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Timmy Wilburn • 7 years ago

What did Jesus say about those that hurt children? Liberals support and uphold abortion..what do you think God has done to mankind already over this issue? What do you think God has done to mankind over the issue of lgbt? True Christians see what has happened and know what is going to happen. We all better hope that the rapture happens before the tribulation but if it doesn't, how many are willing to fight and kill for their religious beliefs?

Timmy Wilburn • 7 years ago

God commands us not to uphold and support people that know God's moral laws but defy them and tell us we should dedy those moral laws also. Obama and Hilary are reprobates damned to hell. God has seared away their souls and the souls of all people that support Hilary and Obama.
Jesus had two messages . One message was about forgiveness and salvation. The other message was about false prophets , immorality , apostate religious beliefs and damnation to hell.

Robert M Ramstad • 7 years ago

Jesus sent us a message when he threw the money lenders out. We are to follow the NT not the Torah. The NT supplants the Old. The OT should be used as a reference and historical record. So if there is a dispute between OT and NT, we should give more weight to the "Good News" to love one another.

selahgreene • 7 years ago

Dr. Brown cites Rush Limbaugh's term for Bill Clinton, "Slick Willy", as evidence that Rush, and others who use the term "Slick Willy", are far closer (in spirit) to Clinton, than to Jesus. I do not believe that is accurate.

Jesus was very harsh in His assessment of those who opposed Him, those who ultimately resorted to insults against Him. He did not just label Herod "a fox", but He also called the Scribes, Pharisees, and Priests "self-indulgent, serpents, snakes, blind guides, brood of vipers, hypocrites, fools, generation of vipers, blind men, robbers, dead men, filthy, lawless, murderers, torturers, persecutors, sons of Satan, evil, cowardly, dogs, pigs, abominable, immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and liars." Jesus was not mocking; He was simply being truthful in his adjectives. Is Jesus being more like Bill Clinton than Jesus when He uses such language?

Too often we portray Jesus as a Mr. Rogers, skipping down the lane singing "It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood, a beautiful day for a neighbor, won't you be mine; won't you be mine?" That is the last thing that Jesus is; and that misconception of Him comes from the church's sanitizing from scripture any references to the true, confrontational Jesus. The church's presentation of Jesus is a pathetic, emasculated caricature of the real God-Man. Yes, He taught to love, but not as the world loves. His love means caring for in the total sense - supporting, helping, comforting, teaching; and also rebuking, correcting, reprimanding followers who go astray; and ultimately harshly repudiating those who oppose Him, who oppose the Father. Jesus was much more drill sergeant than therapist, and he was capable of being very harsh. When the Pharisees (in Matthew 12) accused Jesus of working with Beelzebul (Satan), Jesus ceased speaking to them in anything other than parables. They had sinned against the Holy Spirit, and He no longer included them in the plans for His Kingdom. So, as He told the apostles, He spoke to them from that point on in parables that they would not understand.

At one point, Jesus even called His own #1 apostle "Satan", when Peter insisted that Jesus do things the way of the world, and not the way of God's plan. Jesus was NOT a nice man. He was not a flower-child spreading hugs and kisses for everyone. He did not mock or ridicule, and so that is the model for us. We are not to mock and ridicule. But the complete Jesus is to be our model, and the complete Jesus called sin, sin; He called evil, evil. And He was very descriptive in his names for those who rejected Him, those who indulged in sin and evil. Is that unloving? Was Jesus 'UnChrist-like'? According to today's church, He was.

selahgreene • 7 years ago

Did Jesus love Judas? I am sure He did, and Judas' betrayal broke His heart; but He still said of Judas "It would be better for him if he had never been born." He did not forgive Judas. Jesus commands us to love our enemies; He does not command us to love the enemies of God. Our responsibility, in addition to spreading the good news, is to speak out against evil; to take a stand against evil; to oppose evil. Paul tells us how to deal with evil: "Determine what pleases the Lord, and have nothing to do with the unfruitful actions that darkness produces. Instead, EXPOSE them for what they are." But that command to expose evil does not involve lowering ourselves to their level of evil, and using evil's methods, tactics, and verbiage.

