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JGracchus • 8 years ago

Trust the Murdochites and the LNP to tell lies about renewable energy. Truth has become a dispensable commodity in their desperation to prolong the life of the old polluting industries for as long as possible.

Twobob • 8 years ago

And the delicious irony behind it all is that they engage in this deception in an attempt to retain their grip on power. The irony comes from the fact that by engaging in it they sow the seeds of their own destruction as climate change will probably be the main driver of public discontent which will their leadership and positions of privilege. If only they were a little smarter they could have prolonged their positions indefinitely instead they dig their own graves frantically ever deeper.

42 Long • 8 years ago

They worry about their POWER and influence. They are hooked on it like some addict to ICE. They can't bear the thought of life without it. Who in their RIGHT mind listens to the words of a proven LIAR? Just what is the point?. Who will really believe anything the abbott says after his very public performance which is forever on record. I suppose HE was saying the truth when he said prior to meeting Rupert, "I Hope HE likes me". Oh the intoxicating nature of raw power.

khtagh • 8 years ago

Although I totally agree with you, unfortunately they will just do like they always do, they will just lie about not taking action, they do it pathologically now, I honestly think they are now not capable of telling what is & isn't a lie, just look at our ex tool of an environment minister, he has lied repeatedly in Oz, on the international scene everywhere & no-one will pull him up on his lies, our emissions are skyrocketing, but @unt will just look you in the eye & just lie & tell us they are not!

42 Long • 8 years ago

You are being a bit hard on @unts.

Gregory T • 8 years ago

It's somewhat ironic, that organisations, such as the coalition, Murdoch etc. who are so proficient in the art of recycling lies, deceit and treachery, fail to understand the obvious benefits that it (recycling) brings.

khtagh • 8 years ago

Now watch this space, do you think for one minute the walking scrotum Murdoch will allow truth in electoral advertising? he will nip that in the bud so quick, unless its applied to everyone else EXCEPT the LNP, why is he not in Canadia (Abbottisum) they don't allow lying in publications says it all does it not?

42 Long • 8 years ago

The benefit must go to them or it doesn't count. Isn't that obvious? It's NOT about the people. That's stands out like Dog's nuts.

Twobob • 8 years ago

And engage in circlejerking us all with their recycled lies.

slorter • 8 years ago

Good article add in the other myth! Governments sell off public assets in the belief that prices will fall, services will improve and costs will be lower. The reality now some 35 years or so into the privatisation experiment is that none of these claims have been realised. In many cases, costs are higher and the privatised firms rely on higher public subsidies than was the case when the operations were completely in public hands. If you factor in no growth and stagnant wages a real picture emerges no myth! !

Barri Mundee • 8 years ago

Ideally some of these businesses should be re-nationalised! Professor Bill Mitchell made what I think is a compelling case for it in these two articles:




slorter • 8 years ago

Definitely should!

Twobob • 8 years ago

It is my belief that a political party running this platform would clean up at a federal election. Where is our renationalisation party? Our real left alternative? At very least it would drag the debate back into a middle ground and take the wind clean out of the MSM retarded right wings dogma. They would be forced to discuss the benefits of privatisation and would be skewered by their own sword because the only perceivable benefit is to the already filthy rich. It would isolate and expose them.

crypt0 • 8 years ago

Telstra having another outage in East Gippsland today.
Do the bewildered herd, the sheeple or your average ignorant citizen care about the failure of the privatization scam?
Not until it affects them personally would have been my guess.
I would have been wrong, because it affects everybody, every day, and still they don't care !

Michael_Rogers • 8 years ago

Cut the 'sheeple' crap. The world has had enough authoritarian thugs and fantasists comparing elements of humanity with animals without adding to it.

Also you'd be surprised how few people you can win over to your point of view by commencing with a declaration that they are stupid with less than human intelligence.

crypt0 • 8 years ago

You seem a bit sensitive about the 'sheeple' thing Michael, for some reason.
Just to humour you, I'll stick with the 'average ignorant citizen' line for now.
As regards the winning over people crap, the ones who would benefit from being won over are mostly stuck with the MSM, murdoch in particular.
I thought we all (here at IA, anyway) knew that.
Perhaps I was wrong.

