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Gianmarco Conegliano • 7 years ago

I wish NPR would report about all the irregularities this season with voter suppression and wonky voting machines, exit polling that was WAY off, and a media that slanders and shuts out Sanders. I was good they did have a small bit of Amy Goodman of Democracy Now! on. I find her show to do great in-dept reporting that you don't hear anywhere else.

Tango Young • 7 years ago

you don't see your shady sanders as much as you want to, but sanders gets more coverage of rallys than clinton does, and trump gets the other 98%.

it's going to be over June 7th.

Sanders and bernie bots seem to think Clinton needs his supporters.. But I guess you figure that long time, Democrats are going to dump their party for a hostile take over and expect to win anything?

Yur nuts! Democrats have the right to THEIR PARTY. Sanders wants to start a socialist party this late in his years, go right ahead. The democrat ticket had rules going into this race, you don't get to change them as you go along.

Gianmarco Conegliano • 7 years ago

I don't know what you mean by "berniebot". That is a dismissive term so you don't have to listen to others.

Sanders, when he rarely gets coverage, his rallies make the news because they ARE so huge, compared to any other candidate. The people are angry on the left and right because of the corruption of the two wings of the business party: the RNC and DNC. They both shut out alternative voices, as does the media. How much have you heard of Jill Stein here? She tried to enter a debate to which she was invited, and was arrested and detained for 6 hours. What do you think would have happened to Sanders if he had run as an independent? Yet since he ran as a Democrat, the whole country gets to hear his proposals, and they overwhelmingly agree with him.

It's the DNC that literally tried to stifle debate by the DNC chair setting up times when people were not watching at prime time. She also tried to limit the number of debates. Now Clinton is reneging on the last of the debates she agreed to.

Sanders doesn't want to start a Socialist Party. He always helped the Democrats with their legislation, voting with them. He wants to take it back to the Progressive agenda of FDR, and away from the Republican bend it's now on.

It's the DNC that needs to be reformed so that the current undemocratic rules are changed. They are meant to shut out voices that the people elect, and that is just wrong.

It is the DNC and caucus chairs that have been changing the rules midstream. That's what they protested against in Nevada.

Bernie is going to keep running, and he will win. We will change the rules to make them democratic so there are no artificial barriers as there are now. I see you conveniently ignored all the points I brought up.

If you're so sure Clinton will win, then there was no need to respond to my post, or that of any other Sanders supporter.

Rosemary Armaio • 7 years ago

Bernie is correct. DWS has got to go!

Faceless • 7 years ago

She should.

carlnelson nelson • 7 years ago

Denver Post reports "Mistake" made during Colorado caucus. Sanders wins more delegates.

rose tea • 7 years ago

Just one? Why did HC lose in some states but get equal delegates as Bernie?

Tango Young • 7 years ago

because berniebots don't bother to use their internet connection to look up the primary voting rules.
thousands turn out for rallys, but don't actually vote for him.

Imagine that, all those people that "claim" they support sanders, but he's still millions behind in popular vote.

The only rigging going on is sanders side with weaver, the libertarian saboteur.

Faceless • 7 years ago

There were no states where she got equal delegates but lost. She got close to the same amount of delegates, but that's because the primaries aren't winner take all.

Sayaka Soreson • 7 years ago

Just like the Republicans, its a very corrupt political system the Democrats run. Bill Moyers had an excellent article that shed some light on this, as well as the history or the formation of the Super-delegates. See: http://billmoyers.com/story...

Steve Hunter • 7 years ago

With what has happened in both parties maybe, just maybe we the people have set the stage for a revolution.

Sayaka Soreson • 7 years ago

It really needs to happen. Thomas Jefferson once stated that a Constitutional Convention should be convened every 20 years, to address some of these issues and keep it current with society. It hasn't happened since 1789, when the constitution was first ratified. Now, it is coming to haunt us. Even the original founders of this country would not have recommended that we stick with 2 parties, that have monopolized all the power. We have done so since 1854.

Faceless • 7 years ago

There were a lot of things the founders wanted and intended that is not reality. It should be noted that while many of them opposed political parties, they also started them, apparently expecting them to somehow be different.

If Jefferson could see what changing a constitution every few years does, with plenty of examples to be found throughout the world including the Middle East, he would likely choose to stick with basic inalienable rights rather than a document that changes with the whims of a mob.

Changing the Constitution every 20 years is—of all the ideas the founders had, and they had many—by far the worst of them all.