We are not to speak as the world; we are not to insult, ridicule, mock, or verbally abuse others. That kind of behavior is the hallmark of the world, of the Humanists who today so openly oppose and mock God. When that language comes from 'Christian' forums, it is a sign that Christ is severely lacking in those speakers. And, yes, we are to judge each other, as Christ commanded us: "Judge with righteous judgment." The first problem we face is that the evil of today's world is so much more in-your-face, arrogant, and filthy than even the time of Sodom and Gomorrah, that it is certainly difficult to respond with charity. But as ambassadors of Christ, we are indeed being tested, to determine if we rely on the Holy Spirit to make our point, and can remain the Light of Christ without soiling ourselves with the filth of the world.

The other problem we face is that so many in the 'church' today deny that there even is such a thing as evil. They are so saturated with the world that they no longer feel the sting of evil. We invite evil into our homes every day, and many spend hours a day worshiping evil, at the big screen temples in our living rooms. We spend hours each day worshiping lust, avarice, greed, gluttony; and that's just the commercials. When we wallow with the pigs, it's hard not to become covered with filth; it's hard not to get used to filth; and then we tend to respond to others with filth.

John set the standard on how we are to deal with evil. He set the bar of Godly standards so high, and we have dug ourselves so low into the world, that we can't even realistically see the bar any more, much less jump over it. In 2 John, when writing to "the chosen lady" (whom many believe is Mary, the Lord's mother), he warns against those who taught that Jesus was not human. Those were the Docetists, who taught that Jesus had a divine nature only, and that there was nothing human about Him. John's warning reflected the standards of God: "Any such person is a deceiver and an antichrist.... If anyone comes to you but does not present the Lord’s teachings, do not receive him into your house or
even welcome him, because the one who welcomes him shares in his evil deeds.” Imagine - we are not even to welcome those who bring a message other than the true gospel. We are not even to say hello or goodbye to these folks, because if we do so, then we are validating their evil message, and sharing in their evil; according to God, who spoke through John. Yet this standard does not apply to us today; the world's standards, which we wallow in every evening and every weekend for hours at a time, are now our standards. So naturally, we sound like the world.

And perhaps it is a real failing of mine that I have a hard time loving those who mock God, who demand we place sin over righteousness, who giddily celebrate the mass infanticide taking place in our country, the greatest holocaust in the history of mankind. I cannot love Satan, and I cannot love those who worship him. I pity them, and feel great anger at their gleeful efforts to turn others away from The Way, from the path of Truth.

Zoe_Brain • 7 years ago

For those no familiar with me, I'm one of Dr Brown's staunchest opponents in many areas.

In this article though, he's following in Christ's footsteps. His words are applicable to his opponents and his supporters equally, and I'll be quoting him as an example to those who have missed the point, and gone from opposing his views to hating him. He doesn't deserve that, but even if he did, hatred and rudeness does no good, and great harm, even if your cause is just. "And so we justify our sinful attitudes in the name of righteous indignation". While this article is aimed at conservatives, no-one can be more righteously indignant than many on my own side, we need to hear and heed these words too. Perhaps even more so.

Well said, Dr B. An example to us all, conservative or no.

Hmmm... • 7 years ago

If you've made Jesus Lord, you have the God kind of love - agape - available for others. The problem with natural human love is that it breaks down right when it is needed most. God requires us to love like Jesus, outspoken with truth, but spoken from love. Not easy, but what worthwhile result and peace for yourself. It's good to be reminded here that the requirement to walk in love applies also to public and other persons not in your personal realm. It is a matter of what's coming out of your heart, affecting you one way or another.

Timmy Wilburn • 7 years ago

Where in the Bible does God command us to support and uphold those that deny Him and defy His moral laws?

