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Juan Carlos Cruz • 8 years ago

I don't understand why most people are so surprised of evil crimes against USA and Europe. USA and Europe have been diabolical and evil, so it is very normal to expect terrorist groups to be diabolical and criminal against Europe and USA. why are most americans so surprised of terrorism and evil crimes against US citizens. And let's image that ISIS terrorist group is an authentic revolutionary group who hate USA and European nations. People should realize that USA and Europe have killed millions of muslims and of people, have stolen all the gold, diamonds and oil of many Middle East and African nations. And there is a thing called "vengeance". Another theory of the crime that happened in San Bernardino is a rational revenge by muslims against USA. Because if somebody punches you, your mind and body will react and punch that person back. If a person rapes your daughter, your natural sensible reaction would be to attack that rapist. So USA and Europe have been rapists, who have been raping Africa, Middle East nations and many other nations since 3000 years ago until today when USA and Europe are still raping nations !!

jeff • 8 years ago

More American Psyop. Nothing more . Nothing less

pcz • 8 years ago

WSWS always does an excellent job of cutting through the nonsense. American (faux)liberal reactions to events inside the US have become thoroughly hate-filled and insipid. What we need is deep analysis of the causes of these events and a focus on policy and policy makers. The MSM has stooped so low now as to relentlessly blame white Christians/Christianity whenever a shooting occurs (they do this even when the shooters are Muslim or African-American) , as though alienated Americans are shooting people up on behalf of their religion (one suspects most have none). This is all designed to distract the public and and deflect blame from the real culprits.

Thomas Burke • 8 years ago

As I see it everyone should be in a position to defend them selves,
whether it be a club, a knife , a gun Would you walk into some place
knowing full and well that everyone else inside had the same thing that you intend to do harm with. it would surly create 2nd thoughts. unless of course the individual is just plum crazy or stupid.

Juan Carlos Cruz • 8 years ago

Dear friends, since this website is about educating poor americans and poor people of the world about the fact that only marxism, marxist political parties can save the whole world. And since there is a requirement of spreading the marxist knowledge to the masses. Now I think, I believe that with this latest domestic terrorism, it will be even harder to convince american poor people to become communists, marxists. Because the US government will exploit, will take advantage of this latest terror attack and will label it as "radicalism" or "radical ideologies" (Like if being radical is evil), when in fact being radical is good. Authentic marxism is a radical ideology. And since many linguists and communication experts like Nietzsche, John Dewey and others have said that the world is ruled by language. Now the US government will totally twist the meaning of words and will label radicalism or "radical ideologies" as a satanic crime. And since most americans do what ever the right-wing capitalist media says, what ever the US government and the whole status quo says, it will be even a lot harder to talk about socialism with people in America. Americans have been quiet and silent about politics. And now I believe that most americans will be even more reluctant to get into politics, and to encourage their own children to get into politics. People in USA have been so scared all the time about the FBI, CIA (the real terrorists) terrorizing the home of americans who exercise their freedom of speech, freedom of ideology, that it will require a super-heroic attitude on the part of marxists to educate poor americans about the need to overthrow the capitalist system and replacing with socialism as soon as possible

Mirek • 8 years ago

"The population of the United States and the world watched in horror as news of another mass shooting emerged Wednesday afternoon. A total of 14
people are confirmed dead and 21 injured in the massacre at the Inland Regional Center in San Bernardino, California".

This appears as a paragraph from an MSM outlet, but apart from that, isn`t it time that the population of the `US and the world`, got used to it already?!
Not really, each atrocity, each police shooting, each `targeted assassination`,bombing raid or house incursion, just increases the horror and fear in the community, but also around the world. The 250 years of unremitting violence, both externally and against its `own`, of genocides, relentless greed and self-interest by the American ruling class, cannot be forgotten or forgiven by human history.

Charles_Knause • 8 years ago

Just as with the Charlie Hebdo massacre there are certain anomalies that remained unexplained but that are both quite similar and indicative possibly of a common MO.

In both cases very well trained and highly disciplined commandos carried out these two rather similar mass killings and then the professionals who committed these atrocities for all practical purposes disappear or perhaps it is better to say morph into absolute amateurs.

