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Ginger Firestone • 7 years ago

It may be just as fake as the ones Obama used - and he knew he was showing a forgery when he presented it. Do I believe he was born in Kenya? Yeah, I do, especially since an aunt said she was at his birth back there, but not accepting this birth certificate as real either. I'd need to see the original and have their government say it's real to believe it. And in case you haven't figured it out yet, no I did not like Obama a bit, and I did leave the US to move to Costa Rica to get away from his administration and the way the country was heading. Unlike the celebrities who say they are going to leave and don't, I kept my word that if he was re-elected, I was leaving.

shavager • 7 years ago

Ginger, the 'copy' of the birth certificate shown in the article was provided to California COURT by Lucas Daniel Smith who said he BOUGHT the document from officials AT THE HOSPITAL in Kenya, was presented to the Court as part of a lawsuit against Obama. While the case was thrown OUT of court--providing a 'FAKE' document, as the Obama people and media claimed this document was--that is a CRIMINAL VIOLATION--"uttering a forged instrument"---it's funny isn't it--Lucas Daniel Smith has NEVER been charged or accused by ANY Court--of "uttering a forged instrument" for the document HE SWORE UNDER OATH, that he obtained at the Mombassa hospital. He PAID nearly $6,000 to TWO Kenyan military/police officers and walked OUT of the hospital with this document on 19th day of February, 2009--that's HIS story and I BELIEVE HIM.

Melinda S Reynolds • 7 years ago

His Kenyan grandmother said she attended his birth in Kenya. His American grandmother conveniently died in Hawaii, and HE FLEW TO HER BEDSIDE, one day before the 2008 Inauguration.

Guest • 7 years ago
Yahoobuckaroo • 7 years ago

And yet it was you who just left a message looking like it was written by a ten year old.

Barb Daniels • 7 years ago

I give up...why does she sound and write like an idiot?

Emma Brown • 7 years ago

CPT, maybe you think that because YOU are the idiot...

Two Worlds • 7 years ago

Would that change the course of history or what! Everything Obama did in the past 8 years would be overturned. This would cause rioting and looting in the cities.

Melinda S Reynolds • 7 years ago

Don't care. Shoot the rioters, and null and void EVERYTHING THE FRAUD SAID, SIGNED, AND APPOINTED.

Joel Bama Teague • 7 years ago

Whatever Obama says just turn it around and you'll be straight

Tom B • 7 years ago

Not true,the statute of limitations last even when a person is dead and buried.Let their be looting in the streets so we can jail his voters who were idiots to begin with.

Bill • 7 years ago

And the probable resulting riots would just rreinforce our argument that liberals hate the Constitution and America.

haimish • 7 years ago

Rioting and looting in the cities that helped put him in office are what they deserve, along with him in prison in a cell next to Hillary!

Joel Bama Teague • 7 years ago

Treason is death penalty

haimish • 7 years ago

Death is too good, imagine the suffering being next to Hildabeast screaming " How did I lose" for the remainder of his life!

NanaSez • 7 years ago

So, we already have that happening!

Emma Brown • 7 years ago

And he could NO LONGER get his hefty check from ghe government, nor could he, or ANY of his family members receive any guards or any kind of freebies from the government!!

Deplorable Lanie • 7 years ago

Wouldn't his real birth certificate have his real name on it? That is part of the reason I didn't think the birth certificate he showed us was real because it didn't have his original name "Barry Sorento" on it. Because all of our birth certificates have our maiden name on it. We don't get a new birth certificate with our married name and I didn't think they issued birth certificates with name changes on them. The birth certificate has the name you were born with. I don't think he was born in Hawaii and I would love to see that SOB get his cumuppence! But I don't think this one is the real thing.

Lowell • 7 years ago

Lolo Soetoro was Barak's step-father from Lena Dunham-Obama-Soetoro-Dunham's second marriage. So, no, his birth certificate would not have "Barry Sorento" on it since even his step-fathers name was not Sorento, it was Soetoro, and he was not Baraak's "father of record" at the time of his birth.

Deplorable Lanie • 7 years ago

OK, sorry I got the last name wrong, but I thought he "changed" his name to "Barack Hussein Obama" later in his life? So wouldn't his original name be on his bc?

Lowell • 7 years ago

He started out as Barak Hussein Obama II after His claimed father, Barak Hussein Obama I. After Barak I and his mother divorced she married Lolo Soetoro and Lolo adopted Barak II and they changed his name to Barry Soetoro. Sometime after that he changed his name back to Barak Hussein Obama dropping the II.There seems to be NO paperwork supporting ANY of the except for the forged Birth Certificate. And there is a question in some quarters as to whether BHO I is BHO II's biological father or if that "honor" falls to Frank Marshall Davis.

