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Lake Country guy • 7 years ago

They only voted for him because of his cool hair style and to smoke pot without getting busted.

Lizard_of_Oz • 7 years ago

Justin Trudeau --- a selfie-made man!

02bsoright • 7 years ago

Just one holiday after another like his old man ....with the Lady Diana wannabe in tow ...make canada great again vote Kevin O'leary

Racko382 • 7 years ago

Its only considered a holiday if you do some work beforehand. The jury is still out on his productivity.

Truth • 7 years ago

I think people who rated Moombeam excellent should be required to share what they are smoking!

Dayleen Van Ryswyk • 7 years ago

"Little potato" has been a disaster for Canada, and to make things worse for our citizens, lets carbon tax ourselves..ugh! Anyone that thought it would be a good idea to give the job to an entitled elitist who has been living off a trust fund..you should hit yourself..really hard! Little Castro will kill Canada, and we have all the idiots who voted for him, to thank! What an epic disaster!

Racko382 • 7 years ago

You should say "Little Castro IS killing Canada" not will kill Canada. He has already started.

Jean • 7 years ago

Not as disastrous as your short lived foray into politics!

NMCA • 7 years ago

Wow Jean, let's get personal. How about you use your real name when attacking a woman who had the guts to actually post her opinion as herself. Pathetic

Brent • 7 years ago


Jim • 7 years ago

and let us not forget him filling up the senate with a bunch of expense account sucking fat lazy appointed senators that do absolutely nothing for our country other than spend our money.......they are a total waste of money and do nothing for the country

Jim • 7 years ago

the only really good thing about trudeau is its really easy to see and realize what a jackass he truly is

Guest • 7 years ago
Racko382 • 7 years ago

You obviously voted for him. Tell us all the positive things he has done for Canada. One would even suffice.

Jim • 7 years ago

well let me see he is filling the country with asians and muslims....he has increased the immigration starting next year to 450,000 people from the 300,000 the conservatives had......he has abolished some of the tough on crime laws that harper worked hard to put in place namely a second offence drug dealer should get a mandatory year in jail...trudeau said it just wasn't fair to incarcerate the people that are ruining children and families lives on a daily basis...........he saide all you dopes out their would be smoking pot on the street and it would be one big party for the people who don't like their life enough to be straight and sober.....hows that working out for you?......he said no pipeline..hows that working out for you?....basically how in the world can you expect a high school drama teacher that has never had to deal with any issues finacially was born with a silver spoon.....how can you expect that to run a country.......basically one thing we have or should have all learned by now is that a son of a politician got to see his dad tell lies and get voted in because of those lies so he is very adept at deception and false promises and it is not going to change....some filthy rich chinese business man in vancouver just donated 1,000,000.00 dollars to the trudeau foundation.......wow I guess all along this country has been for sale we just didn' know what real estate company was selling it and now we know it was our own government.......it is a travesty and he should be charged with treason as should his dad.......

Brent • 7 years ago

Of course they want to increase immigration. Where do you think the next generation of liberal voters are coming from?

Guest • 7 years ago
Jim • 7 years ago

well said Pamela....it is all so true he is a farce

3Soup05 • 7 years ago

CBC and CTV will tell us that the Turd and his group of misfits have a 65% approval rating! Please read all comments here and tell me that's true. So sick of these clowns!

DAVID • 7 years ago

Only the lefty sheep pay attention to JTs state run CBC ...

Knobby47 • 7 years ago

it is actually 41% as Turd has dropped his approval rating.

Knobby47 • 7 years ago

Justin has proven that he was not ready to be our Prime Minister. Spending like a drunken sailor, not paying attention to the needs of Canadians, role playing the job of PM like he is still in drama class. But the 4 years is nearing so we can ALL make sure we use our heads and not our hearts in making our next PM selection.

Jamie • 7 years ago

For those of you thinking that he will be gone in 2019, think again.
Both Peter and Rona have stepped aside understanding that they will be
strong contenders in the 2020 Conservative leadership campaign.

Jamie • 7 years ago

The fact remains that a bad day with Trudeau is so much better than 100 good days with Harper.

For those of you thinking that he will be gone in 2019, think again. Both Peter and Rona have stepped aside understanding that they will be strong contenders in the 2020 Conservative leadership campaign.

BTW, I voted Trudeau in for his environmental foresight, and I'll vote him out for approving the TM pipeline and his lack of environmental foresight.

Truth • 7 years ago

Strange you actually believed anything he promised.

Hi Johnson • 7 years ago

That's funny, I'll vote him out for approving a carbon tax in an already hurting economy, and not approving more to help oil rebound and get everyone working again... Meanwhile he's bringing in 450,000 refugees next year when Canadians can't find work. Just ridiculous. Send another billion dollars overseas, hey why not.

3Soup05 • 7 years ago

Jamie, raise your left hand over your head, now slap yourself with your right hand for voting for this dimchite!

Knobby47 • 7 years ago

I guess you don't use any oil products.

Jean • 7 years ago

That argument is tired, inaccurate and short sighted. You're saying that people who live in a system can't criticize or act to change that very system. With that kind of logic, slavery would still be legal. Consumers are held hostage to using oil based products. The market hasn't moved fast enough to provide a cheap, efficient alternative. Please refrain from using this over-simplified argument to attack people who care about the planet that YOU live on. Lame.