Hmmm... • 7 years ago

Love your enemies, those who despitefully use you ... What does it mean to love people? It comes down to how you treat them. You are still for their well-being even if you don't agree with them or cannot support what they say or do and especially careful if you have to tell them that. Not to judge. Mt 5:44 But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;
Lu 6:28 Bless them that curse you, and pray for them which despitefully use you. My post did not say "support" or "uphold" etc. I am a bit challenged with walking in love with you right now, frankly.

phist • 7 years ago

I had to come to grips with this after the first time I called Hillary a bad name in a public forum. It comes down to this : I believe that she is not beyond redemption. She may be a long way from it - true. But not beyond it. Besides, I'd feel pretty bad if she committed suicide or was assassinated or even if she died of natural causes without truly asking for forgiveness. She can still do a lot of good but I'm certain she will not do so as President.

Timmy Wilburn • 7 years ago

Romans Chapter 1:18-32 proves Hilary has no soul and already damned . Millions that support her are also damned.

Hmmm... • 7 years ago

I'm not sure Hillary "holds the truth" as mentioned in that verse. She and her family need to really "hear" the Gospel in their hearts. Church contact does not necessarily equal hearing the truth. If they have done that and refused it, it's still not too late. But they do need to respond to Jesus, making him Lord. The fruit of that will show forth in change. The Lord wants us to want and pull for that by prayer for them, having the same heart for a lost person, whomever they are.

Robert M Ramstad • 7 years ago

Is titus in the NT.? Jesus sent us a message when he threw the money lenders out. We are to follow the NT not the Torah. The NT supplants the Old. The OT should be used as a reference and historical record. So if there is a dispute between OT and NT, we should give more weight to the "Good News" to love one another.

Gary • 7 years ago

I believe a bit differently.

SeriouslyChristian • 7 years ago

A well-needed reminder to 'take every thought captive'. Hate is a very carnal emotion that Christians should always endeavour to refuse. We've got to hate sin but not people. The Devil hates people and loves sin but God loves people and hates sin (Jn3:16).

Whilst the worst sinner still has breathe there is hope for reconciliation with God and Christians must always work actively towards that chance. When an unrepentant sinner dies Christians should mourn that one made in God's image is eternally lost - and never rejoice as our God takes no pleasure in the death of the wicked (Ez33:11)!

Timmy Wilburn • 7 years ago

Romans Chapter 1:18-32 is clear about those people who are already damned. Either we separate ourselves from them or will receive the same punishment.

Hmmm... • 7 years ago

The kind of "hearing" and "knowing" from the Greek in those verses is not just hearing by the natural ear. The heart, inner man, needs to be affected. Only God knows whether that has happened. Even so, it's not over yet. They can still hear and respond.

John • 7 years ago

It is not always easy to Walk in The Spirit.

Gary • 7 years ago

Obama, and Bill and Hellary Clinton are DEVILS!!! They are vile, wicked people who hate God and deserve no respect. And they will get none from me.

Hmmm... • 7 years ago

Check out the party platforms. They are fundamentally different in key points. I found them from a ministry website. Be advised that the proper definition of the separation of church and state is that the state is to stay out of the church's affairs! Ps 94:20 Shall the throne of iniquity have fellowship with thee, which frameth mischief by a law?

Robert M Ramstad • 7 years ago

When you sell your Christian soul to the IRS., you must stay out of politics. So give up your tax exempt status and be free!

Yossi • 7 years ago

I'm pretty much as doctrinaire "Christian right" as they come, but as a believer in Jesus I am constrained by what the Scriptures say regarding how we are to deal with those with whom we disagree, particularly those in positions of government authority. Titus 3:1-2 spells out much of this: "Remind them to be subject to rulers, to authorities, to be obedient, to be ready for every good deed, to malign no one, to be uncontentious, gentle showing every consideration for all men." It doesn't mean I don't strongly disagree with President Obama's (and Hillary Clinton's) policies, or objectively view many of their statements as dishonest and their actions as corrupt, but there are honorable and godly ways to address such things without violating what God has laid out in his word.

