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NiteClerk • 8 years ago

A better question is why is Senor Flores in the U.S. illegally?

NoFearBeTrue • 8 years ago

We are dealing with the present and future, not the past. Discussing the native Indians is pointless.The native Indians are welcome to abandon the reservations and be American citizens like anybody else. As for illegal immigrants, this is not the 1800's, and we are no longer the "melting pot". We have immigration laws just like any other country, but I challenge the Mexicans wishing to leave their country to try getting into another country, like Australia, UK, Canada, pretty much anywhere else. It is not easy. For years the Mexican immigrants have taken advantage of the US lax nature, and it is putting a financial and social strain on the US that is unfair to the legal citizens. Get in line and get your citizenship legally like anybody else. If your family is split, be patient and follow the proper laws or take your family back to Mexico.

Devon Smith • 8 years ago

"In America no one is above the law" is actually not true, specifically in immigration laws. It all depends on what visa you entered and who you married. Our "lawmakers" though have zero understanding of the laws. They are spewing the same rhetoric as the cable news. If you become an "illegal immigrant" by overstaying your tourist visa you can marry an American and become a US Citizen. Or if you came here on a stowaway visa, not valid on land and marry an undocumented immigrant who qualified for the 2000 245(I) you will both become US Citizens. However, if the same stowaway visa holder marries an American born citizen they will be barred from becoming an American. It's time for lawmakers to familiarize themselves with the immigration laws and how it impacts American families. Remember, these are voting Americans with real immigration issues. And how much can you hate American kids, that you want their parents away from them? SMH....

llltapp NPmadness • 8 years ago

who is allowing these children to be emotionally abused by instilling this fear in them at that age? Children learn fear and the parents of children THAT young should be reassuring them that they, the PARENTS, will take care of them and keep them safe. IF that father were deported, why wouldn't he bring his kids with him??? To use these children and exploit them by CAUSING a hurtful and traumatic confrontation, is HIDEOUS.

PissedOffSmoker • 8 years ago

It's unfortunate, but we need harsher penalties for illegal immigrants. Hanging the parents and letting the kids earn their citizenship through military service would be the best way. We should probably just use the wall between the US and Mexico as the place to hang as well. OR, we need a shoot on sight mandate for all border jumpers.

Additional Comments • 8 years ago


Antonio Rosales Huizar • 8 years ago

Walker keeps emphasizing the Law. Ok. The dynamic of praising the American Dream and the "workers", Scott claims he's in favor for, but then not actually supporting them, serves as a testament to the fact that we are, as a nation, comfortable celebrating workers, while at the same time dehumanizing them, in not releasing the core identity of a good portion of these workers. This is a civil rights issue. If he isn't willing to support undocumented workers for their sake, he should atleast do it for his own. In history, we've been through this before and we know how this ends. If you take the anti-civil rights side and deny people access to something that their entitled to, history is not going to be kind to you.

Antonio Rosales Huizar • 8 years ago

I've drank with Matt Walker, Scott Walkers underage son. No model citizen there.

Jehsea • 8 years ago

How dare he say, "Why do you want to tear my family apart?", when it was he and his wife who came here with full knowledge it was illegal, with full knowledge they could get deported, with complete knowledge and awareness that they could, at any moment, be taken away on a raid and detained for deportation and their children put into foster care until such time as their fate was decided. That is THE PARENT'S JOB, to make good choices for the family.

Being lawbreakers is not a good choice.

Xman • 8 years ago

Oh sure. Let's overlook the fact that the DAD came here illegally then had children as a means to stay here illegally. He never intended to do the right thing yet cries why do you tear my family apart? Mr. Illegal, you made that decision and took that chance when you jumped the border. Nothing more, nothing less. You reap what you sow and if that means your children must go back over the border with you until you decide to do it the right way, that's the tough lesson you taught them. OBEY the laws.

RowdyD • 8 years ago

That boy was programmed and is scared to death. That is wrong for them to place their kids in such a dangerous mess then demand we break our own laws and give them a free path. Sounds more like Conquering then Immigrating...

Draus • 8 years ago

Oh, Walker... splitting up the families? So much for being a "christian nation".

Beetle the Great • 8 years ago

No one is tearing your family apart, you can all be together in the country that you're legally supposed to be in.

