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WHAT HOW? • 3 weeks ago

bro i got an planet named whine? WHAT!?

Harrison • 2 months ago

The Thatop System

Star Stats


Star name: Thatop

Star type: K-Type Main Sequence (Yellow-Orange)

Age: 4.07 billion years old

Mass: 0.7 Solar masses (Sun = 1 Solar mass)

Radius: 0.8 x Sun's radius


Thatop's Habitable Zone

(The area where planets are neither too hot or too cold for liquid water to be present on the surface)

Inner Edge: 0.08 AU

Outer Edge: 1.09 AU

Width: 1.01 AU


Planet Distance from Thatop in AU

BOLD planets are within the Habitable Zone.

(Red planets are inside the inner edge and may be molten or simply too hot for liquid water to exist,

while Blue planets are outside the outer edge may be frozen or too cold.)


Total Planets: 8

Distance: (For reference, Earth is 1.0 AU)

Redeng - (0.17 AU)

Veonone - (1.45 AU)

Kesnon - (4.29 AU)

Tolev - (11.58 AU)

Schoph - (12.22 AU)

Jout - (16.72 AU)

Klicar - (18.51 AU)

Sphin - (32.76 AU)


Other Objects:

Proto Planets: 13 ~ Significant Asteroids: 45 ~ Significant Comets: 19


System Facts:

The closest neighbouring star is 10 light years away. The Thatop system is relatively close to a black hole.



Large Rocky Planet | Redeng has a very slow rotational speed.



Gas giant | Veonone has a retrograde orbit.



Super Earth | Kesnon has a tidally locked moon.



Large Rocky Planet | Tolev has a complex ring system.



Toxic Planet (Atmosphere lethal to humans) | Schoph has a damaged moon and a slight ring.



Rocky Planet (No atmosphere) | Jout has extreme seasonal differences.



Large Rocky Planet | Klicar has a very fast rotational speed.



Failed Star | Sphin has a decaying orbit.

systemgames • 5 months ago

i generated a system and made it into blocks!

Harrison • 2 months ago


Bonnie Doyle • 7 months ago

A yo
Molten Planet
Kitis has 44 moons.

you don't need my name • 8 months ago

I got a planet called 'sun'.

Nicholas Pirvuti • 10 months ago

I got canada

arcaanarts • 11 months ago

i got a planet named ned oh my god

Super Ion • 1 year ago

I got a planet that was literally named just Ice

Kyle Marcus Gavin • 1 year ago

The planet Named "Bro" I Cant Take it anymore lol

Rainbow Drop Gaming • 1 year ago


Super Earth

Farthest planet from Blalecest, yet within the Habitable Zone.

nobody important • 1 year ago

The crocelini system sounds like an Italian pasta

Mar • 1 year ago

I got a planet named Justelyn XD sounds like a name

A_thingy • 1 year ago

He's not wrong, it is a name, a name for a planet!!!

GikgikRB_7913 • 1 year ago

I got the weirdest system.
There were 2 planets of the same name
A planet named Dog
and a toxic planet with 46 moons.

Soul • 2 years ago

I got one planet that was named "Key"

Borja De Zavala Torres • 2 years ago

Would it be a possible feature putting the size of the planets? Or whether or not they have moons? Thank you! Everything else is just perfect. And I love the style.

RanGen • 2 years ago

Nope; this Gen is just for setting out the layout of the solar system as a whole.

What you need now is the Planet Gen to get more details about individual planets, including their sizes, how many moons they have and much more.

You can generate ones that match the planet types suggested in the Solar System Gen, or, you can just go with random and plop them into your solar system instead!

dedkefh • 2 years ago

and my "Dol" system has 4 planets in the habitable zone.

dedkefh • 2 years ago

one of my generated system has a planet called "Six'e" except the I is a e

dedkefh • 2 years ago

my gas giant is called "Wow" and has multiple rings, wow.

