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Chet • 4 years ago

Rise of anti-Christ, perhaps...

Bkjr • 4 years ago

Already been doing it for years under other programs, like Echelon! So they already know just how mad we all are with them. It's about time for a march on Washington with about a million people surrounding the Capitol, not allowing anyone out until they get their crap together! This thing goes on much longer and we won't have a country to go back to. Sadly, that's what many on the left are hoping for!

Ed • 4 years ago

New web threat: Government plan to scare people into self censoring.

Mardasee • 4 years ago

Unconstitutional and so nobody can be arrested and charged if lets say the sneaky government found out that somebody had illegal stuff inside their home.

FWiedner • 4 years ago

Government already does this. 24/7/365.

lowell2 • 4 years ago

good luck on that. you can come up with a pretty decent encryption system between friends pretty easily. While most codes can be broken, it takes a lot of time to do some.

crabcake • 4 years ago

Perhaps, "the people" need to start scanning government messages? That would be a hoot.

Rick_Bachelor • 4 years ago

"Those who would give up essential liberty, to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety."
Benjamin Franklin

~. • 4 years ago

Time to get rid of Graham and Blumenthal. And, if you don't think posts like this aren't already being surveilled, you need to wake up!

ajones in okc • 4 years ago

As much as I might like to eliminate all crime, especially crime against innocent children, I cannot support government watch dogs (electronic or live) over all that we do. Every word can be given alternate meanings not intended by the author, yet then the author could be imprisoned for totally innocent comments. To me, this is similar to the law enforcement using a perjury trap to then prosecute an non criminal person (Flynn, Stone, et al.). What happened to warrants obtained with probable cause? If there is no probable cause, then there should be no listening in on private correspondence, electronic or otherwise. No one should live in fear that big brother is watching and listening to every thing we have ever done or said looking for a simple misstatement which can lead to years of imprisonment.

HanosunnesWoom Root • 4 years ago

How To Compete With China ~ Emulate

anyone foolish enough to be fooled by this scam deserves to have the mountains tumbling down upon them

BryanC • 4 years ago

This is blatant authoritarianism and most likely unconstitutional. If my emails and communications can be scanned then I want full access to every communication by every member of Congress. I guess source to source encryption will have to be implemented since most people these days want Big Daddy government to watch over them. I've never seen this amount of sheepish cowardice from the American people. I have a right to privacy. You have a right to privacy. Doesn't matter if I'm talking about fishing or any stupid stuff.

Bio-Hazard • 4 years ago

Can we scan Hillary's 30,000 emails?

Guest • 4 years ago
Nathan Durhing • 4 years ago

Well said, but probably better said broken into some paragraphs for on-line reading. :-)

Tim Taylor • 4 years ago

This is what we should be doing to them.It's enough with the private emails

idiocracyhater • 4 years ago

Any time our government wants to infringe on our rights and liberties they always hide behind "the children".

BUZ • 4 years ago

Oh is this something new, they have done this since the Patriot Act and before that it was called Echelon.

Ngorgh • 4 years ago

"Plans to?" They already do and if you think you have any privacy in most anywhere in the world you are Naive or just lying to yourself and everyone around you listening. This is all tied to the Beast System being used to keep and eye on every person and control them.
Revelation 13:15-17
15 And it was permitted to him to give a spirit unto the image of the beast, so that the image of the beast should speak, and should cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.
16 And he made all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand or in their foreheads.
17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the [ab]mark or the name of the beast or the number of his name.

Clayton W. Barnett • 4 years ago

If you want privacy in messaging, then just use the SIGNAL app. It’s open sourced software. How is the United States government going to sue a business that doesn’t exist? How do you sue into bankruptcy, open sourced software?

strider • 4 years ago

1984 It's happening.

BUZ • 4 years ago

For a very long time.

JBRoux • 4 years ago

Scanning all of our messages, and still can’t find Hillary’s yoga wedding plan emails.

Fallen World • 4 years ago

There are so many big things going on right now that appear to be either harbingers of the last seven years or harbingers of the antiChrist.

