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markacohen • 7 years ago

I am hearing a lot of anger against Hillary, What about her supporters? What do you think of them? If Bernie had his own organized party like say the NDP in Canada we wouldn't be having these discussions. But Bernie supporters need Hillary voters too because there is only one Party they can effect change in. Bernie realized that too late and you might recognize that he might be right on most of the issues (I think like most people here that he is) but he was wrong not to join the party or form his own (so far a hopeless task nationally in the US). What I do not hear from Bernie supporters is how they will carry out their plans politically, That requires compromises, listening, cajoling, and of course turning up, which the Clintons did assiduously for forty years. I see no acknowledgement that Bernie crashed the party and that a majority of the party rejected him as their nominee and what to do about that. The anger with the DNC process and Hillary bots and Hillary the Wall Street puppet will all be hot air very soon (like Occupy) unless you join forces somehow with those people in the Party who do not think your way. That is what a party is. We could form our own of course but that is not on the cards. I'm going to campaign for Hillary in order to further the Bernie movement, paradoxical though it may sound. I think that is the best way forward. Bernie haggling over the platform is just the first step. He can only do that because he joined the party and it presupposes that he will give his all to get Hillary elected if he loses and accepts the way the party currently works so as to get power and leverage inside it. If he had tried to destroy it that would actually set progressive politics back severely for the long haul however satisfying it might feel right now. So to commentators here I think it is better to put recriminations behind you at this moment and in the future. Remake the party in your image, great. Change the Primary rules like everyone else has done in the past with committees that you control. Make it your vessel. But if you try and destroy it you will only have your anger left and Trump will win.

Harold Howe • 7 years ago

The author of this tripe must work for Trump.

Marsupial • 7 years ago

"where supporters of Bernie Sanders tossed chairs"

No they did not. Get your facts right. Stop spinning nonsense. Be a real journalist and check the facts. One man raised a chair in anger at the clear corruption that was taking place, that you've failing to talk about but we'll ignore that for the moment, and after a woman placed her hand on his shoulder he put it back down again.

Now was it really that hard to check that out? Or are you just a fan of bashing your next president?

Peace x

Ron Ruggieri • 7 years ago

If you have a spark of old fashioned " class consciousness " in you , Wall St. Hillary represents not even an acceptable lesser evil. In contrast to questionable but congenial " socialist " Democrat Bernie Sanders , Hillary Clinton represents nothing but perfected political rot. Hawkish Hillary is the Queen of the capitalist Status Quo in America. She is also pro-death penalty, pro-Neo-Colonialism , and never has a kind word for the oppressed Palestinians. She seems equally estranged from those nasty and " ignorant " working class white people.
As a critical supporter of the relatively " progressive " Bernie Sanders I could never vote for Harpy Hillary. Sanders could team up with Jill Stein, the presidential candidate of the Green Party.
Also I commend right wing demagogue Donald Trump for his " progressive " role in destroying the party of the ruling class Bush Family. If billionaire Trump is elected president, he will replace the ONE PERCENT with THE ONE, the one and only, The Donald. Still " Progress " in a black humorous way.

Yudhishthira • 7 years ago

Just chillin'.

MBGM • 7 years ago

Comparing Clinton '08 to Sanders is misguided. In 2008 Clinton went from presumptive into a nosedive. Sanders went from marginalized and neglected to soaring. He's steadily gaining and for a very long time he has been right on her heels. He's only 200-something delegates behind her with a huge number still available. Supers don't count until July, and as businesspeople, their first duty is to keep the Party viable and in power. They are going to side with whoever beats the GOP, so the 'it's too early to talk about favorability' argument is a failed one.

TXDem1945 • 7 years ago

You have it all figured out.

Ron Ruggieri • 7 years ago

Oddly enough, Hillary is talking in a condescending way to Bernie Sanders while she is falling behind Republican opponent Donald Trump in the polls. And Bernie is leading Trump in several polls.The arrogance of power !

Coracle • 7 years ago

And Obama trailed McCain by 5 points in polls as late as September 2008. Old songs.

