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Captain_Sensible50 • 8 years ago

Plenty of outrage to go around.

The International edition names the perp as an "Islamist sympathizer". The US edition makes no similar mention.

ahatfl • 8 years ago

Airman 1st Class Spencer Stone...was not a Marine...but is a hero

Ice Colde Troll • 8 years ago

Notice the Spanish edition says the terrorists motives are "unknown." Chickenshhts.

Warmongerel • 8 years ago

It might lessen the world's hatred for America a tiny bit, and CNN doesn't want that.

Grumpy • 8 years ago

Alek Skarlatos: "I noticed when I removed the round in the chamber of the AK that the primer had been struck, which means he pulled the trigger... The primer was just faulty, so the gun did not go off"

Hey, Dummies! Buy American!

Seriously? • 8 years ago

Or the terrorist might have had an easy "trigger pull," So the hammer, or pin, would have not hit with as much force. We had so many competitive shooters who never understood that fact.

muckraker • 8 years ago

The French actor guy hurt his hand sounding the alarm. Hardly newsworthy

Actually, the reputation he gains for heroism will probably do wonders for his career. As for the Americans who "helped," "Merci, mes amis. See you at Cannes."

NRD90 • 8 years ago

Why do we even bother with the rest of the world at this point?

I think that CNN, if it were to be unconcerned with "foreign affairs", would have still did that Marines headline if possible, even as it is.

William2010 • 8 years ago

Why are people claiming that US Marines stopped the poor, innocent victim of Western Aggression. You know of whom I speak, the person who was oppressed, unfairly and unjustly attacked by xenophobic, Islamophobic westerners. That poor victim is a member of the Religion of Peace, Love, Mercy, Compassion, Tolerance, Understanding, Respect, Enlightenment, cute little puppies, adorable kittens, sweetness and light, and all that stuff (grin).

Is this story changing as it is retold?

The most recent information I have via news is that the first person to take a stand against the Isalmofascist militant jihadi member of the Religion of Peace, Love, Mercy, Compassion, Tolerance, Understanding, Enlightenment, and so forth, is a US Air Force member. He was injured when the poor, oppressed member of the Religion of Peace, Love, Mercy, Compassion, Tolerance, Understanding, Respect, Enlightenment, gentleness, unicorns, kittens, puppies, bunnies, and so forth, pulled out a sharp cutting device, allegedly a box cutter, and injured the US Air Force hero. The second person, a friend of the first, is a US National Guard reservist, or something. Was this person actually a US Marine reservist, or variation thereof? The third person is a friend of the first two, the three friends traveling together.

So, who has the accurate, up-to-date facts, or is this a tale which will continue to be rewritten as time goes on?

Maybe this Moroccan hero was avenging "Cecil le leon" in Zimbabwe.

Guest • 8 years ago

Initial reports were that it was U.S. Marines, and that info has since been corrected as of late last night. It was a U.S. Airman and a member of the Oregon National Guard (who was in leave from Afghanistan).

SutureSelf • 8 years ago

There's also an oddity in the sub-head: "Suspect is Islamist sympathizer..." He's not an Islamist sympathizer. He's an Islamist.

Jake Bradford • 8 years ago

Regular CNN contributor, Wendy Walsh, "jokes" that GOP likes to hunt black ppl, so what is Ben Carson doing with them?


I was all over that last night - that's a pathetic comparison, and from a woman who is self-proclaimed to be "America's Relationship Expert" She works at an Asst. Professor at a CSU in SoCal and also has a talk show on KFI in Los Angeles.

could you imagine the backlash had someone anyone from Fox posted that? lord it would still be headline news....

Letthemeatcake • 8 years ago

So it's OK to be racist toward a black person, if the black person is a Republican. That seems to be the liberal law. Democrat party trumps a black Republican.

Walsh played a TV "weather girl" in Day After Tomorrow so we know that she's certainly no brain surgeon. I'm convinced that most people who study psychology do so because they want to solve their own underlying issues. Judging by her snottiness she's still working on hers.

