenda. Trust me, no one in the larger world cares about your silly political complaints. You are an idiot.

Kedqama • 7 years ago

Lundat, I would have liked to agree with you that Dr Ted's performance should not have been subjected to this level of scrutiny and public humiliation, but he is not a private citizen. You can believe the official figures about health care "progress" in Ethiopia, but, my friend, I lived it and my reality is different. For me it is all violence-- violence of corruption, nepotism, discrimination and murder. Have you ever been to health care providers personally? I was and I can tell you many examples. One intance was the students abused by the police but denied any medical attention because they protested "against the government". He authorized that, expressly or tacitly. Have you heard about prisoners who suffered and are still suffering because of lack of medical attention? I am sure you don't want me to mention names here because they are too many to mention. No ethical medical professional would be part of a regime that runs a torture chamber. Do not believe the rhetoric and make believe figures. They tell selective stories. Ethiopian health care system is not any better and definitely Tedros has done nothing but cook figures for perverse purposes

devi • 7 years ago

Kedqama, you are an idiot, too. The only violence that is occurring has been inspired by the band of terrorist thugs, Ginbot 7 and the jihadist Jewar Mohammed. Their juvenile agendas stink.

Lundat • 7 years ago

Devi, I know you are coming from a good place and frustration. I completely condemn Ginbot & and Jewar Mohammed as well. I don't think we should insult one another when there is a dialogue...it will only agitate people instead of having them see your point of view. God bless!

Lundat • 7 years ago

It's perfectly fine for people to scrutinize Dr. Tedros' candidacy. However, the scrutiny that the diaspora opposition community poses is unfounded and asinine. The doctor's English skills surpass almost all commentators' English aptitude on this post (and that's putting it mildly).

The official figures don't just come from the government. They come from various sources. Please see this video from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. https://twitter.com/melinda... . Of course, I hope we can agree that the Gates foundation is an independent/unbiased entity?

All I am trying to say is that we do not need to criticize every single thing Ethiopia does. There is a dangerous precedent in the diaspora community of being unwilling to recognize a single accomplishment achieved by the ruling party. I don't see how that helps anyone! We need to focus on trying to have productive and founded criticisms. Throwing out false accusations doesn't help anyone. It only makes the world look away when the real grievances are presented! Dr. Tedros' candidacy for the WHO's director general is good for Ethiopia and for the developing world!

History will look back at some of our diaspora community and condemn them for the unrelenting source of destruction they have become. They have the resources and wonderful opportunities to affect good and positive changes in Ethiopia - I hope we can all learn to gravitate towards that.

Bilal Yassin • 7 years ago

You trying to be civil in uncivilized world and you pick and choose what you wanna believe in and ignore the rest.You only focused on what weyanea had accomplished.You deliberately ignored there crime.1000s of Kids are in jail as we speak,agazi kills people with empunity ... in the hospital you go for goiter operation and they take out your kidney.
Abo be fair . Blind support won't do them any good !!

Lundat • 7 years ago

I don't think I am picking and choosing what to believe. At least you have acknowledged that the government has accomplished some major things. The government is not without major faults. We are discussing Dr. Tedros' candidacy here. It is my opinion that he has primarily been a force of profound good for Ethiopia, especially for the rural poor (80% of our population). His service as minster of health has been applauded by the world. Blind hatred towards the government won't do us any good either!

P.s. Made up facts will not do us any good either! Where is the evidence that when people go for goiter operations, their kidneys are deliberately taken out? That's just ridiculous!! Or are you talking about a medical mistake? Such statements completely deter our society from having any productive discussion.

Gru • 7 years ago

There was a goof at one of the hospitals recently. I think Zewditu. Look it up.

Lundat • 7 years ago

I did hear about that incident a couple of months ago. Of course that was an isolated medical mistake and not a deliberate mass action like what the post above seems to suggest. There was a mix up of two patients. An absurd medical mistake that shouldn't have happened of course, and the hospital should settle the damage with the patients.

devi • 7 years ago

Lundat, Thank you for defending Dr. Tedros. I trained as did Dr. Tedros at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine but instead went into journalism. When Dr. Tedros told the reviewers last week that he contracted malaria trying to save his people from that horrific infection, I cried. For most who study these diseases, as I did, you learn about them in the abstract.

Dr. Tedros learned about malaria first hand.

