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Michael • 7 years ago

It is Pope Francis who is malevolent, not those who resist his reforms. May God soon deliver us from this treacherous pope.

Eyes Opened • 7 years ago

God will.

raphaelheals • 7 years ago

WOW! I just cannot stomach this. "Under the guise of lambs........taking refuge in traditions." Dig dig dig to the Fantastic Four ! Don't you mean taking refuge in Tradition!!! The irony is that the true lambs are the four Cardinals who have comported themselves with such serenity, firmness, and respect. What do they get? Treatment similar to the treatment that the Lamb of God received. Alleluia to them.

Isabel • 7 years ago

This was one of his ugliest, most unhinged performances yet. It was a steady stream of threats, followed by ravings that everyone in the Church had to be ´utterly obedient¨ to the Roman Pontiff in the “exercise of his singular, ordinary, full, supreme, immediate and universal power.¨

The guy is a freaking leftist dictator. I think he is going to try to make everyone, certainly all members of the clergy, take some kind of oath of obedience to him personally. Those who don´t will be out.

ChaplainMikeS • 7 years ago

The man is downright scary! He is calculating and power driven. He is of the world and pretends to be otherwise. How did he become the Vicar of Christ?

Adrian Johnson • 7 years ago

He is the flowering of 150+ years of Freemasonic planning, which suborned the Jesuit Order into hypocritical lip-service while undermining the Papacy.

Concerned parent • 7 years ago

Remember he is a Jesuit - they are good at deception. Under the guise of Mercy, mercy, mercy he has desecrated the most holy rite in the Church - the Eucharist. Also, his celebration of Martin Luther's 500th anniversary is unconscionable -

Pope to Commemorate Protestant Revolt


The faithful bishops and cardinals need to oppose the impostor in the Vatican en masse - there is safety in numbers.

david • 7 years ago

Now that is a very real possibility

Barbara • 7 years ago

Isobel, imagine having to sit there and take it? How I long for some day when even one of these cowards leaps from his chair and shouts: "Demon!" and runs, yes, runs out into the fresh air.

Isabel • 7 years ago

I can't imagine how they do it but I can't believe they're not talking about it as soon as they get out the door.

DJR • 7 years ago

The pope wants to have his legacy continued after he's gone, but it appears to me that he's setting himself up for a reaction at the next conclave.

Who wants to listen to something like this ad infinitum?

It would be poetic justice if Cardinal Burke were elected as pope next go around. He's only 68. From what I have read, the folks in Rome are already talking about the next conclave. Sort of sad, but that's life I guess.

Dankin • 7 years ago

He's worse than Stalin, Mao, Hitler and many other brutal dictators of the world combined. His ugliness must come from the ugliest guy, Satan. Thanks God for making him exposed himself. Cease to be pope or face the College of Cardinals. You the one have cunning mind and inspired yourself by the devil. He starts acting like rebellious, prideful archangel Lucifer now. Justice will fall upon you. Domine, libera nos a malo.

Isabel • 7 years ago

His ugliness is one of the things that makes his evil undeniable.

Adrian Johnson • 7 years ago

But not before he splits the Church and "excommunicates" those true to the faith who resist his false teachings. Every dog has his day, and Satan's day is not done until the triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, and we're obviously not there yet. Our sufferings have only just begun. 2017 is going to be a disastrous year for the church and for the world.

Laurence England • 7 years ago

Yes very likely.

Guest • 7 years ago
Adrian Johnson • 7 years ago

I believe he is "The False Prophet" of the Apocalypse.

JohnnyCuredents • 7 years ago

I don't know about others, but I've grown weary of this man. I can barely manage to read articles that tell me what he has said, much less read his actual words. One might think this week, after yet another murderous Muslim attack, this time in Berlin, we would hear some words of contrition from him for the near-lunatic immigration policies he has insistently urged on Europe. But no. Instead we get only pious protestations against amorphous "violence," as if violence were itself a person rather than a phenomenon. Like most liberals, he seems incapable of listening to his own words and catching in them any hint of hypocrisy.