Robert M Ramstad • 7 years ago

Is titus in the NT.? Jesus sent us a message when he threw the money lenders out. We are to follow the NT not the Torah. The NT supplants the Old. The OT should be used as a reference and historical record. So if there is a dispute between OT and NT, we should give more weight to the "Good News" to love one another.

Ваbbling Ваrmаid • 7 years ago

OK, we're supposed to love everybody, but we don't have the option of voting for every candidate, so it's hardly unloving to choose one candidate over another. Loving someone as a fellow creation of God doesn't require us to vote for that person or be blind to the tremendous harm they can do.

Neil Vitense • 7 years ago

It's much easier to pray for them.....than vote for them!

Hmmm... • 7 years ago

And much more Biblical!

m-nj • 7 years ago

hmmm.. i'm torn. while i agree that using vulgarity and outright obscene language is never a good thing, i do not see a Biblical principle that we cannot call specific people, not just their policies, evil, wicked, depraved, etc. would you refrain from calling Mao or Hitler or one of the christian-torturing Ceasars "evil" or even "demonic". no, if someone is promoting and supporting something evil and vile (e.g., abortion, homosexuality, euthanasia, etc.), especially someone in or potential in a position of power, then THEY themselves deserve to be called evil, wicked, demonic.

Robert M Ramstad • 7 years ago

Do you know how to write? Are you saying that Evangelical Christians support torture, starvation, and the killing of innocents? I know, The GOP voters all support the killing of innocents across the Globe

Patmos • 7 years ago

Slick Willy is getting let off easy by being called Slick Willy. The teaching of Jesus about loving your enemy is in it's entirety about not harboring hatred, it's NOT about NOT calling someone this or that. For if you restrict yourself in language by not calling someone an idiot, what then do you call an idiot? These people earn the titles they get called, and if there is no hatred behind the language, go ahead and call them what they are!

Robert M Ramstad • 7 years ago

No Christian can vote for Donald Trump unless you believe you and Don are special. I as an ordinary christian will vote a straight Dem ticket. Democrats put the butter on ordinary peoples bread.

CbinJ • 7 years ago

You can't be a democrat in knowledge and an obedient Christian. It's as simple a that.

Robert M Ramstad • 7 years ago

Christ preached the "Good News" "He said 'love one another' where did he say to discriminate against others. Where did he say "killing is ok"? Calling yourself a Christian when you worship the old testament Jewish god, only gives you permission to kill and discriminate against others. Calling yourself a christian without practicing the "Good News" makes you a christian in name only. Ask your Pastor why he is in favor of Satan. Satan never said "Love one Another" quite the contrary.

Hmmm... • 7 years ago

Look up the platforms, available online. Will likely be searchable. The Republican platform was particularly refreshed, including the Johnson Amendment. David Barton contributed the most amendments. Just a cursory review will indicate the striking difference. They do hearken to their platforms. Like Reagan said with the first big Democratic platform change: "I didn't leave the Democratic party; they left me."

Gary • 7 years ago

Real Christians NEVER vote for Democrats. Real Christians NEVER belong to the Democrat party. It is very much like being a "Christian communist", or a "Christian atheist". There is no such thing.

Robert M Ramstad • 7 years ago

communism is much closer to Christ's preaching then Free Enterprise which leads to slavery. As a center left christian democrat, I would not be welcome in your church. which is a one size fits all congregation with no one thinking, just following Elmer Gantry who's in Satans pocket. Your pastor is deceiving you.

Jennifer Hartline • 7 years ago

Well, except for the ordinary people that can be "terminated" in the womb til the moment of birth, and the ordinary people who deserve the "right" to assisted suicide, and the ordinary people who will be sued into bankruptcy for declining to participate in same-sex weddings or provide contraception...

