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Francis Sutemeier • 4 years ago

It is because of idiots like this that we are going to have problems here when the rest of the world has moved on.

Katie Lou • 4 years ago

the idiots are the ones watching local fake news, listening to WW, watching Rachel Maddow. it is all brainwashing. and sadly, it is working.

Kum-mmie-la Harris • 4 years ago

Please dont forget racist Gay Lemon at CNN who loves white bois

Say It Ain't So Johnny • 4 years ago

only in liberal loon America would you

Ban safe disease reducing plastic bags
and require unsafe disposal masks

Whoops - wonder what all those disposable masks will do to the 12 year time line for liberal death by global warming.

democrat voters - people with ZERO logical progression skills

LttonyGobbler • 4 years ago

Disease reducing plastic bags?

Kum-mmie-la Harris • 4 years ago

I think he is talking about you :)

"democrat voters - people with ZERO logical progression skills"

Say It Ain't So Johnny • 4 years ago


its ok I got the crayons out below

Say It Ain't So Johnny • 4 years ago


Every time a loon brings in one of those disease infested re-usable bags and every person that touches that bag multiple times - let alone sheezes on it on the way to the store or........

Use your head

or as Joe Biden would say

Come On Man!

LttonyGobbler • 4 years ago

And do the bananas and cans of food transmit disease too, you frightened little pinko?

zeus234 • 4 years ago

Someone at night stocking shelves sneezes or coughs in their hand grabs can ,box. Shoppers doing the same. Hell I've always at least rinsed the tops of cans if nothing more just to remove any dust.

LttonyGobbler • 4 years ago

Sounds like a virulent disease and not a media exaggeration.

pdxpaul • 4 years ago

This is nuts even for gullible, right-wing rubes. Which 4cham, Reddit troll.did you get that dribble from? Or did you come.up with that all by yourself? My 6 year old niece has more insight than you do.
Shit like this belittles the supposition that humans are beings capable of rational thought.

Charles Glisson • 2 years ago

YOU, are a have been "Dick Struck" one too many times! :)

A7X • 4 years ago

Your a Rush Limbaugh moron. You should have a family member working the front lines like I do. You and other morons like you should forfeit your right to health care when your come down with COVID.

Wufpdx15 • 4 years ago

Tally-Ho kind sir, thank you for helping out as Her Majesty Kate Brown's Social-Distancing Enforcement Warrior!!!

We both know that every hiker setting off on the trail to Larch Mountain leads to the death of 12 elderly in the retirement homes!


Francis buddy let's Photoshop a picture of both of us, wearing facemasks, giving "air elbowbumps" from 6ft away! We can then hashtag to all out buddies #Social-Distancing #Quarenteam, our friends will be impressed by our solidarity!!!

Steve • 4 years ago

Well, given Kate's desire not to do anything, when other states and places like Germany open up, you want to sit around with 15% unemployment?

You're taking an over-simple look at things.

Scott Gilfillan • 4 years ago

If you're using Germany as your guide, then let's go fully into that structure - nationalized health care, an unemployment system that actually works (millions of germans while out of work still receive 60% of their paycheck through the program that the EMPLOYER files for), education paid by the state (through higher taxes) through HS...need i go on?

richardcheverton • 4 years ago

Nope; Germany hasn't "nationalized" healthcare--not even close to the Bernie model. And you might want to take a look at Britain's NHS--fully socialized and now in a state of near-collapse--nurses told not to wear protective clothing, vast shortages, shrieking headlines.

Francis Sutemeier • 4 years ago

Yes, Germany does have a National plan. While I lived there, one of my girlfriends was on it, and another girlfriend from a wealthy family also had private insurance.

Steve • 4 years ago

Germany has a multi-payer system and not Bernie's single-payer Medicare for all plan.

They do mandate you take insurance.

Charles Glisson • 4 years ago

You MIGHT want to "Check" your FACTS BEFORE posting something STUPID

ReasonableSkeptic • 4 years ago

He can't help it.

Steve • 4 years ago

"If you're using Germany as your guide, then let's go fully into that structure"

Well, Hitler made the trains run on time, how about we go fully into his structure too?

Francis Sutemeier • 4 years ago

Germany is far, far from opening up. They are cancelling all the summer vests, etc etc

Steve • 4 years ago

Still, you're taking an over-simple look at things.

At 15% unemployment we're taking some very large risks with the entire state that'll last for years to come.

Waiting for 2 weeks without any new cases isn't going to work.

This may mean that we have to get better at managing risks. Unfortunately, Kate is the LAST person I'd want running that effort, however, so I understand your trepidation.

Say It Ain't So Johnny • 4 years ago

every hour someone gets sick of something. People even die

There will always be new cases

Alan Ege • 4 years ago

What you don't seem to understand is it's not about getting sick or not being sick. It's about overwhelming the hospitals and causing an economic collapse which would quickly happen.

richardcheverton • 4 years ago

And how have Oregon's hospitals been "overwhelmed"? And isn't it strange that New York--sooooo very 'overwhelmed' --is sending back ventilators? Do some homework!