Scott Ullsperger • 8 years ago

This was the most staged and rehearsed event I've ever seen. The desperate left's attempt at a 'gotcha moment', but everything Gov. Walker said is truth, unlike the lies spewed by our president, making promises to non American citizens. Think about that.

Pinocchio Don • 8 years ago

Walker will remove the Statue of Liberty and replace it with a "Keep Out!" sign.

Scott Ullsperger • 8 years ago

No, but holding a sign that says, FOLLOW THE LAWS. Unlike these illegals and our president, unfortunately, who swore an oath to defend the constitution written LONG before the thought of him.

Bill Mauss • 8 years ago

Instead of all these BS sob stories about disrupting families, why don't to tell the real story about how you support illegal lawbreaking immigrants to come here and rape and murder our citizens. The ones who come here and break our laws are the ones responsible for disrupting families. Why not report about all the legal immigrants, who came here, waited for years for the families to reunite and integrated into our society, became law abiding citizens and became part of the American experience. Why can't these criminals ( ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS) go back from whence they came and fix the problems there instead of bringing their diseases and other misfortunes here. Go home and improve your own country instead of staying here and destroying this country? You journalists are part of the problem.

Kathryn Martinez • 8 years ago

Perhaps the media could look a little deeper into this noble Mr. Flores. Is he also an undocumented driver? Maybe he's also an undocumented taxpayer as well? Probably wants to be able to vote without an ID, but good luck finding a Form 1040 with his name on it over at the IRS.

andy6581 • 8 years ago

As children of a Mexican citizen, the children will have the right to follow their father back to Mexico, so they wouldn't be getting broken apart.

Chris • 8 years ago

I would love to see Hillary Clinton confronted in the same way. Oh, that's right, no one is allowed near her unless she selects them and the question they can ask. Scott Walker did a nice job of sticking to his beliefs.

Brenda Lee Hansen • 8 years ago

Well here is the truth...THEN GET OFF YOUR ILLEGAL STATUS AND BECOME LEGAL, like everyone else coming here has to do!!!!!!!!!!! Stop expecting us to keep changing OUR laws, just because you sneak over a damn fence!!!!!!!!

vet2be1967 • 8 years ago

I can't stand Walker, but the criminal illegal alien should have immediately been arrested and sent on the first bus, train, or plane back to his home country.

Glenda Hammer • 8 years ago

Come here illegally, have kids, and then use the kids as an excuse to receive legal status, ahead of all the people who are willing to come here legally, is what this man is trying to do.
Walker should have told the kid, he can gladly go with his dad, when his dad is finally deported for breaking the law. But we'll have to have a new President, for that to ever happen.
Reading that almost 3 million illegals have come here since Obama took office in 2009, probably means it's closer to 30 million.

US State Dept On Sale • 8 years ago

That illegal immigrant should definitely be deported.

It's yet another illustration of why the illegals feel free to come to America and kill US citizens. The cockiness of this Undocumented Democrat, ILLEGALLY in the USA, is disgusting -- along with a complete lack of fear of broadcasting his criminal status or confronting a US governor while doing it.

The Democrat Party cannot be removed from the White House soon enough.

Robert Wayne Camp • 8 years ago

Why was Flores not deported on the spot.

US State Dept On Sale • 8 years ago

Obama and the Democrats first want to give Flores time to kill a US citizen like his illegal immigrant buddy in San Francisco did a few weeks ago.

Blakers! • 8 years ago

I hate how people dont understand the damage of illegal immigration on the countries resources. You realize that the water shortages in states, the inflation of the dollar pretty much most economic issues in this country is because of illegal immigration right. The way a government works is it has to allocate a certain amount a resources a year to cities. People who dont belong take up money and resources that should be allocated to the tax payers who pay for those. To make an argument that this is a country of immigrants doesn't fly anymore and is an immature argument to a complex problem.

Ben Duncan • 8 years ago

That is a loaded question she was told to ask. The fact is this nation was made great by immigrants that did it the legal way, worked hard, learned the language, and assimilated into American culture. These illegal immigrants don't want to assimilate or learn the language, they want to get jobs that they don't have to pay taxes on and send the extra money to Mexico rather than spend it here and help boost the economy.

