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BR CR • 7 years ago

Pathetic, and eerily creepy. NPR now embraces a "super wealthy" star ranking to determine suitability for elective office? Objective, non-partisan journalism and reporting, if they ever existed at NPR and PBS, do not now.

D Scully • 7 years ago

I don't get this angle at all. It's nonsensical.

Is she completely unaware that this is a pot calling the kettle black kind of thing?

David Hendrix • 7 years ago

Hillary will be the next President. It was decided in backrooms years ago.

notamoonbat • 7 years ago

Liberals getting excited Billionaires are supporting Hillary, I may have entered bizarro USA.

notamoonbat • 7 years ago

Any mention of Warren's recent Bankruptcy?

General Specific • 7 years ago

You mean all of these examples of people who pay less taxes than their secretaries?

Klaus Mustermann • 7 years ago

Poor and opressed like Warren , Cuban, Zuckerberg to just name a few.... If you have a million to spare Hillary will be there for you

Babinkley • 7 years ago

Hillary is going to do a lot more for the poor than any Repub ever would.

General Specific • 7 years ago

But then why are these billionaires stumping for Hillary?

dad2three2001 • 7 years ago

They believe in a better society, unlike the right win billionaires!

General Specific • 7 years ago

If they actually did believe in what you call a "better society" then why would they still have money? Why don't they pay more taxes than their secretaries? Why do they stump for a candidate whose 6 of 10 top donors are the banks that are reviled by all liberals?

SlySy • 7 years ago

But... but... the GOP is the party of the rich that does the interest of the rich... the Democratic party is the party of the poor and oppressed...

Klaus Mustermann • 7 years ago

Poor and opressed like Warren , Cuban, Zuckerberg to just name a few.... If you have a million to spare Hillary will be there for you

SlySy • 7 years ago

Right, and as we know, the rich vote GOP because the GOP lets them keep their money and make more at the expense of the little people. Oh wait, they vote Democrat...

Stephen Wuest • 7 years ago

There's no difference in Trump's will power, than Obama's or Clinton's. Clinton and Obama are deceitful in suggesting that appearance, is the most important qualification for president. There is a huge staff of persistent government employees as advisors, and who handle mundane bureaucracy, and advising. No president is free to go out and start to hit the nuclear buttons on weapon systems.

What Clinton and Obama do not like, is that Trump is not playing their game of posturing. He speaks freely, and has brought freedom of speech back to American politics (the Germans could learn something from this). A large percentage of American voters strongly believe that the direction of Democratic policy is the wrong direction, and this suggests that the Wheel of Fortune politics of Trump could be a better option than the Democratic litany of further degradation of Constitutional rights, collapse of the future of the middle class, incoherent millennial foreign policy, lawless trespassing of illegals, and creation of a welfare/entitlement state.

The leadership of the Republican party has been a prissy little elite group, not recognizing the massive changes in America. They can get on board with Trump, or vote Democratic.

The Democratic party leadership is a rich, elitist upper class group. Their counterpart in the British Labour party failed to recognize the damage that leftist socialism was doing to the middle class, and the long-term economy, and the identity of British citizens. This is why BRexit happened. The American Democratic party still does not recognize the many failures of the EU. And that includes, the failure to integrate religious conservatives into an atheistic, cultural "religion" that is the only religious behavior that the US president will recognize as covered by freedom of religion in America. Obama regularly disenfranchises religious conservatives in this country, calling their historic beliefs bigotry, racism, hate language, and phobias. He withholds freedom of religion from them (this is unconstitutional), and marginalizes and disenfranchises them as citizens, making them criminals. We need no external radicalization force. Nor does the EU.

Most voters don't have a candidate that represents their values, or the direction they want to country to go in the future. The ranting of Clinton and Obama that Trump does not appear presidential, fails to grasp that the country is far beyond caring about such appearances. This deep core of discontented voters wouldn't care if you took the leadership of both the Democratic and Republican party out and drowned them in the ocean. That would be the beginning of a better direction for America.

The Democratic leadership is trolling for the scraps of voters who want someone who looks good in a suit, and who don't care about the future of the country.

Jimmy James • 7 years ago

As Warren Buffett would probably say: "Donald Trump has no intrinsic value".