Chloe • 7 years ago

Written in the dirt on the back of a van on the motorway yesterday, I saw more Catholicism than from PF this Christmas "Rest in peace, Polish truck driver in Berlin". Does he care at all for the victims of the policies he supports or the people he persecutes? May God send us a good and holy pope. I would be perfectly happy if that pope was a converted Francis. Please dear Lord, HURRY! Deus in adjutorium meum intende, Domine ad adjuvandum me festina

mike • 7 years ago

It's time for vicious Nationalism and expulsion of those who pull the levers of our immigration policies in Europe and the United States.

Adrian Johnson • 7 years ago

Not vicious, --just healthy Nationalism.

Barbara • 7 years ago

The darkness deepens and we have no place to go. Read the Book of Job. Our Dear Father in Heaven knows all, sees all, hears all. There will be Justice and Mercy and He will give us our reward for being faithful in this day of trial. Don't let the darkness overtake your world (I'm speaking for myself here, Johnny) but see the Light that is there for those who want to see, to see.

Adrian Johnson • 7 years ago

On 23 September 2017 will occur in the sky over Jerusalem "the Great Sign" of Rev. 12: 1-2. Right after that, major persecutions in what looks like a major war spreads like fire over the earth. Prepare now, stock up on imperishable foods as you can, be in the state of grace and pray for the grace to be faithful unto martyrdom if it should be demanded of you.

JohnnyCuredents • 7 years ago

Barbara, Mike, James, and Chloe: I wrote to a friend this morning saying we may soon find ourselves obliged to choose between the pope and truth, and that I never thought I'd ever say such a thing. I'm over 70, brought up Catholic, and save lapses into youthful sin, never veered from the Church's path. That said, I think Jesus is making things painfully clear right now for all of us; because of this clarity, we don't have to fear overmuch error of understanding on our part. I chose to speak above of the pope's suggestions to European leaders for exactly that reason, viz. that it's crystal clear these political and secular recommendations of his are nothing short of catastrophic. Isn't that oftentimes how Jesus speaks to us, with examples only the willfully blind can misunderstand? Is He saying to us, If the pope can be so egregiously wrong about something so simple but at the same time important, can't he be equally wrong about matters of far greater weight in the great scheme of things? I don't want to misjudge the actions or words of anyone, especially the pope, but I'm being led ineluctably to conclusions that I don't like especially.

Adrian Johnson • 7 years ago

When in doubt, compare the teachings of this Pope with those of St Thomas Aquinas. When you are in doubt, God will not judge you for following St Thomas. For instance, google "Thomas Aquinas immigrants" and "Thomas Aquinas Islam" to see what the well-run State should do, and what the individual prudent Catholic should do, when faced with the crisis of Muslim Migration now overwhelming us. The Angelic Doctor is far more common-sensical and trustworthy moral guide than the leadership of Frau Merkle & the EUSSR, or Pope Francis.

JohnnyCuredents • 7 years ago

Good point, Adrian. Even for those not schooled enough to have read Thomas, encouraging a situation likely to eventuate in open civil war cannot seem like wise policy, or to be grounded in sound teachings. Yet, knowing this, the pope makes no apology nor does he amend in any way his bad suggestion. Today we learn the Berlin Muslim mass murderer came to Europe through Lampedusa, a "refugee." Yet we also learn his family is still in Tunisia, seemingly alive and getting along; his mother showed the press photos of the terrorist before he left his homeland to cause havoc the other side of the Mediterranean. What kind of "refugee" is this? Of course, all of us remember Pope Francis's comments about Lampedusa. No one wants to see people die at sea, but the pope's notion that the thing to do was import them all to a totally foreign land and culture....

Asbury Fox • 7 years ago

I wish one cardinal or bishop would have had the courage to walk out of the room. I remember reading last time he blasted the curia in a Christmas greeting, a bishop saying that they felt like walking out and many would have joined if someone did it first.

DJR • 7 years ago

I was thinking that same thing. It would have made a public statement, and the pope would have been surprised by it, I'm sure. He has often stated that he does not like public confrontations.

It is reported that he was taken aback when one of the seminarians of the FFI publicly confronted him in their meeting of several years back.

People need to get their courage and speak out to him face to face in public.

