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PBHayes • 8 years ago

You can't deport the illegal parents without the children also being removed. They all have to go.

regulus30 • 8 years ago

AKA; the Donald's position. BYE BYE FOX, HAVE "NOT tuned them in since the debate fiasco, this little twit is going to destroy the channel.

67N20 Army • 8 years ago

I was watching the pre-season on FOX,, Titans/Rams game,, all of a sudden the last half hour was being broadcast in Mexican, journalists, players ALL of it .. BYE, BYE fox no more watching anything on your channel !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

regulus30 • 8 years ago

time for a new media outlet that is just as committed to conservatism

as the others are to liberal/communism.

SammysDad • 8 years ago

If Newsmax says they are conservative and wants to prove it, they should start programming like Fox and take their place. Kelly is trying to make a name for herself, but I find her more and more like Maddow and Mica Whatever. Her left leaning brow beating of GOP candidates is sickening, and I ,for one, will stop listening to her. When she first started, I thought it was a mistake, but now that Rupert's sons are running Fox, the left leaning will become more prominent, and she will be the ringleader. Too bad, Fox had it all, and now it's giving it up.

regulus30 • 8 years ago

talk radio is all that is left; wonder how long Sean Hannity will stay at Fox?

scra51 • 8 years ago

foxnews is now Saudi owned...its not a surprise they are now obama's tool

riccarrdo estavans • 8 years ago

Try "One America News". On cable. Do a search.

Glatik • 8 years ago

Wish I had it but I do have Newsmax,TV. like it. NEVER WATCH FOX again.

Dennis • 8 years ago

I have been watching the RINO bent of Fox for some time. They are mainstream establishment supporters, they only make it appear to support true conservative issues,
Strict Constructionist Constitutionalist, that is what I am. If it hasn't been written it does not exist.
All the perversions of the Constitution by legislators, judges and executives alike are only attempts to keep themselves in power, live off the backs of their offices of the People's Government while they willfully break the very law that they say gives them the right to do it.
How utterly absurd.... Its absolutely incredulous to see them get up there and spout the swill that comes out of their mouths.
Jesus said the same thing of the Pharisees, perverting the law and substituting their own "traditions of men"... Nearly 2000 years and not one damned thing as changed.
Time has nothing to do with human nature and the principles in the Constitution are timeless.

Glatik • 8 years ago

I agree with you Dennis.
I feel like they are considering us cash cows, good enough to pay taxes but not worth representing us. Just following their own policies.

regulus30 • 8 years ago

will check it out

BornNBread • 8 years ago

who's the little twit ?/ YOU?

regulus30 • 8 years ago

juvenile response.

maryb • 8 years ago

I read that these anchor babies are not legal citizens and should be deported because their parents are here illegally. If you interpret the reading correctly in he law, it states "Only babies born to "LEGAL" citizens have the right to be called American citizens".

American Patriot • 8 years ago

A package deal.

Trythis Last • 8 years ago

So, what is wrong with...............
1. Enforce existing law
a. STOP the influx..fences/border enforcement/ TEETH/Examples
1) ESPECIALLY PREGNANT WOMEN... stop digging the hole
b. Export all felons or prior deported illegals.
c. Export ALL illegals without anchor babies....how many are left ?
d. While doing a., b.,c.,test the 14th ..if there really are no anchor
babies, send them home too; otherwise launch an Amendment

There, I said it.
And I invite Megyn, Heraldo, Juan, or O'Reilly to debate me!
Do they have a problem with the main point? - ENFORCE THE LAW!

Ronald DeCaro • 8 years ago

People please listen!!! THERE IS NO NEED TO DEPORT ANYONE. All that the government needs to do is to enforce the laws already in the books. Require that every employer must E-verify each employee and not less than 50% of the undocumented here will be out of a job and forced to go back home. This is what Romney had in mind (among other things) and he was right. The IRS already knows many, many undocumented workers because they have given them voluntarily a special IRS number they can use to file their taxes. The SSA knows many others because they have millions of numbers used by the illegal aliens that actually belong to children, the dead or more than one person at the time. I know, I used to have access to their records. So please don't let anyone tell you we cannot deport millions of people. They are right. The illegals will self-deport!

maryb • 8 years ago

you are right, they are here to collect the benefits the us gives them. if they are low skilled and making min wages, then a family of 4 gets over 40K a year in free benefits all on the expenses of the us taxpayers. That's part of the reason the come here.

