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TruthandFreedom • 7 years ago

OK local residents: FIRE the school officials. They work for you. Or are you OK with this evil?

To hell with Democrats • 7 years ago

Just another step in the Liberals war against not being able to have sex with minors. K through 6th grade these kids don't need to be brainwashed and inundated with sex, or what sex, etc.

Parents need to do a little more studying before checking a box for one of their school board members.

EOD • 7 years ago

LGBTQXYZ have always been after the children.

Angus the Deplorable • 7 years ago

Of course they have - they need to brainwash them young or they might grow up to be normal...

Media_Bladders • 7 years ago

Notice, however, that even after Jacob puts on a dress and sprints across the playground, "his dress spreads out like wings."

Oopsy! I thought that according to the left, boys who "identify" as girls are automatically girls. So how can it still be "his" dress?

Well ... because, as we all know, a boy in a dress is not a transgender girl, but simply a boy in a dress. (For more information, study the following Jamie Farr photo: https://www.pinterest.com/p...

b.macintosh • 7 years ago

There's no such thing as transgenderism anyway.. There is no third sex. Gender disphoria is a severe brain disfunction with tragic consequences. Teachers pushing it have no business sniffing around any child's sexuality and should be removed from their jobs immediately. So called supporters are standing in the way of research into the neural basis for the disorder and any hope for a cure.

Chuck Roast • 7 years ago

I'd sue those bashtards from hell to breakfast for CHILD ABUSE for exposing my 5 year old to that schyt!

John • 7 years ago

You are either XX or XY, we need to stop the nonsense. In you fantasy world you can dress up like a fruitcake but it doesn't mean I have to play along.

Loren McCoy • 7 years ago

Well there are disorders where you can be XXY or XYY, BUT these individuals are still male. XXY Syndrome is real as is Klinefelter Syndrome (XXY). BUT AGAIN, these persons are MALE. Transgenderism is pseudoscience and just another way the liberals want to undermine science and religion. Their idea is to eradicate morality, and the way to do that is through pseudoscience and liberal progressive bullying. If Jacob wants to wear a dress to school, all that makes him is a boy with issues.

TioDon • 7 years ago

Way to bring up the one case in 5Million so you can correct someone....stop that foolishness. "Well, there are disorders......" Jerk.

Loren McCoy • 7 years ago


Loren McCoy • 7 years ago

Thanks so much for taking the time out of your day to call me names. Don't choke on your Big Mac at supper tonight.

TioDon • 7 years ago

Hey! You can call me all the names you want but don't even think about dissin' a Big Mac.....

snowflake • 7 years ago

Just because you are XX and XY doesn't dictate what you should conform to

of course with actualy physiologicallimitiations

Michael Bennett • 7 years ago

Transgenderism is also a lucrative racket. There are therapists specializing in counseling kids who are "questioning" their sexuality. And then there's the medical profession, always looking for new sources of income. I know someone whose daughter had the full sex change operation, and it was totally paid for by health insurance. Imagine. But if she/he had wanted to get a nose job, that wouldn't have been covered because it's "elective surgery."

beckdella • 7 years ago

Gender disphoria is a severe brain disfunction with tragic consequences....is a lie of Satan to destroy our youth.

M Brown • 7 years ago

Oh no , not Satan , who is way more of a lie than transgendered people .

Media_Bladders • 7 years ago

Exactly. If it's actually a physical condition, show me the scientific test that shows, at birth, who is and who isn't transgender.

Right ... no one can. Because it's psychological.

So I would no more allow a guy who thinks he's a girl to use the same restroom as my 12-year-old daughter than I'd let a guy who thinks he's a dog to pee in my front yard.

TioDon • 7 years ago

Analogy award of the Day!