Sayaka Soreson • 7 years ago

I am sure that the issue of "inallienable rights" would be maintained by most. But change can be good too. For instance, had we taken Jefferson's advise, we might have averted a civil war, resolved the issue of slavery, and had Civil rights 100 years sooner. Women could have gotten the right to vote too, much sooner than the 137 years they waited. We could have had a fantastic infrastructure by now, if the federal government were made to make it a priority and be responsible for providing it. We could have done away with the arcane idea of states, and 50 different overlapping and useless governments that is a burden and drain to taxpayers. Immigration issues might have been resolved long ago, and the constitution could have been changed to make sure that the Justice system wasn't packed with political party cronies., among many other things. Otherwise, if there is no change, you could very well have an insurrection, like the French did in 1789, and like what happens in other countries, that don't change.

Steve Hunter • 7 years ago

Maybe it's just that many people in this country regardless of their politics are fed up with the establishment run government of liars, cheats and frauds. There is plenty of corruption in both parties, the lining of pockets and the favoritism provided to big donors and big corporations. Maybe we are witnessing the grass roots of our own French Revolution.

Fred M • 7 years ago

The French Revolution was all about equality. It ended in a bloody mess.

The American Revolution was all about liberty. It ended in the most prosperous and free country on earth.

Frank Fiamengo • 7 years ago

What are you trying to say Fred? Are you for the oligarchs? Do you truly believe in the plutocracy we are living under?

Fred M • 7 years ago

Have you ever heard Sanders talk about Freedom? Liberty? Nope.

TrumpTV • 7 years ago

Free stuff.

Cat's Paw • 7 years ago

Do Democrats Want What Bernie Wants, Or Just What Bernie Has?
Bernie is a Democrat.

Tango Young • 7 years ago

bernie is NOT a democrat, he registered to run as a democrat.

You can register as anything you like, but that doesn't make you a party supporter.

There are states that regularly register as democrats so they can pick their opponents in primaries. Then they vote republican straight ticket..

Cat's Paw • 7 years ago

And who are Bernie's supporters? - Democrats, no?
And why did Bernie register to run as a Democrat? - Because he figures the Democratic party gives him the best chance of winning, no?
And who is going to win the election? - It will be either a Democrat, or a Republican, no? - nobody else has any kind of a chance in a two party system.
And why is Bernie doing so well? - It's because of Democratic support, and financial contributions, no?
You think he would have done just as well running as a "Made-up-Name" Party? I don't think so.
If it quacks, and swims, and has little beady eyes, it's probably a duck.

Tango Young • 7 years ago

Sanders supporters are the uneducated that can not fathom how bills become laws for a president to sign. They sit out elections because they believe that they can pick and choose to do their civic duty, and whine at the results of those that actually vote and do their duty. Don't like the candidates, register and vote, educate yourself as to how the govt works, then make it work for you. STANDING on the sidelines is what has given the candidates you don't like their confidence you hate!

Sanders registered as a democrat because he knows republicans will refuse socialism, as have the majority of democrats have rejected it. Educated people that are rational have said NO , and will continue to say NO.

As for financial support, sanders has ran primary on small donors, but could never win the national on small donors. He like trump (one of the many points of hypocrisy that he shares with trump) would have to take large donor's money, wall street money. So that makes that point moot now doesn't it.

There are none so foolish as the uneducated voyer's that volunteer to be fooled once again. Sanders paint has peeled, his ego has risen, his donors are abandoning him, and his wife's financial dishonesty will push up his retirement to russia sooner than expected.. Soon after June 7th.
"The Help" sends him and shady jane a nice special pie for their just deserts!

Sanders is losing, that isn't doing so "well". The size of the rally doesn't equal the voters in primaries. Many red states routinely register as democrats, vote democrat in the primary and solid red ticket in the National.. It's well documented, do some research.

Cat's Paw • 7 years ago

I like Sanders. I like Hillary.
It is a good year to be a Democrat.
I'm the very best kind of Democrat, a Yellow-Dog Democrat.
I'll even vote for a yellow dog, if he claims to be a Democrat.

Joy Smith • 7 years ago

I think what Bernie wants is to promote real change to a system that has been sold out, and many of us are VERY MUCH in support of that. Interesting how even npr stories claim he has no chance of winning...

This is all so sadly hilarious.

On the GOP side, and due entirely to a lack of an anti democratic superdelegate type of primary, the GOP gets a populist freak candidate that no future historian will identify as having any genuine belonging or basis within the GOP.

At the same time, having such an anti democratic superdelegate system is causing the DNC to put forward an establishment candidate not nearly so popular to independent voters.

Each side is suffering from having precisely what the other is lacking.

We are getting 2 real rubbish candidates from all of this. Could there be a third party miracle this season?

