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Maria18 • 11 months ago

how do i tag you on wattpad

RanGen • 11 months ago

Just include @AmeronisRanGen in your message!

graggle lago • 1 year ago

i love this website and i use it constantly, but i have a suggestion
what about a generator that like has the name of abilities. this probably sounds confusing but i'll give an example

so heres the idea. basically you can chose the genre, and they're can be Murim, Dark Fantasy, Fantasy, and other stuff like that. And then you can choose if its elemental or physical or something like that

for example, a murim attack would be like: [ Heavenly Strike of 34 Tigers ] or something like that

just an idea

Seth Beard • 1 year ago

I ShallReject defeat and vow to get your revenge someday.

habenero pepper • 1 year ago

7 i don't want to risk public embarrassment, i just want power

Cwookie • 1 year ago

I shall gracefully accept my defeat and get up to congratulate them on winning. I am not a poor sport, so I shall let them win this battle. Once.

Ela S • 1 year ago

It is my honor to accept defeat gracefully and to extend my congratulations. As soon as the enemy accepts my congratulations, I will grab my weapon in order to defend myself. Specifically, this is an elemental mace, a powerful scythe that can deal damage far beyond what is expected to be dealt by a normal scythe of similar size. Despite its extreme power, this weapon can only be wielded by one person at a time, and only that person knows how to wield it. Therefore, I will take this and slash the enemy, knowing that I refuse to give up on my fight, so here I go.

Natalie • 1 year ago

When I go to result six it doesn't work, neither does any of the ones after it.

Ameronis RanGen • 1 year ago

Try accessing the links from a different browser and see if that works.

Ello • 1 year ago

So please dont kill him

Shady guy • 1 year ago

I must watch a fight, i need to feel alive

Rainbow Drop • 1 year ago

6: Me slepingg

Timothy P • 1 year ago

I can except my loss and be pissed off over it. I will get my revenge here shortly there after

Sam Pound • 2 years ago

Hey! not sure what's up with the appearance generator? it doesnt give anything about eye colour/shape anymore

RanGen • 2 years ago


Holly • 2 years ago

I can't believe I forgot to visit the website. Your so hardworking, I want to be like you one day. :)

Holly • 2 years ago


Vi • 2 years ago

I don't actually have social media. Is there any way to submit my story without it, or so I have to wait? This is my first challenge and I'm looking forward to others, but I kind of need to know haha!

RanGen • 2 years ago

Not a problem; just upload your story using one of the methods outlined below, then send me the link directly via the Disqus comments, or the Contact form with “RanGen Writing Challenge” in the message.

Use your cloud storage services like OneDrive, Google Drive or Dropbox if you're already signed up to them.
Try file-sharing services like WeTransfer, File Dropper, Tinyupload, Mediafire for registration-free simple file uploads. Be mindful that some sites have a time limit for the URL before it expires.
Or, use content sharing sites like Wattpad, Tumblr, Commaful if you'd like to upload AND share with the world at the same time.

I will be updating the description for the next challenge, to make the rules and such clearer for next time!

Jackie • 2 years ago

Again, I am so so sorry for continuing to ask questions, but since this is my first time doing a challenge like this, I want to make sure I understand the rules. I wanted to add in another character for a love interest, but none of my OC’s fit what I was imagining, so I used a character gen here. However, I wanted to know if it’s possible to change a couple details on the character that came up. I like the overall one I got, but some specifics didn’t seem to fit. Is that okay?

RanGen • 2 years ago

Yep, there are no other restrictions on any of the other Gens you choose to use, so you can use them freely.

The real question is; will you be able to finish before the 31st? 😱

Jackie • 2 years ago

Thank you! I’m working on it every chance I get so hopefully I can finish 😊

Jackie • 2 years ago

I’m a little bit confused as to what the actual theme of the story is supposed to be. Could you clarify for me, please?

RanGen • 2 years ago

New Beginnings; the character is going from whatever their life currently is with their (potentially less than ideal) Family/Job, to whatever it ends up becoming once they become Motivated and attempt to pursue their chosen goal.
You can give yourself just the bare minimum to work with if you choose the Simple detail levels for the Family and JobGens, or can potentially shape their story further by choosing to go with the Detailed option.

Jackie • 2 years ago

I’m so sorry for bothering you, but I have another question: do I have to use all of the family members generated in the story, or can I just use a few?

RanGen • 2 years ago

No worries. You don't have to use all of them; you could use just one member if you want. The main challenge is not being able to re-roll your family, and then working the chosen members into the story.

Jackie • 2 years ago

Okay, thank you!

