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Just The Facts • 7 months ago

I am pretty sure invading a sovereign country is the very definition of aggression. The article doesn't even pass the simplest sniff test.

mick • 2 years ago

If the US is dumb enough to start a shooting war with Russia, Russia will directly attack the US homeland. You wait and see just how heroic Americans are when their cities start being the target of some of the most sophisticated weapons in history!
The US has relied on it's physical distance from the wars of choice it starts, that will change in an instance if it kills a single Russian.
Truth is the US didn't win WW2... and they won't win WW3!

patrick quinlan • 2 years ago

I'm going to go out on a limb here and predict, if it does come to war, a replay of the Russian-Georgian War of 2008. There was a lot of American bluster leading up to that little conflict, and in the end, the imperialist zealot Dubya Bush sat on his hands. The man never met a war he didn't like until that moment.

Morale here in the Land of the Free is pretty low at the moment. The situation could almost be called desperate. But not so desperate that the maniacs in charge will risk a nuclear war over Ukraine. They do have their own lives and privileges to protect.

Really, they can't even risk a limited ground war. Losing thousands of fresh-faced young heroes to Russian tanks is a non-starter. Not while Death stalks the homeland. And the humiliation of the brutal exit in Afghanistan has barely faded yet.

PeterHL • 2 years ago

The largest overseas base of the U.S. military is located in Germany.


Pernella • 2 years ago

There's only one way out of this...

Telli Graf • 2 years ago

One of the German leaders of note during WW2 relished that the British Empire was done regardless of who won. The question isn't whether the American global network of bases and territories would survive a war induced collapse of the US government, but whether the North American polity of 48 states would remain unified and ruled by what class. A socialist government would be expected to give back to the world these imperialist necklaces. Red and blue state formations may have different forms of class rule and any imperialist ones may try to hold onto all the world possessions possible. Today Moscow still has some bases in Syria for example but Russians in Germany are tourists not soldiers and so it will be with Americans there. Without a war being started the USA is headed for breakup as a capitalist society, but a war will not slow but quicken this trip. American society cannot agree to hold itself together by its present politics so why would it agree on how to run the world? Crisis is the right word for imperialism now.

Maxwell • 2 years ago

Is there still a possibility that humanity will survive this mess much longer? The prospects are really depressing (Covid with its never ending death toll, climatic disaster, imminent war threat of nuclear armed powers) and as I get the idea, that a socialist revolution could eliminate capitalism and install a new system that treats humans and nature as they should be treated, how can these war-mongering rulers be stopped ... before it´s literally too late? Sometimes, my hope is in shambles and fear is the only thing I feel...

Chris Kelley • 2 years ago

Again, MSM is acting as a lying witness. It claimed that Iraq was a clear and present danger and it based this story on bogus satellite images and bogus secret agent reports. In RussianGate they asserted that Trump won because of Russian interference then assured us that anonymous secret agents were confident that secret undisclosed documents proved this. The CIA reported that Venezuela was facilitating the shipment of cocaine into the USA! Very recently, on October 15, the American MSM presented video evidence of massive protests against Cuban "authoritarianism" which includes a world cup celebration in Brazil and an image of Cubans celebrating Julio 26 with black and red flags.

And a large number of Americans eat this offal with zeal. For our entire lives, we have never understood how the Germans could have been taken in by the Nazi lies and committed such barbarity. And now we get to see members of our own families do the same thing. The rate and intensity of lying seems be growing into some hysterical fit, like the fevered ravings or death spasms.

How many countries had Germany already invaded when thier press claimed that Russia was a threat and therefore required pre emptive action? Before France? Belgium? The Netherlands, Greece, Yugoslavia?

How many countries had the Americans already destroyed before the NYT claimed that Russian aggression required pre emptive action? Iran? Venezuela? Afghanistan? Syria? Iraq?

The working class needs to organize to take the means of production away from the inept sociopaths steering humanity off of a cliff. Organization requires education not just on political organization but on how to distinguish truth from falsehood, materialist dialectic. The very most basic axioms of propostional logic.

"Whom the gods would destroy they first make mad." Recognition of truth and logic is not consistent with madness, the two are incompatible. "If wars can be started by lies, they can be stopped by truth."

Leon • 2 years ago

Excellent comment. You are right about seeing members of one's family succumb to fascist and libertarian (antivaxxer) propaganda. This is how the capitalists manufacture consent for war, establish a police state and raise an army of Nazis to smash socialism at home and abroad.

Palimpsestuous • 2 years ago

Superbly comprehensive yet incisive comment. I don't know why not more up-votes for it.