Dr. Bob Christensen • 8 years ago

Right on. That is exactly what I have been thinking and saying for months. Hooray

67N20 Army • 8 years ago

Megyn Kelly needs to find a different job.!! Maybe waiting tables ???

Jack Leonard • 8 years ago

Or lap dancing.

anglelou • 8 years ago

Of all people, Megyn should have learned by now you cannot out debate Cruz or out fox him. Cruz is brilliant and is a champion debater from Harvard. Plus he is a Constitutional scholar!

kibitzer3 • 8 years ago

He is just under the sway of his liberal Harvard Law School professors who have somehow brainwashed him into thinking that he is a 'natural born' citizen under the intent and meaning of the term used by the constitutional Framers; which is very easily determined from the historical record, as one born on the soil (jus soli) of two (in this case, U.S.) citizen parents (jus sanguinis). He would do the nation - the American federal constitutional Republic - a bigger favor by acknowledging the truth on that matter than if he ran for the office illegally, and thereby tried to make two wrongs make a right.

That's not how it works, Ted. Get right with Truth. And we begin to heal as a nation.

Charlibart • 8 years ago

Why do you keep telling this bald faced lie? What goes with the jus soli and jus sanguinis crap. Is that supposed to make you appear intelligent and sway the hoi poloi? If a mexican woman can drop a baby (i.e.: Anchor) surely the child of a woman who is an American Citizen is definitely a citizen by birth right. End of story.

alicia • 8 years ago

The father should also be a US citizen. Ted Cruz' father is a Cuban citizen and served under Fidel Castro.

Loyalty of Ted Cruz will be split 3-ways: Canada where he was born. USA where his mother was born, and CUBA, where his father was born.
The US constitution framers were smart.
Ted Cruz has dual citizenship until he renounced his Canadian citizenship this year.

proudtexan62 • 8 years ago

Ted Cruz's father DID NOT SERVE UNDER FIDEL CASTRO. That statement alone confirms your total ignorance. Ted Cruz's father left Cuba when Castro took over the country and brought communism there just like Obama and Soros brought it here. Ted Cruz was born in Canada while his father was working there. That was not their permanent residence. They were permanent residents of the United States. Being born in Canada gave him dual American/Canadian citizenship and he kept that until 2014 when he renounced his Canadian citizenship.

kibitzer3 • 8 years ago

Is there some reason that you can't read plain English?? We're not talking about a plain "citizen" needed for one to be in the Oval Office. We're talking about a particular KIND of citizen. A citizen who has NO DUAL/CONFLICTING LOYALTIES OR ALLEGIANCES, for having been born of TWO U.S. citizen parents. Not a naturalized citizen. Not a DUAL citizen. A NATURAL BORN citizen.

Go to puzo1dotblogspotdotcom, and get to the REAL end of the story.

proudtexan62 • 8 years ago

You are not going to win this argument because it is already settled IN THE COURTS so GO AWAY!!!

proudtexan62 • 8 years ago

Harvard Law Professors know a lot more about the law than you for sure. You spew liberal talking points and think if you say it often enough, it will miraculously become the truth. Ted Cruz is nothing but TRUTH, unlike you.

proudtexan62 • 8 years ago

Get over that Ted Cruz is ILLEGAL. He is not and he is running for President of the United States and he will either be President or VP before all is said and done. You liberals crawl back in your holes because you are not even in the running. America is tired of Communism and Tyranny.

kibitzer3 • 8 years ago

Which is precisely why this is such a major issue, proudtexan62. Obama is a Usurper, for not being a bona fide 'natural born' citizen - i.e., one born on the soil of TWO U.S. citizen parents; the requirement PRIMARILY so that the Commander in Chief of the nation's military forces does not have ANY DUAL/CONFLICTING LOYALTIES OR ALLEGIANCES - and so needs to be removed from that thus-dishonored office, and quick (by Oathkeepers, current and retired). And if you would stop blindly supporting your 'favorite son' candidate for a minute and see the truth of the matter, you would see that.

