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That's because men are constantly being beaten and brainwashed into thinking being a masculine man is some kind of evil thing.

Allen Taylor • 6 years ago

Because you are to be weaker now.

cottoneyed77 • 6 years ago

This masculine vacuum is quickly being filled by Muslim jihadis who are well on the way to achieving their goals. That is instituting the Shariah as the law of the land. Where the raping and subregation of white women is common place. Who's going to stop them? Girly men?

Ewin Barnett • 6 years ago

Progressives recently seemed proud enough to post a picture of the D-Day landing, implying that they identify with those soldiers of that generation who were brave enough to throw themselves against withering enemy fire no matter the cost.

Could they really do the same today? It appears not. Such a nation of emasculated men cannot rise to the level needed to defend itself. Worse, they have allowed immigrants who reject emasculation. This will not end well.

bradavon • 6 years ago

Masculinity and femininity see still very prevalent, open your eyes if you don't think this but finally we're are realising people have always been a mixture and can't be summed up so narrowly.

HisExcellency • 6 years ago

Who is in need of summing up someone's level of masculinity or femininity except for those between the ages of 12 and 14?

countryjane46 • 6 years ago

As a child, considered a Tomboy. Did that make me question my sex? No. However, Now we have schools saying that Trousers must be worn by girls. Wrong. Lets give children the choice. If a boy wears a skirt No its a Kilt. Lets give children the choice and pride in doing so.

Hopeful • 6 years ago

Genesis Chapter 1: "God created humankind in his image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.....God saw everything that he had made, and indeed, it was very good." And very good it was until men wanted to be like women and women wanted to be like men and so now confusion reigns and the delightful complementarily of male and female has been wrecked and mental illness and suicide and relationship breakdown increases, and the clever people who think they are so advanced laugh at the ancient wisdom of the Bible but one day the tide will turn and people will see the folly of their ways and indeed there are already signs, thank God, that this is beginning to happen.

oo oo • 6 years ago

Wimpy boys of this generation disgust me, and I'm 24. The problem of society now is that it is too touchy-feely and not enough emphasis put on being a real man. Tight skinny jeans here, tight ripped clothes there. What happened to the traditional man going to work and providing for his family? This is what happens when you let men become like women with rappers like 'Lil Wayne' who wear short skirts. I'm proud to be a real masculine man. I just focus on working and playing Sports. Real men like me are a dime but women praise these effeminate homosexual men which is rather despicable really as this is the result you end up with.

bradavon • 6 years ago

Statistically it's men like you who struggle to say they're coping and commit suicide but I guess that's a fair trade off for real men like you existing right?

Real men like you who start fights because of your inability to communicate your frustration are a delight to be around.

To answer your question, he's still around but people have never been one type of anything. He's having a beer with his friend who's a stay at home Dad.

oo oo • 6 years ago

I can assure you that I have never had a thought of suicide but the fact that you're researching suicide means that you have contemplated it and with those views, we wouldn't be missing anything if you did go, you're just another puppet to feminist femiNazis propagating reverse racism of the Nazis and destroying the manly man because it contradicts the old fat women who couldn't get a man in the 60's and 70's when feminism was created. Now this is the result.

Wimpy boys and people like you accept cowardice as the norm and anyone with a traditionalist viewpoint wants to commit suicide? Really? Look at the marriages declining each year as generations progress. Society now does not put emphasis on the nuclear family and the role each gender has in it but to create effeminate men that act and behave like women, leaving women to eventually leave and those men to be homosexuals.

oldpistanbroke • 6 years ago

"but women praise these effeminate homosexual men"

Many women use these homo's as escorts, they also enjoy their company as they are quite safe being with them, I also dispute their use of the word Gay!! it's been hijacked from the Jack the lad type of guy, because when I was a young man a chap with an eye for the ladies who was also be a snappy dresser was dubbed a gay man about town, and he enjoy being so.
You would not want that title now, people would think you had a limp wrist

bradavon • 6 years ago

You're seem more interested in being homophobic than commenting on men's masculinity.

Peter Simmons • 6 years ago

Illustrates what the unrelenting attack on maleness by rainbow-delusionists has achieved. With so many activist transvestites campaighning for the imaginary trans-gender 'condition' to be accepted as real. And succeeding, with all the politically correct libtards like the BBC and Guardian buying into the anti-science fantasies of ladyboys claiming they are really girls in male bodies, the scene is set for humans to disappear into delusion and await extinction in a state of self-induced idiocy. The mental condition they suffer from is called autogynephilia, a male getting arousal from imagining himself admired as a woman. They need treatment, not encouragement in their delusion to the point of surgical removal of parts.

oo oo • 6 years ago

Finally. A real woman who is awakened to the b-s of society. Thank you for restoring my faith in women. They do indeed need treatment - not encouragement! This is why I'm so confused as to why women find this attractive... If women want to date womanly men they can date women! I don't know you but I absolutely love you, if you are a woman.

Albert Clough • 6 years ago

Not surprising when the word "Gay" has become so popular. Gay marriage, Gay parents, Gar Carnivals, Gay MP's....a pity that a word that used to represent people enjoying themselves dancing the "Gay Gordans" has been debased so much and has confused young males so much that they now do not know what is "normal"

bradavon • 6 years ago

What is normal? Please do explain.

