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Kenny Gold • 7 years ago

Ron Ruggieri wrote : blah, blah blah, love trump blah blah, blah hate women but love molesting them blah, blah trying to paint myself as a moderate blah, blah blah, blah My comments are just footnotes to my blog :

Footnotes to your blog?!! No one cares about your blog. You are as important and significant as me - i.e. not very.
You had 1411 hate posts and counting - don't act like you're passing through with a few minutes to spare. Get a life.

Guest • 7 years ago
Ron Ruggieri • 7 years ago

I give you the " New McCarthyism " - the poisonous politics of the Democratic Party in collusion with the CIA.

What does working class America think about World War III ?

From JFK and RFK back to J. Edgar Hoover !

Ron Ruggieri • 7 years ago

Most working class Americans would readily agree with the opinions expressed in my blog. The ruling class routinely tells honest voices ON THE LEFT how insignificant they are. Rather than focus on a writer's real or imagined character flaws why not discuss the supra-personal issues : like the economic and political crisis of American capitalist society ? Why not follow the World Socialist Web Site ? Are their members all in desperate need of daffy bourgeois psychiatric counseling ?
No lunatic rage in petty bourgeois " identity politics " ?
What CLASS has your loyalty ? No Marxist would talk like this.

Vandermeer • 7 years ago

So who is covering the deregulation of coal that was signed into law yesterday? So sad to see the cable news stuck on just this story.

Kenny Gold • 7 years ago

To Ron Ruggieri - So I looked to see your comment history -Ron Ruggieri Ron Ruggieri Comments 1411
Holy crapoli pal !! Do you have a life? Are you so filled with rage and anger that you literally spend ALL day trolling what are clearly liberal sites just to find something to complain about - posting messages about your love of trump and hate of blacks, muslims, women and gays? Does backing up a man who openly talks about how he can physically abuse a woman based on his wealth, status and power mean that much to you? You must HATE women.
Seriously - close your computer, put some clothes on and get out of your mothers basement - you must be in your 60's. Go enjoy life. It is too short (especially at your age) to waste being so angry all the time.

Guest • 7 years ago
Vandermeer • 7 years ago

The news conference could have been great afternoon entertainment and laughable IF this guy wasn't the "head of the free world." Unhinged. Thanks NPR... that's why I support NPR and PBS! The home to REAL NEWS.

jeffet68 • 7 years ago

So the leaks from the Intelligence Services are real but the news reporting them are not...
Wow, this man is the POTUS?

cab02149 • 7 years ago

He is insane. Get rid of him before he does very real damage to the country. Time is not on our side.

Ron Ruggieri • 7 years ago

Donald Trump is -by the nation's own laws - the legitimate president of the United States. Do you recommend that the CIA consider another Salvadore Allende - " Marxist" president of Chile - " project " ?

The CIA and the Democratic Party and the mainstream news media seem to hate Trump for a very wrong reason : he is not a war monger toward Russia and respects Vladimir Putin.

Consider the support Trump has among all those Americans who voted for him.Any violence against Trump will spark immediate civil war.

THINK about what you are suggesting.

nahweh • 7 years ago

I don't see any advocacy of "violence against Trump" in that comment. There are perfectly legitimate ways to "get rid of" Trump without violence. Nor did the comment advocate some sort of CIA "Deep State" takedown.
You devote an incredible amount of energy attacking the Democratic Party ("Hawk Hillary", "Wall Street Hillary", etc.) and defending Trump. You've portrayed yourself as a "democratic socialist", or at least as having such leanings. But what's your real angle?

Ron Ruggieri • 7 years ago

In general democratic socialists agree that BOTH the Democratic and Republican parties serve the American plutocracy.

But the Democratic Party, the mainstream news media -with the collusion of the CIA - have been demonizing Donald Trump since his nomination as the Republican presidential candidate.

Does every American who voted for Trump have a warped soul , hates everybody outside his or her immediate social circle ?

The popularity of both the right wing nationalist Donald Trump and the " socialist " Bernie Sanders can only be explained by a profound crisis of American capitalism.

" Angry working class voters " in those Rust Belt states handed the presidency to Donald Trump. Hillary Clinton was completely out of touch with the American working class " deplorables " ( which included devout Catholics ) .

And speak about " hate " ? Nothing is more hateful than your " identity politics " .
Democratic socialists have a CLASS perspective on various forms of social inequality in capitalist society. It really makes a lot more sense.

nahweh • 7 years ago

Trump doesn't need to be "demonized"; he need only open his mouth.

"Does every American who voted for Trump have a warped soul..?"
It's a distinct possibility. The fact that many Americans could look past Trump's cheap appeals to white nationalism out of some resentment (stoked by right-wing media) of "coastal elites" (code for educated, and probably atheist) really makes me question their decency.

Yes, the popularity of Bernie Sanders can be explained by a profound crisis of American capitalism. The popularity of Donald Trump can, to a large extent, be explained by the fact that many Americans identify with ignorant, anti-intellectual blowhards, especially when they validate their basest emotions. It's the same mentality that causes the weak to rally around a bully.