Jp Delapaz • 7 years ago

There wasn't one chair thrown in Nevada. They've went through all of the video. And it is my personal opinion that the threat messages were made by accomplices of Roberta Lang impersonating Sanders supporter to make them look bad. I've heard the messages and they sound people trying to say something vulgar. If it were Sanders supporter, they would have included the issues they were mad about instead of making solely violent threats. Listen to them yourselves and ask of they are not some of the most un'authentic messages. And those threats would classify as terrorist threats and have arrests. The messages are just my opinion but I don't understand why the media keeps reporting that chairs were thrown and that there was violence when neither happened.

TXDem1945 • 7 years ago

I regard it as minor a minor matter. Some people got upset and reacted to that upset.

luceroblanco • 7 years ago

The chairs thrown was an exaggeration it seems, but Rolling Stone did an article in which they actually interviewed men who sent threats after the Nevada Convention.

Jp Delapaz • 7 years ago

It us still fabricated in my opinion whether there were interviews or not. If you listen to those messages, they clearly qualify as terrorist threats and police would have made arrests in the matter but haven't. Rolling Stones is most likely part of the media showing and presenting fabricated stories to smear Sanders campaign. They have already fully endorsed Hillary Clinton and have a number of other stories painting Hillary as a good candidate. Throwing a chair when no violence occurred is not an exaggeration, it is fabrication. One accusation shows violence and one does not.

Ron Ruggieri • 7 years ago

Don't forget the role of sinister provocateurs in helping out the pro-establishment candidates. Democrats and Republicans are partners in creating the All American police state and the existing " Gulag ", the prison system.

Willnotbealyedownvoter • 7 years ago

Why would anyone assume Bernie supporters will vote for Hillary? We voted for president Barack Obama for HOPE AND CHANGE. we do not trust hillary. I do not believe she's has main St in her heart, but she does have wall Street in her pocket.

Ron Ruggieri • 7 years ago

And the consequences are momentous : the American political system is self-destructing. The two party system -so subservient, as Ralph Nader pointed out, to Corporate America- is in a profound crisis.There is a real opening here for the conquest of power by the American working class.

TXDem1945 • 7 years ago

It is no accident that .........

Robert Bergley • 7 years ago

No chairs were thrown, this is from the woman who took the video of a single chair being lifted up in the air before it was taken away by fellow supporters and the guy was calmed down with hugs. https://www.youtube.com/wat...

SarahSiddell • 7 years ago

Apparently there was NO CHAIR-THROWING at the Nevada Democratic convention. The videos show someone picked up a chair, then put it back down.

Shame on you, Tim Murphy and Mother Jones, for not doing basic news reporting which involves checking our reports --especially controversial ones-- to find out if they are actually true.

I expected better from MJ!

And for everyone who has read Senator Barbara Boxer's comments critical of Bernie Sanders in the New York Times and other MSM, I would like to point out that Hillary Clinton's brother Tony was married to Boxer's daughter Nicole and is the father of her grandson Zachary.

Do you think the familial relationship might influence Boxer's perspective?

Obviously the pro-Clinton MSM does not.

Kimberly McMullan • 7 years ago

SHOW US THE CHAIR THROWING! It NEVER happened. How can you call yourself journalists?? There was NOOOOOOOOOO violence, but you make me want to be, you liars!

roberteye • 7 years ago

MSNBERNIEC has been doing this lately. They pimped Bernie (and Trump for that matter) for months, fervent for a "horse race". And now that the Berniestein monster is stalking they land, Maddow among others is saying: "No biggee. Protests like this are common. Calm down, Dems. Same thing happened in 2008." Well, no it didn't. Yes passions were high, but Clinton was not suggesting burning down the party in 2008, or claiming "fraud" after every loss, or implying that Obama would be "illegitimate." Guilt much, MJ?

TrumpLovedEpstein • 7 years ago

At least in 2008 Bill and Hill didn't dox the SD's and threaten them physically...

AndronicusDragon • 7 years ago

I see '68 coming and it isn't going to be pretty. It is the age of Ouroboros

Terrylf1 • 7 years ago

Starting out with the lies about the Nevada convention in the first paragraph destroys your credibility with me. No more Mother Jones in my inbox.