General Specific • 7 years ago

As Warren Buffett would probably say: "Hillary will make me richer".

gene gudi • 7 years ago

Aren't the billionaires, establishment people the reason we are in this battle? We had bankers and Wall Street destroy the US economy, along with several counties. They devastated the entire world's economy and what happened? Nothing. Not a single person was jailed and the fines were a joke. So what they had to pay a year or two of profits in fines? They raped the people for a decade.
With Hillary it will just be the same thing under a different name. The middle class will continue to shrink, wages will continue to stagnate, the poor will become homeless and the middle class will become the new poor. Hillary and her handlers will continue to grow in wealth and be able to keep as much as possible since a tax reform with her is a dream that will never come true.
A vote for Hillary is a vote for poverty, war and an increase in wages for the 1%.

General Specific • 7 years ago

And then there is the fact that the Wall St. banks are 6 out 10 of Hillary's largest donors.

Keep on denying reality liberals.

Idk99 • 7 years ago

"For Clinton, who has battled the perception that she is too close to Wall Street and has been criticized for her past support of trade agreements, the strategy is not without some risk, said former GOP Congressman Tom Davis of Virginia."

Bull. The red queen has Fauxcahontus and Sanders kissing her boots. She's a corporate puppet and totally free to flaunt it.

Ms. M • 7 years ago

I kind of like seeing these wealthy folks come out from behind their desks and put some real skin in the game. They know that even they will suffer under a Trump presidency.

General Specific • 7 years ago

You mean Hillary wants them to prosper?

Pearly • 7 years ago

Isn't that the idea? The 1% suffering that is?

BG123 • 7 years ago

"It would be easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle,
than for a rich person to enter the Kingdom of Heaven."

General Specific • 7 years ago

"It would be easier for Hillary to beat a Murder rap than for Trump to get away with Jaywalking".


Stagger Lee • 7 years ago

If billionaires are behind Hillary, that's good enough for me.

BG123 • 7 years ago

You admire the robber barons--do you?

You would have loved John D. Rockefeller.

NPR Censors • 7 years ago

Must be nice to have so much money that you don't really care what you say and who you support.

HIllary is in the top .01 % and gets support from the top .001%.

I have to wonder how well these folks would do without Crony Capitalism

BG123 • 7 years ago

Jesus once spoke about a judge, "who neither feared God nor man".

Perhaps you're familiar with the story and the point of the story.

General Specific • 7 years ago

Yes, if you give the Democratic candidate enough money she will listen to you.

Guest • 7 years ago
Stagger Lee • 7 years ago

You are simply detached from reality. Obama is the third President to double the Federal Debt; the first to preside over a GDP of 3%. Now tell us about Chile.

dad2three2001 • 7 years ago

You mean Obama inherited the failed 8 years of Dubya and cut Dubya's final F/Y deficits by 2/3rds AS the GOP worked against him? True

Dubya also had less than 1% GDP if you take out the false economy built on home owners using their homes as ATM's, according to Greenspan

Third? Oh right Ronnie tripled the debt as he gutted revenues AND blew up spending, and Dubya thought he was weak, so he put Reaganomics on steroids and doubled the debt when he took revenues to 14.6% of GDP and spending to nearly 25% of GDP

General Specific • 7 years ago

And Congress determines spending and the deficit.

And when Congress was democrat at the end of Bush's term the deficit went up and then it became Republican and went down.

Nice try.

dad2three2001 • 7 years ago

Weird, name the SINGLE LAW that the Dem Congress passed that caused it? How about a law the GOP Congress passed that brought it down?


Want to see how badly Dubya handled the economy:

I have dozens of credible links, not that the right wing cares about actual history!


General Specific • 7 years ago

There is this thing called the budget. You should read it.

From your source:

"In other words, Congress deregulated, ALLOWING bankers to do things they otherwise weren't allowed. Nobody put a gun to their heads forcing them to make no income check, no asset check, loans. The banker's greed was part of the problem -- and why not? Banks used to hold mortgages to term, meaning that if the borrower defaulted, the bank was on the hook."

You should vet your sources before using them to prove my point.

G V • 7 years ago

Not to mention Obama's annual deficits have ALL been higher than W's (except for FY 2009 - which increased under Obama) and this FY is going up, not down. I hate when these kind of things happen.

dad2three2001 • 7 years ago

You do understand it was POLICIES under Dubya that created circumstances Obama inherited right?