Adrian Johnson • 7 years ago

Listen: If any Bishops walked out on him, he would immediately cast himself as "Jesus betrayed by a bunch of Judases", and well-meaning but ignorant Catholics would think the Bishops all heretics -- so damned if they do, damned if they don't. Best that they grit their teeth and be polite to the Pope in public, and challenge him courteously in print like Burke et al.

polycarped • 7 years ago

Exactly what I was thinking. How long can we and they all idly sit by? On the other hand that puts what Cdl Burke et al are doing in perspective. It's a very big deal.

Maggie • 7 years ago

Few have that courage because the retaliation would not be long in coming. Mercy, eh?

Barbara • 7 years ago

Yes, we can legitimately criticize these men because they have the added grace of the priesthood to increase their courage. How many of us would have enough courage to get up and walk out when a pastor preaches what we know is wrong? Maybe that's what it will take - vote with our feet. God help us all under this terrible trial of chastisement. Stay in the state of grace!

Adrian Johnson • 7 years ago

Don't forget that God in his wisdom gave laity the POWER OF THE POCKETBOOK. If your parish priest teaches heresy, you can write a polite litttle note of objection and place it in your collection envelope instead of cash; and encourage your fellow parishioners to do the same. Parioshioners' protests can be ignored until they withhold support--because MONEY TALKS.

Ana Milan • 7 years ago

Yes, it only takes one person to start the walk-out. I did this approx. forty years ago at a mission given by a Jesuit who was obviously Gay & didn't like women. The Church emptied behind me & the PP got his replacement the next day.

jobina • 7 years ago

So the Christmas greeting to the Curia was all about himself and his diabolical reforms? Nice.
Did he mention baby Jesus, the manger, salvation, no room-at-the-inn, Mary, a star, the shepherds.......?
Or most prominent this advent: the smell of his disillusioned sheep?

Llámame Jorge • 7 years ago

Nobody forces me to speak in my church.

Now that the Year of Mercy is over, watch me take away the hats of these inquisitorial beaters.

Then we will move forward, calm and relaxed.


Barbara • 7 years ago

…and serene!

defenderofChrist • 7 years ago

Wow we are getting rid of a dictator president and now we need to ask God to relieve us of another. So instead of addressing the Cardinals directly he is using this platform just like Obama does to wack anybody down that doesn't agree with him without using their names but we know who he is referring to. God help us!

mike • 7 years ago

Just answer the questions YES or NO, stop obfuscating with this blustering dissimulation. Maybe some of the momma's boys in red hats will grow a back bone and defend the ancient faith and put this Masonic plant out on his moronic face.

joannesromanus • 7 years ago

Pope Francis: "Dear brothers and sisters, it isn’t wrinkles we need to worry about in the Church, but blemishes!" (Christmas Message to the Roman Curia, December 15, 2016)

St. Paul: "That he might present it to himself, a glorious church, not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish." (Ephesians 5:27)

Jeremiah • 7 years ago

These prelates (and many priests and Faithful) have taken secure refuge in the Truth as provided in the Gospel and affirmed throughout history by the Magisterium in the Faith and Tradition of the Apostolic Church. Therefore the resistance you speak of is clearly not "malevolent" but rather initiated with profound love for Jesus Christ, His Church, His Sacraments, and with great courage for the benefit of the mystical body of Christ and the integrity of the office of the Successor of Peter. With every word from your mouth, more and more are recognizing who you really are.

dovetail • 7 years ago

Thank you Jeremiah. My thoughts also. Many years ago while these faithful clergy were working for Jesus Christ and His Church, I am thinking that the "Boys From Brazil" (euphemism for the Nazi/dictator types who fled to South America) realized that if they got one of theirs as a pope, they would rule the world - because they are of evil. From Seer/Victim Soul Maria Valtorta (Jan. 17-18, 1944) she wrote for Jesus: "...This son of Satan proclaims a new faith which is a tragic, sacrilegious, cursed caricature of My Faith. A new gospel is being proclaimed, a new church is being founded, a new altar is being set up, a new cross is being raise, a new sacrifice is being celebrated. A gospel, church altar, cross, sacrifice of man. Not of God." That was in Hitler's day - in order for them to overpower the most powerful Church on earth (Jesus') they had to wait many years to incubate someone who would not be suspect. Is this a reality event in our day? We shall see the "reforms" and stand by the Dogmatic and Holy Tradition, the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the One, Holy, Catholic, Roman & Apostolic Church based on the Altar of a Martyr, A Cross with Jesus Crucified, and some serene prelates who rejoice at the chance for this persecution and various lay persons who really love Jesus, the Real Jesus - because I think we're really going to suffer through this pope.

