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Mike Hockley • 3 years ago

None of the Chinese "disinformation" or "conspiracy theories" are any worse than those promoted by Western mainstream fake news media and the social media companies themselves: Trump-Russia collusion; healthy people under 60 are in mortal danger from covid; antifa doesn't exist and the BLM riots were peaceful protests, but the January 6 protest was an attempted coup; Maxine Waters didn't incite violence but Trump did; Hunter Biden's laptop doesn't exist and he is guilty of no crime or corruption; and many more.

China is not our biggest threat. It is not China filling our countries with millions of low IQ African and Islamic third world immigrants; rioting and burning cities; injecting children with gender-altering hormones; destroying our economy and society with pointless brutally enforced lockdowns; or making movies and TV propaganda to push all of the above. Let us get our own house in order before we worry about China.

PS All the publicised attacks on Asians in America have been by blacks. No white people were involved, and yet somehow it was "white supremacy" that made them do it. :quizzical emoji:

OAH • 3 years ago

Amen! Small correction: the Georgia slaughter of massage parlour employees was by a sick, deranged redneck.

proleishplumber • 3 years ago

Exactly. The Chinese government are effectively just retweeting the 'news' produced by outlets like CNN.

Robert Bidochon • 3 years ago

Low IQ? Wow.

Mike Hockley • 3 years ago

www dot human-intelligence dot org/africans/
worldpopulationreview dot com/country-rankings/average-iq-by-country
foxnews dot com/story/dna-discoverer-blacks-less-intelligent-than-whites

Robert Bidochon • 3 years ago

In recent decades, as understanding of human genetics has advanced, claims of inherent differences in intelligence between races have been broadly rejected by scientists on both theoretical and empirical grounds.

Mike Hockley • 3 years ago

No, they haven't. Scientists just avoid the subject in order to keep their funding and not be unpersoned like James Watson was when he courageously told the truth. You may have heard about James Watson: I believe he knows a thing or two about genetics.

Robert Bidochon • 3 years ago

"The greatest upset came when Dr Watson told an interviewer from the Sunday Times in 2007 he was “inherently gloomy about the prospect of Africa” because “all our social policies are based on the fact that their intelligence is the same as ours – where all the testing says not really”.

He added that while he would like everyone to be equal, “people who have to deal with black employees find this is not true". These remarks, which have been universally derided as based on incredibly shaky scientific foundations, led to a forced retirement for Dr Watson from his chancellor role at Cold Spring Harbour Laboratory."

"Chicago-native Dr Watson has always been a divisive figure. While the pair later became friends, the renowned biologist E.O. Wilson once described him as "the most unpleasant human being I had ever met".

While his work on the double helix was undoubtedly fantastic, he seems to thrive on controversy and the adulation of people like you.

Dada Dada • 3 years ago

Feel free to google world IQ tables, and see which countries are at the bottom.

Robert Bidochon • 3 years ago

I think you're getting into deep and murky water there.

Hereward The Woke. • 3 years ago

He is wrong of course.
It is the best that leave.

Lamia • 3 years ago

The EU accused China of running ‘a global disinformation campaign to deflect blame for the outbreak of the pandemic’.

... and then signed a massive investment deal with China.

The Trump administration sought to ban both TikTok and WeChat on national security grounds. Both have fought back in the courts, and President Biden has paused the action against them while his staff becomes ‘familiar with the issues in this case’.

Fancy that. Now who's betraying the US to foreign powers?

I'm not saying the British are doing much better. But it is disturbing and rather telling that the globalists running Brussels and Washington DC are so cringing and compliant before Beijing. Then again, in certain respects the CCP, EU and Biden's 'Democrats' are birds of a feather.

Anglosphere • 3 years ago

They're the greatest threat facing us and their best asset is that many (most?) Westerners don't perceive them as a threat at all.

Elizabeth • 3 years ago

Canadians do, but that's not nearly enough.

The Naked Emperor • 3 years ago

Once they start improving on the policy of flooding the country with people,heroin and grooming our kids then i might maybe consider them our no 1 threat .

Until then ? Nah !