Gianmarco Conegliano • 7 years ago

Yes, but she too, was shut out and arrested for trying to enter a presidential debate: Jill Stein. The two wings of the business party, the DNC and the RNC shut out all other political voices, as does the media. It's really sad when the so-called "Democratic" party is anything but.

carlnelson nelson • 7 years ago

Denver Post is reporting "Mistake" at Colorado primary. Sanders win was bigger than originally reported.

JRoyal • 7 years ago

This election process is awful. How is it possible that there are this many issues and mistakes in 2016? It's not just a few cases, it's everywhere.

carlnelson nelson • 7 years ago

Perhaps it is by design ?

You are expecting that the technology will overcome what the problem will be in any event of such overwhelmingly human nature as we have in the election process, namely human nature.

loverpoint • 7 years ago

HOW ACCOUNTABLE IS BERNIE SANDERS for his own words " I will do everything in my power to make sure that Donald Trump is not elected POTUS " .

Sanders supporters are now saying that Democrats should ignore Democracy and appoint the person who has the fewest delegates , NO MATTER HOW YOU STIR THE POT , Sanders will not win the Democratic Nomination . I doubt he will even be close in California .

Clinton has pretty much stopped running against Sanders because she knows that she has statistically locked up the Nomination .

If Sanders runs as a 3rd Party neither he or Clinton will win . And the country will look at Sanders and his loyalist as the people responsible for getting Donald Trump elected POTUS . Does Sanders and his people expect that during the Presidential Debates that 3 candidates will be on stage ? Clinton, Sanders and Trump ?

Sanders Loyalists for some reason seem to believe ( Not listening to the debates ) that there is some great divide between Sanders and Clinton , when time and time again we have heard both of them say how much they agree on political topics .

I think that at this point Sanders realistically knows he has NOT a SNOWBALL"S CHANCE in _____. I think at this point he is fighting for the position as VP , mainly because he knows who Clintons choice for VP was at the beginning of these primaries and it was probably not him .

We are only 2 months away from the Conventions so if Sanders thinks he has a chance maybe he should let his supporters know who he would choose as a VP .

Ron Ruggieri • 7 years ago

So " socialist " Bernie Sanders and " Wall St. Hillary " agree on so much that they constitute a mutual admiration society ?

loverpoint • 7 years ago

Foolish fans of Sanders seem to forget that what is really at stake in these Presidential Primaries and soon to be Presidential Elections is the next appointment of a Supreme Court Justice .

Americans need their memory refreshed about what has been the true destructive power in the USA over the last 6 years . It has been a Republican majority in the House and Senate that has DONE NOTHING FOR THE PEOPLE OF THE USA , but everything for the 1% . If Americans want to bring back a strong MIDDLE CLASS to America then they will have to do 2 things #1 Elect Hillary Clinton as POTUS , #2 Vote back into the House and Senate a Democratic Majority .

Otherwise the Republicans will continue doing what they have done for the last 6 years NOTHING except creating anarchy in the USA .

A Republican Majority House and Senate have not once brought forth a long term Budget plan that would help pay of Republican Debts from the Bush Administration . They have not once voted for Immigration Reform or Tax Reform . The Republican Senate as refused to vote on a Supreme Court Justice that has been a chosen by POTUS Obama , because of Racial Hatred , the Republican Party has for 8 years tried to impeach Obama for countless false accusations and they will never let a Black POTUS appoint a Supreme Court Justice .

KiraKinski • 7 years ago

This is an easy one — Democrats want what Bernie has. Ain't gonna happen, DNC. Nominate Bernie Sanders or watch for an epic fail in November.

loverpoint • 7 years ago

Most Sanders supporters ( Not the Trump supporters who post on these sites claiming to be Sanders Supporters ) keep claiming that Hillary Clinton is to much of a Centrist and not liberal enough .

When Billionaire Mark Cuban was asked if he would be Clintons VP candidate he said ; Only if she moved more to the center , declaring that she is too far to the left for his liking .

Johann Wagener • 7 years ago

If this question still needs to be asked it's obvious that the media (including NPR) is tone deaf. Revolution is the key word here. In with the new, out with the old is another way of grasping the message. I'm sure that anyone who is not benefiting in some way from the corrupt and bankrupt political system this country is being destroyed by would like to play dumb and hope it all just goes back to politics as usual. NPR should devote this space to pieces that clearly spell out what they already know Bernie wants, or better still, what the people that he speaks for want.

Stan Chaz • 7 years ago

"What does Bernie want ?" is far from merely a few platform planks or a convention speech.
I would encourage you to read Thomas Frank's "Listen Liberal" for a deeper understanding of the very real problems within the current Democratic Party. And while you're at it, also read Michelle Alexander's "The New Jim Crow".