Chloe • 7 years ago

"From Seer/Victim Soul Maria Valtorta" Are you serious? Her book , The Poem of the Man God was placed on the list of proscribed books! Deservedly so.

dovetail • 7 years ago

Chloe - there is no list of proscribed books and there hasn't been for quite a while. If you have read the Poem of the Man God and didn't like it, that's yours to own. I have enjoyed it thoroughly through the years and that's mine to own.

Chloe • 7 years ago

Sorry Patty, but enjoying a book is not a legitimate argument as to whether it is ok to read it. The fact that list of proscribed books no longer exists (more's the pity) does not mean that it's now ok to read the books that were on it. This from Pope Benedict XVI when asked about thi!. Specific. Book. We live in interesting times and it is now hard to find decent guidance. We should not reject the teaching from a time when we did have it. The book actually claims that Our Lord and His Holy Mother were both subject to temptation to sexual sin!!!! Good Grief!! How can any Catholic take such a book seriously?? In answer to whether I have read the book? No! I do not intend to risk my immortal soul on something that theologians with far more wisdom than I will ever have have outright condemned.

dovetail • 7 years ago

..."Yet even if Revelation is already complete, it has not been made completely explicit; it remains for Christian faith gradually to grasp its full significance over the course of the centuries." CCC 66. There are seven deadly sins we as humans have the chance at one time or another in our lives. I think that Jesus and His Mother would have in one way or another overcome all of these deadly temptations in order to become the Holy Victors and trample Satan underfoot. It's not an improbability. We weren't there every moment of His Life so we don't know. We know Jesus was fully Human. Perhaps if you read the story, you would not be such a severe judge. Like you, in wanting not to be mislead, I chose many years ago not to watch t.v., read novels or fantasy stories (i.e, Chronicles of Narnia) or cute stories about what people think God is. I do not idolize sports or movie stars, leaders or peoples, and needing to educate myself I found that reading Holy Scripture, front to back and again and again was very satisfying. I read it. I didn't judge it. When the Poem came across my spiritual journey in its correct time, I read it - and to my surprise I realized my soul was not disturbed in the least and through the story as a whole I realized I had learned some things I could actually take into my daily life and see the results. People say (the people who cannot read the book), oh it's way too sweet, oh Jesus was tempted of sexual sin, oh, the characters, oh, the descriptions. But, no one can say, the Gospel, morals, or theology is changed from what has been revealed in the New Testament. There are imprimaturs and nihil obstats from Archbishops who thought to spend the time to read The Poem -- do not fear, it is safe and Catholic. St. Faustina's writings of which we now have recognized for a Feast Day of Mercy! were also placed on the "List." The fact that any books were placed on the "List" was to give time for the slow wheels of the Vatican to read these books and study the authors and situations surrounding the authors. It was not meant to be a blanket condemnation for all time. I certainly hope you do not watch t.v. or watch fantasy movies with movie stars or have sports heroes. The time spent in front of the electronic box spewing evil thinking, morals, and lifestyles will ruin your immortal soul quicker than salt melts in water.

James • 7 years ago

The Wall Street Journal this morning, three days before the Nativity of the Lord, proclaims Pope Francis the leader of the global left.
God help them. Or maybe not.
His duplicitous, dictatorial comportment; his narcissistic superiority complex; his genius talent for commandeering all that is sacred for his self-serving agenda; his every notion regarded by himself and his sycophants as doctrinal revelation -- all make him well deserving of this dubious honor.
Nevertheless, the man is seriously deficient to be in charge of anything.
Including the global left.

Joel • 7 years ago

Malicious resistance to the teachings of the Catholic Church that takes refuge in reforms is from the devil.

Cornelius • 7 years ago

The man is diabolical. Stop bloviating, Bergoglio, and answer the dubia.

Mark Docherty • 7 years ago

Refugees of Tradition? But I though Francis loved ALL refugees! https://nonvenipacem.com/20...