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Billy S DuBose • 6 years ago

Sad to hear that Churchill, and the Queen ,saved London in WWII so that the next generation could give it away, and fall into this sorry state! To think of the hundreds of Thousands of Christians and allies, who died willingly to save their beloved countries, during WWII, and almost everthing they faught for , is forsaken ! From this very seat of Christianity, the Crusades were launched, and now it's citizens welcome the pagan enemies into their lands, freely , and relinquish England without a shot being fired by a Christian citizen! How Tragic! William Shakespear could never have imagined! Once they really have control, sacred grounds will be destroyed! England has turned it's back on God, as many have, and now they will inherit the Hell they have reveled in!

William Steele • 6 years ago

The Christian churches and people have themselves to blame. Christian parents have not practised the faith in their homes. Bible reading and prayer as families, discussing what passes as news, from a Christian perspective, teaching their children the faith have gone. For several generations children have not caught faith and the faith by osmoses in their homes, For a couple of generations children have been taught in school that they must do "what's right for you". With leaders in government who claim to be Christians, yet who enact laws and policies which are the contrary of Christian, and oppress the poor people and the disabled people, and further enrich those who are already rich, can you wonder at people turning away from Christianity?

The Crusades are a shame for Christians, and nothing to boast about. Muslims are not pagans. As Muslims they are not our enemies. Many were born in England, Wakes, Ireland, and Scotland. They are included in us!

We must accept the reality that Christendom is in the past. State Churches like the Church of England, Non-state Churches by Law Established, like the Church of Scotland, The large traditional denominations are things of the past. The state connexion has weakened the churches and The Church, to the extent that many, possibly most, of their members are baptised Secularists.

The church must be born again, born from above. Churches must become communities of disciples rather than the present institutionalised gatherings of people who don't know each other. Churches must be centres of Christian spirituality, of spiritual healing, of service to the wider communities of neighbourhoods, villages, town and cities. They must stop inviting people to "come to church" but BE the church. Traditional liturgies don't mean anything to people who have not been brought to "go to church". They must be invited to participate in churches without walls, where faith is nurtured, and they are discipled. When this is happening and we Christians live the faith, and live our personal faith, then we can share the Good News of Jesus and God's kingdom, with Muslims and all others without threatening them.

The tone of this article is Islamophobic, and threatening to any Muslims who read it.

united • 6 years ago

The article is about awareness. How do you support the idea of introducing sharia law in a country that welcomed you? What do you say about the constitution of UK? It doesn’t matter anymore? Yes, you blamed the churches that built schools, hospitals orphanages and other infrastructures for the common good which your new religion benefited from but contributed nothing for UK.
Yes, the church has to focus on spirituality and Christ centered but how will that gathering be possible in the streets as you condemned gathering in churches but applauded new mosque structures for prayers?
Islam is about expansionism, domination and conquer. Turkey was once a 100% Christian nation but today they are Islamic nation. Since UK rejected Jesus Christ and chose Mohammad, we shall see how peaceful UK will be.
This awareness is for all Christians to wake up and repent before the worst. If you allow Muslim they take allowance.

Spiros Chiotis • 6 years ago

Allow me a correction. Turkey was never a Christian nation. Should you refer back to the ages of the Byzantine Empire, they were Greeks. In 29 May, 1453 and after several attacks and attempts to conquer the Konstantinopole (today's Istanbul -> Is tin Poli : meaning/referring: "To the City" in Greek) Muslims invade to the city killing thousands of unarmed while the Empire had to be left "along" by its allies from the West, leading Greece/Greeks under Ottoman Empire for 400 years. Turks destroy everything and cut off the spiritual and not only connections of the Greeks with their ancient ancestors and Greeks missed the European Age of Enlightenment... Greeks were the first in History to protect Europe when they stopped the army of the Persians (not only) from invading in Greece and then into Europe back in 490BC (Battle of Marathon) and then again and again against thousands of army and navy from Persia and West Asia in general, until they left alone again (what a surprise) from their allies and they were expelled from the land of their fathers (Konstantinopole) in 1955, from Minor Asia in 1922 and Turkey invade in Cyprus in 1974 and guess what, nobody was there to support the Cypriots... We better consider what we did offer and what do we offer to a nation being -apart of the nation "inventing" almost all the Sciences- the shield of Western civilisation and Christianity. Instead, all European Countries have factories of their interest in Turkey, they offer a lot to Turks in multiple levels (even paying 3B Euros to Turkey) to "keep" jihads out of Europe and this smart guy Erdogan gets the money and pushes Jihadists with plastic boats into Aegean Sea... Greeks on the other hand, are so stupid to go from the bad to the worst Government Administration for decades...