Deplorable Lanie • 7 years ago

Thanks for the history lesson! I still think he was not born in Hawaii. Why go to so much trouble with all the birth certificate stuff. I adopted, and I have a birth certificate. I don't know why he made such a big deal about it if there was nothing to make a big deal about.

Then why did his college I'd say Barry Sotero on it? Just because Barry's mother is a US citizen does not make him one. My Dad is a US citizen and I was born in Germany but it was the fact I was born on US soil, a US base, that I was a citizen. Barry is a fraud.

Tom Mahan • 7 years ago

His real name is BHO, JR.

raven6 • 7 years ago

A job for Joe Arpaio. He needs the work, and could just follow up. Go Joe.

Tom B • 7 years ago

He already did his his job with top forensic experts in the world who both agreed it was a forgery with no if,ands or buts.

bikerdogred1 • 7 years ago

Clint Eastwood was right.

Joel Bama Teague • 7 years ago

Obama destroying America was by design. Obamacare was designed to fall. What do you expect from a Muslim.

kibitzer3 • 7 years ago

Let's get the facts straight. And the basic fact is that it doesn't matter WHERE he was born, because his father (his purported, legally attested-to father, that is) was not a U.S. citizen. He failed to be eligible right there; no birth location factor necessary. Because the definition of a 'natural born' citizen at the time that it was codified in the Constitution as an eligibility requirement for the office of the presidency, and as easily attested to by the historical record (too long a story to go into its detail here), is a person "born in the country, of parents who are citizens". (It's from the definitive tome of the day on such matters, E. de Vattel's 'The Law of Nations'.) And that eligibility requirement for that particular office STILL STANDS, absent a constitutional amendment to the contrary.

So: When Justice is served, all of the legislation that he signed into law, and all of the E.O.'s and P.D.'s that he issued, and all of the appointments that he made - including to the SCOTUS, and lesser courts - go with him, into the trash bin. It is to be as if he were never there. For, he was never there legally. And we will have learned a painful lesson: Not to trust our erstwhile masters, in a self-governing nation, where The People are the sovereign, but to take responsibility for our own actions. Personally. And nationally.

Bill • 7 years ago

You are aabsolutely right. According to our Constitution both parents must have been American citizens at the time of a presidential candidates birth....he should ever have been allowed to even join the race ffor president in 2008! That fact also nullifies Ted Cruz. I even heard republican citizens say that they hope Melania runs for President, so it is not only flaw of the dems....some republicans are more than willing to ignore the Constitution on this matter as well...as a matter of fact everyone of them in the Congress in 2007 proved that they were willing to ignore it by allowing Obama to run and subsequently win and be seated in the Oval Office.

Chris jones • 7 years ago

Another reason we need more congress critters in jail.

Dina N Ryan Quinn • 7 years ago

And as such, being that the United States government was never been able to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt his status as a natural born citizen, he never should have been allowed to run for POTUS! Such a high office should never be allowed to be obtained without verifiable proof of citizenship!!!

kibitzer3 • 7 years ago

And to be crystal clear, Dina, we're not just talking about "verifiable proof of citizenship" as regards the office of POTUS. We're talking about proof of being a 'natural born' citizen. Which requires the candidate to have been born "in the country [or its equivalent, like a military station], of parents who are citizens". The whole POINT of that requirement being to make sure that the occupant of that particular office, who would as well, then, become the Commander in Chief of the nation's military forces, had NO DUAL OR OTHERWISE CONFLICTING LOYALTIES OR ALLEGIANCES OR INFLUENCES. Had SOLE ALLEGIANCE to the U.S.

That requirement can be changed - but only by a constitutional amendment. As even recognized by both current major political parties, when, between them, between 2003 and '08 alone, they tried a total of 8 times to get just such an amendment going through Congress - i.e., proposals all of which had this particular issue as their common denominator - and they failed each time even to get their proposals out of committee, such was the sensitivity around this particular issue. So: THEY KNEW. And have known. the truth of this matter. And that's why they face jail time, just as the Usurper does. Both of our current major political parties to face RICO-statute charges, of conspiring between them to commit this crime; to be found guilty as charged - in an honest, Common Law court - fined, dissolved as the criminal enterprises that they will have then been proven to be, and their authorities sent to prison.

Where they can keep both Obama and Hillary company; those miscreants having been proven guilty of the various charges pending against both of those criminals. As this nation is SET TO RIGHTS.

Stud • 7 years ago

He is not the legitimate leader! He is not the legitimate leader!

