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Hannity has never been reliable -- he blamed Osama bin Laden for 9/11 before the twin towers collapsed, when even the FBI admitted they have no proof of his involvement. Hannity is still supporting the cover-up today, even after members of the 9/11 commission admit the official report was a lie. But why does the picture show Bill O'Reilly? --That mad drunken gasbag was fired from Fox years ago for sexual harassment.

Bill Clinton called this talk show host "the most dangerous man in America"

BigD • 2 months ago

There's that famous " I'm a clueless Idiot and I'll kiss anyone's butt for a buck " Hannity look.

Cozmik • 2 months ago

So when can we expect arrests for this genocide? The public will want nothing less...it's far too serious a crime to shove it under the carpet.
They've killed millions with their lies. ;*(

bbb • 2 months ago

FOX news is owned by the same foreign stockholders who bought out ABC news and many of the Disney studios [fire sale].
Trying to make FOX appear relevant, they throw out a bone to the public, trying to win them back.
There are a lot of things I do not waste my time on: FOX, DISNEY, MAINSTREAM MEDIA, TIKTOK, HOLLYWOOD MOVIES POST 2000, TRUMP TRIALS and anything from the MEDICAL FIELD top my list of "forgetaboutits."
May God's blessings be with all the brave anti-vax doctors, nurses, nutritionists, Rand Paul and journalists with the moxie and determination to dig out the truth.

Captain Obviously • 2 months ago

THEY thought it was their time❗️
THEY thought the “reset” was/is going to work❗️
THEY have corrupted society for wealth and power❗️
THERE will be a reckoning ❗️
THERE has to be🫡

momforfreedom • 2 months ago

God bless Senator Rand Paul.

Charly laruso • 2 months ago

The USA continues to operate bioweapons labs in Ukraine.....and then the MSM wanted to completing about North Korea the other day, starting they are developing virus! He's phucking flash, all govts are corrupt, create wars and develope bioweapons!

AWAKEnotWoke • 2 months ago

The GOOD NEWS is that each and every one of the COMMIE TRASH TRAITORS that had a hand in planning, executing (remember this key word), or COVERING UP these CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY, will be GITMO'd! That means EXECUTED after a Military Tribunal. The ONLY choice they will be making is: BULLET OR ROPE!

olmstra7 • 2 months ago

All this secrecy, intrigue and deception.....for a bug that's no more dangerous than the common cold or flu. If it even exists at all, which I doubt. The whole thing is a hoax.

Brier • 2 months ago

Here we go, fearmongering to make a buck!

herbloke • 2 months ago

My take. They're lying again. This is to put the idea in our heads that the can succeed in Gain Of Funding. This will then be used to push Disease X and usher in more vaxxines, mandates, etc. These clowns never admit to any wrong doing ever.

Cowboy • 2 months ago

I haven't watched Murdoch's Propaganda for over eight years!! Globalists are NOT 'We the Peoples' Friend! They are the Enemy!!!!