In the Paris attack the Charlie Hebdo commandos make the perfect getaway through the busy crowded street of Paris in mid-day and conveniently for the French military intel outfit and police state that France has reportedly become, these same highly trained professional assassins leave behind their personal IDs so that the Keystone cops of Paris can then go and arrest said perps.

With the San Bernardino slaughter the pattern is repeated except that the perps who once executed with absolute precision who would have known better use their own car as a getaway vehicle only to be spotted ala OJ Simpson style on the interstate freeway where they are quite easily blown away and turned into hamburger under the hail of hundreds maybe even thousands of high velocity rounds that also shred the SUV that they were in.

Neighbors and friends see a mere conventional traditional Muslim wife whose quite demeanor does not jibe with CNN's description of the lady in charge GI Jane military psycho who carried out said mass murder!

With all these mass shooting incidents the power of the national security state grows in leaps and bounds reminiscent of the way that the Nazi state under Adolph Hitler slowly but steadily consolidated its grasp of state power that it then turned loose on the German people themselves as well as the rest of Europe but most especially European Russia.

I have the sense of WE THE PEOPLE being played by the powers of the deep state that uses each and every example of human depravity such as this latest bizarre and otherwise pointless exercise in mass murder to feed off of.

I suppose that 50 to 75 years later if and when the history of this era is fully chronicled the answers will be out there in what we now call "the public domain" for all to freely examine and hopefully learn from.

Right now the one thing that all these ongoing incidents are lacking in is clarity and its this factor alone that leads me to think that there is no lack of clarity or sense of purpose in regard to the mission that the national security state has launched itself onto and that becomes further empower as a result of what the well paid talking heads declare to be "pointless", "utterly pointless", etc. etc. etc....

cedarsagecatrina • 8 years ago

Now (as of 8 December) , it turns out that Tashfeen Malik pledged her support for the Islamic State on Facebook exactly ONE MINUTE before she and her husband started shooting . If it WAS she who posted it .... Photographs of their bodies show them handcuffed on the ground , shot execution style by police . Cops claim that the couple was firing on them from the getaway car , but photos of the car show the windows blown inwards from incoming fire . Finally , local media were allowed to ransack their apartment immediately afterwards , thus hopelessly contaminating a crime scene and undoubtedly destroying evidence . No lockdown there . No cordoning off of a crime scene such as police routinely do after a homicide or home invasion . It follows true to pattern for the false flag operations of the last quarter century . And still the gullible fall for it ....

Juan Carlos Cruz • 8 years ago

You are 100% right, people from the oppressed class, low wage workers, unemployed americans, poor low-income people cannot almost do any crimes. Crimes require a lot of money and abilities. These people are people from the upper layer of the middle classes. These are people with a lot of money and/or with support from sectors with a lot of money

Juan Carlos Cruz • 8 years ago

Dear friends, beware of social-democrat progressive liberals, most progressive liberal social-democrats have an imperialist language. And most of them are even nationalists, they are like Corbyn of UK. That's why i quit watching The David Pakman Show, David Pakman says that he is a leftist, but he doesn't have any humility for the poor. He is full of intellectual snobbery, and putting down the poor people

Ron Ruggieri • 8 years ago

All this Islamophobic right wing radio talk about religious " radicalization ". What has been mostly ignored is the disillusioned immigrant story as an untold chapter in those " American Experience " TV documentaries. This was the main theme of Upton Sinclair's classic, socialist novel " The Jungle " published more than a century ago. Philistine critics imagined that it was just a graphic expose of the unregulated meat processing industry.
My Italian immigrant grandparents discovered Sinclair's " Jungle " in Providence 's Federal Hill neighborhood about a century ago. I just read an article by URI labor history professor, Scott Molloy, about the " Macaroni Riots " on the hill in 1915.
I can only imagine what kind of " jungle " the Mexican immigrants experience even in " immigrant friendly " Rhode Island. I recall reading " The Children of Sanchez " - what a nightmare of alienation, exploitation, and oppression-not helped by an abyss of ignorance.
The Irish- American immigrant experience was made vivid to me by the stories of James T. Farrell . And the immortal novel " Studs Lonigan ".
The black slaves , of course, were not immigrants. " We did not land on Plymouth Rock ", said Malcolm X. " Plymouth Rock landed on us ! ".
Literature too can be liberating !

