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Jon Green • 6 years ago

Obviously not an independent and unbiased article!

The author states, "I have over 25 years experience in marketing, business development, and product development in the medical products industry, working in a variety of marketing, sales, clinical research, and product development roles with large and small medical products companies".

How can you trust someone who has spent 25 years marketing pharmaceuticals to tell the truth about the very products he may have or may still be selling?

Lots of misinformation methinks!

David Hammond • 6 years ago

The flu vaccine is not effective - the Cochrane report states that "71 people would need vaccination to prevent one case of influenza (95% CI 64 to 80). Vaccination shows no appreciable effect on working days lost or hospitalisation."

Ben Dev • 6 years ago

Dear Skeptical Raptor.....after having read this post I unfortunately have lost a lot of confidence in anything you have to say as there are some major flaws in your article here and makes me think you are intentionally misdirecting the truth....one major point to point out is your treatment of thimerisol....you are correct it is not elemental Mercury but conveniently do not point out that Ethylmercury is in fact more toxic than Merthylmercury.....I have witness a thimerisol containing vaccine be dropped and broken resulting in an area being quarantined! Also you state that Mercury doesn't bio accumulate..:,half truth again....you would be correct if we were talking about ingestion or absorbtion but when injected intramuscularly it does! As is proven in the below study!! Al also bio accumulates in the same fashion...and where to begin with your very basic argument about formaldehyde I could talk for hours about the instability of ch2o and how it reacts differently in different situations!! It is a shame because i used to feel you were a credible source of information.....now I realise you practice the same pseudoscience you profess to "hunt".....integrity and truth are everything and you are a sham!!


Neil Wicketts • 6 years ago

I looked at that study you cherry picked Ben.

I now have no confidence in anything YOU have to say...

Ken Warren • 7 years ago

Bogus science. Robert Kennedy Jr recently rebutted the claims that Thiomerosal is safe by presenting 250 peer reviewed research articles that concluded the dosage contained in vaccines is dangerous from even one dose. THERE HAS NEVER BEEN ANY RESEARCH TO SHOW THAT THIOMEROSAL IS SAFE

Neil Wicketts • 6 years ago

Did he? Would be interesting but i had a look and can't find anything about that.

But he has been exposed as a MASSIVE liar....


I found NINE STUDIES TO SHOW THIOMERSAL IS SAFE. Took ten seconds i won't get back, you owe me!


hawaii72 • 7 years ago

If vaccines are so "safe and effective" why do ALL of the vaccine inserts, contain the following disclaimer: "(Vaccine name) has not been evaluated for its carcinogenic or mutagenic potential, or for impairment of fertility" The exact same wording is used on EVERY vaccine manufactured, no matter who the manufacturer is. In my short lifetime we have had an explosion of cancer, auto-immune disorders, autism and infertility, extremely rare when I was a child. In fact, childhood cancer was unheard of in the US and autism was so rare you would be hard pressed to find someone my age with autism. Why is the govt. forcing people to take multiple injections of ingredients that haven't been tested for the serious conditions that have become rampant in the populations that are heavily vaccinated? South Korea is now seeing an explosion of autism and the one thing they have universally done is started the same vaccination schedule that the US and China have been under. Now they are injecting pregnant women for God's sake and premature babies as well as immune compromised children, malnutritioned and sick. This is not scientific. They are giving children nine different vaccines in one visit. This is totally insane as even the vaccine inserts state that these vaccines have not been testing when given in conjunction with each other. So scientifically the vaccine manufacturers and the govt. cannot state that vaccines do not cause cancer, auto-immune disorders, autism because they haven't been tested properly, not by the manufacturer, nor by the govt. Heavy metals should NOT be injected into the human body, period. I don't care how much is in it. These vaccines are not all the same, there are different varieties of MMR, DPT, Flu vaccines, etc.and the lots vary and are not tested. This is pure voodoo science and should be stopped. They are altering the genetics of children and any damage done will be passed on through epi-genetics to the next generation. It is beyond disgusting and I am sick of the medical community allowing pharmaceutical companies to experiment on all of us because that is what they are doing. Skeptical Raptor, why don't you do an experiment on yourself and get all the vaccines at once. If you want to be protected from the flu, then get all the different shots and mists available at once and you should be the picture of health afterwards if vaccination is so scientifically sound. Make sure to take it in the groin as they are doing to little babies, especially the boys.

Marty • 6 years ago

Re: "(Vaccine name) has not been evaluated for its carcinogenic or mutagenic potential, or for impairment of fertility"

Perhaps mathematics hasn't yet explained the mechanisms and biochemistry of things like the genesis of cancer or degenerative neurological conditions like dementia?

It's all very well to say "the dose maketh the poison" but that assumes they know what the poison is and its mode of action.

Pure hubris.

Ben • 7 years ago

I just have one question. Why does the author of this pretty well-written scientific blog seem to be bent on peddling the flu vaccine? Can't people simply have the freedom to choose what they (or what they don't) want to put into their own bodies regardless of their reasoning? The author's reference to those not desiring the flu vaccine as a cult seems easily reversed 180 degrees to it being "cult like" for the author to propagandize their opinion in a fashion that demeans others for being skeptical (as the author claims to be). Is this article scientific? Yes, with a staunch sense of personal anger towards those who may simply not want the flu shot!