Fred M • 7 years ago

Start with the premise that moderate, mainstream Democrats don't want real Socialism. In this election Bernie is selling an obfuscated version of Socialism Light, but he has a history that indicates he wants the real thing - public ownership, the radical change of the capitalist economy, the works.

The Democrat Party might be making a Faustian bargain by embracing Sanders now because down the road they're going to have to answer some serious questions about whether they really support a capitalist economy that most of their voters, and almost all the swing voters, rely on.

mateo sarni • 7 years ago

See FDR. Same principles. Not rocket science. Plug lobby-driven loopholes, fix a broken taxation system and put revenues and efforts towards what matters most. Less wars and more education as one tiny example.

Fred M • 7 years ago

Yes, the FDR whose government-knows-best policies prolonged the Great Depression for 11 years.

Faceless • 7 years ago

With the one tiny exception that Sanders and FDR are nothing alike.

Dominic Jenkins • 7 years ago

The Bern Dawg is gonna fight that nasty witch to the very bitter end and people like me could never thank him enough for his efforts.

Steve Hunter • 7 years ago

Another Elving NPR hit piece.

JonHoffman1 • 7 years ago

This paragraph reflects the author's severe ignorance about the events that occurred at the Nevada convention: "One camp wanted an open process; the other wanted respect for the rules.
A voice vote was gaveled to a conclusion despite an uncertain outcome,
which is bound to cause trouble. But in the end, the party chair herself
has come to seem the principal victim — "more sinned against than
sinning" — because of extreme phone and online harassment."

The author said "one camp wanted an open process; the other wanted respect for the rules"....that is completely misleading/incorrect. The Sanders "camp" wanted BOTH an open process AND respect for the rules, while the Clinton "camp" wanted neither of those things, and the Nevada DNC chair forcibly threw out the rules.

Numerous videos are available from the event, including some that helpfully do an overview of what occurred in chronological order. Anyone from the party who is claiming that those events are anything other than vote rigging and collusion ... is either ignorant of the facts or part of that collusion. The Nevada DNC chair threw out the rules, and used the gavel like a bludgeon against the will of the people. It was not democracy, and irresponsible reporting based on hearsay is making the problem worse and helping those who are fighting the will of the people.

loverpoint • 7 years ago

The will of the people have Hillary Clinton ahead of Sanders no matter how many times and ways he wants to change the rules ( She has more votes , has won more states , and has more delegates even if you were to exclude all the Super Delegates ) The only way for Sanders to win will be if there is a Socialist Revolution that gives him dictatorial powers ( which he wants ) over everything . He and his supporters would ignore democracy and use violence and intimidation to get their way .

So Bernie Sanders says he is always against going to war / violent actions against other countries and proud of his voting record on pacifism . But when it comes to violence and intimidation during the democratic process of electing a candidate he is all for bloodshed . 1 - 2 months ago Democrats were joyously jumping up and down at the thought of Trump turning the Republican Convention into a violent brawl that would burn down Cleveland and destroy the Republican Party . Now Sanders and his supporters have morphed into the persona of Donald Trump and are threatening to burn down Philadelphia unless Democrats relent and ignore popular vote and appoint Bernie Sanders . Maybe Sanders plan all along has not been to run for president but to Destroy the Democratic Party ?

Faceless • 7 years ago

If Sanders' supporters wanted to keep and "respect" the rules, they wouldn't have tried to implement rules changes 3 separate times.

mateo sarni • 7 years ago

The story is: why didn't HRC -with all her "experience" wrap up this nomination weeks ago? Just why is this race as close as it is -close enough that it will go to Philly contested?!! Why is HRC disliked that much within her own party? Why is Sanders liked so much? These are the questions that real journalists are trying to answer. The rest -like this piece- just help show the bias of the mainstream media. Look over there -flying chairs!!

Faceless • 7 years ago

Assuming that Clinton should have "wrapped up" the nomination weeks ago is the exact same thing as saying Sanders is such a weak candidate that he shouldn't have put up this much of a fight.

Do you think Sanders is that weak of a candidate?

Frank Fiamengo • 7 years ago

Well said! The media is certainly in collusion with the establishment. I just watched CNN to hear the Sanders speech in Carson where he states that 400 supers were for Clinton before a single primary ballot was counted. The last word was that Sanders only has 46% of the votes at this time so the superdelegate issue is null. When in fact all of Clintons wins were early on when the boost from the superdelegates were counted in every news story. Why can't the media explain the truth why early wins for Clinton were the direct result of the party elite giving Clinton 400 superdelegates before the start? Is this fact only obvious to Sanders supporters? Can't folks understand how a campaign builds momentum. Can't the Clinton folks see that going to a horse race with a single horse gets a 400 foot head start is unfair? And un-American.