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AmyScrapSpot • 4 years ago

Thank you for your ideas! I look forward to implimenting them! I run an Awareness blog.
I thought this was perfect use with your idea of using provoking words. I plan to splash it around as much as possible! It speaks volumes to me and hopefully will to everyone else, too! https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

Cool Biker • 4 years ago

ok boomer

Sydney Noland • 8 months ago

Really useful tips, appreciate it. Personally I suppose the main secret lies in simply studying your target audience. The more insights you have about what motivates people and what stops them from buying, what their values and doubts are, the easier it will be to establish contact and ultimately increase sales.

saloni sharma • 4 years ago

Amazing post and it’s very helpful for the beginners, but there are some
more point which you should need to add to your post. Call to action also has
their own pros and cons.
Destroy decision fatigue and confusion
Direct your reader’s actions based on your needs
Ensure that each piece of content is meaningful.
Grow your audience and increase sales
Help to increase in the branding of the website.

You're overpowering clients with such a large number of choices.
CTAs are elusive.
You're utilizing an inappropriate language.
You're utilizing a structure that is WAY excessively long and confounded.
You're asking a lot without offering anything consequently.
You've forgotten about the advantages of your offer.
Your shading decisions are on the whole off-base.

TripleOptionWebSolutions • 4 years ago

Just saw this post and liked a few of the examples, thank you. However, Saloni, you're confused on what pros and cons actually are? What you have listed are items done incorrectly; that's not a con! Example:

"You're asking a lot without offering anything consequently." This is an issue caused by you or someone, a CTA does not create this problem. Just take a closer look at the meaning of pros and cons. Maybe, there's differences between English another language.

Jayant Gosain • 6 years ago

Oh well, that was pretty good. Using negative words actually works great for health and fitness. Never Experienced the lawn job though.
Thanks for sharing.

shane paulsen • 6 years ago

Very Good post. I have a website design website and i was wondering if the phrase "Let People find your business today" would work. Please give me your thoughts on this?

Bo Tipton • 7 years ago

This call to action really surprised me. It is one of the better converting CTAS I have used.

"Are you ready to get off the broke Merry-go-round that is your life then change things NOW by Clicking Here."

I used one day having fun and was surprised at the reaction to it.

Tahira Qariem • 7 years ago

Berliant post and it is very usefful for me a beginer seo learn thanks so much for sehring

Brano • 7 years ago

Thanks, good article.

Pranav • 8 years ago

CTA improved!!!

Loved the article.

Andre • 8 years ago

I was looking for some call to action for my new blog, you share some good ideas, I am going to try them out now thanks. (ps thanks a $1 million)

J.T. Smith • 8 years ago

I love the idea of saying "your (object) sucks, let us fix it." In my mind, it is a lovely humor appeal and makes you seem like an authority on whatever you are promoting.

Omelia C Thornton • 9 years ago

I really enjoyed this article. I receive a decent amount of foot traffic to my website and initiating a call to action really helps move people to action.

Isabelle • 9 years ago

Great post! I'd also mention that CTA buttons (on your website itself) should be clear and stand out -- through color, format, etc.

Billy McCaffrey • 9 years ago

I couldn't agree more, Isabelle. You want that button to pop!

Justin Lanigan • 9 years ago

Great post. Call to action is one of those seemingly small things that have a huge impact on conversion.

Joe • 9 years ago

Please take this article off, I don't eant that everybody knows... ;)

Mohammad Umair • 9 years ago

Hi Billy.

This is a wonderful and helpful write-up. It would have been even great if you had used actual CTA examples as images rather than random images.

Devon Marquis • 9 years ago

Wonderful article - very useful and informative.  It seems that all of these are great advice.  However, I must agree with Rob who commented previously that "Fill out a form" isn't a very good CTA line.

Also in #6, in the "Spice It Up" column, in the 2nd row, the CTA line "A healthier life starts now!" seems to contradict with the sentiments outlined in #1, where the recommendation is to use a strong CTA verb and have a clear CTA in general.

Other than that, superb article.  I have yet to try the A/B testing.  I've done some research on it and it makes a ton of sense to run various ads, tweaking one thing at a time - it's almost like a science experiment from high school - testing "variables" with "controls."

Thanks for the article Billy!

Billy McCaffrey • 9 years ago

Hi Devon,

I appreciate the feedback, and thanks for reading!

Simone stewart • 9 years ago

Being a newbie to the world of Internet marketing, I am so delighted to have this information. Would you mind looking at my website and see how I could improve it? I would love the feedback.
Thanks again for a great post.

Rob • 9 years ago

"Fill out a form for" is the worst call to action I've ever seen.  

Please, please let me fill out your form can I? can I? can I?


John Fitzgerald • 9 years ago

Some great ideas there Billy! My CTR for my campaigns hasn't always been great and I have often wondered if the wording in my ads needs to be improved or changed. I haven't doen the A/B test either, but will put that into practice straight away. Have shared this on my Social Media!

Billy McCaffrey • 9 years ago

Thanks for reading, John. A/B testing can be extremely beneficial to your account performance.

Thanks for the share as well!

Sudarto • 9 years ago

Thank for your tutorial about 7 tips for a killer call-to-action. It is very interesting and I will try what you described here. I hope it can be successful.

Billy McCaffrey • 9 years ago

Glad to hear it, Sudarto! I would love to know what works for you and what doesn't.

Tobias Garamond • 9 years ago

Yeah, let's continue to turn our lifes into a world of exclamation marks!!!

Thank you.

Billy McCaffrey • 9 years ago

Thanks for reading, Tobias!!! I couldn't agree more!!!

Jeremy • 9 years ago

Great post! It is great information. This is the most effective way to learn and know these 7 tips for a killer call to action. This is very helpful and useful for marketing. I will definitely share this article to my friends. I learned and many great insights here. Thanks for sharing this article.


Billy McCaffrey • 9 years ago

Hi Jeremy,

Thanks for reading, and thanks for the feedback! Glad you enjoyed it.

Marcus Fourie • 4 years ago

1 million del dollars where is it you ignorant sklut