Twobob • 8 years ago

My first thought on reading MR's comments about 'people you can win over ...' was that they are not here. This ship of fools that we sail on is weighed down by the idiots who eat turdocks feces for breakfast lunch and dinner. They don't read IA and would not accept the analysis here even if they did. If you were actually unfortunate enough to be engaging one of them in an ongoing conversation MR's advice would be worthwhile but you were not. His concern trolling is growing a bit tiresome, we can't call them the LNP, we can't call them sheeple, we can't call them stupid ... . But when you ask MR how you should refer to them you get ***crickets*** as your reply.
Concern trolling can be a very effective method of stifling socially progressive debate because as decent people we take on board the concerns and engage in hand wringing rather than just accepting that when you are in a shitfight you are bound to get shit on your hands. They ARE idiots MR, they ARE sheeple and they are not offended by this discussion because they bloody well are not involved in it. Save your concern for tudocks offerings and post over there and see what you get. It won't be anywhere near as thoughtful or reasonable as the reception you receive here I guarantee that.

crypt0 • 8 years ago

All true, Bob.
I don't think any body believes that THEY are the idiots or sheeple (oops!) ... it goes right over their heads and they assume you are referring to "someone else".
In any event, I steer clear of that stuff when talking to 'people you can win over', just in case. It rarely makes any difference ... they continue to parrot the same stuff anyway.
As someone once told me ...you can't argue with an unsound mind.
Sounds a bit ambiguous, but I think I know what they meant!

slorter • 8 years ago

I like bewildered herd!

42 Long • 8 years ago

Perhaps (to borrow from T abott, of "choose to be poor" fame) they "deliberately choose to remain ignorant". They have obviously made no effort to be reliably informed. This is getting beyond a joke. It's a fraud and they, the perpetrators, should pay for the damage. What about a BIG class action and an accurate list of the "Deniers" in the LNP ranks so they come out of the woodwork and become ACCOUNTABLE. The sooner the better to reduce the DAMAGE we will ALL pay for in time, which is fast running out.

slorter • 8 years ago

Yes a lot do choose to remain ignorant, but they still have an opinion and wish to engage and argue even if all they read is the sport section, look at the short snappy headlines or listen to some shock jock rave on!
"It is not propaganda’s task to be intelligent, its task is to lead to success."
"A lie told once remains a lie but a lie told a thousand times becomes the truth" to goodies from Goebbels!

crypt0 • 8 years ago

Yes, bewildered herd is good !

lin • 8 years ago

"Governments sell off public assets in the belief that prices will fall, services will improve and costs will be lower"
It is heart-warming to see you attribute good intentions to this policy, but the cynic in me suspects that those in government always knew the "lower prices, better service under the private sector" to be the complete bullshit it is. My belief is that it provided ready cash for pork barrelling in the short term, and the ability for the private sector to get their hands into people's pockets in a very direct way. Private monopoly ownership of essential services, with the ability to charge whatever they like. What could possibly go wrong? And we are now pushing further and further down that road for health and education, presumably because water, power, telecommunications and toll roads are working so well for the citizens?

42 Long • 8 years ago

You mean thing's like Arfur's Australian Water Holdings don't help? Is nothing sacred? THEY manufacture water don't they? Where would we be without entrepreneurs like that?

lin • 8 years ago

"Where would we be without entrepreneurs like that?"
Wealthier, healthier, happier and with fewer reasons to distrust the significant percentage of contemptible corrupt and untouchable arsehats within our political classes. If we had a decent anti-corruption watchdog, they would be jailed. Previous societies would have shortened, lengthened or dismembered them for treachery.

slorter • 8 years ago

I have been told I'm too nice!

Guest • 8 years ago
42 Long • 8 years ago

That's THEIR business plan. Your welfare has nothing to do with it. They will extort money from the populace any way they can. They would charge you for oxygen if they could work out how to. These extra imposts/costs go to them and their mates in the "privatisation" scenario, whereas taxes are spent on people and schools and roads so they want none of that. The LieNP "SERVE" the people well and you are over a barrel with this lot. Every day in every way they will progress the PLAN. You will be done, and dog bless you all.

crypt0 • 8 years ago

It's 2016 FFS !

Anybody reading murdoch's crap in this day and age and expecting the untainted truth is deluded.
And yes, I know this applies to a large proportion of the Australian people.
Expect bullshit and lies, because that's what you're going to get.
And now even the ABC, courtesy of the LieNP's hold on the purse strings is being pushed into fantasyland.
Meanwhile, back in the real world ...
Watch 4 Corners tonight and discover how Australia is showing the world how to treat youth in detention.
No, I don't mean refugee children in off shore detention, this all takes place in the NT.
Oz, showing the way yet again.

42 Long • 8 years ago

Yes .. We are getting good at being really bad. WE are the clever country, you know. Most of what you are told is utter CRAP. No wonder mental illness is on the rise. You can't escape the Tyranny and BS..

crypt0 • 8 years ago

Yes I had heard about that clever country stuff ...
I thought it was just satire ...
These days I'm sure of it.

42 Long • 8 years ago

Hypocrisy they do best, with utter stupidity/ lies a short distance after. Love the "Time for Playing games is OVER" statement.. Core and non core promises. No cuts to the ABC. You could write a big book. It would bring on depression in the masses.

JohnPassant • 8 years ago

Thank you for rebutting the Merdeocracy's lies about renewable energy in South Australia.

AussieJock • 8 years ago