Elijah Dictator • 2 years ago

I have a question about this! I'd love to do it, but the characters I want to use aren't human. Is there any way I can adapt the challenge for them?

RanGen • 2 years ago

Of course! There's no rule that says the characters have to be human, or that the story has to take place on Earth, or be modern, etc. Half of the challenge is working with and adapting the template to your own style and seeing what you can come up with.

ScarletAsh • 2 years ago

It's already October, and you haven't made a September/October writing challenge.

Christy Embry • 3 years ago

Hey there, I've decided to take part in this challenge. So I looked at the three to decide on them.

The superpower one has been easy to find.

The motive gen is different than I remember it being. Is it okay if I just choose one it lists from both the top and the bottom?

The Embarrassment was more of a picky kind of thing since I am going to base the story as a Harry Potter Fanfiction.

Are we also allowed to use other gens?Hey there, I've decided to take part in this challenge. So I looked at the three to decide on them.

The superpower one has been easy to find.

The motive gen is different than I remember it being. Is it okay if I just choose one it lists from both the top and the bottom?

The Embarrassment was more of a picky kind of thing since I am going to base the story as a Harry Potter Fanfiction.

Are we also allowed to use other gens?

RanGen • 3 years ago

Yes, you can use the Motive Gen however you like, and you can use any other Gens too!

Christy Embry • 3 years ago

Thanks for the info. I hope I do well but this will be my first time entering a writing contest.

If I am honest I'm currently leaning more toward Naruto, Harry Potter, and occasionally Boku no Hiro Academia (My Hero Academia).

These are what I am going to be using...
** Superpowers **
* Super Skilled *
1 - Multi-sector skill set: (Perform well as a chef, a race car driver, a pilot, a ballet dancer... Whatever the role, the experience is there.)
2 - Super evasion: (Easily dodge and avoid incoming attacks.)
* Embarrass *
The character’s trousers split after doing a sudden movement.
* Motive *
Part One: Their desire for love. Their goal is to make new friends. A past oversight stands in their way.
Part Two: Survival and curiosity are the driving forces in his motive.
The Prompts I'm using can be for each of the three main characters (Uzumaki Naruto, Harry Potter, and Midoriya Izuku) so I'm not sure which one I should pick. Should I roll a dice or something?

1wafy8 • 3 years ago

I thought it would having an image, I was searching superpower and got this site

Joseph Phillips • 3 years ago

Hey you did update the pregnancy generator with the new code right?

RanGen • 3 years ago

Looks like the uploads went fine for all the other mentioned Gens, but not the Preg one. I've re-uploaded the files; you should definitely be able to see the latest version now.

Sockpuppet • 3 years ago

i love you, bro.

Strawberry bagel • 3 years ago

This wet savannah covers 6,666 miles...
Satan swamp

I’m a fan-gen • 3 years ago

Love all the new updates!!
Everyone give appreciation to the rangen ameronis person (that’s their name right??) they work so hard and listen to our requests yay
so thank you ameronis for being a cool person (I’m just great with words)

Kendall Graham • 3 years ago

Can't wait for more! Keep up the good work!

Miles Brown • 3 years ago

can you do a real family tre which is REAAAAAAAAAAAL Long but you allow people to copy it

MJ29546 • 3 years ago

A question: why has the comments section on fantasy names been closed?

RanGen • 3 years ago

No idea. Should be fixed now.

MJ29546 • 3 years ago

That's great, thanks.

Ark • 4 years ago

May you add a generator for a plains/Savannah type terrain, please?

Elle • 4 years ago

it would be kinda nice to have a tundra/snowy biome... and a random function... but I mean it’s fine without one great gen thanks byeeee

WaterPerson • 4 years ago

An ancient temple is lost deep within it...
sounds easy to find...oh wait there's more
This medium sized, foggy jungle is home to hundreds of different plants and animals; many of these are venomous or poisonous...
still not that bad...wait what do you mean there's more...
12 species of large predators make their home here...
cancel my trip there.

oreo penguin • 3 years ago

jusrt sounds like australia

ForrestGump • 4 years ago

Can you please add a random option for terrain type?

Lorinissa • 4 years ago

I never thought it was quite that difficult to make a generator, but seriously, this makes it sound as if you're overworking yourself! I hope more people really enjoy this site, despite the fact that some of the Japanese names I've found are under the wrong gender.... That part doesn't really bother me, though, but overall this is rather impressive. The fact that you also keep up with the comments that are asking questions or have misunderstandings is really nice, too, as most people give up on checking comments- in YouTube, at least- fairly quickly, and just ignore people.