Her replies to the backlash of her hateful comment read like that of a 12 yr. old.

American • 8 years ago

"This type of mass violence does not happen in other advanced countries."
-Barack Hussein Obama

"This type of mass violence does not happen in other advanced countries when brave and badass Americans are there to prevent it."

It needed amending, so I amended it.

honestAbesurd • 8 years ago


Arttie, Chump Deplorable • 8 years ago

from the international nyt

jwmiller • 8 years ago

In one report-'Motivation unknown'. Really?

Joel A. Edge • 8 years ago

"Would it kill CNN to acknowledge the Marines in the headline for international readers?"
Yes..yes it would.

The french must've thought it was Inspector Clouseau or something.

The Elf Unleashedâ„¢ • 8 years ago

CNN doesn't want to paint Marines as Heroes as according to Obama we are a nation of Peace with a military that is war hungry so he tries to placate them but really wants to disband them so we can be a real Nation of Ultimate Peace that the rest of the World will automatically follow cause it's Obama and he is the King of the World

ramthemdems • 8 years ago

All hail the mighty O'Liar.

Yeah Buddy • 8 years ago

"This is CNN... the official media mouthpiece of the Obama Administration."

Yeah Buddy • 8 years ago

If CNN ignores a story, did it happen at all?

Petrucio14 • 8 years ago

Wouldn't it be nice if in ANY of the headlines it were mentioned that the Marines were US?

ramthemdems • 8 years ago

What, and destroy the "US marines are savage warmongers" narrative?

Rulz • 8 years ago

And some progressives think their way will automatically be adopted by all.

NannoH • 8 years ago

Hmmm….American military with guns have to do the job of French gendarmes who are not permitted to be armed. What in the he11 is wrong with this picture?

Nikipedia33 • 8 years ago

I don't even think the marines had guns, I'm pretty sure they just beat the piss out of the shooter. Just wait, this will be used to say that good guys with guns are useless, never mind most people aren't beefcakes with years of training in various martial arts (Krav Maga comes to mind)

" Murderous US Marines attacks Peaceful Muslim on train"

Would this headline be on Al Jazeera or CNN ?

Sierra Faith • 8 years ago

US version has been changed from:




So, we cannot mentioned "TERROR ATTACK" (by the way, for those keeping score, that is a twofer to remove both the words "terror" and "attack"), and we certainly cannot give _any_ credit to the United States Marines.

Good to see CNN remains utterly shameless. . . .

Jason Harris • 8 years ago

The Arabic version sounds like there was an actual fire, and when they say US soldiers "were in control", it kind of leads people to believe, that they were the cause of it all.

IBXNJ • 8 years ago

CNN called the shooters at the Charlie Hebow attack " activists"! Does an"activist" now take up arms and KILL PEOPLE? ??

The media called the rioters in Ferguson and Baltimore "peaceful protesters"

sandyaz • 8 years ago

There's a reason they are called Cheese-eating Surrender Monkeys.

MoxieLouise1 • 8 years ago

What a bunch of toadies!

How to make your very own European Battle Flag.

Here we see the French military reaction to gunfire.


Jim R • 8 years ago


I've always loved this.

Let's get real:
EU edition, fewer clicks if you go with USMC, more if you go with local celebrity.
Other editions: Lead with Marines-- "Who the phucque is J.-H. Anglade?"

Jim R • 8 years ago

So, US Marines* kicked the hell out of some terrorists? Is anybody surprised? Killing unarmed men and raping helpless women seems to be the terrorists' speed.

Dear El Presidente: I think that this MIGHT suggest the solution to ISIS that you've (allegedly) been looking for.



(*) US servicemen generally. Hell, even our women kick hell out of ISIS in a stand-up fight.

Reminds me of a line from my all-time fave movie, "Easy. Ya just don't lead 'em so much. Ain't war hell?"

Guest • 8 years ago

OH you mean the movie with....
....R. Lee Ermey: "Why did you join my beloved corps?"
....Private Joker: "SIR, to KILL, Sir!!!"