Racko382 • 7 years ago

Are you aware that over 4,000 products are made from petroleum. The keyboard you are typing on for one thing. Now tell me, of those 4,000 items, what are you prepared to give up. do you know that Canada is carbon negative, due to all the forests which consume CO2. Being an environut you probably would not know that. Do some research. Oil is a necessity and will be for a long time to come.

Brent • 7 years ago

I agree with you in some respects, but don't start punishing us with a carbon tax on basic necessities until there are more cost effective alternatives available to replace gas engines, natural gas furnaces, etc.

Guest • 7 years ago
Racko382 • 7 years ago

So you are willing to pay more for every product you purchase. Good to know. You obviously are not on a fixed income. Do you pay attention to what the Green Energy Act has done to Ontario. Check it out. Educate yourself.

Guest • 7 years ago
Racko382 • 7 years ago

Went right over my head. Your facetiousness was too subtle. LOL

Knobby47 • 7 years ago

Inaccurate only in your eyes because you want to believe what you believe. Reality has left you.

Jean • 7 years ago

Listen to yourself. You believe that people who use oil based products can't also hope to move oil on from our dependence on oil. You are literally imposing your view of reality on others with each comment. Self-awareness has left you.

Gaius • 7 years ago

I bet the people who voted for him are starting to regret that decision :) This is what you voted for so buckle up. 3+ more years of this.

DAVID • 7 years ago

Following in his fathers footsteps ,JT is trying to destroy Canada. Here are a few examples JT's love of communist China and his love of Fidel Castro , raising CPP contribution tax , getting rid of income splitting , cutting allowable tax free savings contributions in half , allowing women to cover their faces while taking their Citizenship oath to Canada , changing the law so that First Nation Chiefs don't have to declare to Band members how much money they receive, bringing in too many immigrants at one time without proper screening , changing our democratic voting system ( without a referendum) to make it possible that he will be re-elected until the end of time , being wishy/ washy on pipeline decisions , a new gasoline tax ( he calls it carbon tax ) which will add to the cost of EVERYTHING , and don't get me going on equalisation payments from BC ,Alberta and Sask. to Quebec and Ontario ...

Truth • 7 years ago

Moonbeams father was a commie according to the US and persona non grata for years. PET started the death spiral of debt and Moonbeam just continues in the path oh his old man, providing PET is his old man?

albert • 7 years ago

PET, was the leader of the Canadian Communist party, before going Liberal and eventually becoming ( the worst) Prime Minister of Canada.. There are reports that he was turned away from the American border, while he was a Communist.....

Truth • 7 years ago

I had a friend that was high up the food chain in US law enforcement. It wasn't just a rumour but fact. My friend Ed was boggled he became our PM. The LIEberals are a eastern Canada party that cares less about the west, unfortunate too many lefties in the west have fallen for their verbal diarrhea.

Racko382 • 7 years ago

Young Trudeau should have been turned away as well. He is an admitted drug user. Several people who have admitted at the border that they used marijuana, even decades ago, were banned for 5 years from entering the US. So why no the little Drama Queen.

Truth • 7 years ago

In January there is a new sheriff in the US. Things are going to change, dramatically for many.

J Farquhar • 7 years ago

Let's see: He created a bunch of cabinet posts that are paid less than other one's to fulfill his 50% women in cabinet promise. He spent a bundle of money we don't have to create jobs that no one has seen yet. He brought in a pile of refugees without any communities being ready for them with housing, jobs, or supports. And as for 'unexpected' bumps, we ALL knew our economy was in the toilet and commodity prices are low. And as for roadblocks, when a political party has a majority like the Libs do right now, Canada is the EASIEST place in the world to pass legislation!!! They should have had their marijuana, health care, and other reform bills written before being elected, and could have made them law on day 1. For those of us who thought Justin would be our only hope, we find ourselves wondering why Harper was so awesome!!!

Tove Tyler • 7 years ago

He has done absolutely nothing in Canada for Canadians. That should be his ONLY priority. He just will "never be ready".

DAVID • 7 years ago

JTs legacy will be how generous he was in the eyes of the rest of the world ...mean while , generations of Canadian kids will be forced to pay off the debt .. which now sits at $60 million per day ( interest only ) ...

Hi Johnson • 7 years ago


Matshishapeu • 7 years ago

PM Trudeau priorities are all screwed up ! His Government should be addressing issues inside of Canada . We have many issues to be dealt with . Fair Tax System , senior improvements , health care improvements , the promise of 40,000 jobs , bringing in qualified people to fill jobs and the list goes on and on . He might try asking Canadians become letting in 30,000 Refugees . Will they be going back once Syria is stable again? Another priority of Canada should be a compulsory balanced budget . I for one have not seen too much value for all the monies that have been spent . More billions of dollars added to our already huge debt .

Racko382 • 7 years ago

Syria is a pile of rubble and it will take a boat load of money to put back together. Where do you think that money will come from. why should they go back to Syria even if some miracle occurs and it is rebuilt. They may have to work there. I don't imagine they have the social network they are enjoying courtesy of the Canadian taxpayer.