Anna Mouse • 7 years ago

Typical Trump supporter: https://youtu.be/dKerIxzcwfk

Catharine Mason • 7 years ago

Very disappointing that Mother Jones has become a voice of the Establishment !!

craig klucas • 7 years ago

This is about basic philosophy, not personalities. Hillary is not for serving the people, she uses her office for self serving her corruption. Next she will be saying Chelsea will be involved in her cabinet, and then Chelsea can run for President. Too much Bubba here.

Wiccy Duncan • 7 years ago

" where supporters of Bernie Sanders tossed chairs and later sent death threats to the state party chair, " REALLY When will the press get their facts right !!!!!!! This has been proved false . Gzzzz How can you expect people to believe anything you have to say when the first sentence is a lie !! The only one's who have been arrested for violence were Hitlary supporters ! No flying chairs at all ! The so called death threats they have yet to prove it was from the Sanders supporters .
Tho the Bernie office in Nevada was shot up and his staffers house was broke into and ransacked . I don't see that anywhere in your story ! I guess the truth doesn't make the news . Tho if the Clinton office had been shot up it would be front page news for a week ! Bernie doesn't back violence or any type of it . He has said that over and over . Next time you try and blame someone for that get your facts right and put the blame where it belongs .

Kate • 7 years ago

@"When will the press get their facts right !"-
Can't blame the press for this one...

Sen. Barbara Boxer (D., Calif.), a Hillary Clinton supporter, described Wednesday how she was genuinely frightened for her safety

while being booed by supporters of Sen. Bernie Sanders (I., Vt.) during the Nevada Democratic state convention on Saturday.
Appearing on CNN, Boxer told host Kate Bolduan that she felt physically threatened while speaking at the event because of the
onslaught of boos she received.“It was a scary situation. I was there; I saw it,” Boxer said. “It was frightening. I was on the stage and people were six feet away from me. And if I didn’t have a lot of security, I don’t know what would have happened.”

niknar • 7 years ago

So Boxer is intimidated by some boos. If that's the case, why did she ever get into politics? It is a foregone conclusion that when you run for office you will get boos, jeers, whistles & protests. Nothing new or unusual about that.

The anger by the Sanders supporters was more than justified considering the various ways their voice was being muffled, but that anger has never turned into violence because supporters of Sanders are supporters of peace, honesty, fairness, justice & equality.

DistanceMatters • 7 years ago

No the anger and vitriol expressed by Sanders supporters was not "more than justified." They didn't get what they wanted and expected and acted out. Read the inconvenient truth at Politifacts and elsewhere.

niknar • 7 years ago

Being cheated & treated unfairly doesn't bring out the best in someone

Coracle • 7 years ago

Just imagine being slagged for 25 years straight.

niknar • 7 years ago

My condolences if that's happened to you.

Coracle • 7 years ago

I'm lucky not to be referring to myself.

Blinker • 7 years ago

Chill out and remember how Obama appointed all of Wall Street to his Justice and Treasury departments, Monsanto to the Agriculture department, Pfizer to the FDA, Verizon to the FCC, do I need to go on? (I guess he couldn't appoint Netanyahu to Secretary of State since he already promised that to Hillary Clinton.)

"...where supporters of Bernie Sanders tossed chairs and later sent death threats to the state party chair"

Bullshit and you know it, Mother Jones! No one "tossed" any chairs (one guy raised one, but immediately put it down to hug it out with nearby Bernie supporters, it's in the video, you know how to use the Internet). And the "death threats" probably came from Brock-bots on the payroll, there is no proof yet who made those calls, but they stink of the kind of PAC-puke progressives have to fend off, like "they threw chairs". Where is the in-depth investigation of what manner of tomfoolery the Nevada chairwoman was up to? And switching the order of the keynote speakers so Boxer could bask in the fresh indignation. Sanders surrogate Nina Turner was originally scheduled, unlike Boxer, who taunted the audience, Nina would have calmed everyone down.