Joseph the Waterboy • 6 years ago

Friend; I visited th ruins of seven Christian churches that existed in Turkey in the first century AD. Long before Isiam was conceived. Christianity played a big part in Turkey’s history

No wise nation, allows another culture to take over it's own. This is foolishness of the highest order not liberal multiculturalism. Stupid Britons

Robert Paul Hudson • 6 years ago

No this article is about hate and Brexis BS. The author is a Russian national. There is nothing factual anywhere in this article. Don't be as stupid as the Americans. Putin is not your friend

David • 6 years ago

Please can you counter what he said with facts, this is how it started in the old Turkey which was 100% Christian state some people like you were doubting and today Turkey is a key Islamic state.

Prashant John Barkay • 6 years ago

Have you seen these things in reality?

DarkOne • 6 years ago

The crusades were a response to the barbaric practices of Moslem's. Time for another if you ask me.

NDMA • 6 years ago

you speak of the barbaric practices of others while calling for barbaric practices? yea, we know how ya sheeple are engineered : projecting the crimes of your peoples upon those y'all trying to steal from #AskANative #AskAnAfrican #AskAPalestinian watch how your kind loses EVERYTHING :P https://uploads.disquscdn.c...https://uploads.disquscdn.c...https://uploads.disquscdn.c...https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

http://biblehub.com/1_samue... don't worry, we've dealt with your masters before : just remember, the reason ya shekel whores don't have a future is your own actions ... like a bank robber in jail :P

S A • 6 years ago

This is intellectual crusade where reasons, facts and logic are at forefront not power, might, deceit and threat. Allahu Akbar. God is great.

Foolishness of the highest order. Take a look again, what is happening is Christians majority will always accommodate religious minorities. Full stop.
Muslim majority will never accommodate any religion minority, take a look with your blind Christian eyes, how many churches are in prominent location in Islamic capital of the world? If any at all?
Islam is never a religion is an totalitarian ideology, that never gives room for others to thrive. The earlier you take this view the better for your children who will suffer the consequences of this stupid as action of Islamic freedom when u a gone. Islamist will take over your politics as they have London, introduce Islamic laws which u b forced to live with.
Islamist will never allow religion freedom for all. If that's is what u call it. Period

Fs • 6 years ago

Fuck you eternally enemy of all that is good, friend of Satan and his Islamic minions. Black death spirit of damnation William steele.

William Steele • 6 years ago

Did you learn this blessing in your church?

Charlie • 6 years ago

They should kick
Out all Muslims. Idk y they give visas only to them.

MOJAMMEL Hossain • 5 years ago

Absolutely right,sir. Truth always prevails. Islam teaches how to apply or implement spirituality into practical/day to day life. In case of other faith ,it is just institutional,people get it at church when he goes there and leaves it at church when coming from church.
The stories of Bible and Qur'an are almost same. We follow same route to divinity but we, muslim thinks our Christian brothers have diverted a little when describing the status of God.
We think ourselves are more Christian than any other self proclaimed Christians. Because we follow ProphetJesus(pbuh),Prophet Muhammed(pbuh) and all 124000 prophets sent by God himself.
And we are extremist in one and only point that God is one, nothing can be equal to the God, the only creator of this Universe.God has no gender, male or female,God has no offspring neither God has been given birth by somebody,God is self created......this very basic and vital concept of God is declared by God in Bible, Qur'an,Veda UPANISHAD and in many other Religious books. But except Qur'an, no other sacred books are written instantly by human beings, so there was a chance of other books to get distorted in course of time. That may have created difference of philosophy in Islam vrses all other religions.
Thank you for a neutral view,Sir. Keep confusing interfaith dialogue what may push us towards a peaceful co existence.

disqus_MS2OCsfsTU • 6 years ago
prepare • 6 years ago

You are a traitor! And you know it.

