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I am glad Pam Geller is there to speak for me. There are so many of us who feel exactly the same way. She is well spoken and keeps on point. We are lucky the media wants to have her on their programs so the word gets out how violent moslems are because they are mandated to imitate the psychopath Mohammad , and that there is NEVER any appeasing them - they want their caliphate and sharia imposed on us whether we want it or not.

Nina Weil • 8 years ago

Well said. Pam speaks for me as well and I thank G-d for it. Where are all the rabbis and pro-Israel politicians?

SillyLib • 8 years ago

Why "G-d?" Why not type "I thank God?" Just curious.

czilla138 • 8 years ago

I am curious as well. my partner says GD when he means goddamn. Saying GD, or G-d is the exact same as actually saying what you are trying not to say.

0349 JAT • 8 years ago

Muslims don't like pictures of Mohammad. This will provoke them.
Muslims don't like dogs. Will dog shows provoke them?
Muslims don't like music. Will concerts provoke them?
Muslims don't like fun. Will amusement parks provoke them?
Back down on one thing and it will go on and on and on and on...

Always On Watch • 8 years ago

That's exactly correct.

This push against Pamela right now is just the beginning. Why can't more people understand that FACT?

michaelwarden • 8 years ago

" Muslims don't like fun ? " You kidding ?

Muslims burn people alive, rape and oppress women and young girls, cut
the clitoris of girls under 6 and marry them at any age, lie to the
unbelievers, kill Jews, kill Christians and other non-Muslims, hang
homosexuals, cut off the hands of thieves, marry 4 wives, beat them and collect
welfare for all of them, honour kill daughters, kill cartoonists, dress wives
in black garbage bags, smite the necks of the unbelievers and execute apostates
from Islam.

And they say there is no fun in Islam !!

0349 JAT • 8 years ago

Islam; a day without a beheading is a day without fun.

Cate • 8 years ago

Muslims don't like music - remember they destroyed a whole bunch of musical instruments recently saying that it's against Islam.
Muslims don't like Mother's Day - they said it's against Islam because it honors the Virgin Mary.
Muslims don't like Thanksgiving - it's against their "religion".
Muslims are against EVERYTHING. And it is true - if we give in on this one thing, it will never stop.

Nina Weil • 8 years ago

You are correct. Even as we blog, the shariasaurus is laying its eggs in our society. We need to move them out of the States before they hatch.

Jaem • 8 years ago

Just look at Iran and you will see what provokes them. A few teenagers got together and made a video of themselves dancing to "I'm Happy". The girls were not covered. All of them were caught and given a sentence of 90 lashes. Happiness, music and dancing provoke punishment.

Rick King • 8 years ago

When I see a people that drink camel piss and think that is ok how can anyone say these are civilized people. https://www.youtube.com/wat...


rolledspine • 8 years ago

I just saw Pam Gellar try to have an intelligent conversation with Chris Cuomo on CNN. He is well indoctrinated to not offend Muslim worshipers. The inane analogy that the "N" word is equivalent to a cartoon is absurd. Are people offended by a cartoon of Jesus? Let them be offended! Muslim, Jew, Christian, et al. That is what freedom of speech is about. There is no obscene nature here. This has to stop now. We shall not cow-tow to the Muslim Sharia law, this is our country, our laws. Just as we fall under the laws of other lands when we are in them, they too must fall under ours.

ComplementaryAngle • 8 years ago

Well stated Ms Geller on so many levels. I hope the nation laughs when they find out what the media is afraid to show. The winning cartoon is a basic statement about exploring ideas outside the limited ideas that violent people want us to pretend to share. It's generic enough that every decent person would agree that it'd be a bad idea in the long run to let the bully go unchecked for the public safety and for everyone's mental health.

It's odd that some seem to take exceptionally "deep" offense when they are asked to take their turn to introspect about their role as the bully. Public figures are doing a disservice by mollycoddling the bullies instead of addressing the mental health issues. I can't help but think of The Emperor's New Clothes.