The original intent and meaning of the term by the constitutional Framers was based on the definitive tome of the day on such matters, E. de Vattel's 'The Law of Nations Or Principles Of Natural Law'. There is plenty of historical evidence confirming that. Do your homework. And stop insulting me by calling me a liberal. I am a Truthseeker. Are you??

proudtexan62 • 8 years ago

Ted Cruz should not even be mentioned in the same sentence with Barack Obama. Obama is an illegal, a Muslim Radical Terrorist, A Communist, a Nazi, a Marxist and a Socialist!!! He ran for president of this country with the intent of destroying America as we know it. Ted Cr in uz is a Constitutional Scholar and A Constitutional Attorney and has been fighting Barack Obama ever since he walked into the Senate Chamber in 2013. He held dual Citizenship because of being born to an American Mother (from Delaware) in Canada while she and his father were working in Canada. Ted Cruz is much more a Patriot of the United States of America than many people who were born here with two American parents . We know ted Ted Cruz and we know he explored every single law regarding his eligibility before he ever announced he was running. He had planned to announce much sooner but Ted Cruz is a very thorough person. He is one of the most intelligent people in this country and he, like Donald Trump cannot be bought by any special interest. He is truthful, respectful, and you will never beat him in a debate. He was one of the shining stars of the Harvard Law School debate team. His professors said he was one of the most intelligent men who had ever graduated Harvard, if not the most intelligence. You will not stop Ted Cruz from running for President and this country needs him like we have never needed a man like him before. Ronald Reagan was a wonderful President but Ted Cruz will equal or better him for many reasons. You need to get over the fact that you don't know the law where this is concerned and move on. You still today have the right to vote for whoever you want and if you don't like Ted Cruz, don't vote for him. Just don't sell this country down the river with a vote for Hillary Clinton if she even makes it to the primaries or Bernie Sanders. One is worse than the other and Clinton is worse than Obama and that's saying something. Joe Biden will likely get the liberal nod to run and he is not the brightest light bulb in the box but he's head and shoulders above Clinton and Sanders.

kibitzer3 • 8 years ago

I was going to let this comment thread go when someone else's retort riled me to anger, and I didn't want to engage in that frame of mind, but you have convinced me that I can't let the matter go, for you are reacting in ERROR, and I can't let that be the last word, or people might believe your take on the matter.

The fact is that Cruz is ineligible for that particular office because his father was not an American citizen at the time of his birth, and the argument need go no further, into where he was born, etc etc.: he falls at the first hurdle. PERIOD.

The other person tried to argue that court decisions have settled the matter: I beg to differ. It doesn't matter what subsequent court decisions say, one way or the other, on the issue - the meaning - the intent of the NBC requirement for that office - AND THAT PARTICULAR OFFICE, as I have pointed out, setting it on a special pedestal for its special reason. This is a substantive, fundamental constitutional issue, that it would take a constitutional amendment to change from its original, de Vattel clarification and intent, of defining one born on the soil of TWO (in this case, U.S.) citizen parents, so as not to have ANY DUAL/CONFLICTING LOYALTIES OR ALLEGIANCES. And NO SUCH AMENDMENT has been passed. But indeed - and as evidence that both main political parties knew and know this - both parties tried a total of 8 times between them between 2003 and '08 to get a constitutional amendment going through Congress on this very issue - to water down the NBC requirement - and failed each time even to get it out of committee, such was the political sensitivity around the issue. So what did they do? They engaged in a criminal conspiracy to defraud the American people and the rule of law in this country: the Constitution.

Why would the Republican Party go along with a maneuver that made it possible for Obama to slip into that office illegally?? Because they wanted to be able to do the same thing with THEIR candidates. As we have seen. Do I have any proof of this? No, just common sense - but I can hardly wait for both parties to be brought up before an honest court of law on RICO-statute charges, of colluding in the commission of a crime, and being declared the criminal enterprises that they are, and dissolved forthwith. Which knocks the 2016 elections into a cocked hat, until this matter is cleared up.

For, this nation WILL return to TRUTH. Or it will not be allowed to pass into its future. Whatever that better future may be. For, the future is one of Truth, and Justice.

No more Corruption. That is coin of the realm of another day. A day now past. Or at least, in the process of passing. Into a better one. Where we go, neither to the Left nor to the Right.