Local • 2 years ago

Star name: Sturd.
Star type: B-Type main sequence (Blue-white)
Age: 56 million years old.
Mass: 33 solar masses (Sun= 1 solar mass)
Radius: 7 x Sun's Radius.
Okay this getting a bit long so ima jump to the planets.
Atib: Dwarf planet. Atib hes extreme seasonal diffrences.
Kielan: Rocky planet. Kielan has an axial tilt of 349 degrees.
Detade: Molten planet. Detade regularly flies through an asteroid field.
Meekkain: Hot Jupiter. Meekkain has a tidally locked moon.
Mckasi: Rocky planet. Mckasi has a complex ring system
Wraryl: Rocky Furnace. Wraryl has an eccentric orbit
Schas: Large rocky planet. Schas has no moons

Here's the Strud system ladies and gentlemen.

Liviu Bogdan Stan • 2 years ago

hello, any thoughts to generate planets with pictures?

Holly • 2 years ago

Star name: Jam

Yum star jam!

Total Planets: 3
(For reference,
Earth is 1.0 AU) Lij - (0.45 AU)
Rothy - (0.95 AU)
Dad - (12.82 AU)

PLANET DAD, the planet of dads.

Local • 2 years ago

Is there a planet called Mom XD

TnT Rose • 2 years ago

Will you add the possibility to generate a binary system?

RanGen • 2 years ago

Short answer: Yeah, sure. Not yet.

Long answer: More than likely, seeing as a lot of people have asked for it, but, it'll take a little bit; I gotta do a whole bunch of space-y calculations if I'm to include any interesting information, like how close the stars are and what their orbits are like, especially if you want any of the planets to be habitable. Then I gotta figure out how to get the Gen to take it all into consideration and not keep putting every planet basically on the surface of one sun or the other, or claiming that a planet is in the habitable zone when it's not, because one star is like the Sun and is around the same distance to the planet like Earth is, while the other is a blue hypergiant nearby or something; that'd totally incinerate everything! Brain is still struggling with just the Plant Gen right now, so astrophysics is a bit too demanding for the moment. 😄

I might just make a 'simple' update that just includes another star just to start off with but not too many details, then worry about making it more accurate and interesting later... 🤔On the other hand, I do tend to get a lot of people claiming the space stats are wrong (usually THEY're wrong...), so I'd have to be prepared for a lot of legitimate complaints in the meantime in that case!

Voluntary Grass Patch • 2 years ago

The closest neighbouring star is 9 light years away. The Idokiso system is relatively close to a black hole.

Excuse me, a WHAT Now?

Angie • 2 years ago


Nicolly Martins • 2 years ago

'The Myur System'
Dude, one of my planets is called 'Bud,' it has 20 moons and is a large rocky planet. It's habitable too! My favorite planet, ever.

ScarletAsh • 2 years ago

The Heh System

ScarletAsh • 2 years ago

I got The Mac System

dodo perip • 2 years ago


Large Rocky Planet
Mum has 54 moons.

Azein • 2 years ago

The meme system :)

DreamFan123 • 2 years ago

796,809 million years old :'D

Elliot • 2 years ago

Chircy the star in the Chircy system
Um ok?

Akolade • 3 years ago

The Plank System. Nice

Andrea • 3 years ago

I got the KILL system LMAO

TiredSoul • 5 months ago

That sounds like something you could truly DIE for! (That was horrible I'm sorry.)

I S • 1 year ago

is one of your planets named: RIP AND TEAR UNTIL ITS DONE

RanGen • 3 years ago

Sounds like the ideal system for the DOOM series to take place.

??? • 3 years ago

got a planet called ugg and got the sun's name as Ehyohyobyugyu

Angie • 2 years ago

Ehyohyoby what now?

Holly • 3 years ago

I forgot to mention in my last comment that there's a planet in my solar system called Bug Buig.

Holly • 3 years ago

My solar system has a planet called Mup mup.

Someone strange • 3 years ago

I got a solar system with two planets, both in the habitable zone. They were suitible for life (one was a water world, the other was a humid planet) but their star was an O-type so it won't live long enough for life to arise on the planets.

Someone strange • 3 years ago

I got a planet called Wer that was 1.6 Au away from a B-star. That's so close and so hot that the planet is getting melted, and it's rotation is locked and therefore the same side faces the star all the time. What a nice place.

-Alek/Shoe- • 1 year ago

i- 😨

TnTRose9063 • 3 years ago

Shouldn’t gas dwarves be generated in a distant orbit. They’re very prone to losing their gases through hydrodynamic escape.

-Alek/Shoe- • 1 year ago

thats very interesting 👀