JohnBloom • 3 years ago

was that some kind of joke

Ug • 3 years ago

Simply put the CCP is the third Antichrist and is waging war on the world which is yet to even notice.

Guest • 3 years ago
Lightfoot • 3 years ago

Exactly this. The Spectator's stance during the US election was shameful - they and the rest of the MSM all used the same giveaway phrase: 'baseless claims,' when there was plenty they chose not to cover, and,silenced by Twitter, CNN and our own 'opinion' givers. Then finally the Antifa drama after Trump's final speech - played for all it was worth by Biden/Harris. The truth will come out though, it has already begun.

Elizabeth • 3 years ago

Hasn't it registered with you what a danger Trump was, and how he was the weakness that China was waiting for? Lies and propaganda, my foot. Prove it. You must be fully into QAnon.

Guest • 3 years ago
Robert Bidochon • 3 years ago

Most of the mask wearers in cars are Ubers

The Naked Emperor • 3 years ago

I thought the Chinese had locked them all up ?

Steph • 3 years ago

Not where I live it isn’t , it’s half the people and about a quarter wear them outside. taxi drivers have to wear them in their cars

Robert Bidochon • 3 years ago

That’s right most mask wearers in cars are cab drivers. Anyone wearing one when out for a walk is just confused or has a hood up as well and that’s to preserve anonymity. Masks are great for urban youth.

Steph • 3 years ago

Lol we don’t have urban youth either , it’s mostly middle to old age people , then there’s a huge gap and young teenagers wear them , they walk in the road if the path is narrow ... dodging cars !

Robert Bidochon • 3 years ago

Yes it’s old people. Confused. A lot of them here in the comments, although confused against masks.

Steph • 3 years ago

Now now 😉

Robert Bidochon • 3 years ago

I’ve said it before but it’s like Wetherspoons here some days.

jerry owen • 3 years ago

What do you mean?

Steph • 3 years ago

Well I assume from that that you’re a frequent visitor 😂

Lynne • 3 years ago


Robert Bidochon • 3 years ago

No. I work in advertising.

ugly_fish • 3 years ago

I don't think you do work. You spend far too much time posting comments.

Robert Bidochon • 3 years ago

It’s not like being in a factory.

The Naked Emperor • 3 years ago

77th ,but I suppose you could call it advertising?

Steph • 3 years ago

What’s that suppose to mean 😂😂you’re allowed to to Wetherspoons if you work in advertising ! In Beverley Wetherspoons you can’t enter with trainers on that’s how posh it is 😂

Robert Bidochon • 3 years ago

It’s about how the job is a lot about identifying demographics

proleishplumber • 3 years ago

Sounds fascinating. Could you give us an example of how you would write up an analysis or report for a client about the demographics who use their product, and what kind of language, images, themes etc should therefore be used in an advertising campaign?

When you can find the time, of course.

Robert Bidochon • 3 years ago

That's not my job, that is the planners'/strategists'. The creative team is given a brief from them which details the product/service, the target market (often a pen portrait of the 'typical consumer'), the main proposition to be got across, what is off limits, what media should be used and what budget is available.

This helps focus the creative thinking and is a yardstick to judge concepts by. While all ideas are subjective, it helps at the decision time to be able to say ‘does this idea meet the brief?’. If it does, then at least some objective appraisal has happened. After that it gets a bit more tense.

Steph • 3 years ago

Oh I see what you mean you make generalisations and work on stereotypes 🤔, you can still go in though you might enjoy yourself !

Robert Bidochon • 3 years ago

That’s pretty much how it works. Same as some people stereotype and generalise about Guardian readers or Waitrose shoppers.

Steph • 3 years ago

Mmm, I wonder which group are more friendly ...

Robert Bidochon • 3 years ago

Depends how soon they started drinking

BigJC • 3 years ago

Pretty weak trolling today Nick.

Robert Bidochon • 3 years ago

I call it piss taking, but then I'm a boomer

BigJC • 3 years ago

Of course. I’m just down with the kids. Blood.

Robert Bidochon • 3 years ago

It's blud, innit

BigJC • 3 years ago

In the South Herts Massive we take our spelling seriously.

Robert Bidochon • 3 years ago