M.Knight • 7 years ago

I'm not sure I understand your statements:
"The theoretical LD50 dose for that same child would be around 2000 mg of thiomersal, or about 80,000 times higher than the amount of thiomersal in one vaccine dose–if vaccines used in children actually had thiomersal, which it doesn’t."
".........And again, since there’s no thiomersal in pediatric vaccines this argument is ridiculous."

I don't see how your statements are true when the picture of the box shows that it can be given to individuals 6 months and older. I thought 6 months is a child, not to mention several years afterwards.

anna • 7 years ago

Your site is pretty disturbing. I had family members healed by alternative treatments when they were sick with cancer, pertussis, etc. I understand you are a doctor, well maybe its time to go back to school for some serious writing classes. I just don't see how your site is helpful to anyone. Taking it down will be a super great option for you. A concerned parent. Here are a few sites for you to look at in regards to vaccines. BTW they are all FDA sites, so read up before posting again!
About herd immunity, it simply cant work because vaccines can shed for a long time without the person knowing, this is how: (just copy and paste the last portion of the link into the fda search menu and look at the page about shedding).

Live Viruses and Why The Herd Immunity is For Sheep and NOT for People!
All live virus vaccines contain LIVE viruses. They may be weakened but they can still replicate in the right environment and infect both the vaccinated and "shed" to people around them for weeks after the vaccine is given.
➡Which vaccines are LIVE?
Chicken Pox- Varivax Section 5.4 (up to 6 weeks):
MMR- MMRII page 5 (Up to 28 days):
Shingles- Zostavax Section 5.2:
Rotavirus- Rotateq Section 5:5 (Up to 15 days, fecal shedding):
Small Pox- ACAM2000 Section 5:10 (Only used in the military but highly contagious): http://www.fda.gov/…/Vaccin...
➡ But does that REALLY happen? Yes. Yes it can and does as these studies illustrate:
Varicella transfer after vaccine to pregnant mom:
Pub Med article on Rotavirus shedding:
Mumps Vaccine sheds:
Mumps vaccine sheds:
Measles virus sheds for 1-13 days after vaccination:
Mumps outbreak in Netherlands linked to those vaccinated twice with MMR:
Measles vaccinated child responsible for outbreak in British Columbia:
New York Measles outbreak linked to vaccinated:
Measles outbreak among the vaccinated:
We don't know for certain how long shedding occurs because we don't test for it long term or regularly but in rare instances, it has gone on for years:
➡ Additionally, the Dtap/Tdap and Polio vaccines that are NOT live has been shown to cause the vaccinated to become asymptomatic carriers whenever exposed, thus the vaccinated can be spreading the illness without knowing at any time:
Pertussis carrier: http://www.fda.gov/…/Newsr…...
Diphtheria carrier: http://www.cdc.gov/diphther...
The polio vaccine “does not stop transmission of the virus.” & “when a person immunized with IPV is infected with wild poliovirus, the virus can still multiply inside the intestines and be shed in the feces, risking continued circulation.” http://polioeradication.org...
➡ You can also find that most medical facilities are aware of this. Johns Hopkins and St. Jude hospitals are just a few of many who post precautions for recently vaccinated visitors.
👍WHY does this matter?
Because society is so deathly afraid of these illnesses that they rush out and load up on vaccines and want to even pass laws forcing others to do the same..... but the science shows that it's the vaccinated that are at a higher risk of infections and spreading the illnesses because they are routinely injected with them. Be aware of the infection and carrier risk each vaccine has when making your choice- AND take care when around the immune compromised if you have been recently vaccinated or around someone with the illnesses even if you don't show symptoms.

John James Kaiser • 6 years ago

"I understand you are a doctor, well maybe its time to go back to school for some serious writing classes"

*it's = it is

"A concerned parent."

Not a complete sentence

"About herd immunity, it simply cant work..."


Maybe, don't recommend another person "go back to school for some serious writing classes" when you clearly need a few yourself.

nancy gillham • 8 years ago

I found this article informative but very disrespectful and unprofessional

James Renn • 8 years ago

In the text a dose equivalent to the LD50 of thiomersal was later equated with whether the dose 80,000 times less could [not] be toxic. There is no way a dose that would KILL half the study animals can be used to determine it's safety in small doses. This is a common fallacy of logic that is often used to claim safety. Our bodies are bombarded with SMALL doses of herbicides, pesticides, heavy metals, industrial by products, carcinogens of all kinds. The difference of exposure that could outright kill and a bio-accumulation that has metabolic detriment is undeterminable. My common sense logic, given our exposure to environmental poisons, says; why would I voluntarily put any additional metabolic disruptor in my body?

intern • 8 years ago

Looks like the raptor is going down on this one.

Skeptical Raptor • 8 years ago

Going down? Oh you mean in your delusional state. OK, I accept that.