Robert M Ramstad • 7 years ago

Why is it that pro-lifers love killing adults so much? It's almost like they want babies born so they can kill them as adults. I don't believe any VET can claim to be pro-life when they serve-d a Killing Machine that kills pregnant women and children every day they serve-d

Robert M Ramstad • 7 years ago

Jesus sent us a message when he threw the money lenders out. We are to follow the NT not the Torah. The NT supplants the Old. The OT should be used as a reference and historical record. So if there is a dispute between OT and NT, we should give more weight to the "Good News" to love one another.

Ваbbling Ваrmаid • 7 years ago

Um, who died and made you God? I am a Christian, and I am voting for Donald Trump. Deal with it. I've read the New Testament many times, I can't find the passage that says "Thou shalt vote the same way as Robert Ramstead." FAIL

Robert M Ramstad • 7 years ago

You'd be surprised how many people say Christians can't be democrats. Their brainwashing is complete ... the door is shut to righteousness

Robert M Ramstad • 7 years ago

You don't have to follow my advice. People who trust my judgement will follow me. I like trump, I do not like his stated opinions on social issues.

Robert M Ramstad • 7 years ago

The only people voting for D. Trump are Evangelicals claiming to be Christian. There is very little difference between Evangelicals Thugs and Wahabi "Head chopper" Thugs. Both are extreme, Both want theocracies. Both are anti-democratic and at best want apartheid.
Jesus sent us a message when he threw the money lenders out. We are to follow the NT not the Torah. The NT supplants the Old. The OT should be used as a reference and historical record. So if there is a dispute between OT and NT, we should give more weight to the "Good News" to love one another.

Guest • 7 years ago
Robert M Ramstad • 7 years ago

Jesus sent us a message when he threw the money lenders out. We are to follow the NT not the Torah. The NT supplants the Old. The OT should be used as a reference and historical record. So if there is a dispute between OT and NT, we should give more weight to the "Good News" to love one another.

Guest • 7 years ago

I find it odd that you oppose Donald Trump when you actually agree with some of his policies. He advocates for a better relationship with Russia. Meanwhile, Hillary is practically threatening war against Russia to distract from the DNCLeak.

I partially agree with your assessment of US foreign policy. They are not doing the right thing in Ukraine. Hillary is also complicit in the deaths of many, many people. In the 1990s, the Clintons sided with radical terrorists in the Balkans. This included Osama bin Laden's forces and future would-be 9.11 hijackers. This is exactly why people shouldn't vote for Hillary. Realistically, there are two people who will win in this election: either Trump or Hillary.

As undesirable as Trump may be to some people, he did not nearly commit the crimes that Hillary has. He's a successful businessman with a proven record of creating jobs and negotiating multi-million dollar deals. He has also demonstrated competence and foresight in foreign policy by warning about the situation in Brussels two months before they were hit with a terrorist attack. He also correctly predicted the British EU referendum and has made cogent points on the situation in the Middle East.

Rather than keep the same failed policies for the past 30 years, Trump is offering something new. Many Democrats are refusing to vote Republican, but they are voting for Trump.

Robert M Ramstad • 7 years ago

I have to own that part! I do believe that Russia should be folded into the EU. But, I'm very fearful that Trump will enable racist sexist homophobic, misogynistic behavior. If he gives haters a platform I predict a civil war. not at the voters booth.

Robert M Ramstad • 7 years ago

He just bought his way out of a lawsuit that alleged he defrauded students. Paid off the DA> with money from his supporters.

Patmos • 7 years ago

Let them eat butter?

If you can't see James Comey's statement on Hillary's guilt as a very serious problem then there is no hope for you.

Aaron Brown • 7 years ago

I agree with you Dr. Brown.I have fallen into this trap before, so thank you for giving this reminder that we are not fighting the people; rather, the policies. Far too often I have seen Christians using the low tactics that are used by the world. We should always remember to be civil in our discussions with non-believers because when we attack them personally; we do more harm than good.

Robert M Ramstad • 7 years ago

You attack anyone who doesn't agree with you