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Mark Rolofson • 6 years ago

The lawsuit by the DNC will ultimately hurt the party. Voters don't want to hear more on Russia. They have real issues like income inequality, education & healthcare that effect their lives. DNC chairman Tom Perez doesn't care about the struggling working class. He is a very corporate Democrat, who is attacking Progressive candidates & promoting Republican-lite neoliberal candidates. This is also the case at the DCCC.
The lawsuit takes things a huge step further. It is a big publicity stunt, since the DNC doesn't really have a good platform that addresses the struggling working class, poverty, systemic racism, endless war & the urgency of climate change.

jb • 5 years ago

This is absolutely true. I work for a survey/research company and on the question of whether Russia and other foreign actors are influencing Americans system of democratic government in a concerning way, not one, none, zero of the respondents have picked that reason out of 12 others as being a concern to them as a threat to Americans "democratic" system of government. What often is selected is lack of civic engagement and polarization in congress. A few others too I can't recall now.

Christopher Corvino • 6 years ago

Assange works for Trump and Putin. If you support him then your part of the problem. I'm starting to think this website is just another russian funded front to promote its agenda in the US.

Shane Maurel • 6 years ago

If you can't see through all the despicable lies that has been issued from all western politician mouths including the UK then your are really part of the problem. I suggest you educating yourself before commenting.

ameer jabril • 6 years ago

kid you probably are from the west. And your probably some troll bot white boy meant to try and divert attention away from your white saviors Trump Putin and Assange who did everything in their power to demonize and belittle Americas first black president like the racist pos's they are.

Shane Maurel • 6 years ago

How old did you say you are? Does any part of my comment even insinuate what you suggest? Maybe you should re-read it.

ameer jabril • 5 years ago

you have given me every reason to suggest this if you bothered reading what you have said so far.

Shane Maurel • 5 years ago

Then you need to go back to school and learn the language before opening your trap youngster.

ameer jabril • 5 years ago

I doupt you could speak one sentence of my own. So i wouldn't talk.

Shane Maurel • 6 years ago

My word so much judging and with so little info to go on. How old did you say you are?

Atomsk • 6 years ago

Americas first black president, along with the wannabe first woman president, are responsible for bringing slavery back to Libya, among other crimes. Not that you would care about that - you just use skin colour as a weapon against people who even just criticise them (although they deserce much worse than just ctiticism). Their skin colour and gender are irrelevant to this. They are mass murderers both. Trump also, of course, although probably not yet in the same class (will take a few more months/years I guess).

The ignorant, insular jingoism of American liberals is easily, easily as scary as the more open fascism of Trump. There may be a difference in short term effects, as the Trump section's racism is much more open and doesn't cover itself in superficial, individualist sophistry, but you know...you kill Arabs and black people and threaten Korea (where the US committed war crimes easily on the level of Nazis) with death just as easily. You're just the same. From the outside looking in, the difference is just that you lie in a way that seems more classy to you. Honestly, the jingisim, bigotry, ignorance, close-mindedness and self-centred, narcissistic arrogance of the American liberal intellectuals makes it really easy to sympathise with the idea of reeducation camps. The kind of (very scary) racism and nationalism generally associated with the extreme right, and which we in ex-Communist countries were taught to despise, for very, very good reasons, is very visible among your kind.

si91 • 6 years ago

I’m pretty sure that the people primarily responsible for the return of slavery to Libya are...the Libyans practicing it. As misguided as Obama and Hillary’s Libyan intervention was, no one forced the Libyan rebels to massacre and enslave black Africans - they chose to do this.

Jed Grover • 5 years ago

Propaganda & brainwashed worked.

Atomsk • 6 years ago

Of course. You just gave weapons to the worst, most reactionary, religious fundamentalist parts of Libyan society. You only gave them power. You only destroyed their enemies. You are not responsible *at all*. It's all their fault.

And their intervention was not "misguided". They knew *exactly* what they were doing: they wanted to destroy a relatively rich and powerful and autonomous regional centre of power that (despite its significant issues) tried to resist Western imperialism to some extent. They succeeded. But responsibility? Nahh. You just happened to bomb a country and it just happened to be destroyed and turned back a few hundred years but HEY it's not your fault. Never your fault.

ameer jabril • 6 years ago

except i'm not an american liberal. In fact i'm a black Pan Africanist who doesn't see a difference between the right and left in America anymore then i see a difference between racist white western imperialism and racist white eastern imperialism. If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck is how i see things. I'm merely telling it like it is and you mighty whitey's on both sides of the atlantic can't stand it cause the truth hurts.