Juan Carlos Cruz • 8 years ago

Yeah you are right. That's why I send a book-reading list to most people. I think that most poor people in the USA (poor americans and poor immigrants) need the book-reading of liberating thinkers like Nietzsche, Schopenhauer, Goethe, and Dostoyesky. These 4 thinkers are one of the most liberating thinkers and if read in a well organized manner, can even help poor people evolve into real heroes. Many people don't know that there is a hero philosophy behind many of the super-hero movies. with lots of knowledge from philosophy and general knowledge people can very easily evolve into Lenin and real super-heroes

Juan Carlos Cruz • 8 years ago

You are right., Even progressive liberals like Thom Hartmann in his "The Big Picture" program, calls these criminals "radicals". Like if being radical is evil. That's why I quit watching all the social-democrat progressive liberal news on Free Speech TV, Link TV and The Russia Today News. There isn't any bit of marxism in those 3 channels

pcz • 8 years ago

http://louderwithcrowder.co... overlook the title, please. just check out the photo. this is criminal - radical and criminal and heart-breaking. i don't know why so many Americans are determined to be apologists for this kind of system. Of course, we should treat them well, but overlooking/denying the truth of Sunni Islam will not serve us.

cedarsagecatrina • 8 years ago

An EXCELLENT post . Thank you .

ResearchGuy • 8 years ago

What rarely enters the discussion about the psychological profile or state of attackers in mass shootings is whether the shooters had been prescribed psychoactive drugs. All of the most commonly prescribed antidepressants have a tendency to put the patient into a dazed state in which nothing seems real, and another side effect of increased anger has been reported. Even if only a small fraction of such patients experiencing these side effects are already suffering from PTSD or anger issues, a great number of horrific incidents can result from these millions of irresponsible prescriptions. Sudden withdrawal from these drugs raises the probability of these side effects, which can or should meet the definition of "addictive."

The only organization I know that is trying to do anything about this problem is supported by those crazies over in the Church of Scientology. Therefore it is perfectly safe and appropriate for everyone to dismiss these concerns out of hand. [/sarcasm]

Michelle S • 8 years ago

you write
"All of the most commonly prescribed antidepressants have a tendency to put the patient into a dazed state in which nothing seems real,"

Can you cite your evidence for this statement?

ResearchGuy • 8 years ago

"In this confused environment, people snap and do monstrous things."

Did the Operation Gladio operatives "just snap" because of the "confused environment"?

cedarsagecatrina • 8 years ago

They created the confused environment the better to operate in it .

ResearchGuy • 8 years ago

"This year 353 mass shootings in the US. 461 dead and 1309 injured. Victims are mowed down i[n]discriminately."

No. Most of the victims of mass shootings in the US are gang members. And the vast majority of gun deaths occur in just 3% of the zip codes in the US. What, you didn't know any of that from the corporate/Left media's endless parroting of statistics like those? Surely socialists can understand that a nonsocialist government would lie -- especially by omission? But indicting the entire society fits your ideology, so you don't really want to analyze the data.

Another way in which victims are not really chosen indiscriminately is that the "infamous" mass shootings -- the ones you are supposed to know about because the media trumpets them at the expense of all the others -- invariably take place in disarmed victim zones. Isn't it funny how places like police stations, gun shows, or military sites where the soldiers are likely to be armed are never attacked? All of France is (officially) a disarmed victim zone ... as are all the cities in the US with the highest murder rates.

When intelligent people keep getting the same results from doing the same policies over and over, at some point you have to wonder if they are being honest about what they really want.

Guest • 8 years ago
cedarsagecatrina • 8 years ago

They'll be told what to say and read from the script .

Maxwell • 8 years ago

On cue Darth Obama called for legislative action- yesterday he had the audacity (remember he is The Audacious One) to say (and I'm not kidding) "It's not solely the responsibility of the police and the military to protect us." You can tell he is serious about this "gun issue" when he cites the most heavily armed individuals on the planet as paragons of safety.