Anyway, if you, as a "democratic socialist" Trump apologist, find it more worthwhile to vilify the Democratic party ("Hawk Hillary", "Wall St Hillary") than to comment on the dangers posed by the fascist administration in power, then have at it. But it's an odd way to try to get people to read your blog. And I KNOW you know Bann.. I mean Trump.. is a real threat to this country.

Ron Ruggieri • 7 years ago

The Hillary Democrats -after sabotaging the Bernie Sanders " political revolution " - quickly evolved into a neo-con war party and they are now promoting the New McCarthyism.

The war criminal Hillary Clinton was not even a " lesser evil " to President Donald Trump . Democratic socialists also regard him and his junta as political antagonists.

But the BIG LIE against Trump is still UNPRINCIPLED politics on the working class Left.

Trump is NOT the puppet of Russia's Vladimir Putin. And it is only sanity to want a good relationship with nuclear powered Russia. Not for nothing Putin viewed Hillary Clinton as the face of World War III.

Why the HATE RUSSIA campaign ? What did post- communist Russia do to working class Americans ? Is the Russian oligarchy more of a menace to us than the American plutocracy ?

The neo-Democrats abandoned working class America decades ago.

We need our own American Labor Party- with a militant class struggle spirit. What do the Hillary Democrats offer ?

What is so " hateful " about that ?

nahweh • 7 years ago

Yes, I completely disapprove of Hillary Clinton's neo-con orientation. That was one of the primary reasons I supported Bernie Sanders. I was also disgusted by her quid pro quo dealings with the Saudis and others who made donations to the Clinton Foundation. I get all that. But Trump (Bannon's "blunt instrument" - his words, not mine) is a VERY dangerous little man in a multitude of ways. He's encouraging and rewarding racists, scapegoating a religious minority, rounding up immigrants who are here just as a matter of survival, putting the environment at risk (Pruitt!?), trying to take away women's reproductive rights (Gorsuch), engaging in an attempt to "break" teachers' unions (DeVos), tearing down regulations that reined-in banks, pissing-off our allies, etc., etc.
Regarding the "HATE RUSSIA campaign": I think Americans are rightfully horrified by the FSB's meddling in our election. YES- I'm well aware of what the CIA did to Allende, Mossadegh, etc. It's a shameful history. But that doesn't mean Americans should shrug off Russian meddling.
I agree that we need our own American Labor Party. What we have now is a party FOR the kleptocrats BY the kleptocrats, supported by legions of gullible racists who could be easily manipulated into becoming American Brownshirts.

Ron Ruggieri • 7 years ago

How to fight American fascism ? Not by winking at undemocratic conspiracies against a for now LEGITIMATE president of the United States.

Where in the world is the CIA a force for love and compassion ?

Endless appeals to RACE, GENDER, and SEX did not help elect Hillary, did it ?

There has been violence against working and middle class Trump supporters.Democratic socialists have a long history of support for women's rights, for civil rights.

Way back in 1970 American socialists were defending gay people from hysterical persecution.

And we always had an understanding of anti-Semitism based on historical materialism - which does not see any race, nation, or ethnic group as " special ".

If Eugene V. Debs were alive today, do you think he would advocate support for lesser evil Democrats ? Read his famous Canton Speech !

Bernie Sanders forgot the ABCs of class struggle socialism. But I gave him " critical support " until he endorsed Hillary Clinton.

[ I fail to see any HATE in any of my blog posts :

http://radicalrons.blogspot... ]

Kenny Gold • 7 years ago

To Ron Ruggieri - So I looked to see your comment history -Ron Ruggieri Ron Ruggieri Comments 1411


Holy crapoli pal !! Do you have a life? Are you so filled with rage and anger that you literally spend ALL day trolling what are clearly liberal sites just to find something to complain about - posting messages about your love of trump and hate of blacks, muslims, women and gays? Does backing up a man who openly talks about how he can physically abuse a woman based on his wealth, status and power mean that much to you? You must HATE women.

Seriously - close your computer, put some clothes on and get out of your mothers basement - you must be in your 60's. Go enjoy life. It is too short (especially at your age) to waste being so angry all the time.

waynemiller • 7 years ago

Right on, Kenny Gold. Well said.

Ron Ruggieri • 7 years ago

" Get rid of Trump " ? That too was well said ?

Ron Ruggieri • 7 years ago

Why don't you discuss " anger " issues with " liberals " who are winking at possible CIA violence against President Trump for whom I did NOT vote . I am a democratic socialist .
My comments are just footnotes to my blog :
[http://radicalrons.blogspot... ]

downtown21 • 7 years ago

What a disgrace.

Guest • 7 years ago
larrymotuz • 7 years ago

RetroPam : Look at this!


Get everyone you know to fill it in. :-)

CmT1088 • 7 years ago

Oh God...there goes all sense of reality https://uploads.disquscdn.c...