LOL • 4 years ago

Maybe 2nd coming
I read the other day that the locust swarms could consume A 1/3 of the earth now as if corona virus isn’t enough for a while

bddd • 4 years ago

Absolute control is needed by Satan. Satan is a singular being and needs minions and technology to build his doomed World Order. It all fails in the end....

Fallen World • 4 years ago

I think of it as the new tower of Babbel.

Commies Everywhere • 4 years ago

How soon before were ordered to have chips implanted beneath our skin.

The leaders in our govt are treating us like cattle.

Laura Hernandez • 4 years ago

We'll soon all be forced to be vaccinated, so this isn't too far off as well.

LOL • 4 years ago

Pin for the chip is 666

Fallen World • 4 years ago

Marks on our right hand or forehead will prevent a lot of hoarding in times of trouble.

gundog 9mm • 4 years ago

Birth pains!!

Black Clemenza • 4 years ago

The dems scream for Socialist Democracy. We pretty much have that now. Only thing in the way is the Electoral College. But I digress. We already ARE socialist...heading quickly to the communism the dems really want. There IS no privacy anymore....ANYwhere. nsa, cameras everywhere, facial recognition growing rapidly. What a joke everything is anymore. Live every day to fullest everyone.

LOL • 4 years ago

Social democracy is a scam, an oxymoron, and a paradoxical term

Black Clemenza • 4 years ago

It sure is.

Guest • 4 years ago
Black Clemenza • 4 years ago

Thanks for posting this No It All. Going to look this up and copy it. :-)

Guest • 4 years ago
gundog 9mm • 4 years ago

Good old stolen valor Dick. Emphasis on Dick!

Isaac • 4 years ago

All messages are already scanned.

LOL • 4 years ago

Scanned for things useful commercially
Now their talking about scanning for someone’s definition of hate speech
Next will come social credit system like China

Isaac • 4 years ago

I got my IT masters in 1999. One professor told us he worked on a system at a place in England through which all communications passed. They developed a scanning system which scanned voice and text for about a hundred keywords - he gave us a few. A word can be added to the list quite easily. A message would be added to an analyst's checklist. I imagine the USA did the same. It wasn't for commercial use, Google et al do that.

UncleVladdi • 4 years ago

Here's some more relevant comments from people who might actually still want to remain anonymous:

"It's only a matter of time. Every "crisis" is another opportunity for the government to take away more of our freedom."

"Good thing we all know software can’t be hacked. We know all types of law enforcement NEVER lie or plant evidence."

"Lindsay Graham seems to be lurking behind and pushing hard for a lot horrible legislation, isn't he?"

"This is Gene Hackman's speech from the movie 'Enemy of the State', from 1998 - 15 years before Snowden:

"The government's been in bed with the entire telecommunications industry since the forties. They've infected everything. They get into your bank statements, computer files, email, listen to your phone calls... Every wire, every airwave. The more technology used, the easier it is for them to keep tabs on you. It's a brave new world out there. It's more than a theory with me. I'm a former conspirer. I used to work for the NSA. I was a communication analyst. Listen to international calls, calls from foreign nationalists. That GPS tracking device we found in your cellular telephone? I designed one of the first models in that series. Fort Meade has 18 acres of mainframe computers underground. You're talking on the phone and you use the word, "bomb," "president," "Allah," any of a hundred keywords, the computer recognizes it, automatically records it, red flags it for analysis; that was twenty years ago. You know the Hubble Telescope that looks up to the stars? They've got over a hundred spy satellites looking down at us. That's classified. In the old days, we actually had to tap a wire into your phone line. Now calls bouncin' around on satellite, they snatch right out of the air."

"The NSA and FBI have been doing this since the '90s. The NSA copies ALL network traffic. Every last byte, and stores it. They can then run Carnivore or whatever other dictator software they have through it and get everything."

"The so-called EARN IT bill, sponsored by Senators Lindsey Graham (R-SC) and Richard Blumenthal (D-CT), will strip Section 230 protections away from any website that doesn’t follow a list of “best practices,” meaning those sites can be sued into bankruptcy. The “best practices” list will be created by a government commission, headed by Attorney General Barr, who has made it very clear he would like to ban encryption, and guarantee law enforcement “legal access” to any digital message."