Ann • 6 years ago

Please men, masculinity is a good thing!

Chris Hobson • 7 years ago

masculinty has collapsed and thus we have a weak society

oldpistanbroke • 7 years ago

I'm not surprised, and the next generation will be even worse, they carry bags, wear poncy things and take substances instead of a gallon of beer, and some of e'm have to grow a bushy foreign type beard to prove that they can grow one.
All young men should go in the army to get their heads right or be sent up North East to be adjusted into real man-ship. O'h where will the next generation of rugby players come from? things went down hill when they (without our consent) put Fluride in our drinking water now all our young men are almost bold by age 25 rather then 75

Peter Simmons • 6 years ago

But most can spell and write in English, something you seem to have missed. Nothing to do with fluoride, and the army just terached people how to kill, not a good attitudfe in civilian life. Lots of cases of ex-soldiers traumatised and ruined, in need of psychiatric help, and often committing violent crimes.

Stuart • 7 years ago

I took this survey and was puzzled (Still am) about what is 100% masculinity/femininity!
I think the results show nothing but the different ways age groups have understood the question.

hyufd • 7 years ago

The fact even in America less than half of men and women consider themselves completely masculine or feminine suggests there is far less rigidity about gender roles across the West, especially amongst the young

Peter Simmons • 6 years ago

Less rigidity? There are two genders, they have entirely different qualities,strengths, weaknesses and needs. Accepting that is not rigidity, it is factual knowledge. Confusion has come in with children being taught politically correct nonsense about gender, about how they can choose which gender they would like to be and other utterly nonsenical garbage dreamed up by people 'walking on the wild side' who would like the whole of society to be as confused, self-obsessed and narcissistic as them.

Tom Parke • 7 years ago

I don't see how the answers to this question can actually tell us anything. There is no attempt to define the scale of masculinity or femininity before asking people to place themselves on it. It appears that respondents are essentially being asked: first imagine a scale of masculinity to femininity, second now place your self on it.
So whilst the disparity in the results across age is striking we don't know if if because older men & women are more masculine / feminine, imagine a narrower scale so are more likely to be at one end or the other, more likely to derive scales based on themselves thus invent a scale with themselves at one end of it, or simply more inclined to see the world in a more binary fashion.

Peter Simmons • 7 years ago

It's pressure from many sources causing young males to question their sexuality, even to the point where increasing numbers are so confused they think they are females in a male body. Transgender has suddenly arrived as a human rights issue rather than what it is, a mental illness. Psychiatrists al say it is a mental condition, body dysphoria, but the PC students' lobby won't have it, and insist on their cosy LGBT world, and twitter mob anyone who claims otherwise, quite fascistic really. The extreme ones even insist on surgery; since when did cutting bits off make someone suffering mental illness sane again?

daelos • 6 years ago

Utter tosh. Non-binary sexual identity is as old as history. There's the Greeks & Romans with their little boys. Even ancient muslims have their mukhannathun. The UK has had waves of effeminacy thought it's history. The fashion of today may not to be your liking but the fashion of effeminacy in men comes and goes all the time. Just look at all those 18century guys in wigs for a start. Stop trying to make out it's mental problems. It's just society doing what it does. People's internal identity probably changes very little but the ones closer to the middle or those that feel their on the wrong side occasionally get the opportunity to express that a little more. Get over it!

Logician • 6 years ago

i doubt the dominant ones in these male-on-male encounters had any doubts about their actual masculinity ... this was just good old-fashioned perversion-for-pleasure in less regulated times, and mainly practiced by the privileged upper classes (as with modern Middle-Eastern social strata, where the rich in their enclaves will indulge with flown-in Nordic blonde call-girls, while the lower orders resort to bestiality in a nearby farmyard). If you read any ancient drama you will find that the ruling classes enjoyed every sin of the flesh imaginable (including routine incest) because they could get away with it, but the next day it was back to business waging war, assassinating their rivals and mass-executing their captives. What they were doing was exercising their power to break any rule of God or man .. today's LGBT-XYZ colonies are withdrawing into a feeble fantasy-world, which they are being goaded to extend by their Marxist manipulators.

Mike_Hunt • 7 years ago

The whole "gender studies" and Marxist uni hell holes phenomenon has only come to Britain within the last few years hence the major jump in 18-24 category.

Poetryeater • 7 years ago

No no Mike, I assure you women did spring into being in 1900 with the suffrage movement, and poofs jumped out of cakes in the 1920's. It is a certifiable fact.

Before that only masculine men in fancy wigs riding horses existed, everyone else had to shut the hell up and look pretty while sipping tea or be out back elbow deep in gutting pigs.

Relick • 7 years ago

Your facetious writing does bring up a good point, effeminate men have always existed.

The reality, though is that there are *far more* young people that are showing feminine traits than there used to be, and far more young people don't have a positive view of masculinity.