Roger Walker • 6 years ago

You're the cancer

Amina Amantullah Yakubu • 6 years ago

Don't be sad but have a confidence and trust that Islam is the true Religion at the side of God even juses son of maryam PBH is a Muslim

Andres Zoran Ivanovic • 6 years ago

Amina. Why would we trust something forced to us? It is actually more than forcing. It is aggressive.

Carla • 6 years ago

Pfft. Your Mohammed was a child molester, hater of women (i.e. Sharia Law), murderer and a thief who STOLE things from the Jewish Torah and the Christian Bible to make your false quran, by which you all want to kill all Jews and Christians if you are a true follower of your Mohammed. Because that's what he wrote in his quran. Kill the infidel (non-muslims). There is NOTHING holy, good or true in this made up FALSE religion called islam. The TRUE, Living God of the Bible whose Son Jesus Christ stands there...knocking on the door of your heart to come to Him and the God of the Bible...He is the only Way, the Truth & the Light. Even now, MANY of your muslim brothers and sisters are seeing Jesus in their dreams and becoming Christians. Your false religion will not prevail against the TRUE God of the Bible. Repent of your wicked ways, your sins and turn to the One and only TRUE God of the Bible. Accept Jesus Christ died for YOUR sins. And you will be saved. God preserves His remnant.

Mojammel Hossain • 5 years ago

The Quran is the only sacred book which teaches to respect Prophet Jesus(pbuh) equally with other messengers of God. And we muslims are more pure Christian tha you, you people are diverted from the real Bible. Your God and our Allah is same.Do you know that Jesus's mother younger was Hibrue and original Bible was in Hibrue language. Did you ever see the original Hibrue Bible. You present day Bible is distorted one, Jesus(pbuh) taught the same lesson what prophet Muhammad (pbuh) taught that God is one, self created, no gender,neither given birth to anybody nor anybody give birth to him,nothing is equal to him and he is the one and only creator of this universe.
Qur'an is the continuation of your Bible and the last and final version of God's sermon. Think from your heart how anybody, including prophet Jesus be equal to God, God is creator and everything living or nonliving are just the creation only !
Think judiciously, you are not following what our prophet Jesus wanted to teach you.

Andres Zoran Ivanovic • 5 years ago

O yes. We are seeing what is going on. Women running over borders just not to be hanged or stoned.

Charles Hack • 6 years ago

the bible says you shall know the truth, and the truth shall sets you free, to be frank Islam is the only true religion which Jesus (PBH) himself created while Muhammad established the ministry, if we follow what Jesus (PBH) said in the book of Mathew (concerning the desertion of Jerusalem by God and the glory of God given to another country), do not blame anyone for the conversion, only God guide His people to the narrow path ways, no matter how you call Angel Gabriel, Jesus (PBH) and God as trinity you will never see the favor of God to the right narrow path, The book of Isaiah also confirm the oneness of God which Jesus (PBH) also confirmed. Those Islamic enemies are those terrorist, bombards and hijackers, they are not True Muslim and never compare them to Real Muslims, your name can be John or Ahmed and you can be found with ritualism, killers and all bad behaviors, that does not made you Christian or Muslim.

yusuf • 6 years ago

May God almighty bless you for telling the truth!

itas2000 • 6 years ago

You have said it all, may the Almighty Allah guides us to straight path.

Martha Mac • 6 years ago


Glyn Jones • 6 years ago

The Catholic Faith is the true religion -- mate.

Cheryl Webb Clair • 6 years ago

You're both wrong.