Curtis Rasmussen • 7 years ago

Suicide rates in the trans community are high. After surgery they tend to slowly drift into loneliness and despair, probably from fear of non-acceptance. I know that I could never accept it.

b.macintosh • 7 years ago

Surgery doesn't repair the original brain disfunction. Acceptance doesn't do that either. Post surgery people who commit suicide aren't doing that because of any external forces. It's internal.

sabrose • 7 years ago

Severe gender dysphoria is a part of extreme depression. To enable it is to enable suicide.Many transexuals commit suicide within 5 years of their surgery. Those few that lead happy lives being that way arent stirring up crap and forcing the majority to give them special privileges
What progressives, many of whom have significant sociopathology ,want to do is desexualize the human race. Harvard and other Ivy leagues schools started shared bathrooms in their dorms in the 70's. Perennial change is necessary for individuals who self loath their origins and their current status in the world. If its new and their parents didnt do it or forbade it it must be experienced. Moralistic narcissism is the disease of the left .Its self destructive . Look at Europe. The left wants us to emulate them.
A little girl likes to play sports -get her a sex change !. This is extreme craziness.Making this behavior normalized is to make the whole of society deviant. Subjecting little children to desexualizing propaganda is sick stuff and the teachers pushing this should be charged with child abuse.

John • 7 years ago

We let this craziness go on. We all try to be so nice to each other that's gotten ridiculous.

John Galt • 7 years ago

studies? proof?

Zack Fry • 7 years ago

The hospital that pioneered sex change surgery for trans people has stopped performing them because of such poor health outcomes for their patients (John Hopkins?) Thoughtful people can also reason that living with a constant schism between your real body and your encouraged impossible wish would be deeply conflicting.

John Galt • 7 years ago

NOPE, they stopped for a while but they are back to performing surgeries, due to the fact that, that quack Paul Mchugh,has basically been debunked by most major health care organizations.

TioDon • 7 years ago


M Brown • 7 years ago

Their fear is of people like you , constantly berating and threatening them .Most people are on their side, not yours . The world has changed , angry old people .

Curtis Rasmussen • 7 years ago

You're making knee-jerk petty assumptions about my character. Get lost.

veritas tua semper • 7 years ago

Good post, and neither does the govt. need to involve itself. The parents should stage a mass protest and pull their children out of these cess pits. This is a mental illness, not a life choice for children. DNA does not change, and encouraging and enabling this agenda is an abomination to God.

IrishMailey • 7 years ago

"Gender dysphoria" is concoction created by psychologists, who just a couple decades ago, considered homosexuality a disease.

b.macintosh • 7 years ago

You aren't helping them by insisting it isn't an illness. Surgery does not solve any of their problems either. You hurt them.

IrishMailey • 7 years ago

If such a condition exists in anything but a lefty "gay" counselor's mind, it's a delusional state. If people think they are Napoleon, we institutionalize them--we don't give them a horse and an army and send them toward Russia. And we should NOT fill people with hormone shots and let the dress in Halloween costumes and tell them they are another sex. Until and unless you can change DNA and chromosomal inheritance, people are one sex or the other.

Jaime Allred • 7 years ago

Soon the Trans community is going to make the psychologist to normalize.

theodora • 7 years ago


Jalapeno • 7 years ago

It's not a "third sex".

People should be working on a "cure", sure..but..

In the meantime, what should we do?

Patriot0369 • 7 years ago

Um, go back to telling them that it is immoral, wrong, and get them help for their disorder. Obviously.

Jalapeno • 7 years ago

And...when the medical professional thinks that transitioning is the best treatment?

Patriot0369 • 7 years ago

Transitioning is not a treatment. It's an excuse to not do the right thing. Like giving every single five year old that is hyper meds to slow them down. For F' sake these entire last two generations have become incompetent, lazy, self-serving delusional idiots.

Jalapeno • 7 years ago

What treatment WOULD you suggest then?

Patriot0369 • 7 years ago

First, under no circumstances should a teacher or any other non-medical or counseling professional be guiding any children on sexual deviancies. Start right there. Second, when these issues do arise it is not an acceptable approach to allow them to do it. It is one thing for a couple of six year old boys hanging out with their same aged friends who are girls and playing with their Barbie dolls. When those boys start dressing up like girls and telling mommy and daddy they want to be a girl, time for DAD to be a freaking DAD and raise a FREAKING MAN! Lazy parents allowing some reject school teacher tell their kids it's perfectly ok to become the opposite sex? Jesus help this world.

snowflake • 7 years ago

No, what you do is state that biologically you are a male with an XY chromosome (teach them some bio) then say you don't need to be a girl to do what you want or to hang out with your friends

Jalapeno • 7 years ago

Saying "hey this is something to be aware of" doesn't mean that they don't consult a medical professional.