Leah Jeresova • 2 years ago

This is a fine analysis which helps us to better understand a complex situation.
Looking back to the liquidation of the USSR in 1991 we must ask: Why did the Soviet Union fight in World War II? In Vasily Grossman's books "Stalingrad" and "Life and Fate" (which I read this past year) it is clear that Soviet soldiers understood that a victory by Germany would mean the restoration of capitalism, which they opposed. They knew they were fighting to preserve the gains of the Russian Revolution. It wasn't simply a war over territory, to repel an invasion. Joining the capitalist world in 1991 did not bring peace, and now Germany is once again an aggressor. Millions of Soviet soldiers died! What a terrible betrayal of the ideals of the Russian Revolution!

NoNameSoSueMe • 2 years ago

And, by the way, part of the Nazi plan was to kill a big part of the population.

Leah Jeresova • 2 years ago

True. I watched a Russian film, "The Ascent," (1977) directed by Larissa Shepitko on the TCM channel not long ago. The Germans were ruthless, staging public hangings of both captured soldiers and civilians.

Zalamander • 2 years ago

Yes, and about 90% of Russians and Chinese remain pro-socialist.

Joe Smith1917 • 2 years ago

Great article. Much of what is happening is resonant with the WWI build up.
We need the same energy the Bolshheviks had in organizing in those days. These are days of crisis. We must not be caught sleeping when opportunity knocks.
Educate, organize, agitate!

Sebouh80 • 2 years ago

This is a blatant warning letter to the international working class community over the growing dangers of war between US and NATO allies against Russia over Ukraine.
In this article the WSWS editorial board have clearly shown the link between the homicidal policies of the ruling classes in trying to enforce the working class to get back to work at a time when the pandemic is still spreading back home. While at the same time they are pursuing aggressive foreign policy measures against Russia and China abroad. No doubt the massive built-up of debt bubble under conditions of heightened inequality is pushing the ruling classes for military confrontation in the face of increasing social discontent. As history is any guide these set of contradictions cannot end peacefully under the logic of global Capitalism.

David Mintz • 2 years ago

The shameless hypocrisy is astounding: it is they, the bad guys, who are plotting to manufacture a pretext, while the noble forces of peace and democracy strive to defend the "free" world from their aggression. Please!

It's time once again to replay this ever-relevant song from the 1980s: https://www.youtube.com/wat...

truthseeker • 2 years ago

First I would like to state that generally this an excellent article. However, when you state that the Communist party nomenklatura orchestrated "the reintegration of Russia into the world capitalist economy"it is not quite correct. Firstly, by reintegration I assume you are referring to capitalism prior to 1917. I don't think that the capitalist economy in Russia was fully integrated into the world capitalist economy. Secondly, It was a surrender to the world capitalist order rather than an integration into it. and thirdly, it was the autarky of the economy in the USSR that was one of the reasons for its dissolution. Opening up to the world capitalist economy without surrendering to it, much like what happened in China, may have helped to prevent its dissolution.

pierre • 2 years ago

First you applaud the article, then you attempt to demolish it, misrepresenting the reference to capitalist restoration as being pre-1917. Then you use semantics about "surrender" and not "integration" into world capitalism as if Stalinism had no other choice to escape from autarky. Sorry, but Stalinism decided consciously to overthrow the Soviet Union. it was not an innocent victim, no less than Maosim was innocent in colluding with Nixon to offer up cheap Chinese labor to world capitalism.

truthseeker • 2 years ago

I realize that it is useless to reply to the rants of pierre, but for the benefit of other readers I will explain what I said in my comment. The usage of the word reintegration assumes that there was a previous integration into the world capitalist economy. Since there was no previous integration during the history of the USSR the only other possibility of this previous integration in Russia would have been prior to 1917. Additionally, there is a difference between surrender and integration. I used the example of China to explain this. The CPC opened up the Chinese economy to foreign capitalist investment and integrated much of its economy into the world capitalist economy without surrendering to it. The fact that China has maintained its independence from the imperialist order and refuses to surrender to it is at the heart of the current conflict with the Western imperialist powers. the USA being at the forefront of this.

saladofstones • 2 years ago

Why does this article's portrayal of the matter gloss over Russia's naked military aggression and threats against the Ukraine. Russia worked to carve up Free Poland with Nazi Germany in 1940 as well. I do not see the morality in letting Russian imperialism thrive while condemning Western imperialism.

Carolyn Zaremba • 2 years ago

Because Russia is not the aggressor here, that's why. Do not blame modern day Russia for the betrayals of Stalin. The only imperialist nation today is the United States.

pierre • 2 years ago

Whilst it is true to say Russia is not imperialist and not the agressor here, it is an error to claim modern Russia can't be "blamed for the betrayals of Stalin".

