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dvdcnl • 8 years ago

On my first flight to Israel on El Al, at LAX, I didn't think they were going to let me on the plane. My luggage was searched in front of all the other travelers and I was given the 3d degree interrogation...and I am Jewish.

Silene Balassiano • 8 years ago

I'm Jewish and a Wizo Chaverá at my country and everytime I go to Israel or I'm returning to my home I must open bags and valets. and I love it! Israel is the only place that take care and protect people!

Tony • 8 years ago

This was up three days ago. Nothing new to talk about ?

Julie Gold • 8 years ago

Israel doesn't need this idiot and his idiotic son. All non-Jews are investigated in Ben-Gurion, and even Jews with far leftist views. It is not discrimination but security. This young woman did her job very well, and this Muslim with his Jewish prostitute is not welcome in Israel if he doesn't understand the need for the State to protect itself. Only Hashem and its ways, not prostitution for useless diplomacy (see a small event can destroy 10 years of efforts, so it wasn't a very strong and solid support!) with idiots. Good riddance and stop wasting time on false friends.

David • 8 years ago

This has got to be someone trying to portray Israelis/Jews as racist. No way this is real.

Asher Corey Ford • 8 years ago

I'm Jewish and Israeli but my is black...and I am treated awfully at my own airport. Please do not ask as if this is a Jewish/Non Jewish issue, Its profiling, and often victims who love their country are forced to ask themselves, why.

Polytics Analist • 8 years ago

It is OK for a Muslim to have a non-Muslim girlfriend or wife but a non-Muslim having a Muslim girlfriend or wife is violently rejected, often threatening or even killing the man or woman or both of them. The Muslims have long adopted double standards, making them think and behave without any logic.

Ratfucker • 8 years ago

Algerian authorities behave more smartly: When jewish pilgrims are visiting the graveyards and saints' tombs in Tlemcen, their bus is escorted by 2 tanks so as to protect them from the antisemitic mob. Arab visitors in Israel do not need any protection, as nobody is going to harm them, except wrongly informed terrorists.

David Salinger • 8 years ago

But why did the Foreign Ministry get involved in the first place ? Because the boy's father is rich ? BS.This brat should never have that privilege. The FM looked for this issue and got it.

Guest • 8 years ago
Julie Gold • 8 years ago

BS. All non-Jews can get this treatment. I got it many times. But I love Israel and I understand why they do that: because primitive Muslims took so many planes hostage and blew bombs everywhere. Go Israel! Enforce your security and your true friend appreciate it! Because these tough rules protect everybody: Christians, Muslims, Jews etc. This idiot was not a true friend, if his little EGO doesn't understand History and the need for the country to have strong security. Good riddance.

Miracle River • 8 years ago

Hmmm…. maybe all the "non-Jews" need a spot of "Sonderbehandlung" eh? Especially the "primitive" Muslims 😂😂

ge co • 8 years ago

When any group of living creatures are distinguished by widespread acts of violence by many of its members, all such creatures are viewed With suspicion as potential aggressors. In life, the innocent will suffer for the acts of their co-religionists and mistakes will be made. Blame the muslim world for its daily acts of violence and incendiary language against Jews. Don't blame the security personnel who are doing their job and doing it expertly.

Pedro Antonio • 8 years ago

But you have to acknowledge it was a huge blunt. security services objectives are identify the threats and gave green light to people who are clearly no threat. a security service that treats the friends of israel as ennemies is obviously a failure.

cinno1 • 8 years ago

This is neither an isolated case nor is "unprofessional young woman" relevant in an attempt to laugh it off.

Yosef • 8 years ago

If this had been someone, like me, who was of less importance, i.e. without so much money, no one would have cared. Why is it when money is involved it suddenly becomes a big deal. Racism to any human being is wrong, and this guy is not special just because his father has a deep pocket. I have to say the security staff at BG have always been the worst part of traveling to and from Israel.

Julie Gold • 8 years ago

it is not racism, it is security. Even non-Jews benefit from it. No more terror attacks: they were also killing Muslims. So please continue this tough security policy. Only idiots won't understand and call it "racism".

wuffwuffwuff • 8 years ago

Ever think about the number of Muslim suicide bombers vs Jewish? The number of Muslim terrorists vs Jewish terrorists?

Israelis and Jews are subjected to threats and terror around the world. The days of relying on "the kindness of strangers" is over.

Muslims encounter problems at airports in Israel? Try to fly to Saudi Arabia with an Israeli passport, or with a US passport and a kippah.

SteveC1 • 8 years ago

I am a Zionist Jew and I must say that this sort of behavior at Israeli airports is NOT OK. The "security agent" or whoever was responsible for the incident having been allowed to occur should be FIRED. The airport was notified IN ADVANCE of his clearance yet this happened ANYWAY. NOT OK.