Atomsk • 6 years ago

You still sound like a mixture of a not particularly smart western liberal and a particularly dumb conservative, what with the "sjw" stuff on one side and caring more about Obama's skin colour than what he did...in Africa.

ameer jabril • 6 years ago

People like you don't know what he did in africa because guess what? YOU AIN"T AFRICAN!!! I'm not denying he did so shit things in the name of corporate america. But the Russian chinese and europeans have not been any better. Between them and a black brother we would rather have one of our own exploiting us over one of you light skins.

Atomsk • 6 years ago
People like you don't know what he did in africa because guess what? YOU AIN"T AFRICAN!!!

So I cannot know that he lies? Of course, of course.

I'm not denying he did so shit things in the name of corporate america.

You're just forgiving him because he's black.

But the Russian chinese and europeans have not been any better.

And of course I didn't say they did anything better. I'm not defending Russia and certainly not Western Europe. But if you think Obama is your brother even though he sold you out, you're not very smart.

Between them and a black brother we would rather have one of our own exploiting us over one of you light skins.

Really? You'd rather have a black "brother" do the job for whites? You're willing to be enslaved (or to put it more accurately: to support the enslavement of your own actual brothers which does not seem to directly effect you) if the person doing the dirty work *for mostly white people* is also black?

Dazz • 6 years ago

I'd rather not be exploited at all.

ameer jabril • 5 years ago

That may never happen. I would rather work with the devil that looks like us if given the option.

Shane Maurel • 5 years ago

Would you? I would rather not work with anybody who is deceitful full stop!!!

ameer jabril • 5 years ago

if you have an alternative i'm open to hearing it.

solerso • 6 years ago

Mullers "investigation" hasn't produced a single actionable piece of evidence to support any of its claims of a "foreign backed /instigated conspiracy" to "subvert" (non existent) "American democracy". Therefore : , a civil lawsuit spectacle. The standard of evidence is much lower in civil lawsuits than it would be in a criminal trial (hearsay is permitted and typical in such cases) - also in order to have a criminal trial someone has to be charged with a crime. Even so I don't doubt Wikileaks legal team is eager for any chance to defend in a public court room , where arguments still have to be weighed against law, and you know, sanity as well as propaganda addled public opinion.

Shane Maurel • 6 years ago

Weird how they can try and make the claim of treason regarding Assange in this trial and yet, the US constitution which has been sidelined should make everybody in the US government a fraudster - all impostors!

Christopher Corvino • 6 years ago

Trump is clearly no fan of the constitution and Assange helped him out in demonizing the dems. So what makes you think he is any better?

Carolyn Zaremba • 5 years ago

The Democrats don't need to be demonized. Their actions demonize them all by themselves.

Shane Maurel • 6 years ago

Even the Dems have not respected the constitution, at least Assange had the guts to publish this all as true news and not the bullshit that is fed to every living being. That is what makes him better. By the way that so called collusion between him, Trump and Russia has never been proved. That is what makes hims better person.

solerso • 6 years ago

Hillary Clinton and the leadership of the DNC rigged the democratic primary so lets attack wikileaks . Not that there is ever any quid pro quo obligation to inform the public of the crimes and misdeeds of the power mad billionaires who seek ultimate power over us, but you and you're ilk always seem to (conveniently) forget everything defamatory (and also equally true) about the Trump campaign...You ignore that because it doesn't support Hillary's self absorbed narrative or her personal vendetta , or any of her crackpot rationalizations about why she's not president. TRUTH: Hillary failed to win because she couldn't even motivate enough registered democrats to vote (much less to vote for her)..As it turns out its still not quite possible to win merely on the hedge fund manager vote

Christopher Corvino • 6 years ago

You can make as many excuses as you like about assange. It don't change the fact he assisted in a man with fascist leanings in becoming president

Carolyn Zaremba • 5 years ago

Excuse me? Where is the evidence for that statement?