This is the source of this article: https://www.eff.org/deeplin... More info on the Bill: https://www.eff.org/deeplin...

"The anti encryption laws are already being used in Australia. It was blurted out by the minister Peter Dutton on breakfast TV a year ago:" https://www.youtube.com/wat...

"This is basically what the EU is already perpetrating. It's building a censorship service that every internet post is required to be run through before being visible online. Big Brother Is Watching You, like Cain was watching Abel."

Multiple CRAY computers endlessly seek out key words, terms, phrases, etc and pass them on to the appropriate government agencies seeking out "enemies of the state." If King George had this the Founders would have never become founders. Instead, they would be martyrs to a cause that never occurred."

outspoken11 • 4 years ago

so all my private information like sending inquiry ti my bank, will show my password, may bank account and all that info to anyone who is reading this program, right? or personal information between me and my attorney in a civil lawsuit case? or discussions that may be between me and my doctor ? this is unreal and unconstitutional !

Fallen World • 4 years ago

American law and American courts unabashedly hold justice, liberty, and decency in unmitigated contempt.

Bauer • 4 years ago

This FISA 2.0...!!!

No matter what laws are passed, there will always be client side encryption/decryption.

Ishare • 4 years ago

The problem is that whoever sits at the top, for some reason, only the rules apply disproportionately to conservatives whether failry applied or not. Can't imagine how this rule will be applied when the left are in power.

MontanaMEL • 4 years ago

This "end to end" encryption is nice when it's done "for you" by software...

However.... a proven fact of life is that ONLY the old method of "One-Off Sheets" between the "end users" only are safe from code breaking power of the CRAY computers in the NSA's basement.... The software version "can be broke", it's only a question of time and resources, ie: Monster computers, etc... This time element can run from 2 seconds for an easy one, to maybe 30+ days (24/7) for tougher ones....it is this time lag, between seeing and being able "to read the mail" that is driving NSA and CIA et al batty... They just can't stand for "common citizens" to have true secrets from them!....they feel they have the right to "read our mail" in REAL TIME.....anytime they choose.....

I also know that "true randomness" is the biggest factor in such Brut strength attacks... "real random" can be very hard to attain or find to use as a basis for such One Off sheets too... I used "static" from space at a random frec to drive my RNG (random noise generator) when created my stock of "sheets" (which actual use 52 sheets of single-side pages to print out at 8 pt type).... many other formats are involved... single letter, single number, word lists, "build a number list" (unique). and, then, I had to decide on a "naming" method to be able to verify correct usage on each end...AND, to be able to "progressively" move from "one day's use to the next" so no sheet was used for more than a single day, or even shorter if needed...
I ended up using Alpha/Numeric.... I allowed 8 individual sheets per week, 52 weeks per year, and by using the alpha letter(s) I can account for entire "universes" of 20-yr packages/files... ie: A thru Z universes x (times 10 levels of each) x 999 x 8 for days covered without a single duplicate usage... Word/Number lists are based on 3-letter groups only (ie: 26x26x26 variations) .... AND, none of this has ever been loaded on a computer that could "see" the internet....period...it's all "air-gaped" for security...and no more than 2 individual universes were ever "sent" via hard disk/dvd manual methods... I have designated ONE entire series of universes for nationwide usage..."U-1 thru U-9" ... All others have been random spread to different states as "single universe" systems, ie: 20 years worth of daily pages/packages... Most are in the hands of Ham Radio operators, with "some others" in non-ham hands that know what to do when the balloon goes up... (BTW: each package is slightly larger than 2.1GB...my entire stockpile takes up 60% of a 1-TB HD.... ). YMMV....

The one time pad is the only provably secure encryption scheme and that is predicated upon use of real random bits of key material (not those generated by a PRNG algorithm). It is reasonable to assume that the NSA can probably successfully attack any specific ciphertext it chooses; however; it is highly improbably that they can successfully attack ALL of them. They have to pick and choose. I guess the the key to secure communications is not to be relying upon the internet to send messages the NSA would have a vested interest in reading. If you really don't want it to be read by someone in the middle, send it via sneakernet and then only after properly vetting your courier.