Charlie • 6 years ago

Lolx hahahhahah crazy u

Howard Trice • 6 years ago

B.S dude. You only think? you may have succeeded, but Christ will return and kick your butts.

Katherine Raissa • 5 years ago

LOL Nice way to put it, and you are correct! Jesus Christ will send them back to wherever they come from!!

Harlizon MBAu • 6 years ago

Islam is not a "religion" in narrow western understanding as "LEGION” or “GOD WORSHIPING” ansich.

Islam is the WAY… The way of a’LAM (Universe) as created by GOD.

Therefore, All prophets are IsLAM (muslim).
All creatures are naturally IsLAM, so is your body (but maybe not your heart)

Prophet Abraham is not Jewish or Christian, but ISLAM, so is Jesus.

Howard Trice • 6 years ago

Muslims have what Jesus warned about!! A false prophet is what you follow. Jesus is the only true way.

Carla • 6 years ago

You are surely brainwashed. And speak all kinds of falsities. smh

panama libre • 6 years ago

Islam did not exist when Profet Abraham was educating his son Isaac into jewishness. He did circumcion on the 8th day. When do you do your circumcion? Not as Abraham. Stop the lies.

Beverly Seymour • 6 years ago

See my comment posted above. Correction: The muslims being welcomed ARE NOT PAGANS. They are ANOTHER ONE MALE GOD RELIGION springing from the same goddess forsaken desert of Jesus and ignoring the sacred female. Too bad there are no true Pagan Vikings left over there...I'll bet they would kick some ass. Evidently Englanders have DEVOLVED not EVOLVED. Such a sad sight for the Motherland! I guess we will have to say, "There will always be an Englanistan!" in the future!

NDMA • 6 years ago

Pagan? coming from the slave of money shekel whores stealing land+resources from the indigenous ? #WW3 we're done tolerating ya debt-driven thieves : watch how we tear your kind's influence from EVERY land ever corrupted for going too far ... that's right Billy : go f**k yourselves for trying to bomb our homes then play ignorant! https://uploads.disquscdn.c... bit by bit : watch how ya donkeys lose EVERYTHING

Dr. U.A. Bharati • 6 years ago

It hardly matters because Christians, Jews and Muslims being all the Ibrahimic religions , hence worship the same monotheistic God of Abraham ( lbrahim ) , Moses (Moosa ), Jesus ( Eisa ), Jacob ( Yaqoob ), David ( Dawood), Joseph ( Yusuf ), Noha ( Nooh ) , Adam (Aadam ), Issac ( Ishaq ), Torah ( Torait), Bible ( lnjeel )..... and so on...... ln fact Muslims do it in more refined method .

Vlatko • 6 years ago

No, Muslims do not understand the doctrine of their religion, therefore they are just taught tradition, but the believe in a good of the moon, Al lah, god of the moon, their religion is a religion of blind Faith in the teaching of the teachers without checking the historical facts or the writing of the books. Their teachers are incapable of seeking the truth, incapable of receiving a correction, even in a debate never admit they are wrong even if you lay down all the facts before their eyes. Radical stubborn belief, without historical support or logic. This is the experience of all those who debated with Muslim believers.

Carla • 6 years ago

Muslims' favorite phrase when you debate them right out of their own false quaranic 'scriptures'. "Wrong interpretation." That's all they know how to say when faced with the TRUTH. smh

yusuf • 6 years ago


Abdul- Rahaman • 6 years ago

Dr it's we all believe in the same one God

Cobra • 6 years ago

Christians and muslims do not worship the same God!!!!!

panama libre • 6 years ago

What do they do in a more refined way? They dont even have a council that dictates. Each Iman decides what he thinks. No order at all.

Howard Trice • 6 years ago

By lying? Sure.

Agus S • 6 years ago

pagan enemies? even FITNA producer convert to Islam...maybe you will be the next who get hidayah...

Mary Kortenhoven • 6 years ago

Read it again. He did not say 'pagan enemies'. He said Muslims are not pagans. He said Muslims are not our enemies.