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Chaws • 10 years ago

Great news for me; I don't need to prepend "7am" to my FUT emails any more. Your service was initially just a curiosity for me, but it's become indispensable. Thanks for the improvements!

rsweetland • 10 years ago

Happy to hear this saved you some keystrokes! And it's great to hear the service has been helpful.

ivanlinares • 10 years ago

How 7am is shorter than 700 ?

rsweetland • 10 years ago

Shorter is not always our goal – lower cognitive friction is. Ideally, we want to take whatever date you are thinking of (24hr time or not) and allow you just to write just as you think it. We have a ways to go to get there, but we're making progress.

Cody Montana • 10 years ago

"EveryOther" [Weekday] is a nice enhancement; how about adding support for "EveryThird" "EveryFourth" etc.?

rsweetland • 10 years ago

We actually have it already! Try it out on the "How to Use" page: http://www.followupthen.com...

Grete Eide • 10 years ago

Awesome changes, thank you so much!

jbyers2 • 10 years ago

Fantastic -- I wish Google Calendar supported scheduling events like this!

Brian • 8 years ago

How about "lastdayofthemonth@fut.io? That possible?