He gave a compelling presentation as good, and possibly better, than the others for several key reasons. The other 5 are either academics, members of the WHO hierarchy or from wealthy countries with enormous resources. Dr. Tedros's techniques (millions of bed nets and massive mosquito control) dramatically cut the rate of malaria in Ethiopia, which is something that people there today enjoy. He increased the number of doctors while he was health minister and helped drive down maternal and infant mortality.

I must add this, if Endalk is genuinely a journalist, then he never learned a basic but key principle of the craft, which is HOW TO WRITE A CLEAR AND UNBIASED STORY. The only people who are complaining about Dr. Tedros, Endalk, are idiots like you with a political axe to grind. All of you have maliciously fanned out all over the internet making all kinds of crazy claims and showing up where Dr. Tedros speaks only to shout at him. This kind of activity could backfire for you. Other countries might feel sorry for a man who was born in one of the most impoverished countries of the world, who contracted malaria and is now besieged by idiots as he fights to become the leader of WHO. That's a powerful story.

Why don't you leave Dr. Tedros alone? Why are you people so incredibly stupid and juvenile? Smear campaigns never work, Endalk. They only show how ignorant and thoughtless that the people who doing the smearing really are. I doubt that you will ever get a real job in journalism. You are a lousy, biased excuse of a journalist. Leb enegza!

Zerihun • 7 years ago

You cried when your compatriot contracted a disease? This is the hilarious zeal of a complete deluded beneficiary of the current government. The entire world is aware of the human rights abuses. It is hilariously hypocritical to talk about hoping to manage the health and wellness of millions in the world, while you stand idle to abuses in your own home.

Go read your history. You defend idiocy and hypocrisy with the zeal of the nazi followers.

devi • 7 years ago

You are an idiot Zerihun. You have a political agenda and care about nothing other than your twisted politics and the Ginbot thugs. I don't live in Ethiopia and do not benefit from its government. As for the human rights abuses, many of them have been exaggerated. There is a new report in Foreign Affairs that you should read.

Kedqama • 7 years ago

devi-- i didn't know you can learn about malaria 'first hand' by contracting the disease. i can see why you think everyone else who disagrees with you is an idiot.

devi • 7 years ago

Lundat wrote above that I should go high when you go low. So, I will not call you an idiot any longer. Very sorry for using that word. Yes, I will totally refrain from it.

Moron is a better description for you. God Bless!

(And p.s. anyone who has had malaria, Ebola, Lassa fever, schistosomiasis, helminth worms or any serious tropical infection -- and survives -- knows first hand what it's like to have those diseases because they have experienced them. I should not have to explain that to you. That fact should go without saying). Hence, your new name: Moron.

Kedqama • 7 years ago

i think you have serious mental issue. please go see real doctor

devi • 7 years ago

So now you are a psychoanalyst? And you are a psychoanalyst based on what, a few posts seen in a thread? I now totally rest my case. All of you wackos who have fanned out all over the internet casting aspersions against Dr. Tedros are indeed batcrap crazy. No question about it. All of you are a joke.

devi • 7 years ago

Lundat, Thank you for defending Dr. Tedros. I trained as did Dr.
Tedros at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine but instead
went into journalism. When Dr. Tedros told the reviewers last week that
he contracted malaria trying to save his people from that horrific
infection, I cried. For most who study these diseases, as I did, you
learn about them in the abstract.

Dr. Tedros learned about malaria first hand.

He gave a compelling presentation as good, and possibly better, than
the others for several key reasons. The other 5 are either academics,
members of the WHO hierarchy or from wealthy countries with enormous
resources. Dr. Tedros's techniques (millions of bed nets and massive
mosquito control) dramatically cut the rate of malaria in Ethiopia,
which is something that people there today enjoy. He increased the
number of doctors while he was health minister and helped drive down
maternal and infant mortality. I must add this, if Endalk is
genuinely a journalist, then he never learned a basic but key principle
of the craft, which is HOW TO WRITE A CLEAR AND UNBIASED STORY. The only
people who are complaining about Dr. Tedros, Endalk, are idiots like
you with a political axe to grind. All of you have maliciously fanned
out all over the internet making all kinds of crazy claims and showing
up where Dr. Tedros speaks only to shout at him. This kind of activity
could backfire for you. Other countries might feel sorry for a man who
was born in one of the most impoverished countries of the world, who
contracted malaria and is now besieged by idiots as he fights to become the leader of WHO. That's a powerful story.