A7X • 4 years ago

You don't have family working the front lines locally. The hospital my wife works at is day to day on PPE, so quit spouting off on your Google searches.

Wufpdx15 • 4 years ago

The unfortunate sick elderly that could pass away from COVID19 every 10 days, as Kate's snooze button to starting the easing of "Shelter-In-Place", is not indicative of our hospitals being overwhelmed...

Mark Johnson • 4 years ago

We didn't already have an economic collapse?

Alan Ege • 4 years ago

You haven't even seen a collapse. Complete food shortages. Businesses closed because of outbreak. See what happens if this costs trillions to fix instead of what we have now.

Charles Glisson • 4 years ago

And i hope YOUR "Sorry Ass" is NEXT!

Francis Sutemeier • 4 years ago

I didn’t vote for Brown, but will say, her efforts have helped contain the spread here, and flattened the curve well. Give credit where due.
I tend to think her 2 weeks will be given much consideration in the near future.
Do not think I am simplifying here.

Wufpdx15 • 4 years ago

2-weeks of 0 deaths???


richf • 4 years ago

The LAST person is definitely Donald Trump.

Say It Ain't So Johnny • 4 years ago

I think all the wienies need to stay safely in their safe spaces

thedeadtext • 4 years ago

I have a theory that the end of some mighty civilizations was not what we have often speculated (climate change/water access, volcanic activity, etc.) Sure, that might have been the trigger. But the actual causal factor came from somewhere else.

It was the equivalent of the 1400AD Khmer Trump voter marching around saying nothing was wrong and everything is fine and that less rain and water in the canals is a good thing. Or a 1000BC Minoan Trump voter looking to the sky and saying there was nothing to worry about and that all this hand wringing about ash and pumice was "Fake News! and imploring all to get back to business as usual.

Steve • 4 years ago

I have a theory that people that write posts and pull together a lot of disjointed obscure references to support their theory - Really have no point to make.

richf • 4 years ago

I thought it was a pretty good point.

Say It Ain't So Johnny • 4 years ago


Good lord you have ZERO logical progression abilities.

I blame liberal union run schools and ultra leftist colleges

richf • 4 years ago

You blame everything and everybody for your own failures.

richardcheverton • 4 years ago

It's OK to be a Trump hater, really....but you're now ranting far, far above your pay-grade. Start by Googling "Antonine plague." Then report back.

Say It Ain't So Johnny • 4 years ago

Which idiots - the liberal loons?

LttonyGobbler • 4 years ago

WWII, (When America was Great) -

* It’s illegal to drive faster than 35 mph
* It’s illegal to buy more than 5 gallons of gasoline per week
* It’s illegal to own more than 5 tires, all others confiscated by the government
* It’s illegal to buy more food than your ration book allows
* It’s illegal to have exposed windows or doors emitting light
* It's illegal to manufacture any new automobiles
* Hospitals can only receive small rations of medicine, hospital panels decide which patients may receive penicillin for infections
* Request – Recycle all metals and cooking oils and fats
* Request – use all your spare funds to buy war bonds
* Request - Plant a Victory Garden, share food with your neighbors.
* All males ages 18-64 must register with the draft board and likely be sent abroad to fight and maybe die.

March 18, 2020 – Trump: "Now it's our time. We must sacrifice together, because we are all in this together, and we will come through together… “I look at it, I view it as, in a sense, a wartime president. I mean, that's what we're fighting.”

April 1, 2020 – Trump: “We’re going through the worst thing that the country’s probably ever seen”

* Stay home for a month, play video games, smoke legal weed, order your groceries online, or even just get them at your usual store if you prefer.
* Restaurants can still prepare takeout meals or use one of the many online delivery services.
* Please consider wearing a mask in close proximity to people, it’s respectful
* Cash your $1,200 Trump Check. Use it to pay rent or buy more legal weed, or 2,000 candy bars or lotto tickets or whatever else you want.


Kum-mmie-la Harris • 4 years ago

You are talking about Commiecrat FDR? The racist white male guy who put Japanese in internment camps and confiscated their possessions? Yes, admired by Nazis and VERY socialist.

The Party of the KKK, Jim Crow, Eugenics, Segregation, infanticide, labor exploitation (past and present), Japanese internment camps, that dropped the bomb in Japan (when it was unnecessary) and opposed the civil rights act is the DEMOCRATS.

richf • 4 years ago

FDR was a communist? Man you are way right wing. Hitler youth? Aryan nations?

kittyhogan • 4 years ago

turned away a boatload of jews fleeing from nazi germany. add anti semitic

Maam2u • 4 years ago

you are avoiding the list of deeds mentioned. WHY?

Guest • 4 years ago