I'm not gonna make a point about whether this is right or wrong, but my guess is that 3rd wave feminism has caused this. What's your hypothesis?

daelos • 6 years ago

Balls. I grew up in the eighties with all that New romantic/goth stuff. The sixties had their hippies. There were the roaring twenties. I would also say that 3rd wave feminism is pretty much a made up thing. There's a whole bunch of feminist causes that seem to be at odds with each other with a good proportion actively against transgender people.

What I will suggest though that gender identity is filtering down to the working classes. Back in the 20's it was pretty much just the upper class. In the 60's it was mostly upper middle classs hippies. The 80's it was lower middle class. Now perhaps we get the working class people who are happy making their own mind up where they want to be on the gender spectrum.

Frankly, I think social media is the driver for this. People have far more access to other people's opinions and now it's no longer just the shouty Alpha types that get to be heard.

Relick • 6 years ago

Wow, I'm surprised to see a reply after a year since I posted.

I don't believe your post actually disagrees with mine (other than believing 3rd wave feminism is made up). If you think social media is the driver - I agree, not just because the non-alpha types get to be heard but also through people hearing about 3rd wave feminism and feeling it's "right" and then pressuring their friends that don't comply to join in.

You're right that 3rd wave feminism isn't monolithic, but there are more popular strands of it than others and common themes amongst many of the strands. It certainly does exist, though.

daelos • 6 years ago

Oops. Didn't check the date. Don't know why Disqus decided thrust this topic on me. I didn't go looking for it.

Guest • 7 years ago
Poetryeater • 7 years ago

Shut up!

The over 65's are the dodgiest gender blenders of all: they lived in the 60's with all that free love, wife swapping, cross dressing, drug taking, bra burning, cult joining and weird stuff.

They just weren't as sensible, clean or good mannered as their self-entitled little blisters of offspring!

Golden Rod • 6 years ago

My parents were much more sensible than my generation or any generation since. None of the free love, cross dressing and "weird stuff" that you speak of came to pass in places other than the US west coast and New York City. Everywhere else people were busy earning a living, paying mortgages and trying to improve the standard of living for their families. No one with strong ethics had time to act like the "useful idiots" that you describe. You must be one of those sheep that believes everything that you were told in school.

Logician • 6 years ago

As one of that age bracket, I can testify that the media-image was centred round just a couple of places - London and San Francisco. The rest of the world may have adopted a few of the clothing trends (if they could find the gear or afford it) but apart from some idiots getting lost in drugs (and I knew a few and soon learned they were just abdicating their responsibilities to herbs and chemicals, and occasionally dying), most blokes were still only interested in getting a leg-over and most women were enjoying it. Then Alice Cooper and AC/DC came along with booze-n-hard-rock, which was a lot more fun.
Bowie never really convinced anyone that he was bi-sexual, nor Lou Reed, but then came the real sleaze-merchants of the 80s, Boy George, Marc Almond, both with some nasty legal baggage, and a host more, needing to out-shock and out-sell the 70s pioneers. And so it goes ...

Golden Rod • 6 years ago

100% true.

kency123 • 7 years ago

The humdrum of everyday life gets lost in history Poetryeater, memories are selective

Carol Thorne • 7 years ago

Funny, I managed to live through the sixties in my teens and twenties without encountering any of that, as I suspect most of us did !

Golden Rod • 6 years ago

You are absolutely correct.

Zyraxes Rex • 7 years ago

No surprise. Britain goes rainbow way

Drain52 • 7 years ago

Is there a connection among being an isle of twinks, open and hostile immigration, the collapse of Christianity, and the fall of the British empire with the resulting deracination of masculinity?

Edward Cline • 7 years ago

I'm betting that many of these "girly" men or "undecideds" would vote to remain in the EU. They'd see it as a means to remain in the collectivist, bureaucratic fold. I think the same phenomena is occurring on the Continent. Men there seem unable or unwilling to fight Muslims when they're attacked, to judge by the news stories.

Douglas Mayfield • 7 years ago

Good article and good comments.

chizwoz • 7 years ago

That massive jump between the 18-24 and 25-49 graph on the last image suggests it's either something very specific that changed in the last 24 years, OR it's being caused by education. And when you get out into the real world, values like self-reliance and competitiveness are suddenly meaningful (core masculine values), whereas they had been reliably silenced during school and university years. That would be my guess.

Peter Simmons • 6 years ago

You're right, but I'd call it brainwashing rather than education. Education is imparting to the young facts we know. Brainwashing is filling their heads with unproven fantasies about gender, confusing kids of all ages and making all of them unsure what to think or believe. Thus a generation of snowflakes who can't handle criticism and who want/need safe places to hide in where they aren't forced to face adult issues. Parents who believed they must never frustrate their child's desires has created a generation who can't handle disappointment when others say no, and have hissy fits whenever frustrated.

Guest • 7 years ago
Peter Simmons • 6 years ago

Not true. The ancient Celts whenever threatened, as when the Romans invaded Britain, turned out en masse, men, women and children all fought the enemy, all painted blue running screaming at the orderly Roman legions, which often broke up and ran away from this onslaught of a whole tribe bent on killing them. Celr women were also able to choose husbands, own property and make their own decisions, an enlightened society.