UPSETVET • 7 years ago

Why not get a warrant for Obama's footprint on the cirtificate. Like fingerprints foot and toe prints are for identification. Time doesn't alter the prints in regards to identification.

Stud • 7 years ago

Check out what Joe Arpaio came up with. Incontrovertible evidence the HI Certificate is a forgery.

oldironsides • 7 years ago

This addition to the Obama birth certificate controversy isn't new, it has been around since 2009. Just Google Lucas Smith Kenyan Birth Certificate.

Malta O'Gorman • 7 years ago

Is it a fake? Don't know but we do know the BC that BO published as official born here in HI, USA was proven to be a total fake/forged doc. I believe he was born in Kenya as many do. Yes, his grandmother publicly stated she was @ his birth in Kenya and was told to later retract her statement. I agree if this doc is fake why was Lucas Daniel Smith never charged with a crime by submitting a fake/forged doc. Could it be that the Kenyan BC doc is actually the real thing.

Live The Knight's Oath • 7 years ago
margie • 7 years ago

I believe that obummer is an imposter and was born in Africa. He should be punished for
for putting the US under this disaster, he's despicable etc, burn his untruthful legacy etc

Live The Knight's Oath • 7 years ago

Don't be partisan-gullible margie


Marvinas2 • 7 years ago

As for POTUS legitimacy, it doesn't matter where he was born. So far, all available birth certificates confirm that his father was Kenyan, not a U.S. citizen. Therefore, Obama cannot be a NATURAL BORN citizen, as required.

Linda M Green • 7 years ago

I wish someone would end this once and for all. Arrest Obama and put his A.. in jail.

Live The Knight's Oath • 7 years ago

Oh it's been "ended" Linda M Green - when it was debunked as (and shown to be) a forgery back in 2009 http://constitution.com/oba...

Steve Gribble • 7 years ago

Just too good to be true!

Guest • 7 years ago

Few would assert that the assassination of JFK did not change the history of the world beyond what it did to the Kennedys. Indeed, the import of the assassination had consequences for foreign policy, in particular, which changed the lives of many, particularly, American, young men who served during the ill-conceived and mismanaged conflict in Viet Nam. One might well ask if freedom is not wasteful or a waste? Is law enforcement a waste? If we recognize the legitimacy of the rights and liabilities of others to the consequences and costs of the freedom to be consequential and costly, there are no boundaries to freedom since, even in death, we are consequential and costly. So, what should our valuation of the importance of death be? Like the left, why should we resist the pursuit of it, especially, with policies and choices which guarantee it? The country desperately needs more people who exercise the choice to lie, murder, cheat, steal, rape and who exercise the freedom to deny someone else freedom. If we had known the truth, would we have had the courage of Lee Harvey Oswald who for no other reason than that he could, did what he did. Where is our moral compass, and if neither law nor grace constrain us in our exercises of "freedom of choice," we are, indeed, "the only Jesuses some will ever know." If that is the case, in the words of St. Paul, "we are of all men most miserable." I could not imagine having to live with Secret Service protection for the rest of my life, however long that might be.
As president, Obama did what he did. The question for American citizens is, if we could know, factually, what the truth is, does violation of the law de-legitimize and invalidate everything that he did? Or, would a knowledge of obedience to the law both validate and legitimize everything or anything that he did? To say, "God knows,"
is merely the assertion of a fact without effect and, without effect, justice is lacking, from a human perspective. Few of us are not constrained by that which we can not afford to do. Paradoxically, we are compelled, by law, to afford it.

Live The Knight's Oath • 7 years ago

Ironic - that with all the ranting and raving about "FAKE NEWS" from DJT and followers - right here this site puts up one of the biggest FAKE NEWS stories out there that Obama's half-brother has tweeted a copy of Obama's birth certificate showing a Kenyan birth!


Pam Walker • 7 years ago

Even if it is true that Obama was born in Kenya, he would still be a US citizen (or have dual citizenship) because he mother was a US citizen. Same ruling as for Ted Cruz. Knowledge of the Constitution....priceless and rare : (

obyd • 7 years ago

Furthermore, the Founding Father's wanted to ensure that the president's loyalty was undeniably to the U.S. so dual-citizenship would have been unacceptable

obyd • 7 years ago

Not true. The Naturalization Act of 1790 said that people born out of the country to U.S. citizens were "natural born citizens". The Naturalization Act of 1795, however, rescinded that and says that those people born out of the country to citizen parents are "citizens", dropping the words, "natural born". Therefore, Barack is NOT a natural born citizen and NOT eligible for the presidency. True knowledge is truly priceless and rare!!!