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These guys might try smiling more often...
They try. I've seen it. It's worse...
I had an office-mate like that for a couple years. I spent a lot of time working in the lab. He finally got laid off for never doing any work.
That's true. Two points on the Totally Fucked Up Scale.
I might be ugly, but I'm damn sure lovable!
Funny. I can name a few large bodies of employment where they let that stuff slide, especially if there’s no ‘alpha’ to correct it. And all of them promote childish machismo thinking. The military would be one.
I think standards must have slipped. My husband, who used to be a marine, and who is now an Army NG reservist has stories. He did say it is less often that it’s a hygiene issue, although it happens and goes unchecked. More often it’s a behavior issue that they refuse to exact oversight on. Usually with the hygiene crap, in order to avoid a repeated problem that doesn’t seem to spark disciplinary action, they will find a way to give the person work in a separate space. Of course, the whole promote up and out seems to be an avoidance of oversight as well.
OT, but my baby sisters took a trip to Japan and told me that it’s a big social no no to litter. But litter also includes accidentally dropping your food. They got some ice cream on the street, and one of them dropped theirs. There were no garbage cans or napkins to help clean it up (odd), but mostly she panicked and ran away because everyone turned and ogled at her disapprovingly. Gaijin smash!!!
I was gonna point out the drunk driving incident because it illustrates the cultural clash and the seriousness of lack of accountability, but you went there first!
I also remember 2016’s other misogynist hits (besides the Trump campaign), the freakout over the all-female reboot of Ghostbusters and the online rage of Bernie Bros.
The female remake of Ghostbusters was apparently capable of destroying childhoods of people who had been technically adults for years prior to it being made.
That's a pretty impressive feat.
Fragile little fuckwits, aren't they?
"Technically" "Adults"
I found it astounding that someone would waste energy getting upset that a movie about non-existent people was remade with women in place of the men. The same type of people got upset over Black Panther.
I never saw what the fuss was about having an all-female cast in a reboot of Ghostbusters. The only thing I wanted for it was to be good. Unfortunately, I was pretty disappointed in that regard.
You still saw it with Captain Marvel (and Wonder Woman tbh) because they dared to make a superhero movie with a female superhero lead
If they didn't like the idea, all they had to do is not see the movie.
Not how these people think. 100% of everything has to be exclusively for straight white cis men, or it's White Genocide and Political Correctness Out of Control. If someone makes something designed to appeal to another demographic, they see it as stealing. The resources that went into making that Thing belong to SWCM, dammit!
They suck like baby whales.
Zero sum game thinkers. Mommy must have spoiled them rotten for them to be so egocentric.
Ok, the Captain Marvel one was pretty hilarious once you got past the horrible misogyny and racism. These guys were so invested in the movie bombing, they made up a vast conspiracy of Disney buying out millions of theaters to boost it, AND NO ONE NOTICED.
Also it was hilarious seeing them spin it as a "mary sue" thing when it wasn't or the constant whining of "plot holes" that didn't exist. Mostly I think they were HELLA salty that the Avengers were named after her.
The movie was not good, but it had NOTHING to do with the fact that ladies were in the roles.
But most people agreed that Black Panther was excellent, and they were still upset, because it had a you-know-what in the lead. So the quality or lack of it was immaterial.
A movie about a superhero who is king of an African nation having a black actor in the lead role. Shocking, isn't it?
That didn't stop the assholes from having a hissy fit.
It's like working yourself into a fury over the remake of The Ladykillers.
Yeah, not a great idea. Yeah, a failure. But the original movie is still there. And nobody forced me to invest in the remake, so it's no skin off my teeth.
The problem with a Ghost Busters remake was the same reason why they didn't instantly make a second one. The idea, having resolved, had no place to go.
Not that this has ever discouraged people from making pointless sequels.
But in the end, I see no point in bumping up my systolic level by even one point over it.
Huh. But Black Panther was made mostly with men...?
But with a black guy.
Oh. I hadn't noticed cared.
I liked the movie, and the characters were as believable as comic book heroes can be.
And that was my point.
Still pissed that the whining manchildren ruined the chance we will ever see a sequel to the all-women Ghostbusters. At least they continue to exist in comic book form.
Still pissed that the whining manchildren ruined the chance we had to have a fairly brilliant president doing competent presidenting.
Oh I agree! I loved it and thought they all did a great job
That movie also had the white women holding doctorates while the black woman was a sewer worker.
Somehow, I don’t think the bros were raging against that plot defect.
Well, it wasn't all bad.
To be fair, she works in the subway, not the sewer. And I seem to remember reading that she was supposed to be an expert on the history and architecture of New York. I don't remember if she was supposed to be self-taught or had a degree. However, like Dumbledore being gay, it doesn't really count if it's not in the movie.
"They get rejected even more, and they get angrier than before."
Incels don't get it. Rejection in the dating scene is part of life. This is true even for us who have good character and possess manners and charm. I've met only one man with the rare quality of mojo, who could walk into a nightclub and get picked up within minutes. By one woman; the rest ignored him.
No doubt incels suffer from a disagreeable personality, a lack of character and social skills. But their expectation that they should not be rejected becomes a negative feedback loop. Worse, they hang out with other losers. If you want to learn table manners, you ask someone who knows which fork to use, not the knuckle-dragger next to you.
Exactly - I feel like these dudes have no concept of the variability of female sexual attraction. THEY all have the same general ideal of what they think is attractive and they assume women are the same.
Meanwhile there are hordes of women out there lusting after big ugly dudes like Thanos and that weird semi-gorilla dude from Umbrella Academy while other mobs of ladies are swooning for the little preppy dudes like Tom Hiddleston and the Jonas Brothers and NONE of them would give guys who look like "Chads" the time of day...
There are women out there who want to have sex with Venom FFS, if you can't convince a lady you're more attractive than a parasitic space monster, the problem is YOU, not her.
They don't recognise the variability of female sexual attraction because they haven't actually worked out that women are people. They're not looking to attract a woman; they're looking to acquire one. To use as they see fit.
It's almost like most adults care about what's inside than outside a person. It's almost like these boys have a repugnant personality that shuns women.
After all, oysters are just a matter of taste!
I like 'em!!
The cognitive dissonance between "stuck-up slutty bitches are the reason I can't get laid" and "why can't I have sex with the slut I am entitled to" is staggering.