That Dubya's final F/Y deficit WAS RECORD and thanks to Obama fiscal policies, kept US out of ANOTHER GOP great depression, despite the GOP fighting Obama on EVERYTHING. Not even getting a single vote for stimuli that was 40% tax cuts, AFTER voting for Dubya's 2 stimulus by 85%!

G V • 7 years ago

I know you don't like these particular facts. They are specific. That's okay.

No need to get rabid about it

dad2three2001 • 7 years ago

Those particular right wing spun facts? Weird what happened to the prosperity Dubya/GOP promised US with TWO tax cuts? Oops

Ronnie/Dubya HOSED US. Unless you are the 1/10th of 1%. OR listen to the rights distortions/lies!

dad2three2001 • 7 years ago

You do realize Obama has had DECREASING deficits right?

Jan 7, 2009 - The U.S. budget deficit in 2009 is projected to spike to a record $1.2 trillion

Who was in office?

What happened to the success of those Dubya/GOP tax cuts fueling the economy again? lol

Without Dubya hosing up a false economy with his "home ownership" society" and people using their homes as ATM's, Dubya NEVER hit above 1% growth according to Greenspan. Weird right?


Weird I thought the GOP "job creator" policies were supposed to work? Hmm

BG123 • 7 years ago

Yeah, but isn't that our children's and grandchildren's problem!

dad2three2001 • 7 years ago

Isn't that the GOP's idea with their "starve the beast" philosophy for 35+ years?

Let me guess, it's Obama fault that Dubya hosed the US economy as he cheered on the Banksters bubble and gutted revenues to 14.6% of GDP AS he increased spending to nearly 25%? And the GOP promised prosperity with those GOP "job creator" policies? lol

JerryFrissell • 7 years ago

Your "facts" are bogus.


G V • 7 years ago

I'm glad you notice the GDP to Debt ratio is over 100%. Is that first time in history?

lilbear68 • 7 years ago

lol good ol hil shes gonna protect us from the 1% all the while being financed By the 1%

reason1984 • 7 years ago

I'll see your billionaire and raise you...

Joe Bagodonuts • 7 years ago

Soooooo, Hillary takes hundreds of millions from the very people who collapsed the economy, and now people expect her to regulate them?


n ayisha • 7 years ago

Trump voters are counting on him to use the same 'business smarts' that has made him richer (because he did not exactly start from nothing) to "make America great again". why then are they so bothered by people with even better business smarts than Trump adding their two-cents to the conversation? i totally get why this move on the part of the Clinton camp might alienate voters on the far-left, but if the GOP base claims to be looking for advice from business leaders instead of career politicians, they should be sitting up and paying attention to what the likes of Buffet, Cuban, and Whitman have to say. or maybe, just maybe, they only recognize "success" when it's spewing insults and bile in every possible direction.

Pasquino Marforio • 7 years ago

Holding a rally with Berkshire-Hathaway employees. . Telling everyone she was going to raise taxes on the middle class, while Buffet and the Berkshire-Hathaway employees clapped enthusiastically. N P R didn't report that.

The first thing you think about is, "Where are her Wall Street Speeches."

The second thing you think about is, "Wasn't she supposed to be on a tour drawing huge crowds of out of work people in Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Michigan? What happened to that?"

Crooked Hillary really needs Buffet's money. And Buffet wants to pay it because they killed a pipe line for him so his oil trains could move it.

She's outspending Trump by a ratio of 98 - 1. No wonder the mainstream media loves her.

NBC News, citing data compiled by the media consulting firm SMG Delta, said Clinton’s campaign and the pro-Clinton super PAC Priorities USA have reserved $98 million in air time on broadcast, cable and satellite platforms from now through Nov. 8. Clinton and Priorities USA have ads targeted to every swing state in addition to a national cable ad buy.

Comparatively, Trump’s campaign does not have any air time reserved and two pro-Trump super PACs have roughly $800,000 in time reserved in three states: Florida, Ohio and Pennsylvania. Their national ad buy is about $329,000, NBC reported.

This is why mainstream media is pro-Crooked Hillary. They're getting paid to, just like those who support her.

But the main problem is there are more people that she doesn't pay. So guess what?