Its leaders today are the direct product of Stalinism and bear responsibility for capitalist restoration. They can indeed be held to account for the ongoing attacks on the social position of the working class. It is not as if they are innocent bystanders. And they are actually trying to destroy any investigation into Stalin's crimes, as seen in the shutdown of the Memorial association recently.

PaulB • 2 years ago

Terrific piece. As many WSWS readers are aware, the US emerged from WWII as the world's leading military and economic power. Since that time US hegemony has rested on: unrivaled military/economic power, control of world's energy reserves (primarily in the ME), and maintaining the dollar as the world's reserve currency. All of the pillars supporting post-WWII US power have been systematically eroded from: 1) decades of Neo-liberal economic policies- multiple tax cuts for the wealthy, financial deregulation and job out-sourcing, 2) since 2009, spending astronomical amounts of public money (circa $50 trillion) propping up equities, bonds and over-priced real estate (creating the ‘everything bubble’), and 3) spending > $21 trillion of public money on post-911 militarization. Despite this taxpayer largess, the Pentagon confronts a repeat of the $2 trillion Afghanistan debacle in Iraq, Libya, Syria and Yemen, poorest country in the ME.
The Russia-China-Iran axis has obtained military and economic parity with the US and has become an increasingly assertive obstacle to US global power.
Bottom line- the rot/ putrefaction of late-stage American capitalism has progressed to the point where its very survival is contingent upon constant debt monetization (aka money printing) to prop up financial markets and the military. This is becoming increasingly tenuous as this orgy of money printing and debt has created gigantic bubbles in every asset class- ‘everything bubble’, increasing inflation and threatening to derail the dollar’s role as world reserve currency and viability of western capitalism. The American empire has no solution to the severe economic and social problems it confronts; the ruling elite are attempting to compensate by an aggressive and bellicose military response in Ukraine/Black Sea- to confront Russia, Persian Gulf- Iran and Taiwan Strait/S China Sea- China. As you point out, these policies are shared by all factions of the ruling elite regardless of tactical differences and will lead to war with the Russia-China-Iran axis.

lee le brigand • 2 years ago

Hitler did the same -- and so we are his monstrous children -- brilliant piece above, equal in power and rational thought to the calamity of war we face -- this is why we are revolutionists, this is why we are headed to civil war -- let it be known, we will be there, we will fight --

Donna Friedson • 2 years ago

The people of the world are going to rise up soon. We know what’s going on and we are sick of it!
The time is now!

Skip • 2 years ago

NATO destroyed Afghanistan and Libya. So yeah, that founding document that NATO is defensive... utter nonsense.

Terry Lawrence • 2 years ago

Excellent article! Here in Canada the sewer outfall known as the CBC has dramatically stepped up its anti-Russian and anti-Chinese propaganda to a level I've never seen before even at the height of the "Cuban Missile Crisis", leaving its private sector network "news" competitors trailing in the hubris.

Tonight's CBC "news" alternated between hyper-hysteria about "Russian aggression in Ukraine" and stories about "Chinese spies" lurking under every bed and infiltrating our companies, universities, and social media. The late unlamented US Senators Joseph McCarthy or John McCain would have blushed reading that script, but the CBC (and BBC) hire only certified Russiaphobe and Sinophobe' news anchors' and "correspondents", the latter preferably being Chinese from Taiwan or Hong Kong to provide "plausible deniability" of racism.

The rapid defeat of the US/UK/NATO plan to start a Second Front "Ukraine" type "colour revolution" in Kazakhstan seems to have unhinged the CIA mouthpieces in the 'Western Media' and the US State Dept.

The CSTO troops were invited in and stabilized the situation literally overnight, before the "cookie lady" Victoria Nuland, now back in power with the whole Obomber/Clinton gang of Russiaphobes, could even get on TV to assure the arsonists and looters that "America has your back". Over 10,000 jihadists and ordinary criminals were rounded up and locked up in two or three days and the CSTO troops are already flying back to their home countries.

Blinken comes off looking like the ignoranus he is with his hypocritical "Once you let the Russians in, you will find they never leave" or words to that effect. Coming from a country that has been stealing land and building illegal bases all over the world since 1776, still occupying German and Japan 75 years after WW II ended, still occupying Guantanamo in Cuba 120 years after they stole it from Spain, still occupying and stealing oil from Iraq, Libya, and Syria, that rings pretty hollow. Ditto the UK from Gibraltar to the Malvinas.

pierre • 2 years ago

Again,your tunnel vision of events in true Stalinist style serves to deny that the working class has or had any imput in the events in Kazakhstan.The oligarchs get a free pass and workers had no rights to defend,against the oligarchs. In your playbook they are just dupes of US imperialism..