But Up.

proudtexan62 • 8 years ago

You can be riled all you want. I am a 72 year old woman who has been around for a lot longer than you and I have been active in my state and national politics for a very long time. You ARE WRONG AND THAT'S FINAL!!! I will not discuss this subject with you again. Do not respond to me again.

alicia • 8 years ago

That is exactly what I was posting for the last 3 months. No one seem to pay attention. I even emailed Ted Cruz himself to stop campaigning and pretending to be eligible. One of his fundraisers called me asking for donations. When I mentioned TED CRUZ is NOT eligible, she said "so what, Obama did it". That means Ted Cruz campaign knows he is NOT eligible. To that I said "Two wrongs does not make it right".
This is also true for Marco Rubio, and Bobby Jindall.

proudtexan62 • 8 years ago

Ted Cruz's campaign would have NEVER TOLD YOU "So, what Obama did it". Ted Cruz and his staff have class. That sounds like something Hillary's staff might have said. Ted Cruz is not stupid like you liberals. He didn't announce until he confirm his eligibility. So get over it. None of your socialist/communist scum is going to win this time. America is FED UP!!!

kibitzer3 • 8 years ago

Precisely, alicia. Well done. Stick to your guns on this issue. It won't go away. Because TRUTH won't go away.

proudtexan62 • 8 years ago

Hopefully you two and all like you will go away.

Dennis • 8 years ago

Felix Frankfurter, check him out. Justice of the Supreme Court, graduated from Harvard, died in the wool Communist.
Louis Brandeis, Justice of the Supreme Court, graduated from Harvard, also a Communist.
Check them out on WIKI.....
Just how perverted are our institutions of higher education??? The Communists knew exactly where to subvert our society. They did their poisoning well.

gladdrial • 8 years ago

I used to think she was Great but now!

proudtexan62 • 8 years ago

I never thought she was great, just tolerable, because it is clear that she is a narcissist and very confrontational most of the time. Confrontation has it's place but I don't believe it is in the job she was hired to do by a news source that claims to be Fair and Balanced. If I had written her job description, it would have been that she present both sides of the spectrum and allow the opposing parties to get confrontational so that the viewers could make their determinations. It was never her job to go into attack mode with anyone. If I was the Fox News Director, I would have fired her long ago. There are some very good anchors at Fox and I hate to see them taken down by the organization that Fox has morphed into.

Trythis Last • 8 years ago

Fox has lost their way. Gone is FAIR
Fox is in it for the $$$$$$$

Sad....they used to be ok

Kerry • 8 years ago

Megyn Kelly is a femi-Nazi in FOX clothing. She's anti-Cruz because he's a Christian. She's anti-Republican because she's a feminist. FOX can do without her. "She's fired."

Delores Moyer • 8 years ago

Megan Kelly needs to be fired and have said that many times to Fox. She needs to go plus O'Reily and then, perhaps, Fox News can go back to being a good/honest/conservative channel to watch again. Otherwise, I watch several people on this channel bu, pretty much have switched to OAN (very good).

hangman57 • 8 years ago

Megan Kelly has lost her mind ,she needs replaced on Fox news !

Dick Ellis • 8 years ago

Not really, she is just doing what AIELES TELLS HER TO DO! BIG MONEY IS SCARED OF TRUMP, PERIOD!

proudtexan62 • 8 years ago

BIG MONEY better be scared of Trump, Cruz and WE THE PEOPLE of the United States of America because we've coming after them!!!

Robert Pekarik • 8 years ago

What Ted Cruz says makes all the sense in the world. Build the wall first, stop illegal invaders from entering our country, streamline legal immigration and then deal with the illegals.
It may take awhile but all of the true citizens of America will understand that breaking the law damages our nation. And, because these people really belong in their own country the only ones that will complain are the far left anti-Americans who use people to further their treasonous ideology.
Some of the questions I would like to ask Jorge Ramos from UniVision is: If you are so concerned about your fellow Mexican citizens why did you leave that country to come to America and not stay in your country of birth and fight to defend and protect Mexican citizens?

Is it because you knew you could come to America and speak out and not be jailed like you would have been in your own home nation? What was your real purpose for coming to America? Did you give up on Mexico?

proudtexan62 • 8 years ago

Why do you think all these people flood our borders from Mexico. Even Mexico has given up on Mexico. The government of Mexico encourages them to leave. They multiply faster than rabbits and the Mexican government is so corrupt, they cannot support all those people. The Rio Grande is very shallow and they can walk across so problem solved for Mexico.