Do good parents not listen to their kids or something? If your kid spends years saying "No I'm a boy!" and begging for you to listen...good parents just ignore it and tell them to shut up and pay attention to genitals instead of their own instincts?

Patriot0369 • 7 years ago

Ok, let's get something cleared up right away. A six year old does not have their own "instincts". Get real. Kids are always going to be a product of their environment. It is the job of parents to develop those kids with the best possible moral standing they can. When a boy, or a girl for that matter starts showing signs of wanting to be another sex, what do they do? This generation of parents out of fear of what the rest of these idiots in the world push on them, PC, are afraid to sit their kids down and say NO, you are a female, or you are a male, and this is the way you were created. It isn't the genitals that makes them that sex, gender sure. DNA don't lie homie. Maybe all of these elitist freaks out there trying to make this normal in society ought to go back to what they preach all of the time.....good ol' science.

Jalapeno • 7 years ago

I knew who I was when I was 6...

Some might not yet. Some might know who they are younger than that..

Some will change. Some will not.

Do you think that the parents are sitting their kids down and saying "your DNA doesn't actually exist and your genitals aren't actually real" or something? The science shows that there IS a difference between a cis person and a trans person.

At what point do we decide that the kids might actually have a point?

Patriot0369 • 7 years ago

Certainly not at 6 freaking years old. Ridiculous parents not parenting and allowing dysfunctional school officials to do their jobs for them is what is destroying the human culture. I don't care who you are or what you are. If you are guiding a 6 year old to want to change their sex, you should be locked up forever.

Monica • 7 years ago

Exactly! Six year old children are too young to be left alone, cross the street, talk to strangers as a six year old isn't mature enough to handle those situations. They don't have the reasoning skills. It is insane to say that any six year old would be wise enough to understand the process and ramifications of claiming to be the opposite sex. Any parent who would encourage such nonsense should be brought up on child abuse charges. What happens when little Johnny believes he is actually Barney the purple dinosaur? The leftist have lost their minds.

fuzzi • 7 years ago

Slight correction: the Left never had "minds" in the sense of logic, they could not lose them.

Spudmom • 7 years ago

My son wanted to wear his sister's clothing when he was a preschooler. He just liked the way they looked and that she could twirl in them. I played with the blocks in kindergarten when the teachers wanted me to play house. But although I often reason and communicate like a man, I am a woman. And my son, who still "dresses up" as a cosplayer, is a man. What you like to do is not the same as your biology. I would much rather allow more acceptance to what all people DO than pretend that they are not what they ARE.
From all the research I have read, gender dysphoria is not only a subset of depression, but often from having a caregiver act in a way that shows preference to the opposite sex. Like Daddy wanting a boy or Grandma only treating the granddaughters well. So while I do not doubt that your feelings are real, I do not believe that they reflect reality any more than my daughter (who was raped) believed that she had dirt under her skin after her trauma. The cure was not to remove her skin, but to treat the thought pattern.

14Parables • 7 years ago

I agree with you that many times we act in the moment. The problem with society is that it no longer accepts these moments as a passing phase. They encourage and often bully something into being permanent.
The boys in my family all liked girl clothes at 5 yrs old. They were bright, soft, and flowy. Never once were we concerned. We knew they would grow out of it, just as we knew my tomboy of a sister would one day want to dress up (she's now a model).
The left and LGBT community are now saying that these phases are permanent manifestations of inner and true identity. To push that rhetoric, especially on the children going through these phases, is to make them confused and to think one of two things; either what their doing is wrong or doing these things as an adult is OK. The first traumatizes them and makes them doubt simple truths. The second turns them into shallow drones who never grow up.
Why would any school or person teach a child about thematic subjects? Why would you teach a child about sex when they don't even know about the musculoskeletal system?
Scientist have proven that a youth first realizes their is more then a physical difference between the genders, then hormones kick in and they're attracted to the opposite sex, and then emotions run in and form relationships. When this natural progression is out of order (sometimes hormonal attraction kicks in before awareness between genders) a little guidance is needed to grow out of the phase and all is well.
When someone is truly sick they need to be told. How do you treat something that is not even acknowledged. The left and LGBTs don't want this. After all who wants to be told they are perverted and/or insane? But to say and push that it is normal is an abomination.