LaPlace Trans • 8 years ago

If both of his kids were born in the US, they are natural born citizens, not naturalized.

US State Dept On Sale • 8 years ago

No, they are anchor babies.

LaPlace Trans • 8 years ago

Ah, of course, you must be referring to the little known "Anchor Baby" clause in the U.S. Constitution. And pray tell good sir, to which country should we deport these illegal natural born American citizens.

Bill M • 8 years ago

"....both of whom were born in the United States and naturalized citizens." Naturalized citizens are not born in the U.S. They are citizens based on Jus soli. The right of anyone born in the territory of a state to nationality or citizenship. As an unconditional basis for citizenship, it is the predominant rule in the Americas, but is rare elsewhere. Naturalization is a process of applyig for citizenship.

climate change • 8 years ago

We need a leader who can unite this country with practical, rational, solutions.

Guest • 8 years ago
NJ.. • 8 years ago

Not to sure about that, 'Obammy' is the potus while you're a sad, little, insecure and ignorant troll. My money is on you being the fool.

Nova1492 • 8 years ago

No one is above the law??? Scott Walker thinks he is above the law. He puts road blocks in the way when he has the Wisconsin Supreme court short-circut the investigation on his illegal use of campaign funds. Walker got rid of collective bargaining without allowing the people of Wisconsin to approve it. He diminished the importance of the DNR by diluting their power/decision making. Minimized the importance of college educations by withdrawing a significant amount of the UW systems budget etc.....

Chris Goodwin • 8 years ago

all of you are illegal immigrants anyways. the native indians were here first. then ran off their land and slaughtered to near extinction by you europeans. so none of you should be talking about illegal immigrants.

Don Banme • 8 years ago

Your statement is false on at least two levels. First, there were no laws about immigration to be broken when the first European settlers arrived in the Americas. Second, most of the people currently residing in the US came here while obeying the US laws on immigration or were born here.

kryan74 • 8 years ago

American Indians are from Asia. They were not the first to inhabit North America.

hendl • 8 years ago

That only leaves the trees, and the bees - they were the only ones. The first PEOPLE here were the Native Americans.

US State Dept On Sale • 8 years ago

You mean American Indians. Everyone born here is a Native American (no offense to the anchor babies, which are the only exception thanks to a corrupt Leftist dreamed up "law").

hendl • 8 years ago

So sorry for you. There is no such "law". It is our Constitution which states that all born here are Citizens.

StubbornlyRational • 8 years ago

ABC owes its viewers an apology for this disgustingly staged ambush. Walker comes across as intelligent and rational. The illegal aliens are distinguished by their sense of entitlement and rudeness. They seem to feel that, since they are here, they deserve special consideration. To hell with our laws.

Enough of the stupid cliches. These people are not "undocumented workers," they are illegal aliens.

kryan74 • 8 years ago

Amen brother. It's time we start being honest about this.

Betsy Rocks • 8 years ago

Walker should have called ICE on the illegal, try pulling a stunt like this in Mexico

hendl • 8 years ago

You want to stop illegal immigration? This would do it: PUT THE CEOs OF ALL COMPANIES WHO HIRE ILLEGALS IN PRISON. But when I say this to Republicans, they just glare at me. Yet- this WOULD stop it.

Guest • 8 years ago
hendl • 8 years ago

Where did you get your stats? Many illegals work for regular companies. And even if you are correct, every company, contractor has an Owner or Owners. Throw them in jail.

hendl • 8 years ago

Tonta? Tu! ! they can still throw Presidents/Owners of companies in jail. "off the radar"? how about all the illegals who work for those companies whom Homeland (In)Security has deported? There are plenty. If they can find them, they can find who hired them.
Y, por favor, palabras muy malas, no no no!

hendl • 8 years ago

More info:
The Republican Party's 2012 platform highlighted the fact that the rest of the double fencing was never built and stated that "The double-layered fencing on the border that was enacted by Congress in 2006, but never completed, must finally be built."[7] The Washington Office on Latin America alleges on its Border Fact Check site that the extremely high cost of complying with the Secure Fence Act's mandate-estimated at US$4.1 billion, or more than the Border Patrol’s entire annual budget of US$3.55 billion- was the main reason that it was not fulfilled.[8] In reality Congress failed to fund the project sufficiently in order to finish building the fence.