So for the next several months, the media is going to be filled with WMD -- "weapons of mass distraction" -- as "progressives" face off against "wingnuts" in "debating" the merits of basically meaningless and ineffectual gun law reform... This is the brilliant function of our "news" media: focus on a hot-button issue which divides the populace (yet which really doesn't threaten elite power), saturate the airwaves and internet with inflammatory chatter, and let the rabble go at it.

Meanwhile banks will be let off the hook for massive criminal fraud, more U.S. troops will be sent to intervene in places few Murkans have heard of, CO2 emissions will grow, more Murkans will drop off the map into poverty, etc etc etc… That's what this "debate" about gun law reform is really about -- distract, divide and rule.

Yep, that's the story. Political points on all sides of the non-issue.

Look over here. No, not there, here.

The Prez has announced his rather comprehensive gun control proposals, more than his fan base had hoped for, and they are giddy. Here is the guy they voted for, bold, articulate, compassionate, taking up the righteous cause and running straight down field. Ya see, he is hooking left in his second term.

And so we got a revival of the wildly popular Dog&Pony Show Production, Showdown at the NRA Corral, getting ready to run indefinitely in Washington DC. It's comedy, tragedy and endless distraction for children of all ages. Sure, you've seen it before, but never like this! This time it's gonna be the Real Thing.

Well, mebbe, mebbe not, the Rs still control the House, and their fan base got a lot of skin in the game. For sure something gonna happen, some of the measures will go into effect, but it won't amount to a hill of beans. It ain't suppose to. Consider the 'assault gun ban', sounds decisive but in truth toothless. This will be a reinstatement of the Clinton Plan and it goes like this. A long arm can have no more than two of the following features:high-cap magazine, bayonet mount, flash suppressor, pistol grip, folding stock. Pistols are restricted to 10 round magazine. All of this stuff was grandfathered, which can get pretty sketchy. It was a joke after the initial shock, you could get what you wanted if you had the money. The proposal to close the 'gunshow loophole' should work since everybody has a cellphone. But the suggestion that FFL licensees should facilitate private firearm transactions ain't gonna fly. And so on.

In the meantime...imperialism will continue it's bloody march, anti-worker trade pacts will fly under the radar, climate change will be effectively ignored, austerity will be imposed, civil liberties will be squeezed to 'make America safer'. But the so-called left will be quieted, because you know the man can't do everything, he ain't no magician, ad nauseum. But in truth he is a magician, with a mere flourish of the hand all criticism from half of the recognized spectrum is disappeared. And it costs him, and more importantly his ruling class backers nothing, nothing at all. Now if we were talking about F-35s or aircraft carriers it would be a different story.

That's how it's done, though really we shouldn't be impressed by tricksters who can fool the equivalent of dull children.

And Mr President, if weapons of war have no place on the streets of America how come so many cops have them? Who are they warring on?

cedarsagecatrina • 8 years ago

The cops war on us and they don't want any competition!

ironcloudz • 8 years ago

Agreed, gun control is a side-show issue. And sure to polarize the liberal gun control advocates against the gun-toting right. Quite predictable and quite irrelevant.

On the other hand, while admittedly speculative, these individual's trip to Wahhabist Saudi Arabia (which we know about, but not the details) and their return as some sort of "programmed assassins" is not one to be lightly dismissed, in my view. It has been done before.

The result is a ramping up of the police state in sync with the Trump brigade's call for a government database for those "crazy Muslims"; justification for more brutal mid-east interventions on the immediate horizon; terrorizing of the domestic population and softening them up for more repression, etc.

That is, a type of application of the "strategy of tension" social engineering.


You unleash horrendous irrational killers lacking clear motivation with the ultimate intention to drive the political spectrum to the right. People want "law and order". They want stronger laws, more cops, more jails, more willingness to accept the surveillance state, and on and on.

FireintheHead • 8 years ago

and there are those that would say Marx lacks a psychology...well Joseph has provided it loud and clear....good one !

animalogic • 8 years ago

Great discussion of the social and economic pathologies of US society and their manifestation in aberrant, symptomatic mass violent. US culture is now a matter of social-oncology. Let us get on with supplying the marxist medicine....

pcz • 8 years ago

well, put, but we prefer it without the Marxist medicine, thanks.

cedarsagecatrina • 8 years ago

Really well put . That was a touch of genius !