You can hear a second-generation Nevada Democratic superdelegate who was at the NV convention (for all 16 hours) give an accurate, detailed and unbiased report of the underhanded tactics (locking doors, denying delegate status) in an extended telephone interview with Thom Hartmann: https://www.youtube.com/wat...

We have had it! Enough is ENOUGH!

PhoebeS • 7 years ago

I am getting tired of this. Even MJ reporters do not do due diligence. By now it should be common knowledge that there WAS NO VIOLENCE at the Nevada DNC Convention.

DL • 7 years ago

It would be funny to see an internet poll - "How many of you believe this crap?"

niknar • 7 years ago

It all depends on who gets all their news from the corrupt corporate mainstream media, & who seeks the truth on the internet with video proof.

DistanceMatters • 7 years ago

Oh yes. The internet with video proof. Such incontrovertible sources of information. Good grief.

skybluepink • 7 years ago

Clinton assures us that she has the nomination sewn up. Was that some deal she made with the DNC back in '08? The DNC isn't being fair to Bernie so that makes it a possibility.

niknar • 7 years ago

She's acted like she's the nominee all along from beginning to end. The Clintons have a huge amount of clout in the Democratic Party, so whether it was a deal from back in '08 or just coercion & bribes ever since, it comes to the same result.

smkngman3 • 7 years ago

Why do you think she says "It's MY Turn"?

Waltlander • 7 years ago

Would have liked the article more if it did not have the erroneous chair throwing and death threat accusation, which have been disproven. Yes there were threats on voice mail, but not death threats.

Biggest thing I get from the article is that Bill and Hillary would do anything to win even slyly saying racially tinged remarks that are gossip.
God I hope those days are gone!

smkngman3 • 7 years ago

In 2008, the Hillary campaign used Penn and assorted campaign workers to smear Obama. Remember the Birther and Obama Muslim stories?

Hillary learned her lesson. Now she uses Brock and his minions to run the smear campaign.

stravu9 • 7 years ago

The DNC has done itself irreparable damage by forcing such a divisive candidate. By obviously rigging the game and proving itself as bad as the RNC has ever been. The party is crippled. Millions will leave it because the arguments for "Vote Blue, No Matter Who" ring false when the standard bearer is as clearly owned by big pharma and Wall Street. If you truly believe Sanders supporter will fall in line, you are sadly mistaken. I have been a Democrat all my life, from a family of true believers on both sides. No more. You have lost me for good, and though I will not support Trump, I will #NeverVoteForClinton.

niknar • 7 years ago

Please help us persuade Bernie, once he's been officially cheated out of the Democratic nomination, to accept the Green Party's offer to head their ticket & run 3rd party against both Hillary & Trump. This is the best way to save our nation from disaster.

Roseann • 7 years ago

Wow more garbage! Why is everything about Hillary? Boo hoo for the Undemocratic party who feel their people aren't smart enough to pick a candidate. I heard there was no chair throwing either. Maybe I will read the rest of this article, the first few paragraphs I read pissed me off .....o.k I read more so it's about the Clintons and Obama...crap!

Daniel • 7 years ago

Not really that much deja vu about Bernie's insistence that system "rigged" or that we should look forward to a convention floor fight! Hillary did seem to be free associating here about June in elections, as much as complaining about not being heard or a non-democratic system that must be challenged to ensure trnasparency! http://www.politico.com/mag...

elw • 7 years ago

I stopped reading at the first line: "After last weekend's chaotic Nevada Democratic convention, where supporters of Bernie Sanders tossed chairs and later sent death threats to the state party chair." Any article that starts out with an unproven claims is not worth reading. No where on the many feet of video taken is there chair throwing, only one short clip of a man picking up a chair and putting it down seconds later. No one was hurt, no arrests were made; the worse thing that happen was the use of bad language and a bit of name and lots and lots of yelling. In the meantime as the Hillary supporter go crazy making untrue accusation about Bernie supporters, last week it was a Hillary supporter who was indicted for the assault of a Bernie supporter. Did you hear anyone blaming Hillary and everyone of her supporters for that - of course not!