Atomsk • 6 years ago

Mhm. So what? How many explicit fascists have you guys put into power in dozens of countries?

Christopher Corvino • 5 years ago

I'm from Brazil. Clearly you know something i don't. When did my country ever put fascists into power slick?

Christopher Corvino • 5 years ago

what does this have to do with me? And when did Brazil put fascists into power slick?

solerso • 6 years ago

Even weirder how they can try to make a charge of "treason" against a an Australian citizen who has never even resided in the US

Shane Maurel • 6 years ago


AR • 6 years ago

There is a difference between publishing information presented by a whistleblower and weaponizing stolen data procured by use of illegal phishing attacks. I can't believe you don't know that. Also, if Assange is a dispassionate partisan of truth and transparency, why has he had direct communications with Trump's moron son?

The fact of the matter is that he's an agent provocateur who worked deliberately and actively to assist in the election of a fascistic regime in the US. His collusion with both Trump's campaign and Russia is not "concocted" but rather a fairly well-documented matter of fact, which is becoming all but absurd to deny. As I've argued here before, the all-Russia-all-the-time drumbeat is no doubt a distraction, but that doesn't rationalize factual distortions or the embrace of an unseemly character such as Assange. I think it's quite reasonable to point out the danger to the working class represented by the collusion between American and Russian oligarchs and mafia, while critiquing the hysteria and clarifying the class issues. Why the baby and the bathwater?

beaglebailey • 6 years ago

Seriously? Phishing is illegal now? And do you have proof that it was Assange himself that did the deed? Thought not.

He wrote to Don Jr after the files had already been posted so that takes the air out of your accusation.

"The fact of the matter is that he's an agent provocateur who worked deliberately and actively to assist in the election of a fascistic regime in the US. His collusion with both Trump's campaign and Russia is not "concocted" but rather a fairly well-documented matter of fact, which is becoming all but absurd to deny."

No there hasn't been any proof that shows what you wrote. Mueller has not proven that Assange colluded will either Trump or Russia. No matter how many times you say that it's still not a fact.

There is proof though that Hillary and Podesta cooked up the Russian propaganda right after the information was posted online.

BTW, your views on how you think Russia is run couldn't be more wrong. You are just repeating the government propaganda that you have been exposed to for so long.

John • 6 years ago

Wow what a stupid start to this conversation up above. Patrick Martin's insightful and highly informative analysis of the complete and utter corruption of the democratic party is met with allegations of him being an RT tool, and a liar who all the while gives off moral airs. Astonishing really.

Christopher Corvino • 6 years ago

sometimes the truth hurts. You people are part of the problem not the solution. Its why trump will never be impeached. Because you russian bots just can't or won't accept the fact your pasty white savior in the kremlin may have helped put Trump in power to help destabalize the US.

Carolyn Zaremba • 5 years ago

People like you are beneath contempt. I am surprised that your posts are being allowed. But I suppose the WSWS editorial board wants to allow you to hang yourself with your delusional and fraying rope. It has succeeded admirably.

Guest • 6 years ago
Kannan Nades • 6 years ago

Through the defence of party of oligarchy and slandering revolutionary party you are for the imperialist war and extinction of human race. But the conflict within the ruling class and inter imperialist conflict and great power conflict are manifest expression of the incapacity of capitalist system to further develop productive forces.
Working class need a determined fight against apologist of democratic party. Their democracy is a class war democracy as WSWS put it. It is not accidental democratic party supporte Trump's anti immigrant policy,social counterrevolution policy, tax paradise for the rich. As a ruling class party under Obama it had done these things. There is no chineese wall between "fascist" Trump and "democratic" Macron.

Austin Konrad • 6 years ago

If you can point out any inaccurate information in this article it would be greatly appreciated, otherwise you sound like such a COINTELPRO tool.

David • 6 years ago

The high moral tone even when lying through their teeth.

John • 6 years ago

Who is lying about what? Who are you posers?

David • 6 years ago

This is a propaganda campaign. We appear to pose against the received wisdom just as any dissident does anywhere in such circumstances. Do we strike you as un-American?

Charles Peligro • 6 years ago

Beat it, bot.

Guest • 6 years ago
David • 6 years ago

You should consider using one. Mere assertions are infinitely programmable.

Michael Valentine • 6 years ago

U no Russia isn't communist right?