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Even if they aren't asylum seekers, most people would stay where they are if NAFTA and other capitalist greed didn't push them out of their livelihood. The mega-corporations whose lobbyists have bought Congress want both harsh immigration law and undocumented workers so they can reduce wages and protections for everyone. The prison profiteers are opportunists who want to push this plan -- picking the safest people to be paid to keep locked up -- for their profit. You should be mad at the corporations who treat people as things, not vulnerable people. If corporations were paying their share of taxes instead of siphoning off public money then there would be money for the public good. If USA intimidation wasn't used to strong-arm other governments into allowing USA thieves to ruin economies in other countries then those victims wouldn't be lured here to be exploited as workers or profit-generators for private prisons.
I can't disagree with anything you're stated Julie. The oligarchs and
their corporations are exploiting and strip mining the U.S. and the
countries of South and Central America. All ordinary people are paying
the price.
Profits over people. Welcome to America...
OK, on a human level you can sympathize with these people, especially women and children. They are comming here for better economic conditions. On the other hand, the United States has to be able to take control of its borders. The world is full of people who want a better life, The U.S. can't take responsibility for all of them or even a small part of them. Immigration policy has to be for the benefit of Americans first. We must control immigration or the country is in peril.