Why don't you leave Dr. Tedros alone? Why are you people so incredibly
stupid and juvenile? Smear campaigns never work, Endalk. They only show
how ignorant and thoughtless that the people who doing the smearing
really are. I doubt that you will ever get a real job in journalism. You
are a lousy, biased excuse of a journalist. Leb enegza!

devi • 7 years ago

Lundat, Thank you for defending Dr. Tedros. I trained as did Dr.
Tedros at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine but instead
went into journalism. When Dr. Tedros told the reviewers last week that
he contracted malaria trying to save his people from that horrific
infection, I cried. For most who study these diseases, as I did, you
learn about them in the abstract.

Dr. Tedros learned about malaria first hand.

He gave a compelling presentation as good, and possibly better, than
the others for several key reasons. The other 5 are either academics,
members of the WHO hierarchy or from wealthy countries with enormous
resources. Dr. Tedros's techniques (millions of bed nets and massive
mosquito control) dramatically cut the rate of malaria in Ethiopia,
which is something that people there today enjoy. He increased the
number of doctors while he was health minister and helped drive down
maternal and infant mortality.

I must add this, if Endalk is
genuinely a journalist, then he never learned a basic but key principle
of the craft, which is HOW TO WRITE A CLEAR AND UNBIASED STORY. The only
people who are complaining about Dr. Tedros, Endalk, are idiots like
you with a political axe to grind. All of you have maliciously fanned
out all over the internet making all kinds of crazy claims and showing
up where Dr. Tedros speaks only to shout at him. This kind of activity
could backfire for you. Other countries might feel sorry for a man who
was born in one of the most impoverished countries of the world, who
contracted malaria and is now besieged by idiots as he fights to become
the leader of WHO. That's a powerful story.

Why don't you leave
Dr. Tedros alone? Why are you people so incredibly stupid and juvenile?
Smear campaigns never work, Endalk. They only show how ignorant and
thoughtless that the people who doing the smearing really are. I doubt
that you will ever get a real job in journalism. You are a lousy, biased
excuse of a journalist. Leb enegza!

devi • 7 years ago

Thank you for defending Dr. Tedros. I trained as did Dr.
Tedros at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine but instead
went into journalism. When Dr. Tedros told the reviewers last week that
he contracted malaria trying to save his people from that horrific
infection, I cried. For most who study these diseases, as I did, you
learn about them in the abstract.

Dr. Tedros learned about malaria first hand.

He gave a compelling presentation as good, and possibly better, than
the others for several key reasons. The other 5 are either academics,
members of the WHO hierarchy or from wealthy countries with enormous
resources. Dr. Tedros's techniques (millions of bed nets and massive
mosquito control) dramatically cut the rate of malaria in Ethiopia,
which is something that people there today enjoy. He increased the
number of doctors while he was health minister and helped drive down
maternal and infant mortality.

I must add this, if Endalk is genuinely a journalist, then he never learned a basic but key principle of the craft, which is HOW TO WRITE A CLEAR AND UNBIASED STORY. The only people who are complaining about Dr. Tedros, Endalk, are idiots like
you with a political axe to grind. All of you have maliciously fanned
out all over the internet making all kinds of crazy claims and showing
up where Dr. Tedros speaks only to shout at him. This kind of activity
could backfire for you. Other countries might feel sorry for a man who
was born in one of the most impoverished countries of the world, who
contracted malaria and is now besieged by idiots as he fights to become
the leader of WHO. That's a powerful story.

Why don't you leave
Dr. Tedros alone? Why are you people so incredibly stupid and juvenile?
Smear campaigns never work, Endalk. They only show how ignorant and
thoughtless that the people who doing the smearing really are. I doubt
that you will ever get a real job in journalism. You are a lousy, biased
excuse of a journalist. Leb enegza!

Embibel • 7 years ago

How do you spell a CHOLERA in Ethiopia by his administration ? AWD ( Acute watery diarrhea) that's what the media is allowed to use including major foreign media's ! The word cholera will land you in jail!!

Kebere Belay • 7 years ago

I guess you are trying to engage the writer in a civilized conversation but I'm not sure if the article measures up to that standard of conversation.