Concerned human • 8 years ago

If you say that there is almost nothing to detect,why is there vaccine compensation funds that pay out BILLIONS of dollars to effected people?

Neil Wicketts • 6 years ago

Pre existing conditions and allergic reactions, nothing to do with miniscule amounts of anything. I just looked it up, why didn't you?

shay simmons • 8 years ago

And it's the sock puppet. How is he 'going down,' exactly?

intern • 8 years ago

But why would any sane person have a flu vaccine? Sort of negates your appeal to emotion.

shay simmons • 8 years ago

Because sane people don't listen to you.

Guest • 8 years ago
Lou • 8 years ago

Every year I give my elephant chant and NEVER has an elephant shown up in my back yard. I have found I dare NOT forget my chant. Directly after my chant I go to my witch doctor for my flu shot.

intern • 8 years ago

That explains a lot! LOL

Guest • 8 years ago
intern • 8 years ago

Weill it didn't last year, it was only '3%' effective! why didn't we see a 97% increase in flu outbreaks then? funny that

shay simmons • 8 years ago

Go ahead, surprise us. Post an argument and some cites... for once.

Skeptical Raptor • 8 years ago

He only knows cherrypicking. Don't hold your breath for anything cogent or intelligent.

shay simmons • 8 years ago

If you were wondering why you're suddenly graced with his presence, it's because he's been kicked off SBM for sock puppetry.

Guest • 8 years ago
Skeptical Raptor • 8 years ago

Once again, you're ignorant and never took a single science course in grad school. Oh wait, that's hard to do when you don't even have a high school degree.

Thiomersal does not equal mercury. So now STFU and troll someplace else you fool.

Second, using a strawman argument about tuskegeee? More stupidity from your ignorant little brain.

Go get an education. And learn how to use fucking paragraphs.

Paul Lerner • 7 years ago

whilst people may not die from it doesn't mean that it can't cause neurological problems which is what mercury is associated with I thought. I have no reason to know one way or the other incidentally and no axe to grind.

Guest • 8 years ago
Skeptical Raptor • 8 years ago

You're an idiot who can't be bothered to read more than 1 sentence.

intern • 8 years ago

I think the septic rectum is angry because he has written some particularly stupid things this time and none of his friends are supporting his stupid.

Skeptical Raptor • 8 years ago

Yes. None of my friends. Except the 80,000 times it was shared on Facebook, and another 10,000 times on Twitter. 99.9999% in support. :)

intern • 8 years ago

So you can't raise $1000 dollars to keep the shite ark afloat! Hits means nothing, Sharing crap is easy, twitting woo is even easier.

shay simmons • 8 years ago

Says the poster shared by no-one.

James Renn • 8 years ago

LD50 of a substance can in no way determine degree of toxicity. Lethality yes. There is a fallacy in the above argument and many such arguments: that is using LD50 as a measurement of harm, including presumed negligible harm. If it takes a gram of a substance to kill half of the study animals, do you assume a tiny amount is harmless? It's a long way from metabolic harm to outright death.

JS • 8 years ago


Not sure why SR has to be so caustic but maybe only boorish people have facts? Why are you so threatened by the views of others who disagree with you?

In other news, what about the facts in the link above? We can talk dosage all we want, but there are also facts in the numbers of those who have had negative, and often severely negative, side effects. You might say the percentage is low, but why shouldn't a person simply be allowed to decide whether or not it makes sense to get the flu shot. The percentage of the entire population who actually have a severe encounter with the flu is also relatively low. If a person doesn't want to be injected with a vaccine that guesses at the three most likely viruses of the season out of over a hundred, it seems we should respect autonomy.

nancy gillham • 8 years ago

Thank you I agree. I am a nurse and if I don't take the vaccine I have to wear a mask which is awkward and embaressing and an invasion of my privacy. I just want a choice of what goes into my body

TV is brainwashing • 8 years ago

Exactly, people can make their own decisions about what goes into their bodies based on "the mathematics".

intern • 8 years ago

The author's maths here and reality seem to be rather tenuous.

shay simmons • 8 years ago

So, show exactly how the math is wrong.

TV is brainwashing • 8 years ago

The reality that all pro vaxers push is tenuous

intern • 8 years ago

Well to be honest it isn't a reality, it is an artificial construct. The 'evidence base' is paid for and the media accept payments for adverts and fake documentaries. It isn't a conspiracy, it is happening!

TV is brainwashing • 8 years ago

You and i both know that the reality that pro vaxers push is a false reality, but it is an excellent example of brainwashing.

intern • 8 years ago

Yes it is, the pasta one is totally mushed by the raptor, pennyfarthing too. I suppose it stops them buying a Magnum and walking into a burger shop and killing children.

TV is brainwashing • 8 years ago

Sorry you lost me with that one

intern • 8 years ago

The other pretend characters on this site that are supposed to represent facets on the septic pan. You know, the aggressive one, the passive but assertive one, the psychotic one, all memes of the same straw bale.
thought I might donate .50c just to see where the account goes