Davey Dunn • 8 years ago

piss on obamas people the goat F;ing Muhammad an his quranu pig book of lies

BobC • 8 years ago

Atheist here. I have extreme contempt for all religions but one religion stands out that needs to be completely eradicated from this planet, the terrorist organization called Islam. I have even more contempt for the wimps who suck up to these subhumans. Thank goodness for defenders of free speech like Ms. Geller.

Alla aguirre • 8 years ago

I totally agree that we have to protect freedom of speech. However, it has to be done wisely . After the Texas attack miss Gellar requested protection from law enforcement because of death threats. So who is going to protect all those people on buses with that provocative ad when stupid muslims decided to attack them? Putting hundreds of lives in danger by provoking these barbarians isn't wise.

Hoppyman50 • 8 years ago

This is as brainless as those accusing God for floods and earthquakes. This is a present evil world, fallen and in the wake of being reclaimed by God, in the day of redemption. My God, they are like many Christians, very superstitious!

wibbys1 • 8 years ago

Only if satan can cause massive flooding--which according to the book of Job he might--after getting permission from the KING!

DKING • 8 years ago

This is all about hate. I will never support this kind of horrible, fake fight. Pamela Geller is a liar. She is only looking to Benifit herself with this madness. How can anyone say all Muslims are no good. Makes no sense to me. If you tell a lie over and over again you start to make it a truth. Boycott this foolishness. It's focus on the real bad terrorist and destroy them. By the way I mean the extremist who are killing innocents.

Abdullah Popal • 8 years ago

you guys talk about islam so negative but u have to understand islam is one of the biggest religion and is the truth their will always be propaganda and uneducated people or people who take advantage of their religion... all these things that u guys say that muslims is true but only god judges if their are true muslims.. They do not know any better.. u have to study more every question you have Dr Zakir Naik can answer it logically and u will see the world with a different angle. Do be blind to the truth find ur own answers not just on what people do .. our relgion teaches peace not to be barbaric... I am a American Muslim .. I have a clean record, educated successful good with my neighbors and good with even those who call me enemy I stayed a virgin till i got married and i never drank love each of you for the sake of God and hope that you guys will find the truth with ur heart and not ur eyes.

Sherab Zangpo • 8 years ago

Very well said. THAT is the point that can defeat all the blathering of the pseudo-pundits: WHERE WILL the enforcement of shari'a STOP ? Food ? Drinking ? Dress code ?
The answer of course is NEVER. It will never stop. Because it is islamic imperialism/supremacism, it has gone on for 1,400 year and it is not gonna stop now.
It can only be stopped, it does not stop by itself.
America should thank Pamela Geller as a true American hero.

G*d speed

mezcukor • 8 years ago

She is right but so many people do not see that. Morons



dfw63 • 8 years ago

Does anyone know where Stephen F Hayes of Fox News came up on the Garland cartoon expo?

I'm forever indebted to Megyn Kelly for her stance and Jeanine Pirro was good too, but I was really disappointed in Andrew Napolitano.
After that, they're all clowns and I don't care what they think.

defcon 4 • 8 years ago

Excellent and polite interview, much better than the third degree interviews CNN conducts against those opposed to islamic-nazism.

CanadaGoose1 • 8 years ago

We should do ads that show the Taliban et al hate music. Young people would put up with a lot, but no music!

Ray - God Bless Israel. • 8 years ago
Guest • 8 years ago
Bronish • 8 years ago

Yep....I agree wholeheartedly. But I'd prolly use stronger language like....Get the hell out of the West!!! Moslems don't belong in the West unless they reject islam and embrace freedom and liberty....and pereferably....yes I'll say it....Christianity!!! Boo! Haha! Did I frighten any of you superstitious, pedophile worshippers? Prolly so.....but in reality, moslems should be very sober. Hell awaits their souls at death by their rejection of Messiah, Jesus Christ (Yeshua). Accept Him now and be saved.

bobcchicago • 8 years ago

Eugene --- Very good post.
Thank you.