Sathish Kumar Subramani • 8 years ago

Great article, bringing to fore the socio-economic reasons for this kind of pathetic and psychological disasters in this American nightmare. These people are disoriented individuals and prime reason for it is American Imperialism, the most reactionary force in the world, and its allies like Saudi Arabia, Israel, Turkey in the middle east and whole of NATO forces, who are equally responsible for such crimes.

imaduwa • 8 years ago

Thank you comrade Joseph Kishore. This year 353 mass shootings in the US. 461 dead and 1309 injured. Victims are mowed down idiscriminately. Extreme alienation from the other people and indifference to human life- the lives of others as well as their own. Endless war abroad and deep social crisis within the US. Sounds like a brilliant lecture on bygone capitalist society under future international socialism. Thank you so much again. This is nothing but the power of Trotskysm. However buliding SEP in the US is the urgent task of the humanity. The US being backed by other imperialist powers on our planet like a competition among these brutes devastate humanity, materially and psychologically. It occurs to me Lenin's thesis on imperialism as the last stage of capitalism. We humans have to ensure that it is the last stage. If not it might end up by extermination of the humanity sans financial oligarchy. On that day characters such as Obama, Merkel. Cameron, Hollande will jubilantly taste their victory on almost empty planetary space. Should that happen or should we rally round the ICFI and traverse the coarse road to the destination, i.e. the emancipation of the humanity to honour Trotsky among other noble objectives. Down with the pseudo left and the castrated remnants of Stalinism.

Wil Van Natta • 8 years ago

Who is the "psuedo left"? Is it the millions who organize and march...beaten and gassed by the states? Or is it the heads of other organizations who blowhard as this site does...(and with almost identical info and analysis)?

malik • 8 years ago

Just like the September 11th "terror" attacks or the France attacks of Nov. 11th, these mass shootings in America are, as Malcolm X once said, the Chickens Coming Home to Roost.

The same America that inflicts massive violence and death on a planetary scale reaps at home what it has sown abroad.

Greybeard • 8 years ago

So the chickens have come home to roost eh? And the ghouls have come out to gloat with the blood hardly dry.

This commentator for example, has no idea what Malcolm X may have said, or when, or especially why, but cluelessly misappropriates a quote to point out . . . nothing. But oh that wonderfully delicious feeling of self-righteousness. Hard to pass up an opportunity to display it, as most of the commentators on this discussion board would know.
Regarding the “false flag” fantasists and conspiracy theorists that show up here, the WSWS itself bears some responsibility. Coverage of the Paris killings was marred by irresponsible allegations about police foreknowledge and a complete inability to distinguish between intelligence indications that state forces admitted having, criminal connections that may be reasonably inferred, and active connivance in the mass
murder of the state’s own citizens.
Well anyway, it’s a great comfort to me to know that no one who shows up on this discussion forum after these massacres is capable of leading the workers of the world anywhere or has the remotest possibility of getting anywhere near any levers of power.

cedarsagecatrina • 8 years ago

Conspiracy theory itself is a term coined by the CIA after the JFK assassination to discredit critics of the Warren Commission Report , and it has found universal application as a thought stopper ever since . BTW , why exactly are speculations about police foreknowledge "irresponsible"? It seems to me that NOT to question official pat explanations is what is irresponsible .
And to call those who have read credible evidence of recent false flag operations [in which well-documented history abounds] "fantasists" is to drink the government Kool-Aid . The most preposterous conspiracy theory of all is the US government version of the 9/11 story !

Serocco • 8 years ago

November 13th, actually.

cedarsagecatrina • 8 years ago

And just like the 9/11 event , it turns out that just by coincidence , of course , there just happened to be a drill for precisely such an event going on in one wing of the building just as the attack was taking place . In fact , one participant ran back to the ones practicing shouting , "This is for real - not a drill !"
As usual , both shooters were killed by police . Dead men tell no tales .
As usual , within hours of the attack , authorities were underscoring the need for yet more surveillance , more control of the Internet and more police powers . Because the ones they have already aren't enough , you see?
I've seen much commentary on mainstream TV that has authorities acknowledging that the couple's online life was bland , seemingly no connections to terrorist organisations , BUT that just means that they've gone deep , gone dark and THEREFORE we must ban encryption and track every keystroke every person makes . It isn't logically connected , but it blends well on the emotional level .