David Salinger • 8 years ago

But why did he deserve this special treatment ? Because his father is rich? This is a bullshi- incident. If he and his father is pissed of...so what. So he has Jewish friends. So what.

Avraham Grossbaum • 8 years ago

"Prior to his trip, the Foreign Ministry provided the security services with information about him so as to avoid any problems."

The Israeli branch of the multi-national company in which I work also files information with Ben Gurion Airport security about our foreign guests (usually employees of other branches of our company, but also employees of our multi-national clients) in a process which is designed to ease their passage through security.

There should be an investigation as to why the interrogator was not aware of the Foreign Ministry's filing information about this man.

Goel Damkani • 8 years ago

The double standard: Muslims whine and complain when we make generalizations about them based on the actions of Muslim terrorists and extremists, but then they instantly make generalizations about Israel based on one isolated incident.

Don Basson • 8 years ago

Maybe he'd prefer the French style security under which a heavily armed terrorist, on the watch lists of Spanish, French and German security services, was allowed to board an international train in France--and was only stopped from launching a mass killing by the brave intervention of three Americans. This terrorist was on the same watch list as the Charlie Hebdo killers--another French security triumph. Between 2012 and 2014 (prior to Charlie Hebdo), there were 6 Islamist terrorist attacks in France. It seems to me that since Ben Gurion Airport has a perfect security record, critics of their manners should $TF(). Pardonnez-moi.

Joe420k • 8 years ago

This is all too common for those not blessed to be part of the tribe and happen to be Arabic or look Arabic or have Arabic sounding name or simply be wearing a Pink Floyd T-shirt. My experience at Ben-Gurion Ariport has been nothing short of a Twilight Zone trip back to the future as a black man in Mississippi in the 1950's. No other way to describe it folks. It takes you aback, to say the least, especially if you have never experienced such in your face racism before. Need to do an experiment. Replace all the Jews in Israel with Jews in America and vice versa. How will Israel be different in it's treatment towards the "other"?

Adam • 8 years ago

My experience was very similar. I was never treated like this before, nor after. Granted, nothing was stolen from my luggage. But there was nothing to steal in it.

Don Basson • 8 years ago

Sounds like a troll with 36 total posts and a private profile.

Yeah, Ben Gurion airport treats you just like "a black man in Mississippi in the 1950s. No other way to describe it folks." Were you lynched? Made to sit in a segregated counter? Subjected to attack dogs?

Cut the Shiite.

Joe420k • 8 years ago

I was going to make a comment about lynching and to say " no I wasn't lynched..but" and thought better of it. I took into account the readers of this forum are much smarter than that. I see I was wrong. So unless I'm lynched my experience is not worthy of mentioning? No problem dude. Have a good life.

Justsomeone • 8 years ago

Don't twist our words, security arrangements in airports are required to protect everyone (you included), if we remove said arrangements, then we are sitting ducks for terrorists to hijack or blow up airplanes, do you want that?

Joe420k • 8 years ago

I'm all for security. That is why I have no problem taking off my shoes and belt and all my carry on items at airports in the US and abroad. The issue here is racism. It's real and no matter how much lipstick you put on this pig, it's still a pig. The only way you might come close to understanding what I'm talking about is to have in our airports in the states a special line for Jews only. Have all the gentiles move freely without any hindrance or delay while the Jews are herded into a cramped interrogation room with no windows - where they have to sit for hours while being prodded to no end. We are talking about old Jewish women and men, and young children with no regard to their physical condition. I don't know what the solution is because I understand other Jews are not a threat but some Muslims might be. But how many American citizens were ever involved in terror acts at Israeli airport? Can we start from that point, TO TREAT AMERCIAN CITIZENS OR FRENCH CITIZENS as Jews want to be treated in those countries? I'm an American but of Palestinian descent and nothing pissed off security officials more than when I spoke English. He demanded I speak Arabic. I of course responded by saying I will speak Arabic when you start speaking Russian. It didn't go down well but that's life.

Justsomeone • 8 years ago

There are many Jews here who were subject to the same treatment as yourself, some Jews and Israelis here shared their stories about the B-G airport, try to understand the other side before making such a claim, I too was body-searched(entire body) in an airport in London(because I looked Arab), but I understood why it was needed, did you forget 9/11 already?

We can't repeat the mistakes of the past, that being said, if you were mistreated, you should tell the people in charge to take care of it.

Joseph Kelsall • 8 years ago

Did you forget the film crew in New Jersey contemporaneously documenting 9/11?

