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Dan Ollendorf • 3 years ago

Interesting article, but some of the statistics cited need serious editorial correction:

338 million people: unemployed individuals in the U.S. as of July 2020—10.2 percent unemployment, reflecting a major loss of commerce. These individuals could have collectively earned $335 billion over the previous six months if they had remained employed. The entire US population is only 331 million
944 million people: 2019 college students unlikely to enroll during the 2020-21 academic year—a 20 percent decrease. See above--maybe this is supposed to be 9.4 million?
56 million families: U.S. families at risk of eviction for failing to pay rent in 2020 – approximately 40% of 43.9 million families who rent. 40% of 43.9 million is 17.6 million
3 million families: U.S. families delinquent on mortgage payments by mid-2020, a rate of 7.7% which has more than doubled since March 2020. I think more than 39 million families own, right?