Tuaca1107 • 8 years ago

Thank you for so clearly pointing these thing out!!

wally63 • 8 years ago

And of course, the limp noodle media SAID NOTHING of a DRILL! Just like Sandy Hoax. Total setup false flag black ops. And like you say, every time we give them MORE SPY POWERS they KNOW LESS AND LESS! How can that be? Haha, it's all by design.

Tuaca1107 • 8 years ago

Boy howdy you said it!!!!

Guest • 8 years ago
pcz • 8 years ago

Your comment is very good, but I think you have bought into a bit of MSM propaganda. There are no shootings going on in the US on behalf of Christians. Christians never supported PP shootings, even if the crazies doing the shootings claimed to be Christian. The most recent PP shooting was committed by a man who identified as democrat, transgender and atheist. Every time there is a shooting the media try to paint the shooter as a conservative Christian, despite the fact that there is no evidence to substantiate such a claim. Consistently, mass shootings are - when they are not false flags - pullled off by lone gunmen, who are mentally unstable. I can't think of one who claimed to be Christian - but this doesn't stop people in certain quarters (especially policy makers and the MSM) from promoting the idea that shooters are Christian. It is an intentional strategy of social/political division and is very effective so far, although we are beginning to see push-back.

cedarsagecatrina • 8 years ago

First we need to keep guns out of the hands of the police! 1209 mundanes murdered by cops this year as of last week .
Then we need to question why just about every federal agency - including the US Post Office ! - has its own small, heavily equipped army . And why the Department of Homeland Security felt it necessary the summer before last to buy enough hollow-point ammunition to shoot every person in the USA 4x over .
One of the most unforgivable things Obama has done is come down on the side of police impunity , no matter how egregious the police misconduct is .
As far as his "making it harder for individuals to harm somebody": Let's begin with his weekly Tuesday morning kill sessions where he decides - on his say-so alone - who gets droned that week . A man who does that has no moral standing to make statements about the evils of others doing harm .

Sebouh80 • 8 years ago

Hi Marla, I would say violent religious indoctrination could have played significant role for Farook to commit such a colossal scale crime. Of course, I'm not also ruling out completely the possibility of social alienation.

Guest • 8 years ago
cedarsagecatrina • 8 years ago

With his Tuesday morning kill sessions alone , he orders death by drone every week . The Pentagon itself admits that for every 2 SUSPECTED terrorists they zap , 98 bystanders are 'collateral damage'. By drone attack alone , Obama has killed probably more people than live in San Bernardino .

Mirek • 8 years ago

Sorry, I think it`s Tuesday evening, after which he goes to a good night`s sleep with his First Lady! Moreover, it has been established, that for every person killed in such a way, ten are seeking revenge, so then, it`s a geometric progression, for those mathematically inclined, or a vicious circle, for others!

FireintheHead • 8 years ago

With respect Maria ,I would suggest that Marxism is not in the business of some crude reductionism and if you read David Norths work you will find this to be the case. Alienation is multi facetted and as a psychological construct it has its roots in the material world and the historical class antagonisms that produce it.

As for Obama, all his utterances come through the sanitized lense of what is acceptable for liberal bourgeois society to criticise about itself. What it can't do is what Joseph does here , and that is to penetrate to the essence of things , to reveal the well from where such waters spring forth.

In essence Joseph reconfirms the existential dilemma that plagues us all. That appearances are a solution to nothing, rather they merely reinforce themselves by a contrived subjective logic. That the change the majority of humanity craves for needs a leadership that can argue "the truth' of things as to their objective reality, as opposed to the opportunists subjective 'lie' of things ''

Guest • 8 years ago
pcz • 8 years ago

you can't be serious? The media are determined to sink Trump. This government is fully hostile to conservatives. It is highly unlikely they will be arming the very folks who most deeply wish to overthrow them. You don't know conservatives. It is very important to read both sides. I highly recommend it. They are not who you think they are.