Joe420k • 8 years ago

I complained to my Senator when I got back home. He told me in robotic fashion:" Israel is our greatest ally in the Middle East". I said ok, what about the mistreatment I received at the airport. He comes back to say:" Israel is our number one ally in the Middle East". Ok, I got it, you love Israel, ( watching the debate last night brought back that conversation I had with the Senator)...but what about American citizens being mistreated by a country we gave a 100 billion in aid over the years? Shouldn't you contact someone to complain? Like maybe the Israeli Ambassador?

He said:" No, there is nothing I can do. Israel is our best ally in the Middle East". Ok....that went well.

Joseph Kelsall • 8 years ago

Israel is nobody's 'best ally' but Israel.

Joe420k • 8 years ago

Actually, I try to forget 9/11 and all negativity in the world. I don't believe in rehashing past tragedies much less commemorating those dates. Nothing personal as I know this view is foreign to some - especially to Jews. That is why I'm able to be positive about Israel despite my horrible experience and my misgiving with many of it's policies towards the natives. All I'm saying is this hatred or fear of the other has to be tapered with common sense. It starts with treating Americans as Israeli's would like to be treated in America. That is a simple proposition. They can discriminate against the Belgians, or Germans or whoever, but not Americans since my tax dollars go to pay for that rat hole of a place.

Don Basson • 8 years ago

He's a troll. He just wants to attack Jews and Israel on the internet.

Don Basson • 8 years ago

The readers of this forum are smart enough to sniff a troll out, especially when he compares Ben Gurion Airport with the treatment meted out to blacks in the 1950s in Mississippi.

Robert Yaro • 8 years ago

Why should the son of a billionaire be treat any differently than any one else? He is not a diplomat who has immunity.

Voice of Reason • 8 years ago

Why do people take the standard procedure so personally? I was flying with a baby once and they treated it like a bomb threat. Annoying -- yes, but "international scandal"? Passengers should be grateful that security procedures are in place, considering the reason why they do it in the first place.

Avraham Ish Shalom • 8 years ago

Yeah, but if you were a billionnaire's child with a huge sense of entitlement believing that because your father is rich you're better than anyone else, you might throw a tantrum at regular procedures like this asshat did.

ScottAdler • 8 years ago

In 1974, I was invited by the Israeli government to participate in a tour of Jewish-American journalists. Everything went well for twelve glorious days, until some idiot girl in a customs officer's uniform decided that I was a massive security risk. Right. She closely inspected my underwear and sox for bombs -- and stared and stared and stared at a *transparent!* plastic toothbrush in an apparent attempt to find electronic wiring and a timer inside it, or perhaps transparent cartridges. Needless to say, she failed.

No one ever told me why I was singled out, and no one ever apologized.

The only thing I was told is, "This is for the security of Israel!"

Shooting a few fire-bomb throwers might do a lot more for the security of Israel than an obsessive inspection of a transparent, plastic toothbrush.

Justsomeone • 8 years ago

I agree that it is annoying to go through this kind of test, I did too, I didn't like it, but I understood why it was needed, regardless you should had reported that girl to her superiors, she doesn't have the authority to decide if people are security threats.

David Salinger • 8 years ago

41 Years ago ? Boy do you have a long memory. Now I remember going into Puerto Rico around the same time. Customs broke my slipper in half looking for ?? I haven't a clue. Forget about it. Now it's post 9/11 the religion of peace has changed the world forever.

David Salinger • 8 years ago

If Muslims would behave themselves everywhere this type of issue would never occur . I travel from TA to Gatwick and I am glad these measures are in place. Do I need to lay out a list of all the shi..that is taking place all over the planet committed by members of the religion of peace ?

Adam • 8 years ago

In Heathrow my documents were checked by a Muslim - a young lady in a hijab. She behaved correctly, formally and even cracked few smiles. I cannot say anything similar about young ladies in uniforms in the Ben Gurion

Justsomeone • 8 years ago

Because Israel and the US are under much larger threat, more precautions are needed, besides I was body-searched by a man in an airport in London, did I like it?


Did I understand WHY he did it?


Regardless, you should report the worker if he mistreats you.

Adam • 8 years ago

Good point. I did complain, but informally. Beside, technically, being asked the same questions over and over again, for almost half an hour is exceptionally annoying. But, does it qualify as mistreatment - at least in Israel?

Masha S • 8 years ago

Do not conflate "understand" and "justify".

These are not the same things.

Justsomeone • 8 years ago

I think it was justified, they had security concerns, and I complied, again, if you the worker mistreats you, report him to his superiors, and move on.

Masha S • 8 years ago

Why do you think it was justified? Did you give them any reasons to suspect you in conspiring against public security?
Keep in mind proper protocol calls for the specific points to be triggered to require such measures, not every single passenger has to undergo it.

tom • 8 years ago

Mistakes happen ; don't forget Algerians attack French Jews , by the way of the 100,000+ Jews prior to 1948 how many are left ?