You cite no proof that this was a "color revolution' manipulated by US imperialism as was the case in Ukraine and elsewhere. Again you quote none of the reports of the internicine warfare between the oligarch clans at the head of the capitalist economy, namely ex- president Nazarbayev and all his acolytes now fired by President Tokayev.

A more objective view of imperialist interests in Kazakhstan was expressed by the Financial Times, mouthpiece of world imperialism;
"As the country is rocked by protests the leader must seek stability and escape the legacy of his predecessor Nazarbauev".

This was reported by the WSWS here


Zalamander • 2 years ago

The working class protest was unfortunately hijacked by the National Endowment for Democracy, a CIA cutout that has instigated previous color revolutons. Fortunately, it was brought to an end by the CSTO. All color revolutions have similarly hijacked legitimate working class uprisings.

truthseeker • 2 years ago

There is every reason to believe that what you say here is true. It must also be pointed out that the Western imperialists have long coveted this area of the world, both for geopolitical reasons and for the vast riches that this country holds. It is still unclear whether the initial uprising was instigated by these pro-imperialists elements.

Zalamander • 2 years ago

I think it was a legitimate working class protest against high oil prices that was subsequently hijacked by the NED/CIA.

pierre • 2 years ago

You provide no Proof? You won't find any on the WSWS that this was a color revolution, And the WSWS was the first to expose and denounce all the color revolutions made in USA.

Opposition to imperialist plots, from a Trotskyist position, does not mean giving a free pass to the ex-Stalinist oligarchs who collaborate with imperialist powers in exploiting the working class as can be seen by the presence of the transnational corporations in Kazakhstan.

Zalamander • 2 years ago

Check out Joe Lauria's article on Consortium News, "Three Types of Regime change."

imaduwa • 2 years ago

Great thinking WSWS Editorial Board. Thank you! Marxist analysis of a question of global urgency, i.e. will imperialists invade Russia on the pretext of threatened Ukranian sovereignity? is the central matter to be tackled by the international working class under the banner of the ICFI/SEPs/IYSSEs. Our appeal to international working class on last May Day to build IWA-RFC now assume a wide meaning that covers the possible threat to the existence of humanity on this planet.IWA-RFC is the only organization that can effectively counter war mongering imperialism and in the midst of it to wide open the doors for global socialism. War and socialism under imperialism is equivalent to two sides of the same coin. Imperialist can't wait and see at this juncture where capitalism/imperialism is at cross roads. Let us rise up unitedly to dismiss war-mongering imperialism. Victory to global socialism. Death to capitalism/imperialism.

Rohantha De • 2 years ago

Under conditions of developing economic, social, and political crisis, in the US and internationally, the US is promoting war. The 30 years of Washington’s unending war have now confronted with nuclear-armed Russia and also China. There is a bipartisan agreement between both Republicans and Democrats, the only way out is the military force. Elbridge A. Colby, the lead architect of the 2018 US National Defense Strategy under the Trump administration wrote in his book ‘The Strategy of Denial’, “Physical force, especially the ability to kill, is the ultimate form of coercive leverage.”

The nuclear war will be catastrophic for the whole human culture. But under the capitalist system, there is no other way out. As German ruling desperately tried to overcome the crisis it faces in the 1930s with the war, the US is also on that same destructive path, but with more devastating consequences with more global integration and much more lethal weapons. As the statement shows, the military operations of the US since nivation of Iraq since 1991 have led to a disaster. We can extend this even to the invasion of Vietnam. But today the situation is under vastly transformed conditions. Triggered by the pandemic, the working class is in an offensive capitalist system.

Stuart Estrine • 2 years ago

“This entire crisis has been manufactured by Mr. Putin .... It has nothing to do with expansion by NATO, whose founding treaty authorizes only defensive military action.” This lie uttered by the Washington Post says it all. The concept of the “ big lie “ has been around for a long time. What better way to justify an annual “ defense “ budget in excess of a trillion dollars. Having moved away from industrial production as a means of capital accumulation, a permanent war economy is the manner in which capitalists bleed the working class in the United States. Fear is the strongest emotion. By playing on fear and ignorance, popular culture devoid of reality, a corporate news media, capitulation by class collaborationist unions and vast racism, the ruling class has created a culture of death from which there may be no escape. Witness a political process which vomits up the likes of ( insert name here ), vast pestilence, deliberately underfunded education, an army of occupation masquerading as peace officers, ruinous rents and food prices, deification of the wealthy, demonization of the poor and growing vigilantism. Can the fascists be stopped ? Can the dream of participatory democracy be achieved ? Can the sleeping giant of the world wide working class be awakened and assert the promises of socialism ? Can the anachronistic capitalist order be relegated to the trash heap of history ? As long as we continue to ask these questions, the answer is yes.